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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP - double premade teams - possible Solution


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You all know the problem. if you play warzones and you just meet double premades means, 8 premades on 1 wz which is made by 2 grps joining queque at same time, and just choose to join if they both get invite at the same time... thats just retarded and unfair, since u can chose how many heals etc. u will have.



Retrict the PvP matchmaking to a limit of 4 Premade player slots and 4 slots for solo sign-in per team.

And u could add the choice for 8-player queque to only play against 8 player premades too, like a unranked version for the rating games...


Those 8 ppl premades just mess the pvp part of the game, they tear apart most random grps, not because of skill just because of teamspeak and preparation (better geared/better setup) and nothing is said against having fun with mates, but winning without any skill required is not a option.


And, bw u talked about skill and fairness with bolster because gear means no skill required... the 8man premade is for me the same like a max-geared guy hiting an alternative in 2-3hits...

Edited by pmautes
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well you know, playing 8man premade too, since its better to search 15min to win 5 matches in a row instead of 0min searching and losing 2 of 3... its just pretty unfair, nothing else. if u dont think so, you might be right (but probably not)
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You all know the problem. if you play warzones and you just meet double premades means, 8 premades on 1 wz which is made by 2 grps joining queque at same time, and just choose to join if they both get invite at the same time... thats just retarded and unfair, since u can chose how many heals etc. u will have.



Retrict the PvP matchmaking to a limit of 4 Premade player slots and 4 slots for solo sign-in per team.

And u could add the choice for 8-player queque to only play against 8 player premades too, like a unranked version for the rating games...


Those 8 ppl premades just mess the pvp part of the game, they tear apart most random grps, not because of skill just because of teamspeak and preparation (better geared/better setup) and nothing is said against having fun with mates, but winning without any skill required is not a option.


And, bw u talked about skill and fairness with bolster because gear means no skill required... the 8man premade is for me the same like a max-geared guy hiting an alternative in 2-3hits...


The problem is, changing this would make the experience less enjoyable for the premades.


I'm serious too, the system in place pretty clearly favors grouping premades with other premades against full pugs so that the premades will have the most enjoyable experience.

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If you honestly believe the stuff you posted, join a guild or hit up Fleet General chat for premades. I really don't get how this is unfair since everyone is allowed to do it and everyone knows it's the best way to do WZs. Can you imagine if every match included 2 premades on either side? You could never complain about team composition again!
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You all know the problem. if you play warzones and you just meet double premades means, 8 premades on 1 wz which is made by 2 grps joining queque at same time, and just choose to join if they both get invite at the same time... thats just retarded and unfair, since u can chose how many heals etc. u will have.



Retrict the PvP matchmaking to a limit of 4 Premade player slots and 4 slots for solo sign-in per team.

And u could add the choice for 8-player queque to only play against 8 player premades too, like a unranked version for the rating games...


Those 8 ppl premades just mess the pvp part of the game, they tear apart most random grps, not because of skill just because of teamspeak and preparation (better geared/better setup) and nothing is said against having fun with mates, but winning without any skill required is not a option.


And, bw u talked about skill and fairness with bolster because gear means no skill required... the 8man premade is for me the same like a max-geared guy hiting an alternative in 2-3hits...



Get some friends then. LOL

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LOL. Isis if you believe that then I am sure you are a horrible player. I have led great pvp guilds in other games. The most important thing good pvprs want is an even match. They want premade matching.


MMOs also have another group of losers though. These are the people that fail both irl and ingame. They want to feel better then they are. So they take advantage of having better gear and then they form perfect composition premades. Their goal is to stomp pugs. After awhile these people then think they are good players. However, they still suck. Anyone with good gear and a good composition can beat a group of pugs most of the time.


Good players actually refuse to premade too much right now (or actually most already quit the game).


I for one would love to premade but I refuse to until they add premade matching. Pugstomping is fun sometimes but it requires no skill. Don't think you are a good player isis.


The only real skills in mmo play relate to situational awareness. A player in a good premade fighting a group of pugs does not need any situational awareness to do well. So there you go.

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This is the best snapshot of my experience pvp'ing mostly as a pugger since battlemaster was the shiznet. Here we have nice shiny firebrand dangling in the face of these premades and yet they won't set foot in ranked. All the premade pvp guilds in Jedi Covenant sadly play non-ranked.


LOL. Isis if you believe that then I am sure you are a horrible player. I have led great pvp guilds in other games. The most important thing good pvprs want is an even match. They want premade matching.


MMOs also have another group of losers though. These are the people that fail both irl and ingame. They want to feel better then they are. So they take advantage of having better gear and then they form perfect composition premades. Their goal is to stomp pugs. After awhile these people then think they are good players. However, they still suck. Anyone with good gear and a good composition can beat a group of pugs most of the time.


Good players actually refuse to premade too much right now (or actually most already quit the game).


I for one would love to premade but I refuse to until they add premade matching. Pugstomping is fun sometimes but it requires no skill. Don't think you are a good player isis.


The only real skills in mmo play relate to situational awareness. A player in a good premade fighting a group of pugs does not need any situational awareness to do well. So there you go.

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If you honestly believe the stuff you posted, join a guild or hit up Fleet General chat for premades. I really don't get how this is unfair since everyone is allowed to do it and everyone knows it's the best way to do WZs. Can you imagine if every match included 2 premades on either side? You could never complain about team composition again!


super Qs are not "allowed." they purposely circumvent the matchmaking system. if you're talking about grps in general, then my apologies. however, I do not think that's what the op is referring to.

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The problem is, changing this would make the experience less enjoyable for the premades.


I'm serious too, the system in place pretty clearly favors grouping premades with other premades against full pugs so that the premades will have the most enjoyable experience.


Or they can go play ranked.. that's why they made ranked pvp for the pre-mades.. not for the solo que people.

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That is not a solution buckman. If you get in or form a good premade most of your matches will consist of pugstomping even if there are several other premades q'n up. For people that are bad and want to feel better this is a solution. Actually good pvprs want some challenge.


This is why I wish MMO's were more mainstream. Most competitive people in mainstream activities (basketball pick up games for instance) try for somewhat even matches. They want to win but they don't want extremely uneven games to get these wins.

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The only solutions to the premade problem is to remove premades from non-ranked warzones. It's an easy solution, it could be coded in an afternoon but they haven't done it. Therefore they don't want to do it, so we are stuck with premades. Live with it.
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I'm always skeptical about players who claim to be good but never solo queue. If you're grouped with a competent tank+healer pair than as a dps it takes very little skill to achieve great results, especially as a lot of the time you'll be playing random PUGs some of whom will have very poor team composition (e.g no healers) or who will have two people quit as soon as they fall behind.


Yes, good players tend to group up more often than not. But for me, a good player is someone who can do well both with and without a great team. There are plenty of mediocre players who are carried by their premades - and they're often the ones who you never see alone.


Full agreement, all the PREMADE crowd want is to massage thier own Ego's and get easy kills on pugs. Anyone suggesting anything else is either fooling themself or a liar.


If the premade crowds want to do group, thats fine let them. Lets make it pug vs pug and premade vs premade. Then they cant whine about how unfair it is because they can always queue solo.

Of course thats not what the premade crowd want at all.... is it? Methinks they just like easy kills.

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  • 1 year later...
I agree with 1st poster. This is absurd to have 2 premade teams on one side against a bunch of pugs. I am geared and have knowledge of how to pvp, but, doesn't matter when two fully geared 4 man teams get on one team against a bunch of pugs. They rip through up like Hot Knives through butter. I know how it works. I have characters in guilds that q at exactly the same instant and get in matches together all the time. It's not fair play and needs to be negated.
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Full agreement, all the PREMADE crowd want is to massage thier own Ego's and get easy kills on pugs. Anyone suggesting anything else is either fooling themself or a liar.


If the premade crowds want to do group, thats fine let them. Lets make it pug vs pug and premade vs premade. Then they cant whine about how unfair it is because they can always queue solo.

Of course thats not what the premade crowd want at all.... is it? Methinks they just like easy kills.


I premade because I want to group with people who have grasped the basic competencies of the game. Anything I can do to increase the chance that the people im playing with call inc early and with numbers while node guarding, understands resolve and how it works, has throw huttball hotkeyed, can do the basic math on hypergate so knows when to fall back to defend the node or when we have to make an attempt at double capping, doesn't run off to the off node in civil war in plain view of the entire other team getting intercepted before they get halfway there and wiping us both there and at mid, knows how to use an interrupt ability, and isn't going to ragequit in a huff the instant the first thing goes wrong, im going to do it.


Deal with it or up your game, they aren't going to be adding more queues.

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So people say that premades are baddies who need other people to win right? Well I premade all the time and I am the no. 1 ranked guardian on my server. I have never q synced in yolo q's either. I mean with that analogy shouldn't I be in the bottom of the rankings because I premade and Im supposedly bad? I also q for ranked 4's all the time. I'm the one utilizing all aspects of pvp and how is it the pugs who only solo q REGS ***** about it.


For all of these so called self righteous pugz why don't you try and form a team with equally skilled pugz and q for ranked. Let's see how you fair against the top pvp teams. It's easy to say q for ranked if you are going to premade and I will retort by saying it's just as easy for you to start your own group and premade. Pugs choose not to do it so why should anybody go out of there way to help you if you won't help yourselves?

Edited by sirullrich
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I premade because I want to group with people who have grasped the basic competencies of the game. Anything I can do to increase the chance that the people im playing with call inc early and with numbers while node guarding, understands resolve and how it works, has throw huttball hotkeyed, can do the basic math on hypergate so knows when to fall back to defend the node or when we have to make an attempt at double capping, doesn't run off to the off node in civil war in plain view of the entire other team getting intercepted before they get halfway there and wiping us both there and at mid, knows how to use an interrupt ability, and isn't going to ragequit in a huff the instant the first thing goes wrong, im going to do it.


Deal with it or up your game, they aren't going to be adding more queues.


This is how i feel. I premade so i can have some competence on my team, instead of 2-3 derps.

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This is how i feel. I premade so i can have some competence on my team, instead of 2-3 derps.


This^ and the poster above him.


I don't want easy wins per se, but let's be honest, do you think LeBron James ought to win at basketball? Let's just say that he was the best at basketball... if basketball is a competition of skill, he should be entitled to be able to wipe the floor with anyone, because he's better (be it due to genetics, "gear" lol, practice, or whatever).


But when he totally carries the Heat but still loses the championship even after scoring like a third of his team's points, he deserves to be mad. LeBron is clearly NOT a terribad that needs others to carry him, he just wants to actually win, and let's be honest, he sort of deserves it.


I'm not the best TOR player. I'm pretty bad sometimes. But the sheer fact that I don't make these retarded mistakes like CC'ing a white bar'd target, and can nonverbally communicate MUCH better than the average pug-baddie leads me to believe that I am entitled to beat them, and any non-skill factors that impede on this are terrible design.


That said, I premade so I don't have to carry people. I guarantee everybody that most of the premades that cream you guys aren't doing it because they have a healer per se, its because that healer KNOWS HOW TO HEAL.



Call me entitled, a jerk, a baddie, or whatever you want.

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yesterday night we grouped and started doing dailies, we always popped with 3 other groups, always mixed...never had so much fun in regs and so tight matches since ranked was 8v8..definetly one of the best nights in this game..and all thanks to 3-4 premades.. it was like a year i didn't see ACW with a grey node for 100% of the match
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yessss YESSSS do you remember what it was like to play in matches were everyone had at least some clue what was gonig on?!


only grouping, and hopefully having in the other faction a good group: 6-5 huttballs, cap wars in novare, core vs. laser barriers or no doors at all in voidstar, 590-600 in AH with matches won by orbs or with a group being actually able to stalemate or take the enemy pylon, without giving up yours or having to count on a sap cap, grey mid in ACW..there are thing you don't see these days solo q'ing..


you see people quit..even in situations where the tides can turn and you often end winning, which means that some players, believing they are pro and quitting, actually can't read a match..defence medals farming..people not stopping caps, being sapped, no calls, you see 4 dps doing less dmg all together than your premade's do..and without the healer pocket healing at all ( 1.5m heals vs. barely 300k damage taken x dps)..


somehow i agree with having separate queues, but honestly solo unranked q would be the worst place where doing pvp..


i think we need:


-ranked arena (group would be better but solo could be still ok)

-unranked arena (premades allowed)

-ranked 8v8 (only group unless you implement ingame-voip)

-unranked 8v8 (solo que only, worst place in hell)

-cross server q ( totally needed in general)

dream: huttball league ranked group q and unranked solo q

-no bolster in any ranked environment

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If everyone had half a brain in pvp these posts wouldn't show up. I've beaten premades from the "top" PvP guilds on my server in a PUG, but those PUGs had a few things going for them.


They didn't fight in the middle of nowhere, but stayed on objectives and within support range of their teammates.

They knew how to play their class and role effectively.

They knew how to anticipate shifts on the other team, and knew how to take advantage of the other side overcommitting.

They knew how to type in chat.


Seriously, that last part is the only advantage premades get against pugs, they are guaranteed to be able to communicate in some way. I've even had one group that was entirely pug versus a super q premade, and we still stonewalled them at mid in ACW, while someone with a good speed burst capped the side node one tick before they did, it finished 10-0 with no one ever having capped mid.


If you are a seriously PvPer and you see a double premade versus your pug, this is what you should be thinking:




Because you have nothing to lose, and everything to win. If you lose, it was a double premade, it's what was suppose to happen, but if you win.... what does that say about you and them?

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These dramatic puppy eyed posts about mean strangers whipping you have never, ever produced any sympathy from the devs. Why do you think your "solution" that you just came up with, that probably no one has ever suggested before ~ would suddenly summon a dev to hold your hand and assure you its going to be alright?


I was in a pvp que for 40 mins this morning without getting a pop, and thats on a pvp server. Now, add your idea about limiting people who group before getting in que and i think you realise how silly and stupid the idea is.

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