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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Account cancelled and why


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... you know very well that in most fights now you are simply stunlocked to death.

Since the retarded resolve bar change there has been nothing but orgy of stuns in this game. In group play you get hit by five six different stuns and then you can watch your full resolve bar in graveyard.


Could a thread be improved more than this one by hijacking? I don't think so ...


I completely disagree with the Stun Wars accusation you (and other folks) make above except for the "watch your full resolve bar in the graveyard". It would be a huge improvement if, when you are killed, resolve did not decay until you got out of spawn. Or how about if resolve did not decay until one of 2 conditions was met:

  • you get out of respawn and <x> seconds pass
  • you get out of respawn and enter combat (e.g. before <x> seconds)


The fact that players frequently die with full resolve then see all their resolve immunity expire while stuck behind the respawn door is bad design. Of course this is comparatively easy to fix ...

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Shouldn't you be playing WoW by now? You don't need to fully download it to play anymore it lets you play while you DL.


Alt tabbing is hard. Had the game on a backup HD partition, that I use to back up Hackintosh with time machine. Watching NFL draft coverage atm. Just played catch with my German Shepherd. Any thing else you people would like to know? Come on over, and you, me and my dog can have fun with Schutzhund commands. I am a Detroit Lions fan and the last book I read was A Memory of Light. Would you like a picture of my dog?


If I remember right? The 11th is when my gameplay is done. You can post all you want when cancelling an account. I bought the DD edition. I was automatically given preferred (the first time this game bombed), along with a crappy looking mount (at release) that was designed by a 5 year old.


Are you by chance the one person in charge of pvp balance/design on this game (probably got the job by being someone's relative at EA)? If so?


Edited by biowareftw
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I myself am growing tired. Hell, I even started playing Rift today as F2P. I'll either be buying Rift subscription or waiting till ESO comes out. As of right now 55 PvP is just no fun. I can't pinpoint exactly what's wrong with it, all I know is.. is that I'm having a lot less fun than I did in 1.7


I agree, I went back to lotro, have a life time sub, they had two expansions since I last played I was able to buy them with my turbine points like it should be, something to do until Teso comes out.

I wonder how many people unsub that never even come to forums.. I know about six people myself that never come to the forums don't care what goes on here, I know 3 of the six have unsubbed..


I jump on the f2p for the rift, they are always sending me codes for my housing zone I log in and add them, and check out what they gave me..:) I was playing the rift while waiting on TOR..

Edited by kevlarto
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OP is on my ignore list for this very reason but I tuned in for a slice of schadenfreude. Did OP specify what the last day his he'll be able to post in forums? E.g. if his last payment was 10 days ago does that mean he only has 21 more days on the forums? (preferred don't get forum posting priviledges, right?)


Nope, don't think he alluded to how much longer we have to put up with him. I'm sure he'll spend his remaining days trolling and ranting per usual, in an attempt to go out with a bang. I'll think I'll join you and add him to my ignore list as well and spare myself at least a little agony that is the SWTOR forums.

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Nope, don't think he alluded to how much longer we have to put up with him. I'm sure he'll spend his remaining days trolling and ranting per usual, in an attempt to go out with a bang. I'll think I'll join you and add him to my ignore list as well and spare myself at least a little agony that is the SWTOR forums.


Oh no! Don't ignore me!


When you can't debate, or argue anything? Put people on ignore! Can I put the pvp developer on ignore, or the customer service reps who told us we were imagining a memory leak that we reported in beta?


That might be the only ignore I am interested in.


The only guy I want to hear from that works at Bioware/EA is this dude. Best comedic performance of the decade.


I think Bruce Maclean should be the new pvp dev.




For those with crappy internet connections.



That right there topped any story/cutscene outside the agent/jk story. The way the JK holds the saber above his head, right after he introduces himself? This might be the spiritual successor to Citizen Kane. BRILLIANT.

Edited by biowareftw
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Nope, don't think he alluded to how much longer we have to put up with him. I'm sure he'll spend his remaining days trolling and ranting per usual, in an attempt to go out with a bang. I'll think I'll join you and add him to my ignore list as well and spare myself at least a little agony that is the SWTOR forums.


Even though I highly doubt that is his intent, it is obviously working... It's quite clear he is passionate about the game and wants it to succeed, and has pretty much done nothing but point out the blatant flaws Bioware need to address if they want to keep him and many many others p[l]aying.


You and all the others trolling this thread can pull the wool over your eyes as much as you like, but the fact is Bioware are once again finding themselves in deep water after another failed attempt at fixing PvP.


Bolster is broken and should never have been released in it's current state. Game balance is broken and should never have gotten through QA...oh that's right, Bioware let their entire QA team go... This game is running on fumes whether you like it or not. They may be topping it up ever so slightly to keep all the sheep happy, but the game will never be running on full again, not even a quarter tank is possible at this point.


Hey if you still enjoy the game and are able to find solace in this example of how not to make an MMO and how not to treat your customers, all the power to you. Unfortunately for me my eyes are open and I'm not willing to bend over for Bioware any longer. I've been taken for a ride for the last time and from this day fourth my hard earned cash is going to be spent on a game that deserves every penny of it.

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Even though I highly doubt that is his intent, it is obviously working... It's quite clear he is passionate about the game and wants it to succeed, and has pretty much done nothing but point out the blatant flaws Bioware need to address if they want to keep him and many many others p[l]aying.


You and all the others trolling this thread can pull the wool over your eyes as much as you like, but the fact is Bioware are once again finding themselves in deep water after another failed attempt at fixing PvP.


Bolster is broken and should never have been released in it's current state. Game balance is broken and should never have gotten through QA...oh that's right, Bioware let their entire QA team go... This game is running on fumes whether you like it or not. They may be topping it up ever so slightly to keep all the sheep happy, but the game will never be running on full again, not even a quarter tank is possible at this point.


Hey if you still enjoy the game and are able to find solace in this example of how not to make an MMO and how not to treat your customers, all the power to you. Unfortunately for me my eyes are open and I'm not willing to bend over for Bioware any longer. I've been taken for a ride for the last time and from this day fourth my hard earned cash is going to be spent on a game that deserves every penny of it.


^. I have tried multiple times to bring WoW players to this game, and RL friends. Each time BIoware/EA does something stupider then I thought possible.


If I was not a fan of Bioware, I would not have been in this game day 1 of early access.


EA? @$*& EA. I started to have doubts about this game with the CE store. I knew eventually where this was going and I believe this was their intent from day 1.


In other games the really cool looking gear/mounts are not ONLY cartel market. You look forward to raiding to get an awesome looking weapon/mount etc.


In this game? They purposely design raid/pvp content to look like @%@% all to make a bigger profit.


All this game company has shown me is that they are interested in


a) keeping subs they have at the expense of balance

b) are not interested in anything past a profit margin, and really have no desire to ever make it better. They simply will fleece a new group of people, by getting them hooked with a decent single player game 1-50

c) will lie or act as if they don't know what you are talking about, when you bring up bugs. For this to be true not one person on the design team must play the game. The only reason I can imagine they do this, is that they invest a very small amount of money in pve/pvp design, coding, and a very large amount in figuring out how they can make more money and what they can get away with on the cartel market next


So I can play this game in pve, to get crappy looking gear, nothing cool or unique, or I can pvp in a game with one guy running the show, who seems oblivious to bugs/problems or balance, and whose decisions seem to be run by a profit line.


I wanted this game to kill WoW. Not because it was a bad game, but because I wanted Bioware (whom I was a big fan of) to be revolutionary in the genre (like Ultima Online was to me). Instead I got a broken engine WoW 2.0, with no QOL additions, with no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow to make me WANT to pve or pvp, that is making all the mistakes WoW did and one upping them. A game where hardcore play was not rewarded and no one cares about it, and a game where casual play is broken or simply not fun (for when I want to play with RL friends).


If I didn't care about this game, and I didn't want it to succeed? I would have done the same thing I did with my Everquest CD. Made it a frisbee after 30 minutes of playing it. SWG I gave a much larger time investment (only because it was Star Wars).


Anyways, whatever. These people can't argue my points, so they insult me instead. Could care less about them lol. I am not looking for RL friends on a MMO.

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Didn't quote OP to save time but here are my thoughts:

1)You don't want a gear grind in a MMORPG? Lulz

2)Knock the developers for voicing the game? I understand you don't get any of the experience from this playing PvP but it's not like they dropped a mil getting Mark Hammel or some sh*t. It was actually a really successful feature for PvE in my opinion.

3)I agree that considering they crammed all players into just a few servers they should considerably better ping and dedicated bandwidth and there isn't much of an excuse for that.

4)Complain about every change they make as if it took a perfect game and made it somehow terrible. The game already had tons of faults, but you can't change them to attempt to fix it because that's bad somehow.

5)Support classes make this game actually fun and provide different play styles for different people. By saying you hate NEEDING them you are saying you don't want them. Suppose every game becoming a dps race won't get tired at all.

6)I suppose you stopping to support EA means you will leave behind Madden, Fifa, Tiger Woods PGA, The Battlefield franchise and any other game they back? Lol, they smirk because your 12-15 bucks a month is eclipsed 3-fold everytime you buy another game. You are inconsequential.



You said that unlike WoW hardcore play is not rewarded. Absolutely true. At the end of the day I am exactly like everyone else. +2

Edited by Skylarc
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I agree 100% with the OP, they have destroyed PvP. Any fool with crappy greens can enter a WZ and stand toe to toe with a PvP'r that worked hard to get PvP gear, yet, I can't throw on some greens and go be of any benefit in a PvE ops group. My sub has also been cancelled. Flame all you want, but the only ones that I think are enjoying the changes are those that don't want to put in the time/effort to get the gear that should be needed for PvP.

Chew'Toy out.....

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I am always amazed when people make, "I quit threads", then spend the next 8 hours posting in on the forums. seriously, get over it and move on if you don't like the game. go log into wow and troll their forums since that is the game you plan to play.
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^. I have tried multiple times to bring WoW players to this game, and RL friends. Each time BIoware/EA does something stupider then I thought possible.


If I was not a fan of Bioware, I would not have been in this game day 1 of early access.


EA? @$*& EA. I started to have doubts about this game with the CE store. I knew eventually where this was going and I believe this was their intent from day 1.


In other games the really cool looking gear/mounts are not ONLY cartel market. You look forward to raiding to get an awesome looking weapon/mount etc.


In this game? They purposely design raid/pvp content to look like @%@% all to make a bigger profit.


All this game company has shown me is that they are interested in


a) keeping subs they have at the expense of balance

b) are not interested in anything past a profit margin, and really have no desire to ever make it better. They simply will fleece a new group of people, by getting them hooked with a decent single player game 1-50

c) will lie or act as if they don't know what you are talking about, when you bring up bugs. For this to be true not one person on the design team must play the game. The only reason I can imagine they do this, is that they invest a very small amount of money in pve/pvp design, coding, and a very large amount in figuring out how they can make more money and what they can get away with on the cartel market next


So I can play this game in pve, to get crappy looking gear, nothing cool or unique, or I can pvp in a game with one guy running the show, who seems oblivious to bugs/problems or balance, and whose decisions seem to be run by a profit line.


I wanted this game to kill WoW. Not because it was a bad game, but because I wanted Bioware (whom I was a big fan of) to be revolutionary in the genre (like Ultima Online was to me). Instead I got a broken engine WoW 2.0, with no QOL additions, with no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow to make me WANT to pve or pvp, that is making all the mistakes WoW did and one upping them. A game where hardcore play was not rewarded and no one cares about it, and a game where casual play is broken or simply not fun (for when I want to play with RL friends).


If I didn't care about this game, and I didn't want it to succeed? I would have done the same thing I did with my Everquest CD. Made it a frisbee after 30 minutes of playing it. SWG I gave a much larger time investment (only because it was Star Wars).


Anyways, whatever. These people can't argue my points, so they insult me instead. Could care less about them lol. I am not looking for RL friends on a MMO.


Amen brother, they won't argue your points because deep down they know they are true. They just ignorantly see you as the "evil troll trying to bring down their precious game" :rolleyes:


You can't argue with a voice of reason, you can only belittle it in a lame attempt to gain superiority. Unfortunately these anonymous forum dwellers don't seem to understand the real world doesn't work like that.


The ONLY reason I've given this game another chance is because I'm a massive fan of Star Wars. Since I've been back I've spent £200 on Cartel Coins, because I had hope for 2.0 and was actually enjoying playing again. I had a blast PvP'ing 10-49, levelling a bunch of characters during the double XP weekends and had greats hopes for Bolster in 2.0. I would even have been willing to spend much more if they were deserving of it. But the fact is, I don't think I've ever seen such an undeserving game company in my entire life. The way Bioware/EA have treated their customers is rotten to the core.


Anyway, whatever indeed. Time to let the blind leading the blind mouth breathers continue to try and convince themselves "everything is going to be all right if I just put down anyone who disagrees with me!" - over to you, trolls.

Edited by Sweeet
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I actually agree with a lot of the OPs post, one ting that really stuck out to me that I've hated ever since they introduced it was having to Augment every single piece of damn gear. I remember when the game came out I was so happy I could just throw an item on and be done with it after having played WoW since release and always having to enchant/gem/reforge ****, it was a nice change that was all too soon shattered.
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Walked in expecting a troll thread, got a fairly good read, that hit most of the issues I've been having right on the head. It's kinda sad, really. I'm enjoying every class I play, as they changed most of what was frustrating me. But the problem is, I don't enjoy actually playing the game. As a PvPer, I don't really care too much about the 55 FPs, OPs, and Makeb. To me, it's just not something I was really into, especially as I've skipped nearly every planet story since the starter one. My fun is found in the WZs. I even downloaded the PTS, just so I could test the WZs at 55. And what did we find? A complete mess, which was brought up many, many times on the PTS forums, yet somehow, ended up a mess when 2.0 went live.


So what does BW do? "Fix" it, like they were supposed to. But that fix fails. So they "fix" it again. Which fails. And that's just the problems with Bolster. That's not even taking into account just how awkward the actual matches are right now. You either get burst down in a few seconds, or you bring healers, who keep the entire WZ alive to the point of ridiculousness. And no, "Burst down the healer, baddie!" doesn't work. Not when the enemy team has two or more healers, who run away as they lose HP, and get topped off by the other healer. The OP made the comparison to WoW, and I have to sadly agree. We've basically turned the healers here into WoW type healers, but we don't have anywhere near the control here, that WoW allows, especially with the ability to guard a healer.


And then there's the actual rewards for PvP itself. The Conqueror gear has less stats on it than the level 53 gear you get for Basic comms. The only thing it has extra is Expertise. Which means, if you DO decide to PvE with your conqueror gear on, you're less geared than a 53 player. Bra-freaking-vo. Considering the massive grind to obtain said gear? To be less useful than gear you can obtain in a day? But, if that's not a kick in the nuts enough, let's look at the highest PvE gear. It doesn't even compare to Partisan. Blows it away completely, even in a WZ. How does that even make sense? Top PvP gear is worse than the first tier PvE gear, for PvE, but the top PvE gear blows away the first tier of PvP gear, IN PVP. And yet, when people try to bring this major point up, the overwhelming response is "You should be happy! Lolster has made PvP more about skill!" Which would be okay, if that were true, AND if this were a different type of game.


But last I checked, this was an MMORPG. The whole POINT of leveling your character is to become as powerful as possible, and when you hit cap, is to become even MORE powerful, by obtaining the best gear possible. You take that out of a section of the game, and what's the purpose? Sure, I get gear. Yay. It's nowhere near the kind of look I want for my character, so it's not even worth the cosmetic effect. And in the end, I'll still go into a WZ, and get my arse handed to me by premades who stack the odds, unless I counter with my own premade, and then we'll just lololol around the WZ, while our respective PuGs lose our matches for us.

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Amen brother, they won't argue your points because deep down they know they are true. They just ignorantly see you as the "evil troll trying to bring down their precious game" :rolleyes:


You can't argue with a voice of reason, you can only belittle it in a lame attempt to gain superiority. Unfortunately these anonymous forum dwellers don't seem to understand the real world doesn't work like that.


The ONLY reason I've given this game another chance is because I'm a massive fan of Star Wars. Since I've been back I've spent £200 on Cartel Coins, because I had hope for 2.0 and was actually enjoying playing again. I had a blast PvP'ing 10-49, levelling a bunch of characters during the double XP weekends and had greats hopes for Bolster in 2.0. I would even have been willing to spend much more if they were deserving of it. But the fact is, I don't think I've ever seen such an undeserving game company in my entire life. The way Bioware/EA have treated their customers is rotten to the core.


Anyway, whatever indeed. Time to let the blind leading the blind mouth breathers continue to try and convince themselves "everything is going to be all right if I just put down anyone who disagrees with me!" - over to you, trolls.

really? I thought he started a thread about 2.0 bolster being good. iunno. maybe it wasn't him.

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Its funny how 'I have cancelled' posts are a lot like 'suicide notes' they go on forever....


Good bye cruel world of the Old Republic!


Most people make em because they actually care/cared about the game. They wanted to enjoy it and its hard to let go of something you care/d about. Knock it all you want but losing people who actually care about the game is never a good thing.


of course there is also those who make them because they just want attention but i dont see that as the case here.

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Most people make em because they actually care/cared about the game. They wanted to enjoy it and its hard to let go of something you care/d about. Knock it all you want but losing people who actually care about the game is never a good thing.


of course there is also those who make them because they just want attention but i dont see that as the case here.



They don't care about the game, they only care about themselves. Which is fine as its just a game but cut the BS

Edited by Simbr
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They don't care about the game, they only care about themselves. Which is fine as its just a game but cut the BS


Dont we all just care about ourselves?? Just sayin. We're all selfish. Hes upset because the game is no longer fun for himself(which a lot of people may agree or disagree with). This isnt just someone trolling because they have nothing better to do.

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This is really not a good thing folks and Ive been a lurker since the very beginning. There are so many threads being created since 2.0 that are either bashing lolster or just flat out disgusted to the point of unsubbing. Day after day its the same thread discussions discussing the obvious problems with lolster from a slightly different angle. Its really just semantics in the end though. lolster is a complete f'in trainwreck. I just haven't seen this kind of public outcry on the forums following a patch. Biofail has a real problem on their hands I think. Its almost like biofail is determined to run off the serious PVPers with each successive patch.
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I see it a lot in game and by what people say on the forums....people don't bind the interrupt button your problems against healers would be so much less if you binded the interrupt button. Get a puller in your group to bring the healer to you use you stuns slows and interrupts its a tactical game not mash attack buttons.


There are 4 stages to pvp in this game

1. Learn your attack rotation

2. Learn your defenses rotation

3. Learn how to tactically control your enemies offensive and defensive capabilities (1 on 1)

4. Learn how to tactically control the enemies groups offensive and defensive capabilities

Edited by warstory
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