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The weird people you meet in Group Finder.

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eh, I personally actually like that, because it means i can give them my castoffs :p makes them easier to gear.


I also like this. I actually have a nice set of dps gear that I use on all my companions on my commando (yes, inclueding the tanks, with dps stance and dps gear they kill stuff faster).

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Just a normal fp que...got a group...

Then the commando...in Lvl 44 gear...in a Lvl 55 flashpoint..hard mode...started giving us role playing orders like " watch my flank" " keep me covered" and "Jedi get on my nerves"

Funniest part though was on first boss of Hammer Station, the guy dies due to the explosion probes...we eventually kill the boss (over-geared)...after that he stated that he wouldn't let the Jedi lead him anymore and said he would be the tank...and the guy starts trying to tank the rest of the mobs...I taunt them to not allow him to die but he dies again...then he blames me for his death again and leaves...lol, that's when I saw my first Commando Tank!!:)

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Awesome thread! I thought I might share my group finder experience today.


I join the queue as my 27 sorc healer and get put into a mandalorian raiders group with a level 30 sniper, level 30 merc (both of whom are well geared) and an assassin who is supposed to be our tank. The assassin walks in with lightning charge active and with the force regeneration in stealth buff up (the name escapes me :p). Seeing this, I ask him to switch on tank stance, to which I get no reply. He stands in front of the first pull for about 5 minutes before saying scavenge droid and then continuing to wait. He finally pulls and all the mobs except for the normal he is attacking go wild and hit random group members. We proceed with pulls like this for a while, we even mark cc, which we explain and he breaks without hesitation, until we arrive at the first boss, to which he tries to sap and knockback. I end up kiting the boss while the assassin deliberately focuses on his dog that he is attacking, and miraculously, we survive.


The other group members are beginning to get fed up at this point, as we have pull after pull of broken cc and no aggro. The assassin even gets knocked off the bridge at the top and sits on the bottom for 5 minutes until our merc had to jump down and show him the way back up. We mark ccs on the boarding party, which, to nobody's surprise, the assassin breaks, leaving the knight and consular focusing on me. After this we stop progress and ask this guy what is going on (we tried many times before but no answer) he says that his role here is dps.....even though his icon specifically has the blue shield which means tank. We try to explain this to him, and tell him to look at the icon below his portrait, to which he says "That is one of my skills." Face palm moment. We proceed through more of the FP and encounter the dialogue, to which the assassin continues ahead and pulls a group while we are in the conversation ring. The assassin, throughout the run, had been using the /angry emote for whatever reason. At the final boss the assassin goes into stealth and tries to sap and knockback the boss repeatedly. As the fight continues, we make it clear to attack turrets first, to which he attacks the boss first. We somehow finish without a single wipe.

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Awesome thread! I thought I might share my group finder experience today.



We mark ccs on the boarding party, which, to nobody's surprise, the assassin breaks, leaving the knight and consular focusing on me.




If you did it today, and not before 2.0, the assassin didn't break cc in this fight. These bosses can't be cced anymore. Your cc just failed because the bosses were immune.

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met healer on Athiss who refused to cleanse, as 'it won't work and healing is cheaper for my force',

a DPS Jugg who kept taunting mobs off my tank (I only mentioned it once to them, as it was 2 dps + healer premade from one guild, so I didn't care much, not my problem (just healers) as long as we live and I don't have to repair)

met a tank who insisted I cut my DPS in half since he can't keep threat and he preffers to keep taunts and aoe attacks for special groups..

pair of dps who thought 'cc' and markings means 'kill first, and don't mind weaker mobs getting their way with your healer'

and my favorite, EV SM, 5 people claimed to be in hardcore raiding groups, but:

-had no idea how to do pylons (we agreed on 'all left and hit when match', and after I pushed left, next guy (I was stunned) pushed right)

-wanted to kill council in pairs (to make it quicker)

-died 2 times on first part of soa

-died 2 times jumping down to phase 2 of soa

-were running away from their balls THRO every one else

-took express path to lowest pit of SOA and (4 of them) asked to be revived.

Edited by Atramar
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If you did it today, and not before 2.0, the assassin didn't break cc in this fight. These bosses can't be cced anymore. Your cc just failed because the bosses were immune.


Guess you are right, I was healing so I didn't look to see if they were immune, besides the 2 seconds it took me to cast whirlwind, which I ignored any buffs I saw, assuming we could still cc ( I have not done sm in a while). I just saw the merc mark a cc and the assassin attack that target right away, almost right after the merc casted his skill. I guess we just assumed he broke all our ccs :p

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Met the most special DPS *ever* in a D7 HM yesterday that I was healing. Was a level 55 sorc with ~17k HP.


It took him about 10 minutes just to enter the FP, even asked us to "resend the invite" because he missed it due to being in combat. When he did enter, he couldn't find the path to get to us, so I had to go back and lead him across the tower we downed. So at this point I know he has never done this, so I explain every single boss mechanic in chat before we pull.


First boss, I notice something odd...a relative lack of purple lightning. So I set my focus target to him to see what he was actually doing.


His entire DPS "rotation" consisted of lightning storm (the expensive AoE) about every 10 to 20 seconds, which he would frequently interrupt before it finished. And wandering around the area. And making sure he bubbled himself any time the debuff wore off. And the *very* occasional lightning strike. His lightning storms would usually land on a single target...and he frequently started one *after* we had exited combat.


On Bulwark, he waited until AFTER the green shield was active before his first attack. He finally did click the panel to remove the shield after it was up for about 20 seconds, and after I had given up and ran in to click it myself. Again, I had explained the shield mechanics, and the whole "cannot damage him with shield up" part, before we pulled. He spent the next minute not doing anything...except refreshing his bubble.


On Interrogator, he would lightning storm the clone...and then just wander around waiting for the next one. And bubble himself.


At one point on Mentor, we were all fighting at the left turret, and I see him diagonally across the room near a power core. It isn't active, there are no mini-turrets there, and he's not being harassed by the claw. He is just slowly wandering around, moving a few steps at a time...not hitting or doing anything.


But he did have a fresh bubble applied.

Edited by NoFishing
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This thread is so cool.


The stories you read here... I thought it is just things that happens to a few and that I was inmune. But last night, I was votekicked for using a Turbulence, Disturbance and Thelekinetic Throw rotation. Tank said he got all confused "with the so frequent annoying hadoukens", and that I should be playing mortal kombat or something like that.


I had to vote for the more amusing stories here, so here are my personal favorites (in the order I like the most, #1, to 4) One, Two, Three and Four.

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Yesterday, a friend (guardian tank) and I (commando dps) were running story mode Cademimu. The flashpoint itself went well, but the healer (a sage, free-to-play too) rolled need on EVERY. SINGLE. DROP.


We asked him to stop rolling on stuff that he couldn't wear,. He said "okay", and didn't stop.


The wookiee boss dropped a strength piece my friend could make use of, so he and I both rolled need on it. The sage DPS asked why we were rolling need, I said "tank actually needs it and heals won't stop needing. If I get it i'm giving it to the tank." The sage dps needed on it as well.

The healer won the roll. He said he'd give it to the tank, but didn't. Whatever, he's free-to-play, stuff happens. We told him to stop needing on everything. He said "okay" again (but he didn't stop).


He ended up dying on the last boss because he didn't think to run out of the flames, but I threw an occasional Kolto Bomb and we made it through unscathed.


When the boss died, we all thought that since the healer was dead (and died again by aggroing trash on his way back) he wouldn't be able to roll, so we all greeded (it was a cunning drop; none of us had any use for it).


Then the timer kept ticking. And ticking. And with just a few seconds left, the healer rolled Need on it.


That sage won every aim, cunning, and strength item that dropped in the flashpoint.

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Yesterday, a friend (guardian tank) and I (commando dps) were running story mode Cademimu. The flashpoint itself went well, but the healer (a sage, free-to-play too) rolled need on EVERY. SINGLE. DROP.


We asked him to stop rolling on stuff that he couldn't wear,. He said "okay", and didn't stop.


The wookiee boss dropped a strength piece my friend could make use of, so he and I both rolled need on it. The sage DPS asked why we were rolling need, I said "tank actually needs it and heals won't stop needing. If I get it i'm giving it to the tank." The sage dps needed on it as well.

The healer won the roll. He said he'd give it to the tank, but didn't. Whatever, he's free-to-play, stuff happens. We told him to stop needing on everything. He said "okay" again (but he didn't stop).


He ended up dying on the last boss because he didn't think to run out of the flames, but I threw an occasional Kolto Bomb and we made it through unscathed.


When the boss died, we all thought that since the healer was dead (and died again by aggroing trash on his way back) he wouldn't be able to roll, so we all greeded (it was a cunning drop; none of us had any use for it).


Then the timer kept ticking. And ticking. And with just a few seconds left, the healer rolled Need on it.


That sage won every aim, cunning, and strength item that dropped in the flashpoint.


And you didn't think to kick him the 2nd or 3rd time he did it? Shame on you in this case.


I like to use an adage about gaming in MMO's: "Don't bite the hand that heals for you; but chop off the hand that steals from you."

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And you didn't think to kick him the 2nd or 3rd time he did it? Shame on you in this case.


I like to use an adage about gaming in MMO's: "Don't bite the hand that heals for you; but chop off the hand that steals from you."


...I actually completely forgot kicking was a thing you could do. I guess that makes me one of these "special people", huh? I've only even seen a vote kick when someone disconnected.

...my smug likes to kick people though... but that doesn't count...

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This thread is so cool.


The stories you read here... I thought it is just things that happens to a few and that I was inmune. But last night, I was votekicked for using a Turbulence, Disturbance and Thelekinetic Throw rotation. Tank said he got all confused "with the so frequent annoying hadoukens", and that I should be playing mortal kombat or something like that.


I had to vote for the more amusing stories here, so here are my personal favorites (in the order I like the most, #1, to 4) One, Two, Three and Four.


Lolwut :confused:

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Yesterday, a friend (guardian tank) and I (commando dps) were running story mode Cademimu. The flashpoint itself went well, but the healer (a sage, free-to-play too) rolled need on EVERY. SINGLE. DROP.


We asked him to stop rolling on stuff that he couldn't wear,. He said "okay", and didn't stop.


The wookiee boss dropped a strength piece my friend could make use of, so he and I both rolled need on it. The sage DPS asked why we were rolling need, I said "tank actually needs it and heals won't stop needing. If I get it i'm giving it to the tank." The sage dps needed on it as well.

The healer won the roll. He said he'd give it to the tank, but didn't. Whatever, he's free-to-play, stuff happens. We told him to stop needing on everything. He said "okay" again (but he didn't stop).


He ended up dying on the last boss because he didn't think to run out of the flames, but I threw an occasional Kolto Bomb and we made it through unscathed.


When the boss died, we all thought that since the healer was dead (and died again by aggroing trash on his way back) he wouldn't be able to roll, so we all greeded (it was a cunning drop; none of us had any use for it).


Then the timer kept ticking. And ticking. And with just a few seconds left, the healer rolled Need on it.


That sage won every aim, cunning, and strength item that dropped in the flashpoint.


It was SM, it's entirely possible he didn't know what you mean by "not needing on everything". I hope you tried to make it more clear than that.

Edited by zzoorrzz
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I ran Cademimu on alt last night I was highest level, and healer, most of the people didnt know the fights so I am calling them out. People ignoring my idea to kite the arrester robot, running into mobs, etc. But being higher level I am keeping everyone up easily. So what do I do? I jump in the taxi, get out of the taxi and manage to walk off the platform. OK I make my excuses come straight back, and then do the same thing again. Ooops......


The tank then managed to die in the first set of flames against the final boss. We won without him as I was able to keep the DPS alive with ease.

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ROFL I know right! It's almost to bad I don't pug anything (as I run with Guildies or close friends) otherwise i would have more funny stories to add.


I semi-pug, though usually I know my tank so it's not too bad. I'm just relieved that I haven't seen myself mentioned here, haha!


But yes, some of these stories are train-wreck bad. And I love it. :)

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I semi-pug, though usually I know my tank so it's not too bad. I'm just relieved that I haven't seen myself mentioned here, haha!


But yes, some of these stories are train-wreck bad. And I love it. :)


I specifically love the one from the OP and it was a long one sufficed with the title

This is Cademimu story mode STORY MODE


I ROFL'd so hard i nearly fell off my chair

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Damn, I only just discovered this thread. I think I've encountered some of the people mentioned in here.


The post by Darth_Dreselus had a screenshot with a sage that was a very special individual. I'm pretty sure I've encountered that sage as a healer. He was using a mixture of Willpower tanking, melee dps and ranged dps gear while healing. Lets just say he was having trouble with Heroic Essles.


Kind of glad I'm not being mentioned though, I'm waiting for someone to talk about a crazy ADHD guardian tank that runs around like a headless chicken but holds threat on everything. :D

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>Queue for a LVL 50 HM Flashpoint as a LVL 51 Scoundrel Healer

>Get placed in a group

>See one of the indicated Damage players was a Healer (Commando with Combat Support Cell on)

>State "Oh, it seems we have two healers. I'll go ahead and respec DPS so this goes faster."

>Commando healer says that's fine.

>Receive a suspiciously low amount of healing

>Reach first boss and Guardian tank says "Heal me pls."

>Believe they were referring to the agreed upon healer.

>Pull threat off LVL 55 Guardian Tank as a Dirty Fighting Scoundrel with only passive accuracy bonus, stealth to drop threat, re-attack and immediately pull and keep threat for the whole fight.

>Whole group almost dies due to poor healing.

>Get to next room.

>Other DPS votes to kick me for "Doesnt heal."

>Kicked from the group within 5 seconds of the vote being initiated.


Thankfully, the next group didn't have a healer that queued for Damage and wouldn't respec so I got to do what my gear supports doing. I wasn't mad that I was kicked either, just extremely confused.

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Another strange PuG today :p


Get queued for D7 HM on my scoundrel healer. I begin by asking if everyone know the place, everyone says so, but then the tank drops immediately (no clue why) and we go through the first pull with Bowdaar and do decent. A new tank comes and we proceed through the trash everyone knew the shortcuts except a sentinel who kept pulling random trash. We don't really have a problem with te extra pulls its just a bit annoying. We get to the assassins and I refresh everyone's memory by stating not to hit shielded droids ( I suspected it was the sentinel's first time) right off the bat he charges the orange shielded droid and got knocked back. The weird thing was that he kept attacking and charging the droid despite getting knocked back. It was quite funny to watch actually. And once he figured out to stop hitting the droid, (after getting knocked back 20+ times) he attacks the blue shielded droid. The tank typed "***" while the sentinel continues to attack the droid. He finally gets on the right target and we complete the fight. Later he also did not attack adds on the Interrogator droid, and did not disable consoles or attack/cc droids on bulwark despite us telling him to.

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ok how about this


I enter S&V sm in group finder and the group can't get the first boss even down to 70% by the time they reach the last shield (I've had groups that can't make it to 50% before, but not even to 70% is a new record of what I have seen)


So after the wipe they insist going again, but I click not ready and start looking at their gear.

So what do I see?


A guardian dps in willpower gear with every imaginable secondary stat like defense and alacrity.

He had some strength in few pieces of his gear either one armoring or mod with other being still always willpower in every in every item, but much of his gear also had only willpower on both, so he had more than four times more willpower than strength. The only item he had that did not have willpower was one Aim implant.


Well it would not come to as much of a surprise that there was someone with wrong gear for his class, since unfortunately I have seen things like that many times before (although it is still hard to understand how someone manages to make it to 55 without figuring it out),


I did not really care to try vote to kick anyone at that point, as it didn't mind that time to take some time to try to help people improve, but I thought it best to explain them that there was something wrong with that. Then what happened next was really unbelievable.


So I pointed out in the ops chat that there is something wrong with that gear and this might be one of the (though in retrospect I must say not the only) reasons of why the dps was way too low. Their reactions were such that it seemed that nobody, literally nobody, understood at all what I was saying. All 7 of them (including other jedi knights) acted as if they thought it was perfectly normal for a Guardian dps to stack mostly willpower and such on their gear when doing ops.


It's unfortunately not very rare to have people who are that clueless about what stats each class should or should not have, but how did I ever end up in a group with 7 such people?




Well... republic side pugs in certain server which shall not be named are much worse than empire side (not saying that there aren't bads in both sides)

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This happened to me a few weeks ago when the gree event was back.

So I decide to do xeno to stock up on components so I pug 16man with a bro, we are both running shadow tanks and though it's an easy fight we decide to get a third tank. We start and clear Sm without any issues, some people had lockout for HM and leave, so we pug the rest. We enter the instance and decide that my bro will be main tank since he's done it many times before, me being a recent new tank (my main is sent DPS) will be off tank on main boss, and the third tank will kite adds. We start the fight, panel click went a little slow but no problem; we go to the first core and for some reason that I can't remember I taunted the boss and had agro, and then BAM I get killed, the 9 55 dps failed to take down the core in time and killed me since I had agro. I think to my self, not a big deal we still have 2 well geared tanks. I get revive and continue on, we move on to the second core, by now my bro and I are talking to each other and decide that since we are running a little low on dps I will taunt the boss before the timer runs out just in case; again we fail to take down core and I get shot once again. my bro continues to tank the boss, second wave of adds shows up, third tank taunts them and starts kiting them. This is where things start going from funny to funnier, our dps is way low and the boss is taking a long time to go down, third add shoes up, a rancor, and I think to myself "never since I began doing this fight have I made it to the point where the rancor shows up:eek:, we always kill the boss before that". Our third tank who is smart sees the rancor taunts it and start kiting it along with the other adds. I get a second revive by now just right when "final solution" starts, we keep swapping agro but the healers can't keep up and both tanks on main boss die (myself for a third time during the fight). somehow no one else dies and they finally take down the boss, now we start marking each add one by one while the dps take them down. I the end a good tank proved to be better than 9 dps.

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