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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Not sure if it was me or the heals or the incredible hard hitting mechanics/mobs attacks that made Mannan a really pain in the *** FP compared to former HM FP before 3.0.

I was tanking with my Powertech (almost full 186 with some 180/178), a Merc (almost full 186 with some 180's) and a Sorc (full 180) were dpsing and an Operative (full 178 with some 186) was healing.

In the first pack of adds, we almost wiped, not sure what happened there, but only I died there.

Then on the second pack of adds we wiped, that was new to me, but we get through them on the 2nd try.

Afterwards the boss came, we struggled to beat him down, but no wipes.

After the new adds and ****, we got to 2nd boss which raped us real quick (I got trapped in lightning in the first pull :p) then after 3 wipes, we killed him (adds were the big problem) but in the meantime of these wipes, the heals and a dps bailed, so we had to remake group.

Then we got a Merc heals (full 186) and a Sorc (full Dread Master set) dpsing again.

On last boss, he beat us 2 times cause of Spining Kick mechanic lowering my aggro to 0%

Then after everything, the heals has a brilliant idea of ninja loot almost all the drops then "accidentally" DC and leave us hanging with no 184 gear drop at all.


So in short this FP is hard as hell and frustrating because of a ******* who stole all our loot in the end.

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yet more shenanigans from the beautiful ToFN.


Running HM 55's with my sniper, still haven't got expansion yet as I don't see that getting it 1 week early really matters.


First pop is a HM czerka core with my 55 sniper, a 55 sin tank, 60 merc healer and 59 merc dps. Right at the start myself and the sin are kicked for being low level.


Then a HM hammer station in which I am the only level 55 (though the second highest geared in the group based upon hp). The healer doesn't cleanse on the first boss, we wipe and I get kicked as "it must be the low level dps not doing enough damage". I was 36k hp, the other 3 were 22k, 26k and 49k (the tank was endurance stacked).


A HM cad with my level 55 jugg tank. I get a group with 2 level 55 dps and a lvl 60 healer. The healer instantly drops group, I whisper him and he informs us he will not carry noobs (both the 55 dps had higher hp than the healer).


It seems that now level 60 is the new top (for some people, not all of us) anything 55 or lower is incapable of running the same missions they did hundreds of times before last Tuesday.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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A HM cad with my level 55 jugg tank. I get a group with 2 level 55 dps and a lvl 60 healer. The healer instantly drops group, I whisper him and he informs us he will not carry noobs (both the 55 dps had higher hp than the healer).


I wonder how a 60 heals got into a HM cad, my level 60's can't get into any of those 55 or 50 HM via group finder any more.

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I wonder how a 60 heals got into a HM cad, my level 60's can't get into any of those 55 or 50 HM via group finder any more.


First story the merc was on gf as 59, when the queue popped he asked us to wait as he was near lvl up, not sure about the second 1 as when I accepted the gf pop he was already 60.



Seems I have become elitist. I queue up on my 45 sent for KDY and get a group of 4 sents, theres me, a lvl 53, lvl 32 and level 15.


First room is hanger. We get started, kill the middle pull no problem and go to the second group over at the side. On this pull the 53 and 15 die, they res and run back, from the nature of the pull I decide to behave like most other sent players (look after myself, force camo when I need to, refuse to fight if they pull when im sub 10% etc). At the other side the 32 and 15 die with the 53 at low hp. The pull where enemies come in the middle of the hanger all 3 of them die and I finish up with 4%.


I decide to keep track of the deaths for the lol's.


Second room is armoury, it seems the 15 has a habbit of pulling as soon as he is at full hp regardless of everybody else's state. This causes a number of deaths

53: 3

32: 4

15: 7


Get to the final boss, one with the grenades and I ask "all know it?" I get no response and while waiting, the 53 pulls. It seems the 15 knows it and the other 2 don't. Again with the standard of the group I just look after myself (force camo if things get rough, I couldn't care less who the enemies decide to shoot at instead). This results in death after death for the 53 and 32 who never deal with the grenades and me being the only 1 pressing kolto (and not bothering unless its me being shot):

53: 4

32: 6

15: 2


As you can imagine with this death rate the fight is pretty much done between me and the 15 (his deaths are more to do with me force camo at the wrong time). At the end, after all 3 of them are dead I finish up the adds after taking the last couple hundred off the boss I offer some advice:

me: "For future reference, when I ask do you know it I am doing that for the sake of your repair bill"

53: "shut up noob"

15: "You think your so much better than us"

me: (resists saying "I didn't die" and instead just say) "The fights are easier and repair bills cheaper if you ask rather than just jump in and hope for the best."


Total death toll:

53: 9

32: 12

15: 12


Well its their repair bill so, who cares.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Recently levelled my scoundrel heals to 60 and was on fleet keeping an eye out for any ToS’s running and saw someone advertising a heals spot BUT only if you link them your DF and DP HM final boss achievements to “prove” you’re good enough to join and those who haven’t done this "need not apply" (their words not mine), all this for a PUG SM ToS. Sorry any new 60's out there looking to try ToS looks like there's going to be certain achievements you need before you can even get into one of them :rolleyes: Obviously I did not "apply" because with an op leader like that I can only imagine what he would say / do if you ever made a small mistake!


Was advertising for quite some time before they either got someone or just quit

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Recently levelled my scoundrel heals to 60 and was on fleet keeping an eye out for any ToS’s running and saw someone advertising a heals spot BUT only if you link them your DF and DP HM final boss achievements to “prove” you’re good enough to join and those who haven’t done this "need not apply" (their words not mine), all this for a PUG SM ToS. Sorry any new 60's out there looking to try ToS looks like there's going to be certain achievements you need before you can even get into one of them :rolleyes: Obviously I did not "apply" because with an op leader like that I can only imagine what he would say / do if you ever made a small mistake!


Was advertising for quite some time before they either got someone or just quit


I was hoping the introduction of new mission with 5 more levels will put everybody on a level playing field and people would have to accept that they are going back to scratch with groups who don't know the fights, aren't overgeared enough to carry people and would have to figure things out for themselves.


As you can see, I am ignorant about mmo players, seems they still only want groups who can carry them.



Just had a run of HM mando playing as my sorc healer. I have got quite annoyed with the new update as its causing problems for my healing.


What with the healers being made abit weaker, the trash in FP's doing more damage and having less health it seems groups are now reliant on dps killing stuff quick. Got in a HM mando group with an assassin tank and 2 snipers.


We get started and the sin melts quick, on some of the stronger pulls he melts before my innervate has even completed its channel. Every time I get the blame, it seems nobody else has noticed the "tank" is in surging charge, doesn't have the tanking buffs and doesn't use any DCD's


Now before the update with powerful healers and weak trash I may have carried on and hope for the best. However now I end up struggling to keep the tank up, all 3 of them blame me and when I tell them the sin is not a tank 1 of the snipers says "he has the tank symbol".


I gave up and quit the group.


So yeah nerfed heals causes a problem for me as I now need a real tank in order to complete a FP. But my biggest problem:

The buff that I get from innervate crits which allows me to cast consumption with no debuff or insta-cast my aoe heal no longer shows on my buffs. The only way I can see it is to target myself.

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The buff that I get from innervate crits which allows me to cast consumption with no debuff or insta-cast my aoe heal no longer shows on my buffs. The only way I can see it is to target myself.


Is your buff bar under your player frame? It's by default if you haven't moved it.

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Is your buff bar under your player frame? It's by default if you haven't moved it.


The buff bar is above my 1st quickbar, I moved my debuff bar to where it used to be.


Just found another annoyance with my sorc healer too, they removed the insta-cast dark heal proc, I used to stack that along with my proc from my hot to get a auto-crit insta-cast, now its a cast crit heal :(

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The buff bar is above my 1st quickbar, I moved my debuff bar to where it used to be.


Just found another annoyance with my sorc healer too, they removed the insta-cast dark heal proc, I used to stack that along with my proc from my hot to get a auto-crit insta-cast, now its a cast crit heal :(


Both are still there. Play around with your buff bar's setting for a bit, because I still get Resurgence buffs. Insta-cast Dark Heal is still there and actually useful now -- you'll get it at level 59, making Dark Infusion, Crushing Darkness, Revivification and Lightning Strike (?) proc Dark Concentration for an instant AND FREE Dark Heal. That and the 4-piece set bonus are the best buff to sorc Force management they could possibly have given us.

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Yesterday I had the oddest flashpoint run I can remember. It was a foundry SM, with my merc healer, a sin tank, and the dps were a mara and a jug. The first thing I do when I zone in is check out my teammates. Me and the mara were way over leveled/geared for the foundry, I was 41 and he was 42, both geared well for our levels. The sin was only 36, but he had the right gear, stance etc. The first thing I noticed about the (dps) jug: they were in soresu form. I inspected their gear, and about 3/4 of it had defense or absorb on it, and a few pieces had aim (?). We start moving, and immediately the jug runs ahead of the sin and pulls the first group. Second group: same thing. I'm pretty sure that jug was the only person in our group that pulled anything, and they would AOE often, taunt, get aggro, etc. like they were the tank. So basically we had two tanks one dps and a healer.


The really odd part is that it actually worked really well. The sin and jug traded off aggro on bosses, meaning neither ever took a ton of damage, making my job really easy and allowing me to do a bit of damage to up our dps. In the end we had no deaths and made it through really fast, in fact it went better then the run prior to that where everyone knew their roles, was over geared/leveled, and knew the fights. :rak_02:


TL;DR: dps thinks they're a tank, we basically run with two tanks and it goes really well.

Edited by crossjon
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After 3.0 I either started to get a lot of unsavory people or started losing patience for that kind of thing.


First was a Valor 100 sorc healer asking for guard after some trash took a shot at him, which the tank happily provided, because if someone "pulls off of him, they deserve guard". The other dps piped in poiting out that guard is useless, I noticed the valor rank and thought there was no point to this, so I whispered the merc to not peel off the healer so we can see the miracle of guard in action. After several pull where we may or may not have "forgotten" the proper kill order (nothing lethal, just major annoyance) and tank dropping due to DoTs, the sorc tells us to learn to play and bails.


Then there was Hammer Station and healer went on the red bridge and did not survive the experience. The tank "lol"s and says he hasn't seen this since launch. Now I am weird this way and I checked his achievements. It was his first run of HM HS, his SM HS was in March and he got lvl 10 achievement in January 2014 (i.e. not a case of late retroactive chievo grant). So I poked a bit, asked if he was on different server (popular lie if people get confronted with achievement time stamps). I pointed out that this is his first HM, he says he ran SM and the game is out for two years. Yes, well. Why do people feel the need to pretend to be more experienced? And usually the kind that leaves a lot to be desired in the execution department.


Several dps specced tanks later, yesterday I got into Czerka Meltdown. Guardian tank (actual-tank) has 24k HP, I check his gear, no relics, the rest is tank gear even if it is little low, so since it's Czerka I give him the benefit of the doubt. The other dps (pretend-tank) is in combat technique with some tanking pieces on, he switches to shadow technique so I leave it at that. Then it starts. Four droids at the second terminal, the actual-tank goes straight for...one of the normal droids. Another pull, the pretend-tank takes point, which he will do regularly. I end up tanking a lot on the way to first boss, but since I am running the whatever-shadow-balance-is-called-now, the self-heals are helping and the healer is good, even if they are just around recommended gear.


We go for the vrblrhlgrbhtl boss first and it becomes apparent that the actual-tank has no idea how the fight works and the pretend-tank is really fuzzy on it as well. No attempt to move the boss to the shroom, when I taunt as a last resort, it gets taunted back, then the pretend-tank taunts and drags the boss to...the single generator in the area. More of this back and forths, healer can't keep up with the aoe damage and we wipe. Actual-tank said no word so far and most likely doesn't speak english at all. Another attempt, the pretend-tank asks who "tanks the boss to mushroom", to which I reply that the cue is in the verb. And experience the very first enrage of this particular boss at 46-ish% since...ever. I put a votekick (which I haven't done in ages...my ignore lists are filling up, though) on the tank, we get a sentinel, the other shadow bumps up to tank, we get horribly murdered again, I wish them luck and get out.

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First was a Valor 100 sorc healer asking for guard after some trash took a shot at him, which the tank happily provided, because if someone "pulls off of him, they deserve guard". The other dps piped in poiting out that guard is useless, I noticed the valor rank and thought there was no point to this, so I whispered the merc to not peel off the healer so we can see the miracle of guard in action. After several pull where we may or may not have "forgotten" the proper kill order (nothing lethal, just major annoyance) and tank dropping due to DoTs, the sorc tells us to learn to play and bails.

Hahaha... Valor 100 sorc, eh? Sounds like the former Harbinger 'mascot'. If you play on Harbinger, you know who I'm talking about.

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After 3.0 I either started to get a lot of unsavory people or started losing patience for that kind of thing.


I find its a case of the "not particularly good but geared enough for it to not matter" have now gone with the fact that nobody is over geared yet. Those that relied on high gear on themselves and a healer to get through missions have now joined the ranks of the bads, that being, people who expect to just survive mechanics.


I actually met a weird one on mannan TFP the other day, the strange bit being their complete u-turn of attitude:


This person is a jugg who is queued as tank but specced smash-tard. We therefore have 3 dps and myself on my sorc healer. The jugg has the tank symbol so on the first pull the 3 of us (mara dps, sorc dps and sorc healer) wait for the jugg to pull. After a short conversation it becomes clear the jugg doesn't want to pull and is in no way interested in taking any aggro.


We therefore run with the sorc dps playing tank while the jugg who queued as tank plays as dps, though thanks to the sorc "tank" not using aoe's aggro is everywhere (which tbh with this sorc's DCD control and my inability to do my super-rotation until I get level 59 and the proc I want, its a good thing he doesn't hold all the aggro). However the mara is 1 of those who pulls whenever he is at full hp regardless of everybody else's state. This eventually results in the jugg dying on the pull just after the second boss where all the adds ambush us.

jugg: "heals?"

me: "you could hold some aggro, seeing as your the tank"

jugg: "im dps"

me: "you could still use dcd's"

jugg: "?"

me: "enraged def, endure pain, sabre reflect, sabre ward" (they never used any DCD's so far)

jugg: "no need, we have a healer"


I give up asking them to pop DCD's and we carry on. Second boss the jugg clearly doesn't know the fight and stands in the water during lightning. First time I use extricate. The second time my extricate still has 10s on its CD so I call in chat "<sorc dps name> extricate on the jugg". He doesn't and the jugg dies. I combat res and we carry on. Third round of lightning the jugg stands in water but my extricate is off CD so I extricate. 4th round my extricate is on CD, sorc dps doesn't do it so the jugg dies and the combat res is still on CD. The jugg throws abuse in chat and during 5th round of lightning I get a chance to write back

me: "sorry, theres a limit to how much I can babysit, CD's and such"

jugg: "lol"


by now lightning is over again so I am back to healing (the mara at least makes an effort to rip adds off me). We finish the fight, I res the jugg and we set off for conversation. The jugg then speaks up

jugg: "sorry about my aggro I haven't tanked in ages"

me: "no problem, just in future let us know, also tell us if you don't know the fights so we can explain them and save you a repair bill"

jugg: "ok, thanks"


The door before the final boss the jugg says

jugg: "is this a boss?"

me: "yes"

jugg: "how do we do this 1"


Somebody who queues as tank when they are actually dps, holds no aggro and plays like an idiot, they then apologise for the aweful tanking and change their attitude towards the end....now thats weird.

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I find its a case of the "not particularly good but geared enough for it to not matter" have now gone with the fact that nobody is over geared yet. Those that relied on high gear on themselves and a healer to get through missions have now joined the ranks of the bads, that being, people who expect to just survive mechanics.


I actually met a weird one on mannan TFP the other day, the strange bit being their complete u-turn of attitude:


This person is a jugg who is queued as tank but specced smash-tard. We therefore have 3 dps and myself on my sorc healer. The jugg has the tank symbol so on the first pull the 3 of us (mara dps, sorc dps and sorc healer) wait for the jugg to pull. After a short conversation it becomes clear the jugg doesn't want to pull and is in no way interested in taking any aggro.


We therefore run with the sorc dps playing tank while the jugg who queued as tank plays as dps, though thanks to the sorc "tank" not using aoe's aggro is everywhere (which tbh with this sorc's DCD control and my inability to do my super-rotation until I get level 59 and the proc I want, its a good thing he doesn't hold all the aggro). However the mara is 1 of those who pulls whenever he is at full hp regardless of everybody else's state. This eventually results in the jugg dying on the pull just after the second boss where all the adds ambush us.

jugg: "heals?"

me: "you could hold some aggro, seeing as your the tank"

jugg: "im dps"

me: "you could still use dcd's"

jugg: "?"

me: "enraged def, endure pain, sabre reflect, sabre ward" (they never used any DCD's so far)

jugg: "no need, we have a healer"


I give up asking them to pop DCD's and we carry on. Second boss the jugg clearly doesn't know the fight and stands in the water during lightning. First time I use extricate. The second time my extricate still has 10s on its CD so I call in chat "<sorc dps name> extricate on the jugg". He doesn't and the jugg dies. I combat res and we carry on. Third round of lightning the jugg stands in water but my extricate is off CD so I extricate. 4th round my extricate is on CD, sorc dps doesn't do it so the jugg dies and the combat res is still on CD. The jugg throws abuse in chat and during 5th round of lightning I get a chance to write back

me: "sorry, theres a limit to how much I can babysit, CD's and such"

jugg: "lol"


by now lightning is over again so I am back to healing (the mara at least makes an effort to rip adds off me). We finish the fight, I res the jugg and we set off for conversation. The jugg then speaks up

jugg: "sorry about my aggro I haven't tanked in ages"

me: "no problem, just in future let us know, also tell us if you don't know the fights so we can explain them and save you a repair bill"

jugg: "ok, thanks"


The door before the final boss the jugg says

jugg: "is this a boss?"

me: "yes"

jugg: "how do we do this 1"


Somebody who queues as tank when they are actually dps, holds no aggro and plays like an idiot, they then apologise for the aweful tanking and change their attitude towards the end....now thats weird.


I see you constantly complaining about people in inaccurate roles in Tactical flashpoints. This is most likely due to them queueing for normal/hard flashpoints at the same time, to where they are willing to go as either role. Or even if it's just a case of "I didn't tick the other role off", what's the point anyway. Tacticals don't need a tank, so even if someone is roled as a tank (not necessarily specced), to my reckoning the DPS can do whatever the hell they want, unless the tank specifically asks them to follow normal procedure.

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I see you constantly complaining about people in inaccurate roles in Tactical flashpoints. This is most likely due to them queueing for normal/hard flashpoints at the same time, to where they are willing to go as either role. Or even if it's just a case of "I didn't tick the other role off", what's the point anyway. Tacticals don't need a tank, so even if someone is roled as a tank (not necessarily specced), to my reckoning the DPS can do whatever the hell they want, unless the tank specifically asks them to follow normal procedure.


Its the principle. I know this person is queued for HM's and TFP at the same time and that is exactly what annoys me.


(I use the term "you" below to mean the person queuing for stuff they cant do, not directly aimed at the person I am replying to).


If that pop had been a 55 HM we would have struggled, with the dps working their behinds off to compensate. Yeah a tank is not required in TFP, but if you queue as a tank, TFP or not, you should not refuse to pull on the basis that "I am acutally a dps". If you queue for only TFP then tick whatever boxes you want (though I will still think little of you for ticking a tank or healer box when you aren't 1). Queuing as tank when you are actually dps will have different effects:


TFP: no difference what-so-ever, it wont make your pop any faster so you might as well just queue for what you can do


HM 55: you are going to be forcing the group to carry you as you wont pull your weight, this is unfair. You want people to work harder just so you get a fast pop. Bearing in mind since 3.0 came out (with buffed mob damage, nerfed healers and nerfed mob hp) the dps now have a much larger role, so infact you are being carried by people who have waited in the queue that you decided to skirt round.

Edited by BobFredJohn
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Turns out people are still idiots even though you run lvl 60 hm fps.


Just ran Manaan on hm for the first time on my sorc healer. Start of by announcing I'm new to the fp on hm, and get the reply -"You are healer". Alrighty, I kinda figured that out already, but sure.


We get to the first boss and things start of fine. Then I get grappled all the time by the droids and my healing is interrupted. Also one of the dps get a lot of damage. I manage to heal through it with only one death. Sure, it was touch and go the whole fight, but what th heck do you expect when the dps is so low the fight took over 10 min.

Tank starts calling me an idiot in the middle of the fight and calls for more heals and less dps. The only attack I used was overload, which in my spec heals. A free to cast aoe heal is pretty good to use when you have no force and the fight takes forever, but apparently I'm not allowed to use that.


We finish the fight and move on. The adds that spawn from the kolto tanks all decide that they should target the healer, as in me, and the tank tunnel visions a strong while I'm killed. That earns me a whisper from a dps, "lol, noob".


On the next group the tank gets himself killed, even though my bubble is on him and I'm casting innervate, but he just melts. After we clear the group the tank gets up and slaps me.


After that I'm just fed up with these morons and quit the group.

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Turns out people are still idiots even though you run lvl 60 hm fps.


Just ran Manaan on hm for the first time on my sorc healer. Start of by announcing I'm new to the fp on hm, and get the reply -"You are healer". Alrighty, I kinda figured that out already, but sure.


We get to the first boss and things start of fine. Then I get grappled all the time by the droids and my healing is interrupted. Also one of the dps get a lot of damage. I manage to heal through it with only one death. Sure, it was touch and go the whole fight, but what th heck do you expect when the dps is so low the fight took over 10 min.

Tank starts calling me an idiot in the middle of the fight and calls for more heals and less dps. The only attack I used was overload, which in my spec heals. A free to cast aoe heal is pretty good to use when you have no force and the fight takes forever, but apparently I'm not allowed to use that.


We finish the fight and move on. The adds that spawn from the kolto tanks all decide that they should target the healer, as in me, and the tank tunnel visions a strong while I'm killed. That earns me a whisper from a dps, "lol, noob".


On the next group the tank gets himself killed, even though my bubble is on him and I'm casting innervate, but he just melts. After we clear the group the tank gets up and slaps me.


After that I'm just fed up with these morons and quit the group.



I will not que in gf for at least another month or so

Terriderps have swarmed in and they need to spend the upcoming weeks playing with themselves

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Today on Ravagers 8m SM PUG on my scoundrel heals where everyone at the beginning says that this is their first time on this particular op’s, everyone is well geared in 186 or the odd 180 but all good there and I assume it will be a good learning experience for all of us to get to know this new op. Take down the first boss first try no issues, get through mobs again with no big issues but when we get to the second boss man alive did it bring out the worst in some people. First try we wipe and our healer is telling everyone how much they suck the tanks are blaming the DPS the DPS are blaming the tanks and healers and I’m just standing their quietly as the chat erupts into insults being thrown everywhere and at everyone. The Op leader eventually tells everyone to calm down as it is all our first time on this op and this boss, the healer tells the leader something rather rude before dissing everyone else for being NOOB’s before leaving, one of the tanks spews out some more insults at the DPS before leaving a few more people leave with some other rather rude comments about NOOB’s and the such before leaving and then I leave with a few more adds to my ignore list.


I mean wow this not being able to go into Op’s and just cake walk it with little to no effort is really getting to some people now that they have to actually learn fights and are not insanely over geared and can't simply be carried.


If I didn't want to learn them via playing them I would stick clear of them all together with some of the attitudes of people I'm seeing lately but unfortunately I want to play them, learn and get me some ultimate comm's.


TLDR // Wiped first try at second boss on Ravagers some ego's are bruised due to this, insults are thrown around and everyone leaves.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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No story this time, just something interesting I have noticed on forums:


If you run afew pages back on this thread you will likely see people commenting about "when level 60 comes out all those people that facerolled 55's due to gear will be struggling".


I just popped into forums and see 4 separate threads (thats only in fp/heroics/ops section) about HM 55's are too difficult, HM 60's are impossible etc.


Seems the people on this thread can see the future :eek:

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No story this time, just something interesting I have noticed on forums:


If you run afew pages back on this thread you will likely see people commenting about "when level 60 comes out all those people that facerolled 55's due to gear will be struggling".


I just popped into forums and see 4 separate threads (thats only in fp/heroics/ops section) about HM 55's are too difficult, HM 60's are impossible etc.


Seems the people on this thread can see the future :eek:


To be fair, the 60HMs are quite a bit harder than the 55s ever were, at least from a healer's perspective. Mob damage output has been increased, healing has been nerfed, and player damage has stayed around the same, so everything is a healing challenge to some extent. In addition, the mechanics on several bosses are quite complex for HM FPs.

Edited by DogeDandolo
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To be fair, the 60HMs are quite a bit harder than the 55s ever were, at least from a healer's perspective. Mob damage output has been increased, healing has been nerfed, and player damage has stayed around the same, so everything is a healing challenge to some extent. In addition, the mechanics on several bosses are quite complex for HM FPs.


To be fair, tython is broken, and HM Manaan is bringing back LI Nightmares.

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I'll share one of my low level FP runs! Haha. Sorry it's so long, I enjoy writing and reading long post...


So, I queue up as a healing Merc for Boarding Party. Normally, I hate healing. I'm not bad at it, but they're usually the first ones to catch blame, no matter if it's their fault or not. But! I decide, "Let's heal a PUG! Maybe I'll meet some nice and awesome people!" Which, very rarely happens in a PUG FP, but meh.


So, we all zone in. This is STANDARD BP. Not an HM. So, should be pretty easy, regardless. I have faith in people that they can easily make up for lack of gear with little skill at this level. A Juggernaut Tank in great gear, a Marauder in rather decent gear, an Assassin in pretty low gear but not that bad, and me the Mercenary healer in great gear. So, I think this is going to be easy! Everyone starts off by saying "Hello!" So, they seem friendly. I buff the group, and we move out. First few pulls are super easy since the NPCs help. When the NPCs stop following, suddenly things go very bad. The first pull of mobs, I'm caught off by surprise. The Assassin actually pulls before the tank, and their HP drops quickly as every mob focuses him. But, I heal him through it. Then, while I'm use the recharge skill to vent some heat from saving the assassin in the last pull, he pulls another group. I heal him again, no one dies.


"stupid ***, learn2tank" The assassin types into chat.

"Stop pulling mobs before I do." The tank replies.


Oh boy... I was in a really good mood before this, like normal. But, I can't stand when people insult others on the internet. It's just childish and pointless. I say nothing, just bounce around in circles to keep my mood up. At this point, I've been healing all of us a decent amount. Not just the tank. But, I didn't really think anything of it until the next pull. In the next pull of enemies, I have to use Energy Shield and Kolto Overload just to live. I supercharge my cells, use all my healing CDs and spam the Kolto shot if my heat is getting high while vent in on CD. The assassin dies at the very end of the fight. I rez him, no one says anything. First boss, assassin asks how the fight goes. I explain, we start. No wipes. In fact, I only use Kolto shot the entire time (maybe a scan or two in there). Back to the normal enemies. And! Back to me stressing to keep everyone alive. I HAVE to use Energy Shield and Kolto Overload on CD. The assassin (whom I hate at this point) tells the tank to speed up. So, less recharge time. Then, we wipe on the next set of enemies because my Kolto Overload is on CD. The tank have a huge tunnel vision problem. The Mara points out that I'm taking more hits then the tank actually is. Which, is true. I heal myself the most, than the assassin, than the juggernaut, and finally the nice mara requires the least amount of heals.


"She's just a noob" The tank says in chat.

"Dude, she's doing a better job at tanking than you are, and she's keeping us up." The mara defends me.

"We wouldn't die if she was any good."

"She shouldn't have to tank for you since you're the tank. She's doing great considering we have a tunnel vision tank and an assassin that wants to be a tank."


I just sit there quietly, trying to figure out how people can make low level FPs difficult. The assassin is calling everyone noobs and ***s, saying this is why he plays Republic (cause they're so much better about this...).


"This group is annoying. [My name], I'm sorry you got this group." The Mara says before he leaves. Since he was the only one that knew how to play the game, I leave too. Then, whisper him thanks. I put the tank and assassin on ignore. Me and the Mara queue up together, and the next run goes really smoothly.


It's amazing how some people can make this game just so hard at times! And, on the easy parts!

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No story this time, just something interesting I have noticed on forums:


If you run afew pages back on this thread you will likely see people commenting about "when level 60 comes out all those people that facerolled 55's due to gear will be struggling".


I just popped into forums and see 4 separate threads (thats only in fp/heroics/ops section) about HM 55's are too difficult, HM 60's are impossible etc.


Seems the people on this thread can see the future :eek:



Aw, but I enjoy your stories! Haha. You should turn them into a book or something! And, post another story...

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