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Togruta Love


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And chagrians... would love to make chagrian Sith Warrior or Inquisitor :) Darth Wyyrlok at its best :)


If they can work out the clipping issues with Togruta, they'd pretty much be finished with Chagrians as well. Not like they're listening to me, but I'd think it would be most efficient to work on Togruta and Chagrians at the same time. The general shape seems (in my non-expert opinion) to be close enough that the same techniques would work for both.

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Togruta, Togruta, candle light

Doin' the town and doin' it right

In the evenin'

It's pretty pleasin'

Togruta Suzie, Togruta Sam

Do the jitterbug at a Togruta Land

And they shimmy, Sam is so skinny


And they whirl and they twirl and they tango

Singin' and jinglin' a jangle

Float like the heavens above

Looks like Togruta Love

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Oh goodness no. No more Bioware MMO's please. Do not put the idea into the mind of people.


I would love a Mass Effect MMO I would drop this game in a heart beat for it. I honestly love the ME Universe sooo much better than Star Wars.

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Togruta would be interesting, though it's not one of my favorite species.

Personally, I'd love to see Givin and Anomid as player species... But I know that will never happen...


No judgement but if Togruta is not particularly your favorite, why have them as your avatar? There are a lot of awesome Avatars available. If Togruta wasn't my absolute favorite, I'd use another. Just curious.

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I'd love to see playable Togruta, but as I've stated so many times before:

As someone who played a Twi'lek Inquisitor, I want to do Togruta *right*.

As a twi'lek, when I put on a mask, my head tentakles disappear.

When I wear chestarmor that normally has a hood, the hood disappear.

When I wear both at the same time, I neither have a hood nor my lekku head tentacles.

None of that I want to see with any future species they add, and best of all, I want to this fixed for Twi'lek as well.


Unfortunately, the way Togruta's headbits (that's a technical term, look it up!) are situated,

I don't see much future happiness in that regard.


And there actually was a dev post some time ago that detailed the innate difficulty of creating playable species,

and the Togruta especially, to the standards set by the SWTOR devs.


I want to see playable Togruta (and Kel'Dor, Rodians, Mon Calamari and Nautolans, among others),

but it won't neither be easy on the devs, nor soon for us. :(

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If they can work out the clipping issues with Togruta, they'd pretty much be finished with Chagrians as well. Not like they're listening to me, but I'd think it would be most efficient to work on Togruta and Chagrians at the same time. The general shape seems (in my non-expert opinion) to be close enough that the same techniques would work for both.


They can't even get a single headpiece right for the twi'leks... I wouldn't hold my breath.

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