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where are you going?


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I've read many many many posts about how people are unsubbing and quitting game because they don't like this or that.


So where is everyone going? FPS? or is there another MMO with "awesome" pvp that i don't know about.


Or... are the majority of people saying they are going to quit just sending empty threats?

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I've read many many many posts about how people are unsubbing and quitting game because they don't like this or that.


So where is everyone going? FPS? or is there another MMO with "awesome" pvp that i don't know about.


Or... are the majority of people saying they are going to quit just sending empty threats?


right now Im playing Skyrim, Dead Island: Riptide, Path Of Exile while waiting for one or all of the following games to come out

Elder Scrolls Online, Bless, E.I.N., Blade & Soul, Black Desert, Wild Star



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right now Im playing Skyrim, Dead Island: Riptide, Path Of Exile while waiting for one or all of the following games to come out

Elder Scrolls Online, Bless, E.I.N., Blade & Soul, Black Desert, Wild Star




I have been meaning to check out the new Dead Island. Sigh October is too far away, i must have new episodes of walking dead soon.

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i agree, and hey man good to see you back :)


Thank you sir.


And on a more serious note... I think this is the most satisfying MMO on the market right now. WoW has worn out it's welcome, GW2 just didn't cut it and any other MMO isn't really worth mentioning in my opinion. There are games such as Rift out there that some people love but I don't get the hype.


As for other genres, BF3 is always fun, Planetside 2 is impressive but the only thing that might pull SOME of my MMO time away from this game is ESO and we'll have to wait and see how that plays out.

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I've read many many many posts about how people are unsubbing and quitting game because they don't like this or that.


So where is everyone going? FPS? or is there another MMO with "awesome" pvp that i don't know about.


Or... are the majority of people saying they are going to quit just sending empty threats?


I'll go prefered.

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Ahem, I know a game much better than bybye kitty.


Things this game has that SWTOR doesn't:

1. Legitimate pvp

2. Hardcore

3. Very reliable, optimized coding (just kidding)

4. No hacks whatsoever (just kidding)

5. Amazing single player

6. This game is cheaper than RotHC would be for f2p


8. Gear progression while still requiring a great deal of skill

9. Worlds millions of times bigger than SWTOR

10. Exploring many different areas with meaningful loot

11. Graphics are much, much better than SWTOR

12. Community is more mature and friendly (Even I'm not sure if I'm kidding or not)

13. Multiplayer of course

14. PLAYER HOUSING! And with insanely high amounts of customization

15. Very frequent patches including hack and bug fixes

16. No sharding

17. Very vocal development team that values community input

18. The modding community is pretty good

19. Day/night cycle

20. Stealth classes are super squishy because they can't wear armor


It's sad that many of these statements are totally true.


Ladies and gentlemen, introducing, the best game ever.

Edited by Zunayson
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FF XIV 2.0


Dunno if the pvp will be good or not...but after the stun-fest that is swtor pvp...it can't be any worse.


Could you imagine what it'd be like if ea cared so much about this game that they were willing to fix and relaunch it? Lol thatll be the day.

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Biggest thing on my horizon is Star Citizen, the new combat space simulator being created by Chris Roberts of Wing Commander and Privateer fame.




Did I mention CryEngine 3?

Did I mention trading and exploration?

Did I menion Oculus Rift and TrackIR support?

Did I mention smuggling contraband weapons, narcotics, and slaves past UEE police patrols?

Did I mention boarding parties, ship captures, taking slaves and selling them on the underground markets?


And what appears to be an awesome military campaign as well.


I'd like to stick around SWTOR, but all I do these days pretty much is PVP. And I'm losing my faith. PVP needs to be fixed and I need some info on the Super Secret Space Project before too much longer.

Edited by Kubernetic
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I've read many many many posts about how people are unsubbing and quitting game because they don't like this or that.


So where is everyone going? FPS? or is there another MMO with "awesome" pvp that i don't know about.


Or... are the majority of people saying they are going to quit just sending empty threats?


I got wow for 14.95$ . I've never played it before and at first glance it seems a bit more complex than swtor, The graphics suck really bad though.

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Not completely gone yet, hence I'm still posting on the forums :)


Playing Planetside 2 and Defiance right now.

Both games have some issues, but nothing like SWTOR. And both have smooth, lag-free engines that allow for large-scale PVP and Defiance has an interesting and expanding Scify storyline as well.


I love Star Wars, so I'm hoping EA sells SWTOR off before it has run this game completely into the ground.

Preferably to some company with competent PVP developers who care about and interact with the community.


Naked Lolster 2.0 was the last straw for me.

These developers must be the most ignorant, arrogant and incompetent yokels I've seen in 20 years of gaming. :(

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Eh, i'm sticking around. I'm just playing less these days while I focus on getting my degree. When i'm not studying tho, I'm playing old school games. Anybody remember System Shock? I'm also going through the Thief series, to prepare for the next game.
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I love how the gunslinger feels, it has power and lots of possibilities. When I am being targeted one well-thrown flash granade may help me escape; legshotting is so good too, and that moment when you reload both of your big blasters while preparing another burst... shoot, shoot, shoot. Pvp is awesome...


Or it was. Now, when you do not have an expansion AND level 55 it's useless. Got maximum ammount of commendations and I cannot spend them to anything. Level 30 gunslinger must rely on PvE. Pvp armors for levels 10, 20, 40 are gone. And they looked fine, why to eliminate them completely?

Group finder for flashpoints constlantly puts me into Cadeimu/ManRaiders tier, when I want to do Athis or hammer station with others (really it's hard to find a companion to party, and even then what kills it is weird, sudden server lag, ***).

Moreover, fine-looking gear is from cartel, upgrades are from cartel, recognizable armors from kotor are from cartel. Sure you still have lots of other things that you can get just by grinding, or going on a missions with your guild. But even then...there is soo many curriencies (daily, planetary, warzone, normal or how those are called now) in so many colors that I don't know where I can spend most of these. Vendors are everywhere and all they do is "you do not have certain requirements to buy that maaan".

Glee was an interesting event, why not more of those?


Maybe I sound frustrated, maybe I just can't find myself fully in this big mmo, maybe I just want to have an easy access to everything, feel that I achieve something more. Especially when most of missions are interesting ones (explore Endar spire, that was nice! Fighting HK-47 and Revan? Ok...but ultimatelly it has become anticlimactic when at the end you are fighting keeanu reeves-like man who could be killed by mid-levels). But there comes an obstacle, which cannot be jumped over by star wars fan and common player like me. I was thinking about getting the expansion, but then when my sub is gone...funds I spent on expansion will also be gone. Especially when I do not have an oportunity to quickly gear up and go.

You see, I loved first two Kotors, loved the story, possibilities. Here is the same, I can feel the vibe, even the title card is better - gunslinger in that outfit is now not accesible (it was one of those pvp armors, but no it is either gone, or placed for 55 lvl tier). And I just cant adapt to it. The world has gone forward, and I stayed where I was.


Where I am going? To a better place... where you could put your CD/DVD into the player and you cound explore Taris and other planets without constantly being reminded that "you have to buy this and that to have fun".


May the Force be with You. I am outa here, unless you make it more accessible for underlevels.

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I've read many many many posts about how people are unsubbing and quitting game because they don't like this or that.


So where is everyone going? FPS? or is there another MMO with "awesome" pvp that i don't know about.


Or... are the majority of people saying they are going to quit just sending empty threats?


Well, im still subbed...haven't hit the cancel button just yet. I want to play this game, since just like you hint there aint many other interesting games a star wars fan can turn to.


But, I think that to assume that people are just leaving emtpy threats on these forums is a mistake. Sure, most ppl here might not have a better MMO to fall back to, but that does not by any means equal that they wont leave.


I have nowhere to go if i quit this game but if BW dont start living up to their promises soon, i will not stay. Why would i? The utterly failed path that has lead to 2.0 and further up to this day has been so tainted with amateurish failure and lack of response...it's obvious how and why it would push people away.


No, they really need to pull their act together and actually FIX what's broken and then they need to show us whats in store for PvP this year - and then they better darn well live up to that too.


Im not sure i can convince myself to stay even if they do fix pvp, unless they show us some form of 2013 Roadmap tbh.

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Waiting on ESO.

And now knowing that 2.1 only offers cathar and more cartel stuff its going to be 2.2-2.3 before anything is fixed to a decent standard.

Also they have stated thay have 0 idea on when apac servers will be merged so expect that in 2.2 -2.5 with their current rate of work.

The really sad thing is they devs are actually trying to tell people how happy and excited thay are to see more pay to play stuff

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Biggest thing on my horizon is Star Citizen, the new combat space simulator being created by Chris Roberts of Wing Commander and Privateer fame.




Did I mention CryEngine 3?

Did I mention trading and exploration?

Did I menion Oculus Rift and TrackIR support?

Did I mention smuggling contraband weapons, narcotics, and slaves past UEE police patrols?

Did I mention boarding parties, ship captures, taking slaves and selling them on the underground markets?


And what appears to be an awesome military campaign as well.


I'd like to stick around SWTOR, but all I do these days pretty much is PVP. And I'm losing my faith. PVP needs to be fixed and I need some info on the Super Secret Space Project before too much longer.


I guess his Hollywood career didn't take. Good for us, it's been too long.

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Playing Rift and Dead Island Riptide at the moment.


Basically just gave up with this game about 10 minutes ago. PvP is so bad on here, TTK is so low, and if that's not bad enough they've done nothing to fix all the stuns/roots/mezz that run PvP into the ground.

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What the hell is ESO?


Also, thinking of seeing how EvE has changed in a couple of years, atm, dicking around on Black Ops 2 for decent PvP.


Will probably download SC2:HoTS at some point.


Gonna try X:Rebirth when it finally appears.


Rehashing some old classics.


If the next patch contains anything for the cartel market i am gone, sick of the idiots trying to maximise profits with a piss poor customer experience, i'd love to know what BW Customer supports in-tray looks like, or if theyve even opened anything from it in the last 2 years.

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