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My friends. I'm afraid I must take a break from this wonderful game...

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You're telling people there is more to life than this game and that they should not log more than 7 hours a day?! :eek:


Sounds more like your taking a break from this game and asking others to back off is more like a sour grapes response to your emotional breakdown at realising that you are not the "professional gaming legend" you think you are :rak_04:


PS; Can I haz ur stuffs? :p

Edited by BaronV
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There's something about carrying a joke too far, like if Miley Cyrus pretended to be Hannah Montana a24/7.


Guy has a point.


It's like Peter Kay lost all sanity and stood outside Tesco shouting "GARLIC BREAD" at passers by.


It was funny once but gets old fast.

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I understand you dude. You are no longer the top dog.. I felt the same when i was playing wow for 22h per day-night, beating everyone in duel. Think it was 7 years ago..


I stopped playing anything and i felt like an idiot, cause i lost so much time for just a stupid game.. After an year later i decided to be a casual player.

Edited by ilifus
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I understand you dude. You are no longer the top dog.. I felt the same when i was playing wow for 22h per day-night, beating everyone in duel. Think it was 7 years ago..


I stopped playing anything and i felt like an idiot, cause i lost so much time for just a stupid game.. After an year later i decided to be a casual player.


Not to feed this particular unbalanced OP, but I remember an individual from WoW posting and bragging about the gear level of his toon, the time he put in, while expressing what we have come to call "E-peen".


I took the hours he stated that he had on his "main", and figured out that he could have earn a full bachelors degree in that time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have too much vested in this game and I need to take a step back. Last night I broke down emotionally and cried for several hours after I lost a player versus player duel. After I was done crying, I realized that I needed to take a step back. There is something wrong if I'm letting something that happened in game affect me this deeply.


After I left my wife and daughter so I could play more, I was as happy as could be. I would log on average, 17 hours of game time per day. I have twelve level 55's who are all valor level 100. I felt accomplished. I felt like I was bigger than the game. After last night's defeat and emotional downfall that followed it, I realized that this isn't necessarily a good thing.


I know a lot of the younger gamers look up to me as a role model. I am here to tell you that there is more to life than this game. Don't get so immersed in your characters that you forget that as I have. I don't recommend playing for more than 7 hours straight at any time. I know this may sound weird coming from a gaming legend and a professional gamer, but take my word for it. You don't want to feel how I felt last night.


I don't know when I'll return.


May the force be with you all.


I sense a disturbance in the Force, as if a troll appeared out of nowhere, and made us all laugh!

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Sir Copperfield is the hero SWTOR deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So you'll disrespect him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A Gaming Legend.


Overheard in one of Sir Copperfield's WZ's when he returns to the game:


Other player: You fight like a younger man. Nothing held back. Admirable, but mistaken.


Sir Copperfield shuts the lights off


Other player: You think the Dark Side is your ally? But you merely adopted the Dark. I was born in it. Formed by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, but by then it was nothing to me but blinding.


The Shadows betray you because they belong to me....


Sir Copperfield gets beaten into the ground, his armor broken.


Other player: I will show you where I have made my home, while preparing to bring Justice. Then, I will break you....

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Overheard in one of Sir Copperfield's WZ's when he returns to the game:


Other player: You fight like a younger man. Nothing held back. Admirable, but mistaken.


Sir Copperfield shuts the lights off


Other player: You think the Dark Side is your ally? But you merely adopted the Dark. I was born in it. Formed by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, but by then it was nothing to me but blinding.


The Shadows betray you because they belong to me....


Sir Copperfield gets beaten into the ground, his armor broken.


Other player: I will show you where I have made my home, while preparing to bring Justice. Then, I will break you....


Excellent post except you said formed instead of molded. :)

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