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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Throw Mercs a Bone: Lower Electro Net Cool Down


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With a chest full of weakened tools like the Tracer Missile the Merc/Commando's were given a nice new weapon to counter the other classes moves with. Finally an attack that could throw a wrench in speed boost, vanishes, and charges. But the reward was bitter sweet because the cool down time is One Minute 30 Seconds.


Considering more devastating attacks like a Snipers Orbital Strike that have a mere 45 Second cooldown why hinder one of the most difficult to pvp classes by making the cool down time one of the longest in the game?


Why Not a One Minute Cool Down?


It's not like something devastating that we can free-cast like lightning?


I'm sure everyone would agree the merc/commandos need something to stay competitive with the rest of the classes.

Edited by HuaRya
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Fully agree, some might call me a bit biased because if you look at my signature I am indeed a Commando. However, I've played 3 other ACs extensively (Scoundrel, Guardian, and Sage), not as much as most people I admit but should clear me of any predisposed judgments.


BW wanted to keep Commandos immobile to offset their heavy damage output and tenancy to be more 'tanky' and take more punishment than other DPS classes. So, to improve their survival without offsetting that balance BW gave us the Electronet, the ability to mess up other class's mobility. Electronet coupled with Hold the Line (HtL) makes for a devastating defeat for any melee DPS that would hope for an easy target by traditional means of interrupts and CC to effectively make the Commando/Merc a "free kill".


So I do agree to a point it needs a lower cooldown. However, a skill like Electronet, as explained above is pretty much a guaranteed kill for any DPS Commando/Merc as it is more or less the bane of a Marauder/Sentinels existence. If the cool down were to be anything less than 45 seconds I would consider it overpowered. Overall the CD needs to be brought down as the typical battle between a DPS and a Commando/Merc is around 30 seconds. With that said I think it unfair that a Commando/Merc is out of its greatest tool of survival every 2/3 battles and although the Commando/Merc has other tools at their disposal so do the other classes and unfortunately the Commando's tools count for nothing in a battle with a melee.


Maras/Sents and spec'ed Jugs/Guardians need to stay as the Commando/Merc's hard counter but at the same time just as with Sniper vs. Mara a Commando/Merc should have a fighting change.

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Oh chit... I want you guys to get love but I really, really don't want to see a lower CD on this.


As a squishy sorc, in dps mode, electronet is an automatic death sentence. Cannot speed away and cannot even use the Force Barrier! It's on a 3 minute cooldown anyway and when you guys do this it cannot be used.


For a sorc electronet = death.


Please leave the cd as is or lower the barrier cd down to 1:30 if this should be considered.

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Oh chit... I want you guys to get love but I really, really don't want to see a lower CD on this.


As a squishy sorc, in dps mode, electronet is an automatic death sentence. Cannot speed away and cannot even use the Force Barrier! It's on a 3 minute cooldown anyway and when you guys do this it cannot be used.


For a sorc electronet = death.


Please leave the cd as is or lower the barrier cd down to 1:30 if this should be considered.


I'll gladly keep EN at it's current CD, if we can have sorc's interrupt immunity.


also Barrier and EN are not the same thing. EN is broken, I've seen people cloak under EN, charge, all kinds of things. I think a lower cooldown is the least they could do after giving us an ability that is awesome some times and crap other times.

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I think making the ability a little less extreme will balance a lower CD.


And by less extreme i do NOT mean less potent. Possibly lower it's duration to cut it's CD in half? I feel like strategically using it will benefit the mercs. This will be a nerf because it wont be EZmode against melee making them complete sitting ducks, but it will allow the merc to get a few casts off

Edited by Zunayson
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The way i see it is this.


You can either lower the cooldown on electronet


Or add a gimmick that will just add more ***** for the merc to have to press to have a chance 1v1.


The net is the simple change. If people called it OP, it would be wrong.

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I think making the ability a little less extreme will balance a lower CD.


And by less extreme i do NOT mean less potent. Possibly lower it's duration to cut it's CD in half? I feel like strategically using it will benefit the mercs. This will be a nerf because it wont be EZmode against melee making them complete sitting ducks, but it will allow the merc to get a few casts off


Enet isn't an automatic EZ mode, note that melee aren't quite the sitting ducks you say they are. I have seen them break, cloak, leap to me while affected.

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CC breaker takes away the movement/ability block, high price to break it but sometimes worth it

Yes, but it will remove the skill from the debuff bar. I've watched someone leap with the net on them...


I'll try and nab a screenshot tonight

Edited by Osxoba
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I think you can still use Obliterate while being hit by Electro Net. I've seen someone vanish with a Electro Net up only to die from it seconds later out of stealth.


Electro Net should NOT be used on melee. Just net a healer and it's game over for them unless they used Force Barrier. If your DPS can't kill a stationary healer in 9 seconds, your team is kind of doomed anyway. Electro Net is one of the most reliable way to put an Op healer away for good.

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Tbh the main problem with a merc is the fact they need to be stationary to apply most of their strongest attacks.


Alot of specs are required to use a stationary dmg attack to enhance dmg projection:


tracer, power, unload, etc...


All of which require excessive stationary down time compared to other more effective stationary classes that have excessive utility. It also doesn't help that anyone with half a brain will interrupt the merc and flatline the dmg.


IE: snipers have dmg reduction shields, absorbs, cover mechanic, etc... while stationary they still have abilities to reinforce this and let them apply burst. Sorcs have excessive getaway use and bubble with really good dmg projection with double proc insta casts etc..


TLDR version: too much meh not enough rawr. need more oomph.

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Oh chit... I want you guys to get love but I really, really don't want to see a lower CD on this.


As a squishy sorc, in dps mode, electronet is an automatic death sentence. Cannot speed away and cannot even use the Force Barrier! It's on a 3 minute cooldown anyway and when you guys do this it cannot be used.


For a sorc electronet = death.


Please leave the cd as is or lower the barrier cd down to 1:30 if this should be considered.


Nerf Rock. Paper is fine.





PS: Give me the ability to shoot lasers when my wielder's health is at 100%, break boulders, and be tempered to allow my user to summon chickens who emit lightning from the orifice of their choice. Thanks, Dev Team!

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No lower cooldown on Electronet, it's too good.


Let Hold the Line grant interrupt immunity for the first 5 seconds.

So the merc either uses this skill to get away and kite, or to stand still and do damage.


:eek: I want this!!! :)

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