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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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It's rare for me to see the boss enrage... as a DPS, I mean. But I've seen it as a tank/heals.


Were both DPS melee?


Nope it was a Commando and a Gunslinger....so ya there was NO reason at all for the enrage to be that high....

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But you really mean to tell me, that a melee can't meet the dps requirement for this fight with a halfway proper rotation


No, I dont. Perhaps the first sentence wasnt clear. I wrote that the droid boss trolls melee but I reckon that is irrelevant due to having passed it with no issues in a melee group. I will even go so far as to say I never considered the melee/range thing relevant until Lux brought it up.


Try reading the whole thing in future. I may agree with you at one point then disagree at a different point in the same post.

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I seem to have become one of those noobs that crawls out of the recesses of the game whenever 2xp pops up.


I decide, as I only have to characters left to level and I dont like my scoundrel I will level my shadow. I queue up for fp's and get taral V.


We say hello's, I guard a dps and recieve no comments from the healer (a rareity now-a-days) and we set off. Stuff is dieing easily, I am holding aggro, everything is smooth (the commando dps like his aoe without the CD, dont know the name. I am also abit surprised at the dps commando in healer cell and the healer commando in high velocity cell but like I said, stuff dies quick and Im no dieing so dps and heals are good enough (if it ain't broke don't fix it).


We start on the first main boss, we did the guy with the 2 giant green lizard things but thats not really a boss. I spend most of the fight at sub 30% but no real issues. I then take note of my timing on my DCD's so I apolosige and try to explain:

me: "sorry about that, im rusty on this character"

slinger: "about what?"

me: "my DCD's are all over the place"

slinger: "your holding aggro, thats all your meant to do" (I see someone has never tanked before)

me: "Im missing my k-ward re-cast quite alot atm, its probably making things unnecessarily difficult for the healer"

healer: "not really, in fact I am getting bored only having to heal 1 person :P"

me: "well ill try and pick it up"


Throughout the rest of the mission I reckon its safe to say I have no k-ward for about 30% of the time I spend in combat so at the end I apologise again. The healer says they didnt mind and it was 1 of the easiest times they have had healing.


I felt quite bad about not even doing the very basics of tanking. Shadow without k-ward is like jugg without ageis assault. These are the basics and I am messing them up :(.

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Back when 180 gear was the max I did a EV HM run. Apparently a guy who had 162 arkanian gear was undergeared for it and he wasnt allowed to participate at the council fight .......


Back in the early days, before the Black Hole (pre-1.2), I seem to recall running NiM EV in full Columi (rating 136) gear and having no trouble with the council. People these days...such wimps sometimes.

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Back in the early days, before the Black Hole (pre-1.2), I seem to recall running NiM EV in full Columi (rating 136) gear and having no trouble with the council. People these days...such wimps sometimes.


When I leveled my sniper to 50 over a year ago, I immediately filled up on Rakata gear from the Makeb vendor. Joined a HM EV group somehwere along the way to 55. Obviously had no trouble with council since I was over geared but had so many in the group amazed I killed my guy it was funny and a little sad they probably didn't get to experience the content at intended gear levels.

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Back in the early days, before the Black Hole (pre-1.2), I seem to recall running NiM EV in full Columi (rating 136) gear and having no trouble with the council. People these days...such wimps sometimes.


My husband recently joined a Nightmare EV run and was first asked would he be ok under manning it (6 in 8 man) as he's low level (55 is low for EV apparently, I think he has decent gear).

They then failed 3 times at the pylons because they insisted that you didn't need to work the puzzle properly "Just press right". They didn't even wipe, it just timed out. Then some bright spark volunteers "Press left, it's faster".

2 people left, then they got through it first time they gave him a minute to work out the solution despite losing the time to the NM switch debuff with only 2 at each pylon.


Just wasted time for no reason, I think they still got the speed achievement.

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No, I dont. Perhaps the first sentence wasnt clear. I wrote that the droid boss trolls melee but I reckon that is irrelevant due to having passed it with no issues in a melee group. I will even go so far as to say I never considered the melee/range thing relevant until Lux brought it up.


Try reading the whole thing in future. I may agree with you at one point then disagree at a different point in the same post.

I read your whole post. The part you quoted wasn't really directed at you. It was meant as a general statement. Sorry for any misunderstanding, english isn't my first language :)

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This wasnt a GF job, im levelling an imp to get those pesky achievements filled out for certain dailies.


Soloing a heroic 2 on my sorcere ( the one at some unfinished statue)


Click the drill part mobs start spawning in and i try move to use a box to lower dmg from ranged attacks.

I use force storm as last mob die before boss and notice these 2 idoits come along and use drill too, more mobs pop in as i use anothet force storm- guess where the aggro goes.


Neither of them have companions and both die to my boss as theres spawns in and both maul me.


They spawn at med i spawn on the spot, i re grab bomb and proceed again


And the same idiots end up doing it again even though im still sorting my own mob, yet again i get aggro and they get squished like bugs and i get left with both bosses. Died again


I type in general message some choice words about waiting

Only response is bye


I finish off the area and heroic and head back to hand in class mission and log off


Moral of the story - dont play late night sessions after 2a.m.

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SM malestrom. I am shadow tanking. Theres a sage dps, scoundrel healer and commando dps. At the very start we end up waiting 8 minutes because the sage dc's on zone in. Not an issue, its not something he has control of.


We get started and mr sage likes pulling ahead of the tank. I therefore end up having to move between pulls quick, so I cant afford to stealth and cc, and often dont get a chance to pop k-ward before theres a massive green quake circle on the floor so I have to get aggro before I can ward.


At the first boss the sage doesnt bother moving out of the boss aoe smash/explosion thing and gets carried by the healer, the sage needs on an orange willpower piece with defence and absorb, but I let it slip as it was lower gear that what I had and the mainstat was willpower. On the second boss, with the eye thing the sage dps doesn't los the boss and, to their credit the healer heals them through the damage, leaving them below 10% by the end of the eye phase. We then kill and the sage ninja loots.


I write in chat "if you dont know the fights, feel free to ask, its better to spend afew minutes explaining that putting unnecesary strain on the healer". I also pop a general comment of "no ninjaing please"


strangely the commando apologises for both things, even though they followed mechanics in the boss and didnt ninja. I decide to be abit more direct so that the commando realises I am fine with what they do and the sage may recognise I mean him. However he says he needs for comps. I point out that counts as ninjaing and ask which of the consular comps use strength.


He continues to ninja, even stuff that the commando needed on and I mention it every time. around the 7th time, after a spate of chain-pulling by the sage and his death in the boss with the 2 bladed sabre and flying bird pair (he stood close to the sith when they did their spinning blades thing) and ninjaing of nice cunning healer boots that the scoundrel needed on I wrote "<sage name> you are close to a kick". We carry on and a vote kick pops up, I assume the other people are as annoyed with him as me, then I read it and it says the sage voted to kick me with reason left empty.


The kick fails and I write "lol, lets kick someone who doesnt put up with a ninja who pulls before the tank and refuses to learn the fights". The commando states this is getting entertaining (it is at the point now where this sage is so bad its funny) and the healer lol's at my comment.


Just before the final boss I write "I apologise in advance for this, I hate this fight" (the combination of needing to stay in cover while the enemies are in the open so I am outside melee range, the slow and the bosses aggro dump make that fight a ***** to tank). As I write that the sage puts another kick on me with reason "doesnt know the fight". I lol, the kick doesnt go through and we start the fight. The sage dies very early on because he walks straight towards the boss from the start point. Im certain he didn't know the fight.


Although the healer was funny, when I wrote that they replied with "well i never played a tank but you seem to hold aggro, so I cant imagine this will be so bad" and at the end they wrote "well <my name>, apology accepted".


I do find it quite annoying that at the start the 3 of us were willing to wait patiently for 8 minutes for this person to come back from dc only to find he was a chain pulling, ninjalooting derp.



As a bonus, I got back to balmorra afterwards and start that area 2 with the puzzle with the towers and the lights. I was 3 click away from completing it when a group of 2 other people came over and started pressing everything randomly, *********** it all up. I was wondering if the devs would please mention to the noobs that the first bit of that mission is a puzzle, not a "click the blue things" like most others are.



After giving up on that puzzle thing thanks to the 2 noobs I queue again for fp's, get a malestrom prison. The healer is a sage from the same guild as the sage in the above story, but a different name so I assume a different person. there is a sent dps and slinger dps too. The sage is actually dps specced, makes no effort to heal at all, ninja loots and pulls. When I ask them about it they tell me to "man up and get over it". Unlike the group in the first story the slinger seems to be less tolerant and the sage is soon kicked.

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Double XP and trolls.


Got my Scoundrel to fleet and queue for Esseles. Quick pop and we zone in. Sage starts typical "Spacebar! Smash it!" and does it during cutscenes constantly. We get quite far before first one DCs but we continue, it's Group 2+ anyway. We get back fast Sage puts vote kick on DC'd person, reason: DC. I say give at least a minute. Vote kick fails and what Sage does? Disconnects. We wait a bit and neither of two reconnects. I tried to explain to Shadow that we can't continue with disconnected characters in group. Shadow doesn't say anything just starts running around the ship like he/she was there for the very first time. I decided to quit because there was nothing to do and I didn't want to waste more time there.


Second try at Esseles. Group was good. We were trying to complete last stage for bonus to get bonus boss out but Sage (again :eek::D) wanted to solo droid boss on platform. No one died so it's fine. We fight bonus boss and Willpower piece drops. I select Greed and Sage selects also Greed for some reason. I win it and Sage disconnects. Fine, not much left. Just before last boss we kick Sage after waiting some time. Orange shotgun drops and of course as scoundrel I select Need because that's upgrade to my green shotgun I got from backbag. Gunslinger also selects Need and wins it. I called him on it and what I got... "I'm f2p". I always thought this was myth.


So, BW nerfed Forcequake but obviously buffed something else...

Edited by Halinalle
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Just saying that scoundrels/operatives and slingers/snipers are the same class and thus use similar weapons. While he can't use a shotgun (and neither can you--blaster pistol if I recall), the barrel/mod/enhancements can be stripped for both classes. Not sure what you called him for but cool.


Nerf FL, buff stupidity within the intelligent.

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Just saying that scoundrels/operatives and slingers/snipers are the same class and thus use similar weapons. While he can't use a shotgun (and neither can you--blaster pistol if I recall), the barrel/mod/enhancements can be stripped for both classes. Not sure what you called him for but cool.


Nerf FL, buff stupidity within the intelligent.


Gunslinger: 2x Blaster Pistol

Scoundrel: 1x Blaster Pistol, 1x Scattergun ("shotgun")

Sniper: 1x Sniper Rifle, 1x Vibroknife

Operative: 1x Blaster Rifle, 1x Vibroknife


I have one of each at level 33+ and GS/Sniper even at level 60 so I'm quite sure about the equipment these ACs use.

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Just saying that scoundrels/operatives and slingers/snipers are the same class and thus use similar weapons. While he can't use a shotgun (and neither can you--blaster pistol if I recall), the barrel/mod/enhancements can be stripped for both classes. Not sure what you called him for but cool.


Nerf FL, buff stupidity within the intelligent.


Because while most classes get a orange modable weapon early few get a modable off-hand, the big reason to run essles (IMO at least) is to vet you that off hand to level with quick

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Leveling my sage healer on flashpoints and she just dinged 19 and unlocked Athiss. Its still orange and this is my first healer so I'm not sure im ready for that yet so I decide to queue for just Hamer Station. GF pops, its Athiss, I unticked the wrong box. But I decide to go with it. First guy down the hill slices the elevator and goes down, second goy either catches the elevator in tim or does the jumping down the other hole. Either way there's two of us waiting for the elevator to come back up. Meanwhile the guys at the bottom pull the first room. By the time we get down tthey've already got the explosives and moved into the main tunnels. From the beginning it is clear this is a speedrun. We barely stop before the first boss, down the boss in no time flat and its off to the races again. At one point before the second boss aggro is everywhere including on me, I need to switch target to dps to keep him from dying, After I switch back to the tank and I'm healing my *** off but his health bar keeps dropping. Combat ends and he has a sliver of health left, then I realized that in the confusion my target hadn't switched and I was still spamming heals on the dps. In the end though it went pretty well and nobody died, even on the final boss.




Second pop. This time I had my tickboxes sorted and its Hammer Station. While waiting for others to accept I notice we have a shadow Dps and shadow tank. Great, threeway fight for willpower drops. Zone in and both dps are already standing at the first group. I get into position, tank is still zoning in, shadow dps pulls. We finish as the tank zones in. Dps pulls the second group as the tank stands at the start. Tank catches up while we finish the second pull. Tank arrives just as dps pulls the 3rd group. This is getting a little silly. First fight with the tank it is clear he is a pro. Even when dps pulls, tank controls aggro and nobody else gets hit except for the first few seconds when the shadow dps is in there alone. First boss, this might be the first time the tank pulled, its a cakewalk. Both dps and myself completely untouched and tank never drops below 80 percent. After every fight the tank just stands there while dps moves to the next group but usually dps shadow at least waits for the tank to show up before pulling. One time though he pulls all by himself. I start healing him. Other dps, a commando even throws some off-heals but he's in too deep and dies as the tank arrives and we finish the pull. I'm about to revive him and suggest he might want to let the tank pull when he quits group without a word. Commando asks what his problem was. I reply "Dunno, guess he thought he was a tank or something. " I queue for a replacement, someone pulls out Treek and we continue. Replacement joins during the second boss he catches up as we finish the boss. With a full group we set off again. The replacement is a knight, he leaps in before the tank but its all pretty smooth rregardless. We get to the lightbridge, tank and knight start across. I wait because I see the bridge is red but can't remember if red is good or bad. I think it might be bad and sure enough the bridge disappears right before they reach the other side. Me and commando are laughing our heads off. Rest of the flashpoint goes without incident.


tl;dr Successful speedrun of Athiss and mostly successful Hammer Station. Only deaths were the idiot impatient dps who ragequit and the two victims of the bridge boss.

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often dont get a chance to pop k-ward before theres a massive green quake circle on the floor so I have to get aggro before I can ward.


Just one pointer about Kinetic Ward, seeing as you've a couple times mentioned having trouble finding time to use it in messy pulls:

It's free, off the GCD, and doesn't break stealth. I put it on my hotbar where I can just mash it if I find myself in an OHSHI-- situation, and make sure to hit it before or just as I come out of stealth, seeing as it doesn't delay any of my attacks. Mashing Kinetic Ward as a reflex is a good habit at first (so long as you don't accidentally break TKT or Cascading Debris with it), though if you intend to tank progression content, you'll want to train yourself to only hit it when your stacks are depleted or about to fall off (to maximize the absorption from Kinetic Bulwark).

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Long story short. A lot people mis interpret being lesser geared for undergeared.


True that... I was told my gear was too light (under-geared I guess) the other day. When I looked at his to draw a comparison, I was pretty damn sure that my gear was better than his! Now I am still kinda noobish on most things MMo..., like t5rying to follow what you guys are saying sometimes, is kinda difficult to say the least :D, but what I do know is that my orange gear was maxed out with the best mods from the fleet Rishi dealer, I think making it 170 something, now surely that5 beats the 160 stuff he had... or am I wrong?


Another thing my obviously noobish brain can't comprehend, which I do hope someone could enlighten me on. Is why do PC's sometimes run through the FP's? I mean, most of the time I get into a group, they're totally awesome, they offer help on bosses, give directions, and even a few tips. But then sometimes, I get into a group, where they run past bonuses, skip major parts and just go for the prizes. Hmmm... maybe I just answered my own question there actually... :rolleyes:

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Finally pugged gf rav 16 man, guy was asking on fleet so took tank spot


Was asked to either have gear or achievement - i only had 8 man from guild runs i tanked,


Someone else who joined said link 16, told him my situation and my gear is mixed 192 comm/token gear with one 198 piece fully augmented, got the all clear, i check his gear its all 186 comm gear with green 168 implants and 178 blue ear, his acheivements only had 16 man sm rav, however he didnt follow mechanics and kept dying on all bosses, he even tried asking if me and the main tank (raid leader) wanted him to tank lol, i didnt win drops i would of liked for set pieces but got acheivement done :-)


Get back to fleet and he is asking for a group for 8 mam ToS, i was about to write to let people know he would need carrying and mechanics explained but someone from Rav beat me to it with a simple line of, dont bother he dies easy on bosses

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Had a run in with what seems to be a ninja looters guild.


When levelling my shadow, starting at 35 yesterday, it is now 49. Through all those fp runs I have ended up coming to a conclusion that a certain guild on rep ToFN is all ninja looters (I met 16, all ninja'ed). The strange thing is I had never seen this guild name since yesterday morning.


I go on fleet chat and write "is it just me or is <guild name> a new guild for ninja looters?"


I got 4 people agree with me that every person they saw from this guild ninja'ed and a whisper from someone telling me to shut up and l2p. After replying to them it turned out they were the guild leader. I start listing the names of the ninja looters I had met. I listed them in gen chat, copied them off my ignore list. After I had listed the 11th one I got a whisper from him asking me to tell him the names in whisper, he didnt want fleet thinking the entire guild was ninja's. I carried on in gen chat, writing:

"no, I wont whisper the names just to save the reputation of your guild" and then continued my list


The guild leader started whispering abuse to me along with using gen chat to talk to me politely. He seemed most annoyed by the fact there were now 8 other people on fleet gen chat agreeing with me, that they had never met a person from that guild that doesn't ninja loot.


Half an hour later the guild leader gave up making excuses like "needing for comps isnt ninjaing, even if there is a class in the group that uses that main stat and no comp for that character which uses that main stat" (this was when I recalled the account of a sage needing on a strength piece that a sent also needed on using the excuse of gearing comps even though no consular comps use strength) and "if everybody else greeds then nobody needs it, so needing is not ninjaing".


I imagine this 2 day old guild may have difficulty getting groups :p

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Leveling my sage healer on flashpoints and she just dinged 19 and unlocked Athiss. Its still orange and this is my first healer so I'm not sure im ready for that yet so I decide to queue for just Hamer Station. GF pops, its Athiss, I unticked the wrong box. But I decide to go with it. First guy down the hill slices the elevator and goes down, second goy either catches the elevator in tim or does the jumping down the other hole. Either way there's two of us waiting for the elevator to come back up. Meanwhile the guys at the bottom pull the first room. By the time we get down tthey've already got the explosives and moved into the main tunnels. From the beginning it is clear this is a speedrun. We barely stop before the first boss, down the boss in no time flat and its off to the races again. At one point before the second boss aggro is everywhere including on me, I need to switch target to dps to keep him from dying, After I switch back to the tank and I'm healing my *** off but his health bar keeps dropping. Combat ends and he has a sliver of health left, then I realized that in the confusion my target hadn't switched and I was still spamming heals on the dps. In the end though it went pretty well and nobody died, even on the final boss.


Heh this reminds me of a time I was healing tfb before 3.0. We were on the second to last boss and I noticed my target was dying so I started healing him but no matter what I did he just kept dying. Turned out I had targeted the boss and was trying to heal him and was healing myself instead. Guild had a laugh at that one

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Just had a hilarious run on my healer. An operative in the group was also spec'd heals, so I offered to respec to DPS as I had field respec. She responds with a "No it's fine, I queue'd as a DPS because I don't want to heal." I ask her why she's in heal spec when DPS spec would probably be a better choice if that was how she felt. She tells me that she does enough DPS in heal spec and that the extra healing is nice. ... Well it's her character. ... So we continue on in the FP and she's spammed Recuperative Nanotech, uses auto attack from afar, doesn't bother to do her DoT nor any sort of melee attack, pulled random groups, threw an occasional grenade. The whole run was a .. bit long.


In conclusion, found an interesting way to play DPS operative as a ranged semi-healing character.


Does anyone else feel like this 2x is a waste as more and more people don't know how to play their classes at higher levels? (Such as tanks who like to tunnel a trash mob instead of the gold. Or DPS that don't know how to stay out of shiny flashing red circles.)

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Was in a run with a ****** *** healer who didn't even heal and blamed me for the problems. We get to the end and he *********** ninja loots everything a the end. I call him out and e

kicks me for calling him out. **** that. Some days I wish we could force choke some of these kiddies. **** you merc healer I hope you choke to death on your ill gotten gains. Glad 12xp will no longer have to do this. HATE LEVELING FLASHPOINTS

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I once was on my damage (Infiltration) Shadow grouped with a Shadow tank in normal Raiders that literally did nothing but use his basic attack (Saber Strike) through the entire FP. No Project, no TKT, no Double Strike, no Force Speed, no Slow Time, no Force Stun, nothing. Forget about Guard or any taunts. I've seen a few Shadow tanks that do nothing but pop Kinetic Ward and spam Whirling Blow at everything; he didn't even know how to do that.


He got put on ignore very quickly.

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Yesterday I had really bad KDY run. It was also the first run so I was still drinking my coffee.


1st member quits before convo

2nd member quits before shuttle part

Me and commando try to do something while we wait in queue.

Armory scenario so some of the pulls are quite difficult. I try to get people from guild but it was pointless because Commando quits after first death. I leave instance and then decided to wait a bit before I queue again.


Every (yes, you read that correctly) KDY after that has been butter smooth. Which by itself is really weird.

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