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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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Today, I had the ideal KDY group. We were 3 dps (me guardian, commando and gunslinger) and a sage healer. Commando says he has never done it before. I say don't worry, until the last boss it is just "zerg style".


Well, I was wrong.


The first scenario was the one with the puzzle. While we run into the big room with the many consols and clean some droids, I start getting the boxes for the bonus. In the meantime, one of my teammates pulls a group of enemies from one corner of the room (4 standards and 2 silver, if I am not mistaken), while another one pulls the bonus boss in the opposite corner. I am like ***? Brief moment of confusion and I pull another group of enemies while trying to get to the boss (this was obviously my fault). So it is 2 groups of enemies plus the boss, everything running around. I die, res and run back. I come to the room and the commando dies. I try to start killing the weak ones, commando, as it is his first time, does not even res and is just waiting for what is gonna happen. I write "res and come!", while trying to smash everything. Somehow, we survive (the fact that there were also turrets in those groups of mobs that could not follow us helped).


The rest of the flashpoint goes pretty much in the same crazy tone. The sage healer is not healing, but is using force wave on cooldown, the commando dps is healing and the gunslinger is running ahead and pulling even in cases when the rest of us are not even close to him.


But hey, it is KDY, so we easily make it to the boss. It is the leutenant Krupp, the one who throws grenades at you. As I know the commando is new, I start explaining the boss as well as the colto stations. He says ok after every sentence, but before I am done, the gunslinger pulls. So I jump in and start smashing, The boss throws his grenades and I am running to the terminal to save myself. I also write in the chat "now" and "run". Nevermind, only me and the sage are interested in not taking dmg. The rest of the fight is always the same. When the boss throws his grenades, me and the maximum of two of my teammates are running to safety, one of them always stays outside, no matter what. Force waves are hitting the adds like crazy and nobody has a clue what they are doing. The boss throws his grenades once more. I am in the middle of master strike, I am a bit late on running to safety. I make it in the last second, but then I notice that none of the two teammates already waiting there pushed the console. I die. Res, run back, start smashing.


Nevertheless, it is KDY. So we make it without wiping.


And I am like... Seriously? Well, if even such a group can make it through so easily, then I just do not know.

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KDY with my KC Shadow.


Group: me, Commando heals, Sage deeps, KC/Balance Shadow "tank".


When I get in I notice FP is already in progress. Yay, faster daily!


We get to Sith boss and "tank" who is several levels below my Shadow's level says he wants to tank it. Ok...

"Don't use Force Breach" :confused:

"Don't use Force Pull"

Maybe those heals from FiB really are important for Shadow tanks...

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KDY with my KC Shadow.


Group: me, Commando heals, Sage deeps, KC/Balance Shadow "tank".


When I get in I notice FP is already in progress. Yay, faster daily!


We get to Sith boss and "tank" who is several levels below my Shadow's level says he wants to tank it. Ok...

"Don't use Force Breach" :confused:

"Don't use Force Pull"

Maybe those heals from FiB really are important for Shadow tanks...


Wow one of the first fp stories I have heard where a shadow tank does not use force pull. Force pull is an essential ability for shadows to use especially when pulling a mob.

Edited by cefert
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Wow one of the first fp stories I have heard where a shadow tank does not use force pull. Force pull is an essential ability for shadows to use especially when tanking single targets.


You forgot your sarcasm tags ;)


Obviously you do not use Force Pull rotationally in a single target fight. However it is wise to start the boss fights with Force Pull for the threat it generates. Although it is not as important in flashpoints compared to say operation bosses with enrage timers :D


But @Halinalle.

There are plenty of shadow tanks who, early on during leveling, spec for Force in Balance for that extra AoE. Especially usefull until you get Slow Time. Although not using Force Breach is kind of weird.

I would also not be surprised by the lack of Force Pull since most of the time it is not necessary in a flashpoint, especially not during or before a boss fight.

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You forgot your sarcasm tags ;)


Obviously you do not use Force Pull rotationally in a single target fight. However it is wise to start the boss fights with Force Pull for the threat it generates. Although it is not as important in flashpoints compared to say operation bosses with enrage timers :D


But @Halinalle.

There are plenty of shadow tanks who, early on during leveling, spec for Force in Balance for that extra AoE. Especially usefull until you get Slow Time. Although not using Force Breach is kind of weird.

I would also not be surprised by the lack of Force Pull since most of the time it is not necessary in a flashpoint, especially not during or before a boss fight.

I did not mean any sarcasm at all mate. And indeed I forgot that shadows should use force pull to start combat and not use it on single foes. So that's my bad I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote my other post. so allow me to edit that then re quote me . Sorry about that and if you find any sarcasm in my post it was not my intention.

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Wow one of the first fp stories I have heard where a shadow tank does not use force pull. Force pull is an essential ability for shadows to use especially when pulling a mob.


Well, the "tank" wasn't even at level 30 (you can't get Force Pull earlier). Both of those "orders" were aimed at me.


Well, I do like to use Force Pull if random mob decides it would be great idea to go and hit healer few times or when I'm soloing and I want to stay away from CC'd mob but there's this ranged mob who doesn't want to move.

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This isn't a group finder story, but still what I feel is a weird person story that I wanted to share:


I was doing dailies on Ilum on my sorcerer who has scavenging. To get to my last couple of dailies I cut through an area where the pubs have to kill some turrets which leave scavenging mats.


Seeing the little star symbol I stop and harvest from a destroyed turret, then go to another until I reach a sage standing before his last turret he needs for his daily. I stop what I feel is a polite distance away and wait. The sage then runs over next to me and :


Sage say: I don't want any trouble but I WILL defend myself.


Me: (points at turret)


Sage say: I have four guildies on Ilum and they're headed here RIGHT NOW!!!


Me say: Look, will you just kill the turret, I can't do it for you.


Sage: Hops on his speeder and heads toward the pub base, zig-zagging from on bunch of pub npc's to another so that I would aggro them if I followed.


Me say: I just wanted some durasteel...


Note this was on a pve server, and neither of us were flagged.

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Well, the "tank" wasn't even at level 30 (you can't get Force Pull earlier). Both of those "orders" were aimed at me.


Well, I do like to use Force Pull if random mob decides it would be great idea to go and hit healer few times or when I'm soloing and I want to stay away from CC'd mob but there's this ranged mob who doesn't want to move.


Sorry if you found any sarcasm or bossiness in my post. So if you seem offended or angered by my post I apologize. :)

It is never my intention to offend or be rude to another poster.

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Sorry if you found any sarcasm or bossiness in my post. So if you seem offended or angered by my post I apologize. :)

It is never my intention to offend or be rude to another poster.


Now... I'm... confused.


I just explained why the other Shadow didn't use Force Pull.

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Now... I'm... confused.


I just explained why the other Shadow didn't use Force Pull.


Wow do I feel like an idiot now. Sorry I thought you meant something totally different. :o

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SM Boarding Party. Healer role.


Ended up with having 3 healers and 1 tank. Asked the operative if she's heal or DPS, said didn't check, OK. This merc however, kept on healing despite being DPS so I decided to DPS instead. I died on the final fight, took a quick bio break, then got kicked out. The tank puts me on ignore. So I ignored them all back.


Wow, I didn't think people can get that stupid hey.

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Red Reaper: We had a tank in tank stance, but in DPS spec and a DPS in DPS stance, but tank specced...

Needless to say, the tank couldn't hold aggro properly (he also didn't bother to try to grab aggro from all the enemies).


Battle of Illum: I had put the tank on ignore (for ninja looting as well), but I got queued with the tank-specced DPS again. As I was the tank this time, I got annoyed with him always using force pull when I was directly in front of the enemy and thereby preventing me to do my job properly. I quit, the previous fp had already taken its toll on me.

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Hammer Station (imperial): An obviously very experienced sorc healer was the group leader. She (female avatar) was keeping all of us at full health and doing some damage too. Halfway through she stopped healing, was running around using basic attack, not saying anything, and needing on every item... ??
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Czerka core meltdown hm. Me, sage heals, slinger dps, and a guardian tank. We get to the enhanced duneclaw a sand storm starts. The guardian tank fails to get him to the generator in time. So the boss does his rampage which deals all of us a good amount of dps. Plus the additional damage from the sandstorm causes us to wipe. But on our second try we kill the boss no problem.


I also noticed that our guardian tank was a tad squishy because he was short a relic plus he had a couple of 140's and 146's equipped which is a little under geared. But no biggie he was holding aggro on the mobs fine. Then once we enter the one part where you have to overload the power conduits, the tank pulls the mob that is guarding the locked up scientists. (which is a mob that can easily be skipped) Before the healer even has a chance to catch up, (and of course the tank died). But me the healer and the slinger dps finish off the mob no problem.


After me, the healer and the slinger dps finish off the mob the tank says....

Tank: dough!

Me:Well maybe you should wait for the healer to catch up before you pull a big mob.

Tank: (no response)


Now we just finished overloading power conduit A . But the elite aggroes the tank so the tank attacks the elite for a while. But when the elite is down to half health the tank goes and pulls the silver mob that is guarding the door to the broken bridge :eek: . Which almost causes us to wipe again! (the only person that died was the slinger dps).


So we finally get to the vigilant and what's even more embarrassing is we wipe on him! :o. Because I told the people in my group to dodge the spin attacks but none of them listened to me. But I also notice that when everyone is taking damage from his spin attacks the healer is not throwing out any heals which causes us to wipe. So after we wipe the sage healer leaves (rage quit). So I que us up for a replacement and we get a new beefy sage healer with 40k hp and we kill the boss no problem.


I think thats the weirdest tank I have ever met in a 55 hm.

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The Annoying People you Meet in Pugs.


Why does no one use a stim anymore? Like seriously, no one? Last night in DFSM I'm randomly clicking through folks and dumping a Kolto Probe on them and 5 people were stimmed. I mentioned it and I expected those to have just forgot about them and they would use one. Nope,the whole way through just me and the other 4 using them. Seriously guys, they're not expensive and make a huge difference. I find this often in SM. It never used to be this bad. KDY leveling I guess. Where everyone is a tank and heals are only off heals.


Secondly, please repair before going. If you're asking for a repair droid before the first trash pull, you're letting the group down. There are always Medical Droids near the access to OPs.


Rant over. Peace out.

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Why does no one use a stim anymore? Like seriously, no one? Last night in DFSM I'm randomly clicking through folks and dumping a Kolto Probe on them and 5 people were stimmed. I mentioned it and I expected those to have just forgot about them and they would use one. Nope,the whole way through just me and the other 4 using them. Seriously guys, they're not expensive and make a huge difference. I find this often in SM. It never used to be this bad. KDY leveling I guess. Where everyone is a tank and heals are only off heals.[/Quote]


For me personally it's because without it I can, most of the time, still doing enough damage even with threat drops, to steal aggro from tanks. Not to mention its SM, no one should need a stim. And in most pugs tanks refuse to guard me because someone is complaining about the little damage they are taking. While I'm basically tanking... This also happens to a few other people I know so it isn't isolated.


So I'd say, Tanks that don't know how to guard properly. I don't always need the guard and recognize when others will need it over me and for some fights healers will need guards more than the best dps. Just please stop giving in to the whiners that really don't need guards at all. This extends to Flashpoints as well.

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For me personally it's because without it I can, most of the time, still doing enough damage even with threat drops, to steal aggro from tanks. Not to mention its SM, no one should need a stim. And in most pugs tanks refuse to guard me because someone is complaining about the little damage they are taking. While I'm basically tanking... This also happens to a few other people I know so it isn't isolated.


So I'd say, Tanks that don't know how to guard properly. I don't always need the guard and recognize when others will need it over me and for some fights healers will need guards more than the best dps. Just please stop giving in to the whiners that really don't need guards at all. This extends to Flashpoints as well.


So would tanks have to throw a guard on whoever is going to generate the most threat?

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That's exactly how it works. :D Lowbie flashpoints, before the healer gets the skills in their tree that drops heal aggro even further (and before the dps are doing damage consistently enough that the aggro stays off the heals), they're yanking aggro like nothing else (I've been on both ends of that mess; not pretty, believe me), so they get guard. Around late level 30 or so, you start to prioritize. If you have a Mara or a Sniper, don't pick a target to guard until after the first few pulls. If the Mara consistently rips aggro, guard him/her. Same with the sniper. By level 40 and 50/55, you should almost never have to guard the healer.


It's very rare that someone will be ripping aggro off the tank and the healer without taunts in lowbie flashpoints.

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That's exactly how it works. :D Lowbie flashpoints, before the healer gets the skills in their tree that drops heal aggro even further (and before the dps are doing damage consistently enough that the aggro stays off the heals), they're yanking aggro like nothing else (I've been on both ends of that mess; not pretty, believe me), so they get guard. Around late level 30 or so, you start to prioritize. If you have a Mara or a Sniper, don't pick a target to guard until after the first few pulls. If the Mara consistently rips aggro, guard him/her. Same with the sniper. By level 40 and 50/55, you should almost never have to guard the healer.


It's very rare that someone will be ripping aggro off the tank and the healer without taunts in lowbie flashpoints.


Ok thanks for the reply mate! :D

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For me personally it's because without it I can, most of the time, still doing enough damage even with threat drops, to steal aggro from tanks. Not to mention its SM, no one should need a stim. And in most pugs tanks refuse to guard me because someone is complaining about the little damage they are taking. While I'm basically tanking... This also happens to a few other people I know so it isn't isolated.


I have the same situation on my main toon when I join story mode pugs, and I don't want to make a lower geared tank or healer's life harder by increasing my dps output with a stim. Of course I'm not saying I have the world's highest dps, but I'm now finding that at least due to my gear in comparison to players who only run story mode content, threat is a real issue for me in a lot of the 16 man pugs I join.


On this note, I was healing a pretty terrible 16 man story mode the other day, with squishy tanks having difficulty holding agro, frequent massive raid wide damage and dps constantly attacking the wrong targets. Several people left after the weekly, and the ops leader managed to find some replacements. One of whom was a merc dps with more health than the tanks, wearing rather a lot of Dread Master gear. As a healer, I was not pleased to see him!


Regardless of the difficulty of the content or the quality of my gear, I never heal without a stim. I run all the story mode ops to get the weeklies on my operative, who is quite well geared, and you just never know what you're going to be up against. Some groups require very little healing beyond probes, but doing the same content with another group could be a complete nightmare.

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Hammer Station HM


Had a guardian dps yanking aggro off my shadow tank yesterday. At first I was like "omg, not another taunter" but then I checked him and found he's actually a tank that queued as dps/tank. Asked him five times to respec, he didn't say a word. Finally initiated vote kick when I had enough and the guy just leaves. That's what I get for controlling my instinct of kicking him right at the start after seeing his guild name. :rolleyes: He's promptly given membership in my ignore list.


I died at the droid. Commando healer did not cleanse... After the fight he says "I've never healed before". Fine, whatever, just make me aware of that small fact before we engage. :rolleyes:


This commando gets promoted to group leader once the guardian bails. I tell him to requeue us for a new dps, summon my Nadia and press on. We clear three packs of mobs, Nadia's enjoying herself and obliterates everything in sight when we get a new member. Sage healer. Why? Because the commando forgot to uncheck his "dps" checkbox in the GF requeue screen. :rolleyes:


Vanguard dps, quiet and normal up to this point, initiates vote kick on the sage saying "your Nadia is better geared". I'm having none of it, argue that it's better to have a player with us, that Nadia is better geared than him and 95% of other deeps we would get and that our commando healer can respec to dps. Vote kick fails, the commando healer stands idle for a minute and I see him load a new cell. Figure he respec'd and continue clearing. We kill 80 mobs and engage the bonus Asteroid Monster. Two of my Phase Walks expire... Beast enrages... Wipe. :eek:


I ask the commando healer if he respec'd or just switched cells. He says "I've never played dps before". I'm like "WTH you never healed and you never dps on that character da*** did you do to get lvl 55" but bite my tongue say nothing. Commando says he can't dps, even though I assure him a monkey can do it, and leaves. :eek:


Vanguard passes me the lead, we requeue, get another dps and finish the flashpoint without additional hiccups.

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