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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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What's the problem here? Is obvious that group cant do this fp if they wipe on 1 boss.

Its not like you need 4-man to kill (It's perfectly doable with only 1 good deeps i think, ok very good :D) and *** you died twice or what, as long as i know peps can rezz 1 time...


You don't have to tell me. I already know my dps is low. http://parsely.io/parser/view/32098

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Y no Force Potency in the opener. ?__?


Would be wasted on Turbulence (autocrit).


Such low APM. For TK, i would expect around 40 APM without any alacrity nor Mental Alacrity nor 4p Force-Master RotHC. With all that, you should squeeze at least 42 APM. Maybe more.


I know. The main reason why I will never be good at SC2. :o

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Would be wasted on Turbulence (autocrit).
Yeah, no kidding. Of course you use it after Turbulence.


I know. The main reason why I will never be good at SC2. :o


It's not even remotely on the same level with Starcraft. You quite literally need to push a button once every 1,5 seconds.

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Did a HM run of korriban on my merc healer. He is still unaugmented but I thought what the heck, its 44k hp, that should be enough (as long as BH doesnt pop, I queued for all).


When I zone in I see the tank had quit group without a word. The dps are a 44k sniper and a 43k sorc. At least I am not going to be accused of being undergeared.


The sorc requeues us and asks "should we wait for new tank or quit?" I say we might as well clear trash. The sorc uses their xalek to pull first but the sniper usually has all aggro, I get hit far less than I had expected with no tank and 2 dps equally gear to me.


We are at the first boss and decide to 3-man. The sniper then starts jumping on a rock attempting to land on top of a cage, clearly he is new but while I am typing "doing that will kill you" the sorc pulls. While xalek is running in the sniper finally makes his jump, falling stright into a cage and dieing instantly. Its gone from 3-man with comp to 2-man with comp with the boss still at 100%. The sniper runs back from start while me and the sorc 2-man it, I try to keep xalek up but without player DCD's and with his 28k hp he is difficult to heal and I decide healing the sorc will be easier.


The sniper re-joins us, we get the boss down really low on hp and the 3rd cage opens. The sorc takes one, I am face-tanking the other because the sniper, who up until now had sniper-tanked perfectly, just tunnel-visioned the boss. With having to heal myself through the add I cant get moch on the sniper or sorc. Sorc dies, then sniper soon after and I decide to go all out, tab target the main boss, check his hp: 1460. A quick unload and hes down on the second tick. The 2 dps run back, we loot and carry on.


Get to the top of the lift and it becomes clear both these 2 are new as they dont los this group (without a tank) and their hp plummets before seeing what I am doing and deciding to come stand where I am. We finish the pull, do the convo then set off to bonus boss.


I write "we might need tank for this" but while doing so the sorc gets xalek to pull. Of course the boss opens with his group-wide stun and xalek goes down in the time it takes to wear off (im not wasting my stun break on saving a comp, it may be needed later). The sniper starts tanking again and I find keeping people topped off is getting boringly easy, so about 20 seconds into the fight I decide to tab target. The enemy I target has 2% hp, which was strange as I didnt know there were adds in that fight. I throw a rapid shot, that enemy dies and the bonus mission completes. I am shocked, the reason I though it was an add was there is no way 2 43-44k dps took a boss down to 2% in 20 seconds, turns out they can and that boss is a joke.


Get to second boss, sorc uses xalek again. I do what I can to heal xalek but then the adds all appear and b-line towards me, completely ignored by both dps. The red circle bit then starts, the sniper stands in the circle at his feet, the sorc stays close to the boss and so does xalek and I am busy aoe'ing the adds. As such everybody's hp plummets, xalek dies and I kill the adds just in time to throw some heals to prevent the 2 dps dieing. I want to type "move out of red stuff" but after that last round I am having to heal frantically just to keep people standing so dont have time. Luckily these 2 learn quick and move all the other times. Sadly though the pressure of soloing adds and healing the green laser gets too much and we wipe, 2 seconds after a tank joins the group.


I med-centre and look at tank hp, 55k sin. They zone in and I look at their gear. Its 192 (sort of) everything has 192 mods and enhancements, with 156 (mk-9) augments. However armourings are all level 50 set piece ones (140 or 142 I think). Still if someone thinks putting 140 set piece parts in place of 186 is beneficial but is still overgeared for fp's then what do I care?


We carry on, beat second boss with the sin never moving out of red stuff (except when sub 20% hp as I am busy healing the sniper who has just been green-lasered and actually makes an effort to move out of circles and kill adds). We do trash pulls to the final boss and this is where things are weird. I now spend all my time healing myself. Before when the group was 186 geared dps who are both new to the mission I got barely any aggro (of course I got some, but less than I would have expected in those circumstances). Yet now with an overgeared (albeit strangely done) tank I am holding all aggro. At the final boss the tank ignoes all containment droids. It seems this tank is also new to the mission.


/sarcasm on

Of course with 3 people in the group new to the mission you can imagine the flood of requests I got for advice on the mechanics/tactics for the bosses.

/finish sarcasm


So basically a 186 geared sniper holds better aggro than a 140/192 geared tank



On a side note, I love how BBA has come out in the middle of 12x, now all those undergeared folk who just shoot through the levels with no regard to gear are filling gen chat with "help I cant beat <enter bounty name here>." I like grouping with them, killing it then suggesting they may do better if their level 32 character had more than 3.4k hp.

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However armourings are all level 50 set piece ones (140 or 142 I think).



2-piece: 5% shield chance to Kinetic Ward/Dark Ward

4-piece: 2% damage reduction to all 4 damage types (armor only reduces Kinetic & Energy)


146 4-piece is better than using four 180 non-setbonus armorings instead.

150 (Dread Guard) 4-piece is probably better than 186 non-setbonus.

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2-piece: 5% shield chance to Kinetic Ward/Dark Ward

4-piece: 2% damage reduction to all 4 damage types (armor only reduces Kinetic & Energy)


146 4-piece is better than using four 180 non-setbonus armorings instead.

150 (Dread Guard) 4-piece is probably better than 186 non-setbonus.


But only if you know how to play a Sin Tank.

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But only if you know how to play a Sin Tank.


I didn't have problems with 4-piece Campaign Survivor when I leveled my Shadow to level 60. Of course I switched to 186s when got to level 60.

Why? Because I would have less than 50k hp and that means undergeared (PUG logic).


You quite literally need to push a button once every 1,5 seconds.


I can get 40 APM with Mental Alacrity on cooldown and my dps increased to 3,4k (~100 deeps more!). But guess what? I don't care what my APM is in dummy parses. It's irrelevant in real movement heavy fights.

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I can get 40 APM with Mental Alacrity on cooldown and my dps increased to 3,4k (~100 deeps more!). But guess what? I don't care what my APM is in dummy parses. It's irrelevant in real movement heavy fights.


But you should have 40 APM without Mental Alacrity. (Given you have some Alacrity on your gear). And of course you should care how you do on a dummy, because that is an indicator of your full potential. 40+ APM on dummy means you can pull 40+ APM in a fight. Telekinetics is very mobile, there really is no reason to not have your APM be on dummy parse levels. :p (Some fights do not apply, naturally, but most do.)

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But you should have 40 APM without Mental Alacrity. (Given you have some Alacrity on your gear). And of course you should care how you do on a dummy, because that is an indicator of your full potential. 40+ APM on dummy means you can pull 40+ APM in a fight. Telekinetics is very mobile, there really is no reason to not have your APM be on dummy parse levels. :p (Some fights do not apply, naturally, but most do.)


0 Alacrity (I just feel it's not that good in this part of gear progression, mostly 190s)

9/14, all 186 Power

110,08 Force Accuracy

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Alright, this happened quite a while ago. The weird person: From my point of view tank and healer, for them it was me, I guess.


Back in 2.x, I'm on my Lethality Operative and one of the Czerka HM FP's(The one with the jungle and desert boss, don't know the name) pops for me. Can't remember the group composition, but tank and healer were from the same guild.

We all zone in, say our hellos and off we go. Up to the first boss, we did the sandstorm one first, nothing spectacular. I wait for the tank to pull, then start dpsing, through the whole FP. Notice, I didn't give him much time after pull, but he pulled every single time.

Sandstorm boss no problem whatsoever. I wait for the tank to pull, start dpsing, rip aggro one or two times. Always aggrodumb after he taunted back.

When we get to the jungle boss, tank stands on the right side at the wall, pulling the boss. I wait for the boss to close the gap to the tank and start dpsing. Rip aggro again, so I get beaten up from the boss. Popped evasion and, after that, shieldprobe. Then I rolled away and put a Kolto infusion on myself(it's instant and without a cost after a roll for leth). The moment i want to vanish, the boss kills me.

~30 sec have passed from when I ripped aggro to when I died. No taunts, no heals, no nothing during that time.

So after I died I ask in chat "Taunts? Heals?".

After they killed the boss, the tank answers "A good dps would give the tank time to build aggro. Apperantly you're not a good one". I answer similarly with something like "A good tank doesn't need time to build aggro, apperantly you're not a good one". After that I tell them my main is also a tank and I don't need time to build threat with dps that are much better than me. And if he is willing, I'd give him a few hints on how to tank properly.

A second later I find myself on the fleet, no wonder, as I mentioned tank and healer were in the same guild.



So, throught the whole FP up to that point where I died, there wasn't any problem. Neither the tank, nor the healer said anything, not even after the first boss, about giving him some time to build threat. Out of a sudden they let me die. Serious question: Who's the weird one here?

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I just did afew fp runs with my sniper and noticed something hugely ironic, wondering if anyone else has seen it:


Just looking at the very core of how to play a role, ignoring stuff like interrupts/DCD's/CC's etc


Good tank: hits as many enemies as possible (this may require bunching them up)

Good dps: hits the weaker enemies at the edge of the pull who are too spread out to be easily controlled by the tank


I had a run with an aweful dps who decided to pull before the tank, opening with suppressive fire every time and his rotation was: suppressive fire -> suppressive fire -> suppressive fire....


Then another run with a bad tank, who would tunnel-vision the enemy nearest him regardless of what that enemy was or who was being attacked by the rest of the pull.


The irony was, the dps pulling before the tank and spamming aoe, if he had an aggro generating stance and afew DCD's he would have held good aggro. The tank who tunnel-visioned would have been passable as a dps because he concentrated on 1 enemy at a time until he had killed it.


I was imagining the scenario where the poorly played dps who's play style would make a passable tank, logs off his dps to log onto a tank and plays it in such a way as to be useless for tanking but passable as dps.

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So, throught the whole FP up to that point where I died, there wasn't any problem. Neither the tank, nor the healer said anything, not even after the first boss, about giving him some time to build threat. Out of a sudden they let me die. Serious question: Who's the weird one here?


Both of you. He was weird for not bothering to tell you before trolling you, and I would like to say for being a tank who cant hold aggro in a 1-enemy pull but sadly thats not very rare. You were weird for not being willing to nerf yourself down to a level that a noob can cope with. If the tank, or any other group member, is unable to keep pace/cope with you then you should tone back and you should have been able to tell that he cant tank based upon the first boss. I would give an example of when your tanking, you probably find it easier if dps do some single-target stuff for afew GCD's before popping an aoe.


If he isnt going to bother taunting, pop countermeasures. Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't op have 2 aggro dumps? One of which takes you off the table completely. If they cant hold aggro but your strong enough to look after yourself then it doesnt matter, just face-tank. If they cant hold aggro and you cant look after yourself then tone back. Do a couple of rotations before popping the procs etc.

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Rakata TFP


58k VG, 51k GS, 49k Sage, 48k Sage


I start with usual way saying hello. Only other sage responded to that. From start I knew this was "one of those runs".

GS likes pulling as soon as he is in range. We are all way overgeared for this so no problems. We get to first boss and GS pulled rancor when she and VG were inside the area. Leaving Sages out. Of course fight resets but we still don't have time to go inside the area before GS pulls rancor again. Reset, GS pulls, both Sages still outside. Boss resets third time then we have enough time to get to position. We clear it. VG and GS start running as fast they can pulling everything in the path to the building. They only stop to kill the three guys at doorway and droids inside, leaving 2 Sages to deal with everything else.


We still finish without deaths but... really??? VG finally writes something to chat: "so long, freaks"

I even checked their guild before last fight: nothing, neither was in guild

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Both of you. He was weird for not bothering to tell you before trolling you, and I would like to say for being a tank who cant hold aggro in a 1-enemy pull but sadly thats not very rare. You were weird for not being willing to nerf yourself down to a level that a noob can cope with. If the tank, or any other group member, is unable to keep pace/cope with you then you should tone back and you should have been able to tell that he cant tank based upon the first boss.

Yeah, you're probably right on this. But tbh, imo communication is key in GF. Had he said something along the lines of "Please give me a few seconds before you attack" after it was obvious that he can't hold aggro when I attack right away, I'd go "yeah, sure" and would have done it. But I can't read minds.

And up to that point he simply taunted back, I aggro dumbed after and there weren't any more problems. So why should I have stepped down?

I would give an example of when your tanking, you probably find it easier if dps do some single-target stuff for afew GCD's before popping an aoe.

Easier, yes. But truth be told: I don't care if someone rips aggro off me on a trash pull(on most mobs at least. And I know which ones are dangerous, so I make sure they're attacking me, everything else doesn't really matter ;)

If he isnt going to bother taunting, pop countermeasures. Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't op have 2 aggro dumps? One of which takes you off the table completely. If they cant hold aggro but your strong enough to look after yourself then it doesnt matter, just face-tank. If they cant hold aggro and you cant look after yourself then tone back. Do a couple of rotations before popping the procs etc.

Yeah, I could have vanished. I didn't, because I was still thinking that he would taunt back. Problem is, If i had done it, he would again have aggro of the boss, but as soon as I would start dpsing again, I'll rip it again, cause he didn't build any threat. If he taunts off me, he gets a huge threat boost. If i vanish or aggro dumb after the taunt, it's unlikely to pull of him again. That's why I waited with both countermeasures and vanish.

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Get this ...


I was in a Hammer Station HM run tonight and I was on my Lvl 60 Sentinel. Right when zoning in, the groupleader quizzes us on how long we had been playing. He tried to show us off saying he was a beta tester and we could possibly not be there since launch and I told him (cause I actually am playing since launch) I played since launch. He laughed it off.


But here comes the kicker ...


He then starts to quiz me and the other group members (ironically one of my friends and apparently a guildie from his, healer/tank combo) on how many toons we had. I said I have 22 on ToFN and almost all of them being lvl 55+. He starts to laugh in chat, writing in capslock and what do you think he does?


[[Quiz Guy name]] has initiated a vote to kick you from the group. Reason: "Has no life. Has 22 toons on the server, so a noobish geek"


Vote kick went through (his guildie, cause my friend sure as hell laughed his *** off on TS). Apparently being a tank/healer combo from the same guild gives people the idea that they can do whatever they want.

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I had a run with an aweful dps who decided to pull before the tank, opening with suppressive fire every time and his rotation was: suppressive fire -> suppressive fire -> suppressive fire....



I die a little more inside every time I see yet another useless Baddy McBaddenstein do this :(


Like the Force Storm/Forcequake spam wasn't enough?


At this rate, I won't have a favourite AC/mirror left whose name hasn't been pounded into the dirt.

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HM Hammer Station at level 60. Healing on my Commando, Guardian tank, Sharpshooter Gunslinger, Infiltration Shadow.


On the final fight, the Shadow kept running into (and standing in) the proximity mine circles while trying to reach adds that were going after me. I'm basically getting tickled by the adds and either running to the tank to have him take them off me or simply trolling them off the edge with my knockback, but the Shadow was zealous in his protection of the healer! What does it matter if he risks getting melted, if he can grab the adds off of the heavy-armored and over-leveled healer who is effortlessly keeping the group topped off while dispatching the adds at his leisure?


As much as I appreciate DPS peeling for the healer, there's a smart way and a dumb way to do most things.

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0 Alacrity (I just feel it's not that good in this part of gear progression, mostly 190s)

9/14, all 186 Power

110,08 Force Accuracy


Thanks to passives in the TK tree, you get 5% alacrity by default. This means with perfect APM and NO offensive or defensive cooldown usage whatsoever, your peak APM should be 42. Expecting it to be over 40 without using any OCDs is perfectly justified.


If you add in the old set bonus (+5% alacrity for 15 seconds with a 20 second lockout), it would be more like ~43.5 APM, and adding in Mental Alacrity brings it up significantly (~47.8 APM)


And thats with 0 alacrity in your gear, besides the old set bonus. Removing that old set bonus will probably drop it back to ~46 APM, but thats still a lot higher than what you are getting

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Thanks to passives in the TK tree, you get 5% alacrity by default. This means with perfect APM and NO offensive or defensive cooldown usage whatsoever, your peak APM should be 42. Expecting it to be over 40 without using any OCDs is perfectly justified.


If you add in the old set bonus (+5% alacrity for 15 seconds with a 20 second lockout), it would be more like ~43.5 APM, and adding in Mental Alacrity brings it up significantly (~47.8 APM)


And thats with 0 alacrity in your gear, besides the old set bonus. Removing that old set bonus will probably drop it back to ~46 APM, but thats still a lot higher than what you are getting


I don't have OCD.

I'm not robot. I'm visually impaired.


Also, when I use TK Gust when Turbulence cast is about to finish Turbulence damage doesn't get applied.

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I don't have OCD.

I'm not robot. I'm visually impaired.


Also, when I use TK Gust when Turbulence cast is about to finish Turbulence damage doesn't get applied.


He didn't accuse you of having OCD. He was talking about parsing without any offensive cooldowns to reach over 40 APM. :p


And no, there is no situation where Turbulence will not do damage unless you don't have 100% accuracy. Either you cancel the cast by moving (untalented utility), push esc for some reason, or just don't see the damage numbers pop up. :p

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