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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Why not?


Edit: Oh, I see. I did not know boss fights reset if you rez and run back lol. Havent learned that one the hard way yet I guess.


There is that (it happens, but not always).

There is the guy who makes 20 'friends' along the way and drags them into the boss fight, possibly killing everyone.

There is the guy who returns to medcenter before you had time to throw him a battle rez, wasting everyone's time.

And there is : medcenter is 3km away, by the time you come back the fight will be over, one way or another (and you could miss out on the loot if you are not close enough)

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There is that (it happens, but not always).

There is the guy who makes 20 'friends' along the way and drags them into the boss fight, possibly killing everyone.

There is the guy who returns to medcenter before you had time to throw him a battle rez, wasting everyone's time.

And there is : medcenter is 3km away, by the time you come back the fight will be over, one way or another (and you could miss out on the loot if you are not close enough)


Thanks, good to know. I had always just tried to judge it by who was left, and how much health the boss had and how far back the respawn was. Had no idea about the boss resets and the not bringing mobs into the fight on your way back is a no brainer.... Did not know about the loot thing either.

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This is a concept that players who don't play ops don't seem to grasp... I wish Bioware would enforce it in flashpoints like they do for ops, but really if you're dead, you don't respawn and run back, probably *********** up everything in the process. You're dead. You failed. Game over. Wait for a rez or for the battle to end.


I agree to that. I just HATE HATE HATE seeing my character lying there on the ground - UNABLE to cointzribute ANYTHING.


That's why I respawned my Sage in Denova HM - and since then he's missing that achievement to have killed that General, Vorgath or what his name was.


Having to lies dowbn there unable to contribute anthing is like pue torture to me, because all of the time I expect getting kicked out of the group BECAUSE I'm not contributing anymore ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I agree to that. I just HATE HATE HATE seeing my character lying there on the ground - UNABLE to cointzribute ANYTHING.


That's why I respawned my Sage in Denova HM - and since then he's missing that achievement to have killed that General, Vorgath or what his name was.


Having to lies dowbn there unable to contribute anthing is like pue torture to me, because all of the time I expect getting kicked out of the group BECAUSE I'm not contributing anymore ...


If you leave the instance, you are contributing a heck of a lot less.

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If you leave the instance, you are contributing a heck of a lot less.


Than what ?


Lying down there, dead = doesn't contribute = being outside of the fight = doesn't contribute.


Lol. Nah, if you die it really is better to just stay dead, and only go to medcentre if it's a wipe. On the rare occasion you won't be locked out, the fight will usually reset.


Yes, except when it's a wipe. Then it is reset anyway.

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Than what ?


Lying down there, dead = doesn't contribute = being outside of the fight = doesn't contribute.


Unless there's a stealther that can rez you via stealth without burning a revive. It's almost always better to stay put.

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Just had a hard mode fp and the healer called the group noobs then quit, i got a quick glance at his gear........hmm mixed stats and undergeared, yeah we're the noobs huh oh yeah and some green relics rest off the group in comm 186s with augments
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Unless there's a stealther that can rez you via stealth without burning a revive. It's almost always better to stay put.


Exactly this. Saying "oh you guys can't kill it without me, I'm going to leave the instance to screw you over more" is a really bad move. Just stay dead.

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Had a Huttball match a couple days ago where someone passed me (a Sentinel) the ball while I was in the pit. None of our guys are around, and I'll looking for someone dumb enough to be standing on the ledge, so I can jump to him.


Sure enough, there's two., but I didn't have to bother. The first one pulled me up (onto the ledge, right in front of the goal line), and the second was standing in the actual goal. After I got pulled, I jumped at the other one. Instant goal.


And yes, we won; the entire opposing group was about as good as these guys.

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well, if you are dead you can still warn others of what's gonna happen (like incoming adds for example)


Or you can always report something like "Those red circles hurt, a lot."


Just had below avg KDY run. Blue circles in the ground hurt. Why don't you step away from them? I really should avoid KDY but it's easy XP. But I can now officially confirm it: "killing Jedi/Sith boss can take up to 9 minutes". It requires basically to 2 man it (because other 2 keep dying constantly).

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Or you can always report something like "Those red circles hurt, a lot."


Just had below avg KDY run. Blue circles in the ground hurt. Why don't you step away from them? I really should avoid KDY but it's easy XP. But I can now officially confirm it: "killing Jedi/Sith boss can take up to 9 minutes". It requires basically to 2 man it (because other 2 keep dying constantly).


I was having some weird experience.

High level sorc decided to kite boss.

In a team with 3 melee.

You can imagine how long that fight was.

And of course he didn't stand in range during soft enrage phase :confused:

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That's other way to make it last long. I guess, you aren't Sith if you don't get group members to ragequit. :D


Hammer Station SM

GF finally pops for my new Deception Assassin and what I get. Wonderful run.

Healer who only used one heal, short cast one. Can't remember the name. Tank dies in droid boss because he didn't avoid small droids. I switch to Dark Charge and start "tanking" the boss. Droid goes down and I just used my last medpack. Great run so far! Rest of the run goes well apart from healer pulling every time and managed to die in last boss fight. I get kicked from group. Reason: "wannabe tank".

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well, if you are dead you can still warn others of what's gonna happen (like incoming adds for example)


Yes, this at least.


But still - that feeling of helplessness hurts me.


Edit : I sometimes wonder what people with some kind of colour blindness do with red or otherwise coloured circles on the ground ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_blindness

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Blood hunt tfp. Group is me on my sent, a slinger, a guardian tank and a commando healer. We zone in and the tank lets us know he is new. The healer and slinger both say they are new too.


I tell them I will point out anything important in any of the bosses and we set off. At the first pull aggro is everywhere, but I put this down to the fact its quite spread out. On the first boss the tanking switches back and forth between me and the slinger. After the fight I double check our tank and see he is in shien form. I dont bother bringing it up as its only a tfp and as long as I get aggro I can position where necessary (which is pretty much never in blood hunt).


We do the challenges, get to the second boss and I explain it. The guardian leaps in, I follow and the slinger gets aggro, then back to me. I pop sabre ward, then rebuke, then pacify and when I hit 5% I pop guarded by the force. Then I die.


I lie there watching. The slinger is good, really good, he knows his class and (unlike pretty much every pug dps) actually knows he has DCD's. The guardian is pretty aweful, I dont know what abilities he is using as I dont know any guardian rotations or what the abilities look like, but I can tell by his resource his rotation is basic attack then this thing where a white explosion is made in a circle around him (not sweep, something else).


Then I look at the healer. Now there are 2 types of healer

- those that spam heal and if everyone is topped off they throw a or a basic attack or two (fine by me, they arent expected to dps so anything they do is a bonus)

- those that play as dps until someone hits low hp, then start healing (this annoys me, they use up all their resource doing next to no damage while the tank is wondering when his 25% is going to be replenished, which it cant be as the healer is now out of resource).


But this healer is a third type. Kolto grenade on cd, the rest of the time, nothing - no basic attack, none of that basic heal commandos have with the green beam, no doing silly emotes in the middle of combat, no silly RPing in chat during a fight, just nothing. Not even a combat res for my dead sent, the group wipes just after the red bloke jumps up and the white woman comes down.


We try again, wipe, third time, wipe. I ask the commando about his healing and why he only uses kolto grenade, he says he has just come back from being off for 2 years so he is rusty, but he will try harder. We jump in, I survive up until both bosses at the same time due to the slinger being sharp as a tack, using koltos as well as me doing it myself. Sadly I die from the boss flame dot, call for c-res, dont get it and watch while we wipe.


When watching the 4th wipe I see the healer has indeed picked up his healing. No more kolto grenade, instead its now:

medical probe -> wait, wait, wait -> medical probe -> wait, wait, wait -> medical probe. the strange this is he isnt waiting for the purpose of resource management. I can tell because he doesn't cast his next heal until long after his resource gets back to full. I also notice his targeting is rubbish. At one point the slinger has aggro from the white lady. He gets low on hp so he aggro dumps and the guardian gets aggro. The healer then targets the gunslinger (who is running toward a kolto station) with a burst of heals: kolto grenade, medical probe, medical probe (a burst compared to what he was doing). All the while the guardian is being dragged down to 30% hp and the healer is still targeting (though not healing) the slinger who has just used a kolto station. The guardian dies, then the slinger suicides by deliberately jumping over the edge (he was fed up) and we wipe.


I speak to the commando again about his healing. I apologise to him for not being able to help much as I have a merc instead so dont know the names, but I describe the abilities, calling them things like "the 3 second channel one" and "the instant cast one with a cd" which procs "another one to become instant cast" and "fill in with the basic, resource free one" and "kolto grenade on cd as theres no point throwing heals on someone before giving them a healing buff from kolto cloud".


I explain all that, we stand round waiting for the healer to pop the "heal on damage 7-stack thing" (I dont know the damn names) on all of us but he never does and the guardian gets impatient and jumps in. We wipe, I am the first to go down again and get to watch the healer again. He has barely changed at all, he now just kolto grenades on cd, doing literally nothing else inbetween.


After this 6th wipe I let the group know I am done, apologise to the slinger as he is actually really good (like I said, one of the few dps I have ever seen who aggro dumps and pops DCD's) and leave the group. The commando then sends me a whisper later on, it turns out they got a 4th bloke who kicked the commando for being useless and the commando was annoyed.


Though it pains me to say it, as I think guides ruin the fun and really aren't much help (you cant learn a boss fight by reading about it, you have to do it) I decide this commando is beyond my help (the issue I have is I dont really have a rotation on my merc as its very much situational) so I tell him to ask in his guild, if they kick him for being noob let me know, I will get him an invite to the one I am in, then direct him to dulfy.

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Though it pains me to say it, as I think guides ruin the fun and really aren't much help (you cant learn a boss fight by reading about it, you have to do it) I decide this commando is beyond my help (the issue I have is I dont really have a rotation on my merc as its very much situational) so I tell him to ask in his guild, if they kick him for being noob let me know, I will get him an invite to the one I am in, then direct him to dulfy.


And then kick him?

Just like I asked some tips few days ago for my Merc and what I get is "dude read this awesome guide". Guide tells me what my rotation is in Kephess, Revan, Coratani etc. fights... Yeah, great tips dude.


Good guide but it's kinda useless to get "technical" stuff when you've only randomly healed people with Healing Beam of Love* on fleet for lulz.


* = From one of the many "hilarious" PUG videos on Youtube.

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And then kick him?

Just like I asked some tips few days ago for my Merc and what I get is "dude read this awesome guide". Guide tells me what my rotation is in Kephess, Revan, Coratani etc. fights... Yeah, great tips dude.


Good guide but it's kinda useless to get "technical" stuff when you've only randomly healed people with Healing Beam of Love* on fleet for lulz.


* = From one of the many "hilarious" PUG videos on Youtube.


Sorry my writing is bad. Re-reading it now it seems like I am asking the guy to join the guild I am with in order to tell him about dulfy. What I meant was I told him about dulfy alongside giving him advice about finding a guild that is willing to give advice.

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I speak to the commando again about his healing. I apologise to him for not being able to help much as I have a merc instead so dont know the names, but I describe the abilities, calling them things like "the 3 second channel one" and "the instant cast one with a cd" which procs "another one to become instant cast" and "fill in with the basic, resource free one" and "kolto grenade on cd as theres no point throwing heals on someone before giving them a healing buff from kolto cloud".


These are pre-3.0 tips. The Bodyguard discipline is vastly different now.


* Emergency Scan is still free and instant. Heals for more + leaves a HoT.

* Rapid Scan has no cooldown and costs less heat and heals less. Each RS gives a stack (up to three) that lowers the heat cost of your next Healing Scan.

* Healing Scan has a cooldown, heals for a crapton, costs high heat if used without aforementioned stacks. No longer leaves a HoT. Leaves the "healing received" boost (lasts for 45 seconds now).

* Kolto Missile heals for less, but up to 8 targets. Still leaves that stationary AoE HoT. No longer gives the "healing received" boost.

* Progressive Scan (new ability) gives the "internal/elemental damage reduction" boost (also 45sec). Has a long cooldown, heals 1-4 targets for quite a lot.

* Rapid Shots heals were removed, replaced by a new ability: Kolto Shot. Same funtionality (only that dps have it as well).

* Specced Jet Boost heal heals for less, up to 8 targets (down from unlimited iirc).

* Kolto Shell stacks to 7 now.

Edited by Memo-
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Not groupfinder but had an... interesting experience in a pug for the Heroic 4 Mandalorian Rage with my vigilance guardian. I was the only toon w/any tank ability and I had a shield generator so I respec'd to the defense discipline and was going to try tanking. (Lvl 27, so no gear really is tank-specific. Some enhancements w/absorb and defense are available, IIRC, but not much else.)


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the tank is supposed to designate targets and attack first, right? The gunslinger in our group kept opening with sweeping gunfire right as I'd mark a target for one of the sages to force lift and there'd be at least one elite that would mob him. I'm not very skilled with tanking, but I did manage to get some of them concentrating on me. Worse, going over the group chat he specifically mentioned CC'd but always attacked before we could use any?! :confused:


We did wipe once but that was less the gunslinger's fault and more due to a group of mobs respawning right on top of us. Ah well, at least on the final boss I managed to keep him concentrating on me, though yes the gunslinger opened again and got dragged into the battle and never ran off so he kept getting hit by the fire bomb that activated when my interrupt was on cooldown. Bleagh.

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Not groupfinder but had an... interesting experience in a pug for the Heroic 4 Mandalorian Rage with my vigilance guardian. I was the only toon w/any tank ability and I had a shield generator so I respec'd to the defense discipline and was going to try tanking. (Lvl 27, so no gear really is tank-specific. Some enhancements w/absorb and defense are available, IIRC, but not much else.)


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the tank is supposed to designate targets and attack first, right? The gunslinger in our group kept opening with sweeping gunfire right as I'd mark a target for one of the sages to force lift and there'd be at least one elite that would mob him. I'm not very skilled with tanking, but I did manage to get some of them concentrating on me. Worse, going over the group chat he specifically mentioned CC'd but always attacked before we could use any?! :confused:


We did wipe once but that was less the gunslinger's fault and more due to a group of mobs respawning right on top of us. Ah well, at least on the final boss I managed to keep him concentrating on me, though yes the gunslinger opened again and got dragged into the battle and never ran off so he kept getting hit by the fire bomb that activated when my interrupt was on cooldown. Bleagh.


You should have kicked that Slinger after the second time he did that (after warning him the first time to not do it again, of course), and then tell the rest of the group to ignore-list him.


Bads like that don't do the community any favours just for being an extra pile of meat to fill a group-slot, and they don't learn any other way.


(Not to mention that it always infuriates me to see my favourite Rep-side AC played so horribly wrong...)

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You should have kicked that Slinger after the second time he did that (after warning him the first time to not do it again, of course), and then tell the rest of the group to ignore-list him.


Bads like that don't do the community any favours just for being an extra pile of meat to fill a group-slot, and they don't learn any other way.


(Not to mention that it always infuriates me to see my favourite Rep-side AC played so horribly wrong...)


I'll be sure to remember that if I ever volunteer to tank again.

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