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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Let me start this post by saying that BioWare made a mistake by adding Kaon and Lost Island to Vet group finder. (now, you might say that this gives new players a chance to learn but oh boy is that wrong)


So, our story begins with Lost Island Vet run.


Me as a Jugg lvl75,


Assassin lvl75,


Sorcerer lvl60 and Marauder lvl63.


I started the run as I always do, by greeting everyone and in response only Sorcerer lvl60 said Hi back and wrote that she was new to the FP.


No problem as I expected that most people running Vet Lost Island were new, I wrote that the FP was easy and that I will explain all the strats/shortcuts etc. as we go through the FP.


But the run started with a wipe to trash.


Assassin lvl75 decided to aggro 5 trash mobs and then proceeded to rage in chat how we didn't wait for him even though he didn't write anything or that he didn't know the FP. ( I decided to check his achievements and he had completed all the usual Vet FPs expect Kaon/Island/Colicoid)


After that wipe I showed them how we can skip the trash and at the jump two of them died (just a fun little info, nothing bad).


The mini boss after the jump starts, Assassin lvl75 dies after standing in the bad (circle) and blames me for not telling him he shouldn't stand in it. (we didn't wipe)

FP continues as usual, they aggro every thrash mob and we're constantly at low health (In part because Marauder lvl63 and Assassin lvl75 don't heal outside of combat) but I somehow manage to pull us through with the help of a Sorcerer lvl60.


First boss was a pain with 1 wipe.

I ended pulling the boss to the corner for an easier battle and asked the Sorcerer lvl60 to stay near the kolto just in case after explaining to the rest of the team what to do. (kill adds take the circle away from us). The wipe happened because the Assassin lvl75 wouldn't move and kept the circles on top of us. (fun times lol)


They die few more times to trash after the first boss. (the charge mini boss)


We have finally reached the one and only mr.Wipe (Sav-Rak) and oh boy did everything go south from there.


I explained everything in detail but the Assassin lvl75 and Marauder lvl63 just would not stand under the boss no matter how nicely I asked them to.

After 7 wipes they ended up listening but a new problem arose, they wouldn't go to the burners after Sav jumped and we ended up wiping 2 more times.


After that wipe Assassin lvl75 was raging how they shouldn't listen to me and that they should just DPS the boss and the boss would die faster.


To paraphrase: 'Just keep attacking and don't listen to his ******** advice. The boss will die'


I wrote LOL to his comment and the kick was initiated. Reason for the kick 'He is telling us how to play the game' lol


Sorcerer lvl60 protested but at the end I was kicked from the FP. So all in all it was fun.


And with this story I came to a conclusion that I prefer ******e vet players that know what they are doing.

Because with them you are going to finish the FP and all you have to do is ignore the constant toxicity in chat while with newbies you will deal with people not listening, constant wipes, raging in chat and being called toxic after that.


Not to mention the whole community being called toxic and not welcoming to new players even though they were the ones being ******es.


I wish everyone a good day and I'm out :D


You should get a medal for your patience lol

Haven't got LI in vet mode now I am scared.

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So 2 guildies and I queue for a random HMFP. I am tanking with my guildies as a healer and a DPS. We get Umbara which I HATE especially as a tank. Zone in, clear through the first boss with no issues. Walk around to the bonus boss who I face pulled since the add was right around the corner. No worries. We didn't get a chance to discuss, but one add dies and after the third aggro drop the boss absolutely mauls the pug who apparently didn't even have a chance to use a defensive. I am guessing it was from standing in the conal, but I wasn't paying too much attention to them. We clean up the boss, rez and move on to the second boss. I hate tanking this boss. No matter how good or bad of a tank you are, there is no way to keep it on you. He drops aggro too often. No one dies, we kill it and start to move on.


This is where things get weird. The pug asks for a guard. Now I generally don't bother with guarding in MMFP's. I very rarely find a random player that can pull aggro. I ignore it, but my healer mentions that the boss drops aggro as part of his mechanics. Pug responds that he got aggro on the bonus boss as well. Which is also the mechanic. I still ignore him and move on.


Cleared trash to the last boss and pull. Adds don't die, healer gets overwhelmed and dies first followed by the rest of us. Respawn and try again with a similar result. The pug asks for guard AGAIN. My response is that the adds need to die. He really pushes so I do guard the healer for the 5% DR for whatever its worth. We pull, same thing happens. The pug is now ranting in chat about me needing to guard literally anyone to which I said I did guard the healer and that it didn't help. I also said that the healer is dying first because the adds aren't dying fast enough. He is ranting enough and clicked no to the ready check twice (since I didn’t guard him) that we just vote kicked him and requeued. The replacement was a level 70 Sage with 28 IR gear. We decide that it’s not worth it and bounce.


The adds on the last boss on Umbara are TOO spread out. There is no way to get aggro on them all when they are the ranged one. I hit the ones that spawn near me, pull in another one. If we have 1 DPS that tunnels the boss and the other DPS is a balance sage... well the healer is going to die before the adds do. And really, a concentration sentinel has 2 long leaps and a short one and transcendence (which we didn't see the entire run) and nasty burst. Those ranged adds should be dead quick. But when they don't die and you get several sets of adds together, there isn't much you can do. We did get to sub 10% each time, but that last set is absolutely brutal when a DPS isn't focusing them.


It’s amazing to me how bad some players are and how good they think they are. A clear lack of understanding of aggro and the guard mechanic. It doesn't matter who I guard. If no one is hitting an add, it’s going to the healer. And with how spread out the ranged adds are in that fight it’s hard to do when you have a single dot specced DPS trying to kill them all.


But wait, there's more. I just need 1 more MMFP for my weekly so we queue up for hammer station to get it done. Zone in and clear up to the first boss. Jump down the cliff, I ready check while people are still running up the tunnel, pug DPS pulls as I am jumping down. If this was any other night, I probably would have taunted off him, but coming off of the last debacle... I told the healer to not heal him and we let him die. The dead commando drops group immediately and says something to the effect of we were moving too slow (!!!!) and that we can't keep up to him. I /wave and add him to my ignore list.


I get that it is just hammer station. And it isn't big deal. But my philosophy is that if you pull it, you tank it. We finished it with no issues (it’s just hammer station!) in less than 10 minutes. Blows my mind that a DPS can't wait 2 seconds to make sure everyone is in the room. Instead they have to wait for the GF lockout and then wait for a queue to pop at 11ish at night.

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Its stories like that, and the fact Veteran doesn't require the holy trinity anymore, the reason that I no longer do Veteran flashpoints.


It's not just vets, and it's not just the lack of skill. It's the attitude people have developed for some reason. They waltzed through story line with OP companion, which made them believe they are really good. When they face actual mechanics in group content and wipe, it's "someone else's fault" because they never wiped doing the story with that op companion... That's why I don't pug fps anymore. More often it's horrible than a good run, and it applies to MM fps too.


In another game I play I wiped the group because I didn't know the mechanics, and it was a speed run so nobody explained, I didn't even have time to ask. Half of the group quit because of that wipe and I bet they cursed me for losing their rewards, but the group leader explained the fight to me and it was easy peasy after that. If that guy hadn't explained anything, I would still be the noob wiping the group because mechanics, but he paused the run to tell what I need to do and that's how I learned it.


So whoever takes their time in swtor to explain the mechanics of fights, please continue to do so, no matter how frustarating it may sometimes be. Some new players out there really want to learn and will be happy someone taught them.

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I just had a Cademimu, where a Marauder aggroed everything. We others told him to stay behind us and we stealtehr did put enemies to sleep, so that it was possible to just slip past them, but he managed to aggro three groups at once for some reason.


Then I got a Hammer Station with my mercenary dd and there was another Marauder (I'm starting to believe the predjudices about that class), who was already fighting, when the rest of us loaded in. If he had stopped with the low trash mobs in the beginning, it would have been ok, but while we still were greeting each other, he aggroed the group with the big droids. Of course he died instantly. Then another player died and I asked, why he just attacked without the group being there, He said, he used Heroic Moment with his companion.

I replied, that it didn't worked out very well for him and he just said, I should die, so that he can go up again. He was throwing around some profanities for good measures, so I decided, to let him stew for a bit and then left. Another player left shortly after the mara got killed and I'm pretty sure, the last one wasn't going to stay either.

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I had an Athiss fp yesterday, where two people were fighting the whole fp. It was getting to the point, where it harmed the group. Granted, the scoundrel couldn't play his class, but the vanguard did tell him that so mean, that the scoundrel reacted by just pulling everything and we wiped. I was about to leave, but there was a newbie in the group, who asked for help and I tried to help them as good as I could. It was the longest fp, I was ever in.
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In all my time playing SWTOR I never had that many run-ins with weird/******e players and here I am yet again writing a post in this thread. :D


Now this isn't a complaint about someone's behavior or a screw up, just a weird funny situation. (funny to me at least)


To set the stage, the run is Secrets of the Enclave master mode and we have a...


Sorcerer healer lvl75,


myself Merc dps lvl75 and I have no idea who else we had because this run was weird as hell from the start lol.


So as I load into the fp the first trash mob is gone and so are the tank and the other dps. The only thing to greet me in chat are two messages:


"Ugh you again" and "u, no way"


Great start!


I ignore the messages and continue with the Sorc.


I put us in que but until the replacement arrives we summon our comps and clear the first camp. During the first trash/camp fights I notice that he isn't healing but it isn't that big of a problem (I have Mako lvl50 as heals so there is no way we would die, unless someone screws up royally)


Second camp, he is still going for dps and to make thing even more interesting before the camp is cleared he is already attacking the other trash group.


By the third camp the new tank and dps arrive but as soon as they arrive the tank just leaves and the dps writes...


"**** no, you again" (or something like that, can't remember)


At this point I'm curious as to what's going on so I ask the dps what happened before and he tells me that they had this dude (Sorc heals) before and that he sucks. As he's writing that, the Sorc is already pulling two groups of trash in front of the cave before I even had the time to write more in chat or clear the third camp.


After that I left because I had a feeling that the fp wasn't going to be fun (the other dps left also) and I left with a suspicion that he was actually dps but just eneded up queuing as heals. But who knows I didn't check his gear.


So there you have it, a healer so good he managed to scare away five people before we even fought the first boss.


Again wish you all a great day. :D

Edited by RainEbon
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  • 3 weeks later...
Was in a Boarding Party fp. New guy with us. Asked us to do the bonus. No one answered so I said sure (I need the achievement count anyways and bonuses count towards conquest). So we do it. Newbie thanks us and appreciates us doing that. Then the lvl 75 sin responds that he is pissed and that's why he's killing everything. X'D Honestly I thought that was hilarious cause 1) that makes the fp even slower instead of killing only what we need for the bonus and clearing the way plus 2) more exp for my alt and for the newbie. X'DDD Glad the guy was taking it out on adds instead of leaving or swearing at the new guy tho. Lmao.
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Been a while since I posted here, or been active in the forums real life has been keeping me busy. Was doing Objective Meridian on Impside, the tank (who was a newcomer), a healer and a DPS who were guildmates. Everything was fine until the first boss, the healer gets mad at me because I "not killing the droids" during the first boss.


Now... you don't kill them as far as I know, you aggro them and they'll just automatically blow up giving you just a tiny window of time so you can get out before they explode. I point that out and I guess it rubbed the healer wrong, because at the last boss when I told the tank he needed to keep aggro on the adds, the healer just kicked me and I got vote kicked likely due to her guildmate voting yes.


Plus the tank reacted surprised so I figured he didn't voted yes. For what its worth despite being his first time he was doing quite well on mechanics, wished him luck and let the healer know how petty she was before adding her and her guildmate on the ignore list. A shame really, since Objective Meridian is one of my favorite flashpoints yet I seem to have the weirdest encounters on this one lately.

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Saw a guy complaining in fleet chat about how tanks are such **** in the game and they don't know what they're doing. Got a MMFP pop a few minutes later and this guy happened to be in it. He was a mara (of course) and constantly leaped into every fight first, not waiting for the tank to pull (the tank was not slow at all, the mara would run predation ahead of everyone and pull). Mara gets himself killed a couple times and keeps laughing about it. The tank gets annoyed and tells him to stop pulling first and the guy says it's more fun this way. :rolleyes:
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Had a Battle of Rishi today with my Sage, another Sage, a Commando dd and a Guaridan tank. The tank didn't tank at all, mostly it was us sages, the other sage didn't use any of their dot abilities and all three of them didn't say anything about not knowing the fp.

I had a beginning suspicion that this was the case, when they all started waiting on where I was going, because I pointed out the way in the beginning.

At the last boss, I asked, if they know the boss. Only 'tank' replied, that he didn't know them. So I explained that they have to go behind those desks for the AOE, I gave them the code , when the AOE would start (Electro Matrix) and showed them, where the desks were.

First round, all but other sage died. Other sage died in the next round, because they always stand a bit outside of the shield.

Next try - exactly the same. I explained again and said, that if they want to survive, they have to get behind those desks during AOE. On the third try, the tank ran behind one desk from the beginning and stayed there, only attacking the boss with saberthrow. I politely asked him to do his job and attack the boss properly. He did after that and we finally managed to finish (not without other sage dying two more times).

That was a bit exhausting.

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(...) And with this story I came to a conclusion that I prefer ******e vet players that know what they are doing.

Because with them you are going to finish the FP and all you have to do is ignore the constant toxicity in chat while with newbies you will deal with people not listening, constant wipes, raging in chat and being called toxic after that.


Not to mention the whole community being called toxic and not welcoming to new players even though they were the ones being ******es.


I wish everyone a good day and I'm out :D


This is the sad truth, lots of players, the ones who are actually clueless, take it as an insult when you explain mechanics or effective way to do things.


I am thinking of one tank in MM Legacy of the Rakata. At Commander Rand boss, since he just rushed into battle, I asked to LOS behind the pilar, which he didn't care for. At the end of the fight, I explained that if everyone LOS behind the pilar, every add will come and pile up there in a small area so they can all be AOE'd and since the boss also jumps into that place you don't even have to move.


I wasn't calling names, calling him a noob or whatever, just explaining a more effective way of doing this boss. And he felt insulted, bragging that he ran this FP enough times that he knew how to run it, posting his 25 HM runs achievement... from 2020. Too bad, he started the e-peen contest so I replied with mine... which was from 2016, adding: it's 2021, guess how many more runs since then.


Even when people think that they know how to run a FP, because no one actually never taught them how to, they don't realize that they can be wrong and refuse to listen to advices. But once again this is 2021, whatever you say, no matter how you say it, people take it as a personal insult.

Edited by demotivator
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I am thinking of one tank in MM Legacy of the Rakata. At Commander Rand boss, since he just rushed into battle, I asked to LOS behind the pilar, which he didn't care for. At the end of the fight, I explained that if everyone LOS behind the pilar, every add will come and pile up there in a small area so they can all be AOE'd and since the boss also jumps into that place you don't even have to move.

I agree that LOS'ing Rand is probably the best strat, and I prefer to use it, but ... as a Gunslinger, just bunching the adds up where they spawn also works fine for my AoE. It works either way for me.

So, it's not that people who don't LOS are "wrong", they're just doing it in an alternate (albeit, more failure prone) manner.


When I do this FP, I just generally go with whatever the tank does. 🙂


I always get a chuckle at that part where you can kill the baddies in their sleep (DS choice) or wake them up and then kill them (LS). They die either way. 😏

Edited by JediQuaker
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I am thinking of one tank in MM Legacy of the Rakata. At Commander Rand boss, since he just rushed into battle, I asked to LOS behind the pilar, which he didn't care for. At the end of the fight, I explained that if everyone LOS behind the pilar, every add will come and pile up there in a small area so they can all be AOE'd and since the boss also jumps into that place you don't even have to move.


I wasn't calling names, calling him a noob or whatever, just explaining a more effective way of doing this boss. And he felt insulted, bragging that he ran this FP enough times that he knew how to run it, posting his 25 HM runs achievement... from 2020. Too bad, he started the e-peen contest so I replied with mine... which was from 2016, adding: it's 2021, guess how many more runs since then.


Even when people think that they know how to run a FP, because no one actually never taught them how to, they don't realize that they can be wrong and refuse to listen to advices. But once again this is 2021, whatever you say, no matter how you say it, people take it as a personal insult.

LoS works nicely when you have a bunch of ranged mobs but these guys in Rakata FP are melees. It doesn't matter if you stay behind the pillar or in the middle of the platform, they'll come to you anyway. People just need to stack up and wait for a few seconds. Of course it's hard to expect from pugs, there always will be a mara jumping to adds as soon as they appear or a sorc staying miles away from others and pulling aggro. Similarly, there'll always be a dude who doesn't know about the pillar, doesn't read chat or doesn't bother so adds end up being everywhere.


Not a big deal anyway. It's not like you can't finish the fight or it takes much longer if adds aren't stacked up for AoE burn.


That tank's reaction was a bit too emotional though.

Edited by Ollmich
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Not a big deal anyway. It's not like you can't finish the fight or it takes much longer if adds aren't stacked up for AoE burn.


Ultimately there are plenty of ways to get things done, it doesn't change the fact that there are optimal ways.


Since we're talking Rakata, it's the same thing with the first boss fight, I have had people arguing that it doesn't matter who dies first. While it is true, why would you kill the rancor first when the chief has less HP (thus dies faster), has the annoying mechanics (fire + root to be cleansed) and is the real damage dealer because of the fire he drops (and the tank actually doesn't need heal since the rancor deals so little dmg)? Why would you kill the rancor first when the chief cannot be taunted making the tank useless past its death?


Same thing with the last boss fight of the FP. It doesn't really matter who dies first but why would you kill the sith first when the trooper has the annoying mechanic (the AOE that can't be overlapped)? Why would you kill the trooper last when he cannot be taunted, so you'd end with an enraged boss going at random people. And there's the third solution of killing them at the same time, but then again why would you deal with the annoying mechanic for the whole fight when you can get rid of Darok first and when the tank can totally survive an enraged Arkous, which also means that the healer only has the tank to keep up past Darok's death?


Sometimes I have the feeling that people get the wrong impression about boss fights because of veteran. I can't count how many groups I have seen killing the main boss first instead of the droid in MM Cademimu because this is actually the way of doing it in vet since the droid dies with him. I am not sure I have run vet Rakata but I guess that people have the mindset of it doesn't matter who dies first because of it. Yet when you run MM you have the luxury of having a tank keeping the only boss that can be taunted busy, that's not to make them useless by killing this boss first.


So yeah, you can totally do Commander Rand without LOSing the adds, it still doesn't change the fact that there are better ways of dealing with them.

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Again, my point was LoS'ing adds in that fight is not exactly an optimal approach. LoS is used to make ranged mobs come to you and stay on top of each other so they could be AoE'ed quickly. Melees come to you and stack on their own, there's no need to LoS them. It's waste of time, especially if they appear simultaneously and run together to the person with aggro (like in Rakata FP).


If I had to come up with the most optimal approach I'd say it's stacking up in the middle (already mentioned that). Sadly, LoS fans won that round.

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This is the sad truth, lots of players, the ones who are actually clueless, take it as an insult when you explain mechanics or effective way to do things.


Even when people think that they know how to run a FP, because no one actually never taught them how to, they don't realize that they can be wrong and refuse to listen to advices. But once again this is 2021, whatever you say, no matter how you say it, people take it as a personal insult.


That reminds me of back before Mastery when Knight/Warrior was Strength, Consular/Inquistor was Willpower, etc. you had players that were like "I am a sniper, I need Aim to be effective you moron!" or "I'm a Jedi knight, I need Willpower for my force powers you moron" and no amount of trying to explain the system would work... or even worse was the many times my Sitn Assassin was kicked form a group for trying to tank in the Imperial Dancer's Outfit. She's a Sith Assassin, she wears light armor (when it's not adaptive as most armor is these days) and they would take her outfit literally, she can't tank in a bikini and kick me.

Edited by AbsolutGrndZero
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I just have a question. So often i read here how 2-3 ppl in a group are annoyed by 1 idiot/******e/etc and then they leave and re queue. Why mot just vote kick that 1 annoying/problematic person? Isn't that exactly what votekick is for?
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I just have a question. So often i read here how 2-3 ppl in a group are annoyed by 1 idiot/******e/etc and then they leave and re queue. Why mot just vote kick that 1 annoying/problematic person? Isn't that exactly what votekick is for?


People do vote kick, but a story about that would (almost) always be off topic here in a thread about people being weird in flashpoints.

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Not flashpoint but operation.


So I was on the Pub side fleet and saw a TC group forming. Joined.

The leader started a childish piss fight in the gen chat, calling others names and claimed that they are some famous streamer. It took them >5min to form a TC group because they spent half of time yelling in the gen chat like a fool. Thankfully the actual raid finished without any problem (I mean, it's TC, you don't need any skill to do it except maybe the heal if the tank sucks) but I put that guy in my ignore list.


Switch toon to Imp side, saw another TC group forming. Joined.

Team formed in less than 1 min (when there were at least 2 people forming a TC group), everyone killed the droid in less than 5 min, said tyfg, and left.


Gosh, the contrast...

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Had an interesting TC today.


A healer dropped and the leader queued the seven of us. TC popped and the leader accepted so everyone else also accepted. Turns out, it wasn't the healer we were trying to match so the leader rage quit. We finished with seven with no issues but why did the leader accept in the first place if it wasn't our match?

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Had a really strange group for the Coruscant WB today. We had to wait around an hour till we started. First i wanted to do it with my 45 Sage DD. But since it looked liked there was no heal, i switched characters to a 75 Sage. Well, from there it went downhill. Lead just asked for people to join and not bothering if there were any Tanks or heals. A guild mate wanted to join and thought of logging in with a tank first. I asked the group if we had a tank. No answer. So, my guildie logged in with a DD first, but switched right before we wanted to start to a tank.

In the end we were 14 people. 3 Tanks, 1 Heal. After the first wipe i tried to write some explanations in chat. No one read it. Second Wipe. I tried again to give explanations. As before no one listened.

The WB was killed eventually. But i got nothing out of it. It didn't count for conquest and neither did i get loot. I just wastetd around 90 Minutes of my time for this. Should have done story instead.

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Had a really strange Legacy of the Rakata today. We were a gunslinger (75), a sage (60something), a sentinel (75) and me (shadow, 75). At the first boss, teh gunslinger ran to him, started fighting, while two of us (sage and me) were still outside. He did that 3 times, everytime boss reset after a while, but we didn't have time to enter, before the gunslinger started attacking again.

Then he finally stopped his attacks long enough, so we could enter - and the sentinel ran out. After that, we finally killed the boss.

On teh second boss (the guy with the many adds) I realised, that the gunslinger and the sage are in melee range instead of staying back and maybe hit a kolto while they at it. No they always ran right to the bosses and often stay in the cleave abilities.

At Arkous and the soldier (just forgot his name), they just attacked the soldier and ignored Arkous. So I tried my best, to get Arkous down, so that they can be killed roughly the same time (as it is supposed to be). Again, both ranged dds were standing exactly in front of the bosses and often wouldn't run out of stupids or attacks.

I was very glad, when that fp was over.


I had a Battle of Rishi, that was a bliss compared to that. People knew, what they were doing and we got through without problems,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not a "weird people" post, but quite the opposite.


I queued for a random MM FP last night. When it finally popped, it was Nathema. I thought to myself "how long will this last before everyone rage quits". 🤔


But, long story short, I've never had an easier time doing Nathema. 😍


There were a few deaths along the way, but no team wipes. (I died when I didn't notice that the droid I was hiding behind during the Guardian Droid's spinning attack, was gone, for example.)


So, weird because it went so well? 🙂

Edited by JediQuaker
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