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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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DPS healers are so common it's not funny. Last night i was levelling up my PT I just started. I decided to play as a tank after levelling up my own sage.


So the first boss on Hammer and I set up, pull aggro, and I am powering away making bringing it down, and I notice my health keeps dropping and only gets picked up when I am really low. I occasionally have to use a medpac. So I think give him a chance maybe he is forgetting seeing as this boss is usually easy.


Next boss we rollover, although I notice on the way that the operative sniper keeps opening up. So i say, "let me open to pull these, then just top me off when I am at 50% we will roll this". "Sure, np". "have you played healer before??" "no I am a DPS normally", "OK well just concentrate on keeping me up, and it will go easier"


We get to the last boss and I say "I will pull the boss, everyone get round the back, if you keep me up we will take this down in no time". So the sniper pops up in front, the healer drops out the back and the assassin stays at the back. So I try to pull the boss round to keep him out of the sniper. The sniper follows me round argggh.


Needless to say the sniper dies in the cone of fire. So np, i have done this as a healer with a tank before, you dont really needs 2 dos. So i say "dos pick off adds, heal just keep me up".


SO now the healer decides that he knows better, and DPS everything in sight. Grrrr, so we wipe, and I say "please concentrate on keeping me up", "use your medpacs and shield, you probably have crap gear", DPS joins in "you are fricking healer do your damn job and let us do ours" "QFT" (NB my gear is as good as it can be at level 15 as I buy all the latest mods available)

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SO now the healer decides that he knows better, and DPS everything in sight. Grrrr, so we wipe, and I say "please concentrate on keeping me up", "use your medpacs and shield, you probably have crap gear", DPS joins in "you are fricking healer do your damn job and let us do ours" "QFT" (NB my gear is as good as it can be at level 15 as I buy all the latest mods available)


lol, I would love to see someone tell me my lowbie tank gear was crap... I had 11k hp at 35 :rak_03: that's more than some 50s can muster up

Edited by RenegadeRukus
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lol, I would love to see someone tell me my lowbie tank gear was crap... I had 11k hp at 35 :rak_03: that's more than some 50s can muster up


I call BS :p for companion, yes, I can see that coming (I have all imp companions maxed, missing 2 republic ones), unless you actually go with purple endurance armorings,enhancments, mods and augments for endurance in every single piece...


as on topic, doing lowbies flashpoints waiting for 2.3 and ewok, and I see less and less weird things.. I mean yeah, my tank is outdpsing some dps, had PT tank who was spamming flame sweep (ending with heat 99 6 seconds after pull started). shadows in wrong stances and not using stealth, marauders breaking CC, juggs using def coold down between pulls (lol?)...


Think most of what I can muster up from last few days was:

que in, instant pop, I see PT tank, marauder (alert alert), and sniper. Oka let's do this. typed 'brb getting a drink and good to go'

they started 3 seconds later which resulted in me spilling juice on my desk as I tried to heal their bums only to read 'healer, u asleep?'

3rd pull, 2 elite droids, I mark one for cc, marauder leaped to him (before tank) so I cc'd and marked other one, at this point marauder used smash and woke him up.

tank was droppign a bit, bitto fast, that made me wonder.

after pull I inspected tank briefly, yup, dps gear. well, ok, it's just boarding party, could be worse.

marauder refused to heal after battle 'you are healer, heal me' - I responded 'you attacked target who I marked for cc, then broke CC on another target, and started before tank-heal your self'

ok, so we have 2 tards, still, we can do it, sniper hits pretty reasonable.

big droid boss. tank doesnt move from circles (not a biggy for one person), then I notice sniper doesnt move too. he rolled behind 'natural cover' and thinks he's safe.

on a first beam tank and sniper didn't move from it, sniper died, I healed tank. marauder lived as he wasnt on beams path - fair enouth. think we can do it.

second beam - marauder was in path this time, ofc he didn't move, tank didn't move. we all die....

'why you not healing us, you are terrible'

so I said 'sure, yeah, I have to go, bye' - and made my english exit.


somethimes you can see you have 2 good DPS, and bosses and trash die so quickly, you wonder 'how terrible last nights group must have been, this went 3 times as fast lul'

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I call BS :p for companion, yes, I can see that coming (I have all imp companions maxed, missing 2 republic ones), unless you actually go with purple endurance armorings,enhancments, mods and augments for endurance in every single piece...





I'll upload a later level photo when I return from Vegas, but this is lvl 22 with over 7k... You can't tell me you doubt 15 levels+ can net a simple 4k hp also, minus some crafted purple armorings, I'm using blues; mk1-3 augs and high end crafted imps/ear



also, my guild/personal healer's favorite line is "you can't heal stupid"... Thought if fit your story

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I'll upload a later level photo when I return from Vegas, but this is lvl 22 with over 7k... You can't tell me you doubt 15 levels+ can net a simple 4k hp



also, my guild/personal healers favorite line is "you can't heal stupid"... Thought if fit your story


lower level mods have high endurance priority while 29+ are heavy on primary stats like main stat,absorb... damn this L 22 char has more hp then my 32 :p

not first time I stand corrected, 2 questions:

is it worth it? I mean it's impressive for rest of a group, but you'r missing alot of mitigation (so for L 35 enchancment instead of having nice shield chance and handfull of absorption, you have tons of hp but drop like dps) and threat generation.

what grade of mods you keep (blue / purple?) and do you augment everything with endurance.


I rather go for more mitigation, not use credits on augments until 40+ (but usualy wait till 50).


still, it's story mode, so probably doesnt matter much any ways (that's why I stopped wasting time and just using greens until L 50)


yeah, always when I'm being offended by people who died cause of some stupid things, I use that line too... 'I'm a good healer, but I can't heal stupid, can't heal you'

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lower level mods have high endurance priority while 29+ are heavy on primary stats like main stat,absorb... damn this L 22 char has more hp then my 32 :p

not first time I stand corrected, 2 questions:

is it worth it? I mean it's impressive for rest of a group, but you'r missing alot of mitigation (so for L 35 enchancment instead of having nice shield chance and handfull of absorption, you have tons of hp but drop like dps) and threat generation.

what grade of mods you keep (blue / purple?) and do you augment everything with endurance.


I rather go for more mitigation, not use credits on augments until 40+ (but usualy wait till 50).


still, it's story mode, so probably doesnt matter much any ways (that's why I stopped wasting time and just using greens until L 50)


yeah, always when I'm being offended by people who died cause of some stupid things, I use that line too... 'I'm a good healer, but I can't heal stupid, can't heal you'


well, considering that this character was a pvp tank walking in with never less than 30k hp (unbuffed) from lvl 15 and defensive stats like the following link: https://fbcdn-photos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/s720x720/1010047_10200442743174856_2022985786_n.jpg (unbuffed)


yeah, it's well worth it. And until lvl 35 I never went above blues or mk3 augs with shield or abs but if I could get it end, at 35 I had one of my friends craft purple force wielder armorings other than those, blues.


minus 10-15, I never had much issue with threat or control... Discharge > shock > discharge > electrocute > maul x2 & repeat until you got a taunt.


I have run a few mid lvl and above level flashpoints on her, even duo'd a few that were just turning green with a dps in guild. At 35 I seem to have found a happy place, but she will always be the pvp tank for my healer(after all, she requested that I build a sin tank)

Edited by RenegadeRukus
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Ah yes, had a fun run yesterday.


Double-Exp, so I was running FPs with a guildie to level our respective chars (Tank-Assassin (me), Pyro-PT (her)), and we got into Colicoid Wargames, likely one of the easiest FPs in the game if you know the cannon part. Our healer (Merc) didn't, so I explained and we got through that easily.

Then we entered the area with the 4 shielding droids. I asked for CC on one of them, and since the Merc was the only one who could cc droids it was his job. Well... guess what did not happen? But that was not the real problem.

While fighting and running from one droid to the next (no Wither at lvl 42 yet), I noticed my health dropping rapidly. And the incomming heals were... well... barely existant. Mostly the merc was using his auto-attack on me, healing for a great number of 80-90 per hit and the scan came so seldom and slow it was a joke. Needles to say that there were no other heals. No Kolto Shell, nothing.

So after wiping the second time, I asked our lovely healer if he really was heal specced. "Yeah, I am", he said. And I had a lot of trouble to believe that, with the abyssal healing he did, so I decided to test him. I said: "Ok, cool, then put a Kolto Shell on me please"

Answer: "I did not choose Kolto Shell"


So not only did he obviously queue as Healer when he was DPS specced, he also lied to my face about it and came up with a bottom right ridiculous and insulting explanation. So me and my guildmate said bye bye to this doomed group. Of course the DPS-calling-himself-Healer then started to blame the tank (me) for his uselessness. I am not sure how long he went on, I ignored him after a few F-words and insults. But it was a really interesting experience.


To be clear. If a Healer is still new in the game, I expect no miracles. A new player has to learn healing, that is no problem. But what I will not tolerate is a DPS that queues as Healer, because he is not willing to wait in the queue and then when called on that bluff lies and accuses someone else for their cheating of the GF


I get that people don't wanna wait for long in the queue, but that is simply the fate of a DPS, live with it or respec for real. I had that so many times by now, that I almost auto-quit a group where the "Healer" is in DPS-stance (if it is a Merc/Operative). Usually I ask then, but sometimes I am just too fed up with this trend.


To make it clear to the DPS that still don't get it: You stop being a viable healer after Black Talon/Esseles, you just don't have the necessary tools to keep the group alive! If you wanna shoot things, wait your turn and don't make the tanks job harder then it already is!


But since by now, I know the people in this game... chances are it will happen again and again. Good to have a guild.

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A few weeks ago, I was tanking 55 Hardmode Hammerstation on my shadow tank and there were two people from the same guild that popped in with us. One was a DPS, the other was our sage healer. The healer was obviously level 55 and had decent entry-level 55 HM gear, though after wiping on the first couple of trash pulls, it became painfully obvious that the healer's player didn't know how to play their class, let alone how to heal. All they did was spam saber strike, and at one point run away entirely at (what looked to me) random.


I try to be patient and helpful as a tank. I don't flip tables when I encounter people that don't know the fights or even how to play their class or gear it properly; I try to help them learn, if they're willing to take a time out and listen and the rest of the group's ok with pausing for that. I like to improve the general quality of folks using GF is why.


So I asked the group if we could pause so I could help the healer figure some things out, and the DPS in the same guild as said healer got in my digital face, declaring that she was a good healer and I had no right to single her out like that.


After attempting a tactful explanation in tells of how said healer was not, in fact, a good healer as we were wiping and they weren't even attempting to heal, that DPS said she'd talk to yon healer. I assume she did, as the healer was making a vague effort to heal after that...but only that one DPS in her guild.


The other DPS guy, a commando that was very well geared and knew what he was doing, started asking me in tells if I wanted him to field respect into heals, so he went ahead and did that.


Needless to say, we did not get the bonus boss on that run, as the healer could not comprehend the need for standing at range or that we needed the commando to be DPSing to beat the enrage timer, and in the last boss fight, said healer kept suiciding by leaping over the edge of the platform whenever the adds were anywhere near her.


Not targeting her, just near her.


The commando and I, throughout the entire run, kept speculating back and forth in tells as to the morbid curiosity we both had as to how far we'd get. We both had time and we didn't need any gear, as we were both just out to tack another 55HM up for the weekly, though when we cleared it all, he MT'd a comment to me on how the healer must be 12 and playing on mommy's account or something that went into party.


The DPS lady flipped a table and told the commando in ragefinger-speak that she was the mother of the healer's player and we were both going to be reported for harassing, embarrassing and insulting her and her son.


The commando was all 'lol lady go ahead nobody was insulting anybody. Your kid needs to ltp. This run was a crock. Next time let the tank teach your nooblet how to win and not hold everyone back'


The explosion that ensued was epic, and largely consisted of the very sort of harassing, insulting and degrading ranting she'd accused the commando of. The healer, in the meantime, kept suicide jumping off the platform and running back while this all took place.


And then I left. The hilarity made me a friend out of a very competent commando, so I chalk it up as a relative win. :D

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Hi all,


Been following this thread for a long time and now it's time I share one of my own stories!


The flashpoint was the Red Reaper and the group was formed by the group finder.


The group classes were:

Me - Scoundrel Healer

DPS - Scoundrel and Gunslinger

Tank - Shadow


The flashpoint was going really well, the dps was high and the tanking was great, we were steamrolling through RR in no time! Then, it all changed... We got to the area where the Sith pure bloods were being held in the stasis chambers. I was pressing spacebar and 1 like crazy and accidently selected the LS option. So I ended the dialogue and apologised to the group and said I wanted to go with the dark option. The tank then suddenly types in all capitals "WHAT THE HELL, YOU STUPID IDIOT" and then he activated the exit area icon and teleported out. Everyone in the group was stunned with the overreaction, we asked him if he was coming back and he ignored us, so a dps initiated a vote kicked and it passed. Then the tank started to /w various insults and placed me on his ignore list.


This whole situation has left me confused... I can understand if he was frustrated because I wasted five seconds by having to skip the dialogue, but now he's waster his own time every day by having one less healer to group with!

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Hi all,

. I was pressing spacebar and 1 like crazy and accidently selected the LS option. So I ended the dialogue and apologised to the group and said I wanted to go with the dark option. The tank then suddenly types in all capitals "WHAT THE HELL, YOU STUPID IDIOT" and then he activated the exit area icon and teleported out. Everyone in the group was stunned with the overreaction, we asked him if he was coming back and he ignored us, so a dps initiated a vote kicked and it passed. Then the tank started to /w various insults and placed me on his ignore list.


This whole situation has left me confused... I can understand if he was frustrated because I wasted five seconds by having to skip the dialogue, but now he's waster his own time every day by having one less healer to group with!


lol, guess he really hates dark siders? I did that a few times... Lucky for me none of the others flipped out

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I've seem to keep getting people who try to kick me from FP's becasue I play my Op as Dps becasue, and I quote "Ops should ony be heals, you dont know how to play your class and will bring the group down" It's like the other two skill trees are there just to look pretty


Impressive. Now this is what I call "closed-mindedness" ...

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Once they added the selfheal on turrets there was no need for healer to get off anymore, but ppl keep doing it for some strange reason.


That's the way how Tradition evolves ...


The irony is that I think we all had more fun during this crazy run that we would have in a perfectly executed smooth run. I definitely wouldn't like to experience this every day though.


I've had a similar experience - outside of the Group Finder, just using the General Chat for finding a group.


The thing is, not using the Group Finder let's one find groups where Experimenting with Tactics is even more important - on one Taral V run we didn't even have a proper Tank, I think (sadly we couldn't finish it), and - in my opinion - having to experiment lets people learn much, much, much faster that sticking to the book ...


I even suspect that the very first "content clearing" groups have built up their reputations this way : In "uncleared" content they are actually [8i]forced[/i] to change their tactics any time if their well-known tactics don't work ... They might be much, much more "agile" in terms of tactics and in terms of experimenting than groups that do everything by the book - and why ? Because in uncleared content, no-one knows the proper tactics yet !


I've had much more fun with "uneven" groups than with "Trinity Groups".

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Back in the day, when I was first learning to tank on a shadow, I made a lot of nonproficient mistakes of the sort one would expect from a tank that didn't yet know where tanks are supposed to position on certain fights, and I got myself into an embarrassing spot one evening attempting to main tank for a KP hardmode run.


It wasn't going too terribly until we got to the droid. I'd only ever been a DPS in KP to that point, and when I asked the group (as I'd done on the bossfights preceeding) where I should be and what I should do there, someone clearly got sick and tired of me asking and said something to the effect of 'Stop asking stupid questions and tank'.


And then the ops leader tried sorting people out to run the controls on the puzzle. Now, for those of you who've never run KP and don't know about the puzzle on the heavy fabricator boss, its a Tower of Hanoi style puzzle, where (Ideally three) people have to be at the three stations up on a platform, and each has to click their station to move a block marked I, II or III into the appropriate location over the boss to activate the plasma jet that will burn the bosses armor buffs off, and then DPS can hurt the boss a bunch. This is done repeatedly every time the boss' armor buffs replenish.


Meanwhile, the tank has to keep the boss under the plasma jet and position very carefully so as not to get caught in the plasma jet with the boss, or the tank will be dead near immediately.


Typically, this is a two tank fight, as the boss will apply debuffs to whomever its hitting, and the tanks are supposed to swap agro when one tank's got about four or five stacks of this debuff, and I knew all of that, though I'd never done that fight as a tank. So naturally I was borking that up like a fumbling noob too.


So, the ops leader gets people sorted out to run the controls, which took forever, as the guy who'd been snarky at me said he knew how to do the puzzle and very plainly didn't. Having DPS'd the fight plenty often before, I knew the puzzle and kept being a snarky toad back at him, telling him to just DPS it and stop asking stupid questions.


Yeah, we can all be a little immature and unhelpful at times, me included.


So, we get this down and we kick the fight off. First thing I do when the plasma jet goes off is stand in it. Boom, dead.


After getting a brez, I wound up getting stunlocked by the pacification droid adds and died again, and after we wiped it and regrouped, the DPS I'd been trading snark with said 'Try not standing in the fire this time, I hear it helps.'


So we get back at it, and what's he do? Screws up on the puzzle, which got someone who was supposed to be elsewhere charging up there to do it right, which sent the whole thing sideways. Wipe the second and during that regroup, I shot some snark back in the form of 'You should stack more cunning so you can outwit this puzzle.'


So, third attempt, we got it. Flash forward to Karagga's fight. The other tank wanted me to try MTing it as he knew the fight better but I had way better gear, so between him giving me pointers and having seen it done from the DPS perspective plenty of times, I was feeling confident.


I should not have felt quite so confident, as the mouse droids ate me. Wipe, regroup.


The DPS I'd been trading snark with throughout the run said something to the effect of 'Are you trying to suck or does it just come naturally?' and someone else interjected with I don't remember what, but they wanted to just get the run done and over, so back at it we go.


I don't know who did what, but that DPS and another of the deeps wound up dead for obliviously running into a fire trail to get away from something, and the other tank made a comment that I should turn Karagga around when we had his fire trail ringing the area and try to overlap it; anything to keep the fire from anywhere even vaguely near the mid or the back toward the entrance.


The DPS of archenmital disposition chimed in with a comment to the effect of 'Maybe you should stack some cunning yourself, you clearly need more'.


So we finish the fight after its all said and done, we take our loot and our repair bills and we all go our separate ways.


A few minutes after the ops group breaks up, that DPS sends me a tell to the tune of 'You've passed my a**hole test. You're a sucky tank and I'm a mediocre DPS. Want to do some FP's?"


Flash forward almost a year. Tark and I are still running FP's together, still being belligerent, foul-mouthed and awful to one another, and while we've both gotten remarkably better at doing what we do, we still take potshots at eachother whenever possible.


Most FP groups think we must surely hate eachother and sometimes get very nervous when we're ripping on eachother in the middle of some fight we could do in our sleep, all without missing a beat.


Somewhat recently, some healer tried to get us to 'talk it out, because this kind of hostility isn't good for the community'.


We both told yon healer to stack more Endurance and tough it out.

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These are days I am considering to just run as dps and go on /follow.


What does "/follow" mean ?


lol, I would love to see someone tell me my lowbie tank gear was crap... I had 11k hp at 35 :rak_03: that's more than some 50s can muster up


I won't call level 35 a "Lowbie".


It's a "mid-level" in my opinion.


3rd pull, 2 elite droids, I mark one for cc, marauder leaped to him (before tank) so I cc'd and marked other one, at this point marauder used smash and woke him up.


CC AND marking is not avery good idea, imho.


Because most people I know of interpret a marking as = "please attack !"


Marking something with the meaning of "please DO NOT attack" is something entirely unknown to me.


It's like drawing circles on a target in a bow contest (Disney's "Robin Hood", for example) with the meaning of "please do not attack !"

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Because most people I know of interpret a marking as = "please attack !"


Marking something with the meaning of "please DO NOT attack" is something entirely unknown to me.


It's like drawing circles on a target in a bow contest (Disney's "Robin Hood", for example) with the meaning of "please do not attack !"


I always say 'I cc blaster' - if some people understand it as 'you must attack blaster' (which is absolutly out of killing order) then I blame education system.

you never heard of marking CC targets? It's not like I'm using yellow 'target' to mark cc.


RenegadeRukus: ah, should say it was for PVP, then I get it, ofcourse. for threat with uber low mainstat, I guess compared to low level dps, it should be enouth in 95% cases.

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What does "/follow" mean ?



I won't call level 35 a "Lowbie".


It's a "mid-level" in my opinion.



CC AND marking is not avery good idea, imho.


Because most people I know of interpret a marking as = "please attack !"


Marking something with the meaning of "please DO NOT attack" is something entirely unknown to me.


It's like drawing circles on a target in a bow contest (Disney's "Robin Hood", for example) with the meaning of "please do not attack !"


/follow is a chat command to follow your current target


anything <50 is a lowbie


There are multiple different marks.

Clearly most people you know have a different consensus than most of the community.

The fact that this use is unknown to you, doesn't mean it is not used that way

There is a bolt for example which I always use when there is only one mob to cc and a crosshair I use for the primary target.

But I always state "mark bolt" (or whatever symbol I used) now if the dps leaps in before I have the chance to write anything, it's his fault not mine.

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A few weeks ago, I was tanking 55 Hardmode Hammerstation on my shadow tank and there were two people from the same guild that popped in with us. One was a DPS, the other was our sage healer. The healer was obviously level 55 and had decent entry-level 55 HM gear, though after wiping on the first couple of trash pulls, it became painfully obvious that the healer's player didn't know how to play their class, let alone how to heal. All they did was spam saber strike, and at one point run away entirely at (what looked to me) random.


I try to be patient and helpful as a tank. I don't flip tables when I encounter people that don't know the fights or even how to play their class or gear it properly; I try to help them learn, if they're willing to take a time out and listen and the rest of the group's ok with pausing for that. I like to improve the general quality of folks using GF is why.


So I asked the group if we could pause so I could help the healer figure some things out, and the DPS in the same guild as said healer got in my digital face, declaring that she was a good healer and I had no right to single her out like that.


After attempting a tactful explanation in tells of how said healer was not, in fact, a good healer as we were wiping and they weren't even attempting to heal, that DPS said she'd talk to yon healer. I assume she did, as the healer was making a vague effort to heal after that...but only that one DPS in her guild.


The other DPS guy, a commando that was very well geared and knew what he was doing, started asking me in tells if I wanted him to field respect into heals, so he went ahead and did that.


Needless to say, we did not get the bonus boss on that run, as the healer could not comprehend the need for standing at range or that we needed the commando to be DPSing to beat the enrage timer, and in the last boss fight, said healer kept suiciding by leaping over the edge of the platform whenever the adds were anywhere near her.


Not targeting her, just near her.


The commando and I, throughout the entire run, kept speculating back and forth in tells as to the morbid curiosity we both had as to how far we'd get. We both had time and we didn't need any gear, as we were both just out to tack another 55HM up for the weekly, though when we cleared it all, he MT'd a comment to me on how the healer must be 12 and playing on mommy's account or something that went into party.


The DPS lady flipped a table and told the commando in ragefinger-speak that she was the mother of the healer's player and we were both going to be reported for harassing, embarrassing and insulting her and her son.


The commando was all 'lol lady go ahead nobody was insulting anybody. Your kid needs to ltp. This run was a crock. Next time let the tank teach your nooblet how to win and not hold everyone back'


The explosion that ensued was epic, and largely consisted of the very sort of harassing, insulting and degrading ranting she'd accused the commando of. The healer, in the meantime, kept suicide jumping off the platform and running back while this all took place.


And then I left. The hilarity made me a friend out of a very competent commando, so I chalk it up as a relative win. :D


Tl;dr: Commandoes are awesome :D

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I've beer reading this for a while and thought that it's finally time for me to add my own story.


Went into group finder for a level 55 HM on my healer sage with my friend, who played a DPS.We got Hammer Station. This must've been around a month after Makeb was released. By this point you could expect most people in the group finder to know the tactics but me and my friend still asked at the start of the flashpoint whether everyone had done this before. We get a yes from the commando DPS but the guardian tank said nothing before pulling the first mobs. Needless to say, we took that as a yes.


Now, after having trouble healing the tank through the first few mob packs, I inspected his gear. Full basic gear with some Makeb greens and blues from leveling, not the best gear but managable, at least he'd bought some basic gear. I asked again whether he'd done the HM before and got the reply "Yeah, lots of times."


Then we get to the first boss. The tank died less than a minute into the fight, having used no defensive cooldowns and refused to get out of the red circles under the exploding droids. Now the droid turned to attack the tank and, surprise, he was easier to heal than the tank. We (eventually) managed to kill the boss and then had what was most likely the most amusing thing I've ever seen.


I asked the tank why the commando did a better job at tanking than him. No response. I then asked whether this was his first time in this HM and the response was "I'm in 66 gear, that's more than enough for this" before jumping into another pack of mobs without waiting for me (who was still typing) to catch up. As you'd imagine, he died and once again the commando tanked the pack until I arrived and started healing.


By this point, we were fed up of the tank and vote kicked him. While waiting for another tank we cleared some more mob packs with me complimenting the commando's tanking all the way. After getting a replacement we cleared the HM with no issue.


... After writing this I really feel like leveling a commando. :D


P.S. No I'm not getting commando and vanguard confused, in case anyone was thinking that.


Edit: I've just realised that this story proves the poster above correct. :p

Edited by I-Win-Button
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I've beer reading this for a while and thought that it's finally time for me to add my own story.


Went into group finder for a level 55 HM on my healer sage with my friend, who played a DPS.We got Hammer Station. This must've been around a month after Makeb was released. By this point you could expect most people in the group finder to know the tactics but me and my friend still asked at the start of the flashpoint whether everyone had done this before. We get a yes from the commando DPS but the guardian tank said nothing before pulling the first mobs. Needless to say, we took that as a yes.


Now, after having trouble healing the tank through the first few mob packs, I inspected his gear. Full basic gear with some Makeb greens and blues from leveling, not the best gear but managable, at least he'd bought some basic gear. I asked again whether he'd done the HM before and got the reply "Yeah, lots of times."


Then we get to the first boss. The tank died less than a minute into the fight, having used no defensive cooldowns and refused to get out of the red circles under the exploding droids. Now the droid turned to attack the tank and, surprise, he was easier to heal than the tank. We (eventually) managed to kill the boss and then had what was most likely the most amusing thing I've ever seen.


I asked the tank why the commando did a better job at tanking than him. No response. I then asked whether this was his first time in this HM and the response was "I'm in 66 gear, that's more than enough for this" before jumping into another pack of mobs without waiting for me (who was still typing) to catch up. As you'd imagine, he died and once again the commando tanked the pack until I arrived and started healing.


By this point, we were fed up of the tank and vote kicked him. While waiting for another tank we cleared some more mob packs with me complimenting the commando's tanking all the way. After getting a replacement we cleared the HM with no issue.


... After writing this I really feel like leveling a commando. :D


P.S. No I'm not getting commando and vanguard confused, in case anyone was thinking that.


Edit: I've just realised that this story proves the poster above correct. :p


Awwww yeah! :D


Commandoes might not be the best at PvP, too bad, but we'll give all of the other classes a run for their money when it comes to PvE!

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I always say 'I cc blaster' - more on cc.


RenegadeRukus: ah, should say it was for PVP, then I get it, ofcourse. for threat with uber low mainstat, I guess compared to low level dps, it should be enouth in 95% cases.


yup, only had my healer die once with her. Mainly because in VS she ran around the wall without me, mind you we were in mumble so it was an easy "to the other side, nao"


I only had threat issues on my main, Zeva once... Mainly because of Enraged Defense, and not knowing what it did. So at under 20% health I would selectively proc defensive buffs, well ed was my last resort after all others proc'd and on cd... Well needless to say the healer of that group had a juggertank and saw what I was proccing and explained it to me after about 3/4ths of hammer


so, now to contribute a story. This was a little bit ago on my Sniper. Which is funny playing dps after nothing but tanks so you can really see the bad tanks... Like REALLY bad tanks.

"Tank": 21 pt

Dps: 18 sniper (more hp than tank) 19 Juggernaut (in tank and dps gear)

Healer: 17 operative


So I judge a team by the 3rd mob of hammer, cc one Droid the dps jugger breaks it, re-cc pt breaks it, re-cc after telling them to finish the others first. Breaks it... Pt dies, jugg dies, I tank the last 4 droids and snipe/ambush them all with cover heals and op heals. On the way back the pt and juggernaut decide to duo the mob at the other end of the starting area and just as me and the healer with low hp JUST got there so I have to tank them, so I cc the big Droid while I go to work on the trash, weeell remember that pt? Guess who broke cc? That's right... The pt. Well after that I try to explain Cc'ing but only the healer and half tank jugger listen while the pt just says "ok... Can we go now?" zoom ahead a little. I salvage the shortcut to the boss, me and healer continue to the boss... Pt and jugger meanwhile had their own plan of fighting their way to the boss, so op and I run after them, this time we made it. All while the pt is raging about how we were slacking off, so we told him about the shortcut and told him to scroll up and see where the op said "yay shortcut". So during the first boss, I managed to tank about 60% of the time. I had to slow down to using mainly my basic atk, so I ask the pt if he is using taunt, "uh... Duh!! I'm the tank!" to which I replied "oh, is that why target of target has my name, and I've had to use just a basic atk hoping that you would regain threat for about a min now?" ...prepare to facepalm... He said "why aren't you doing your job and killing this guy? You're just spamming a useless attack! Maybe if you actually used your attacks I would be able to tank him!! No wonder this is taking forever!!!" then the healer interjected with "if you're the best tank in the world, then why am I healing the only other person without any type of tanking gear?!"


vote kicks wen out for pt, taught the half tank juggernaut how to tank, ran the rest of it with no hitches.. And didn't even need to replace.

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Time to contribute a few anecdotes of hilarity...


Story mode Taral V. Got paired with a Guardian Tank who clearly had no idea what he was doing. No taunts, pretty much only used Slash and Sundering Strike, but had a very regular habit of running out to use Force Leap every time it was on CD. You could set your watch by it.


Fortunately I (Vigilance Guardian) was overgeared enough, and the Scoundrel healing us was more than capable, so we powered through it. Cut to the end boss, and the Strength saber drops. It being an actual upgrade for me (mods-wise at least), I needed and won. The tank threw a tantrum about how I "stole it from him" then decided he was going to sit just outside the conversation circle in protest.


We asked him to step inside. He refused. We shrugged, vote-kicked and went on our way. Apparently he then went on to keep ranting in Zone chat in the fleet about my saber stealing. I gave it no thought, and kept going.


Fast forward a day, Cademimu. I get paired with the same Tank and same DPS (was a Vanguard if memory serves). Tank starts ranting again. I reply with something along the lines of "you needed, I needed. The RNG favored me. Sometimes that happens". That seemed to silence him, and off we went.


Again, he had no idea what he was doing, and continued to do his little Force Leap dance while not succeeding in really holding threat on anything. Cut to the platform section prior to the Wookiee boss. Tank does his run out to set himself up for a Force Leap on the last mob in a pull...


Cue the Force Push, and over the edge goes the Guardian to his death. Vanguard loses it and starts laughing in group chat, Guardian pouts and quits the group. I swap to Soresu, we finish without any undue fuss.


I don't think I've taken that much pleasure in someone else's failing in a long, long time.

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comandoes are not best at pvp? well... maybe, but my merc was the first character I've ever gotten "unbeatable" in a warzone with. so... I don't know... seemed fine to me :p


Pff, I get unbeatable many times, and have got invincible 10+ times. Never gotten close to immortal though :(

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I was tanking Boarding party the other day with a guildy, and as I was getting ready to start I noticed that one of the dps, a mercenary, was in combat medic cell. So I told the person to switch cells and went along fighting the mobs. The person didnt understand what I meant by cells, so the other dps my guildy was trying to explain it to him. About halfway to the first boss, told my guildy to stop, the person has no clue how to play that class and we continued on in the fp. I didnt care if the person stayed or not as long as he didnt wipe the group. We downed the first boss and guess what the mercenary needed on willpower gear. Well everyone in the group had enough and we kicked him, got dps who knew how to play his class and went a lot smoother.
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