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More details on the appearance designer kiosk and armor dyes


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More options will be added in the coming months. Does this mean we will actually see sliders for facial and body features? Will we actually be able to adjust our height, weight, muscle mass and chest? Will we be able to adjust all our facial features like in other games? Will they do the right thing and separate Zabrak headbones from hairstyles and Lekku markings from cosmetics? Will Zabrak facial tattoos get better designs and be colorable?


These are still some of the things that Bioware needs to add to have a proper "barber shop" Without these, and other, features the shop is not going to be worth using. Do the right thing Bioware, add the proper features that games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect have. Follow Star wars Galaxies example. They had a grea system with their Entertainer Image Design skills.

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Source for the cartel coins only barbershop? DH says the opposite.. o.O


If it turns out only CC will be useable Im glad my sub ends next month


What I have is info provided directly by the Bioware developers. DH info, whatever they got it from, is probably datamined and not accurate.

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Don't get 1 thing, is putting armor dye modules for Cartel Coins too? :rak_02:



This just hit me. It means that 99% of cartel armors won't be dyable. Hmmmm


They said generally anything below L15 not dyable to keep them simple but didn't mention the cartel market outfits. I will ask them to clarify though :D

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They said generally anything below L15 not dyable to keep them simple but didn't mention the cartel market outfits. I will ask them to clarify though :D


I know you can't get into details, but please say if there is more than the kiosk and dyes in the new patch. We are all anticipating new content patch, not a cartel market update :'(


Pretty please, I can't sleep now...

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We are all anticipating new content patch, not a cartel market update :'(
We do? I mean, not the cartel part, but I think many people were prepared for/expected a "features" patch, rather than new FPs/WZs/quests and stuff, right after expansion
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We do? I mean, not the cartel part, but I think many people were prepared for/expected a "features" patch, rather than new FPs/WZs/quests and stuff, right after expansion


Content update can still consist of other features than fps/wz/quests and stuff and we should not be charged extra in order to enjoy them if they are the main features of it.

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Squee! I like what I am reading so far, and I am very happy that they are adding a few more hair styles and colors. I'm crossing my fingers for another shade of blond (there is only one!).


Dyes will be wonderful, so nice that they are adding some to vendors. <3 Sounds like a LOT of the cool armor sets will be undyeable though. Just looking at orange sets my characters/companions use:


Handmaiden (lore based)

Elegant Loungewear (level 1)

Dark Acolyte (level 11)


Hopefully they will allow orange gear below level 15 to be dyed, at least the crafted stuff and CM stuff. :)

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What I have is info provided directly by the Bioware developers. DH info, whatever they got it from, is probably datamined and not accurate.


Ahhhh damnit :/

I was so hoping you were wrong even though youre always right lol

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They said generally anything below L15 not dyable to keep them simple but didn't mention the cartel market outfits. I will ask them to clarify though :D


Thank you. That is my one and only concern. I have no problems paying real money for the appearance changes and dyes. I just want to be able to change the appearance of orange armor if possible. Many sets are level one by design.

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There HAS to be something in 2.1 free for subscribers! More than the few "color dye kits" we can craft. 2.0 an the xpac were money on top of our sub. If this next update requires more cash in addition to our monthly, that's a big fail!


Here's to hoping or more info and our subs continuing to be worth while

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good to hear about the armor dyes!


I was mostly looking forward to the bodytype change, thought they mentioned it would be included?


edit; why is it so hard to get why they charge coins for things? no money = no swtor

Edited by TjockTrooper
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This really is going to bug me if the Cartel armors that we've all been spending real money on are not going to be usable with the dye system. Seems like it would be yet another slap in the face. "Thanks for the cash, but you've now paid a premium price for gimped hardware that is substandard to what other people bought on the GTN with mere credits. Thanks again, suckers."


I'll wait to reserve judgement. But the L15 thing already seems to be partially confirmed... ugh...

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Though im excited with the features, I'm starting to get really tired and annoyed with all these features being Cartel Coins only, I normally give bioware the benefit of the doubt, but this is getting ridiculous, soon we will be paying for every feature update and even paying for bug fixes lol....


I would understand if the change your race and some of the features of the appearance kiosk cost coins but stuff like hair style, hair color and scars? these should have been purchasable with credits.


Also I'm not keen that these dye sets are going to cost real money as well : /

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Funnily enough - I'm still very happy with my main characters appearances. I cannot think of anything to change :D

Then again I did spend a good deal of time tweaking it before launch.


Armor dyes I look forward too a lot.

Edited by xandax
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This really is going to bug me if the Cartel armors that we've all been spending real money on are not going to be usable with the dye system. Seems like it would be yet another slap in the face. "Thanks for the cash, but you've now paid a premium price for gimped hardware that is substandard to what other people bought on the GTN with mere credits. Thanks again, suckers."


I'll wait to reserve judgement. But the L15 thing already seems to be partially confirmed... ugh...


If no cartel armour can be dyed there would be no need to specifcially state that the Lore armours will be excluded. They probably mean any level 15 or lower drops or rewards, there is a lot of that and its probably not worth the effort involved to rework it when compared to how many people ever use it.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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I hope that they do the right things and add body abd facial sliders as they continue to improve it. I also hope they separate Zabrak headbone formations from hairstyles and Twi'lek lekku markings from cosmetics. Without features like these the kiosk is going to be more a waste of money/coins than any real benefit. The character creation is so severely lacking that the original KOTOR was better.
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Do we know yet if the dyes are the only non-cartel market portion of 2.1? Can we hope that there will be a little more content in our content patch? 15% game content vs. 85% cartel market update doesn't sit well with me.
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If no cartel armour can be dyed there would be no need to specifcially state that the Lore armours will be excluded. They probably mean any level 15 or lower drops or rewards, there is a lot of that and its probably not worth the effort involved to rework it when compared to how many people ever use it.


That would still include a lot of the crafted armors that players tend to like most, like the Aspiring Knight set and the Agent's set and the Drelliad set and the Hardened Plastiform set (one that begs for a recolor), etc..


I'd like a little more clarification on these restrictions myself.



Edited by Blackavaar
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Do we know yet if the dyes are the only non-cartel market portion of 2.1? Can we hope that there will be a little more content in our content patch? 15% game content vs. 85% cartel market update doesn't sit well with me.


Well it sits just fine with me. As a subscriber, I recognize that the CM has to remain successful for this game to remain in EXISTENCE. So a patch dedicated entirely to customization bothers me not in the least. The fact that this is the type of content being made available through the CM is exactly what I want to see, since it means P2W is that much farther off.


On another note, I think too many subscribers have a sense of entitlement they have absolutely no right too. Your sub pays for access to the game servers, without the restrictions imposed on F2P'ers, nothing more. It does not give you the right to demand things be done your way. It does not grant you guaranteed access to any content released in upcoming patches, nor the right to decide whether what is released counts as content.


The only right you have is to decide to cancel, and if what you see displeases you enough, go right ahead.

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