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Reporting Bad Players


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I started tanking about a week ago. After I learned how relatively easy it is to tank (Sith Warrior) I became addicted. Not to mention its one hell of a fast way to level as opposed to all the marathons the quests have you run. I'm the type of tank that doesn't get anal about people in group needing on items that they have no business needing on. If it get's on my nerves that bad, well, that's what the ignore button is for and , besides, ques for tanks are pretty fast. So, eventually, I'll get that item.


I also understand that sometimes people need an item for their companions. Which, to most people is an unacceptable reason to need an item you can't use. My rule of thumb is, if the healer is the same as my companion and doesn't need on an item, I'll need on it. Or, sometimes, I just read the rolls and need it if no one else needs it. Cause I do understand that dps have to wait forever to get into a que and then to have an item you're looking for get taken from you is disappointing and frustrating.


However, the one thing that I absolutely despise is when a person ques as something they are not. I can't tell you how many times I have had a dps que as a healer and not heal. Then they decide that they are a tank as well, aggro the whole room and cause the party to wipe. There are some of you that do not realize that the game auto ques you for everything your class path is capable of doing. So please, before you que make sure that you uncheck or check the boxes of the roles you are willing to play and make sure that you are specced to play that role.


Saying all this let me come to the point of this post. Reporting bad players. There should be some type of holonet vendor or whatever on the fleet where people can click on and like coming to the forums and reading posts, read about reported bad players and why the players are put on the blacklist or post or whatever you want to call it. Sort of like an Severe whether alert system. And this is one example of why.


Today was my first time healing. I chose an agent because I haven't played an agent class yet and I didn't want to wait in que as a dps. There was a sith assassin tank, and three agents in the group. The first boss dropped a hilt. One of the agents needed on it. The tank asked him why he needed on it and if he could get it. The agent said he didn't know that he couldn't use the hilt (I'm thinking to myself uh huh) and then told the tank to quit crying. Then voted to kick the tank. I didn't want to wait for another tank and tried to cool the situation by pointing out that it's just a hilt and that I know how he feels cause I tank too. The tank leaves. Then the agent (Wurrultun is the name of the players toon) tells the rest of us bye in the middle of a fight and has the nerve to leave the fp but not quit the group. So, we can't even kick him to get another player to help complete the fp. Eventually, somehow the new tank is able to vote to kick the player after about 10mins of wait.


This is just one of many unfortunate experiences people have in the game. Yeah, ignore works but only after you have suffered by that player's actions. If that person does something that petty in a group, imagine what that person would or could do in a guild and the guild was unaware of that person's character? Guild cargo hold could get robbed and if the devs add more perks for guilds, other atrocities could or would be committed by such a person. But, with a warning system that everyone could access, that can be avoided and such players (maybe) will leave or even change their attitudes. Because if enough people shun them, their que times and guild potential will be severely limited, frustrated.


Thank you for taking the time to read my post and I apologize to all you grammar freaks for my bad spelling and poor punctuations.


Enjoy the game and may the force ruin all your enemies day! (In and outside the game) :)

Edited by MsKaos
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While it sucks and as a Tank I get angry in similar circumstances. Try to be helpful.

Instead of being a dick and calling them out start out calmly and ask why they are doing whatever it is they shouldnt do.


If they don't respond or try to defend them selves in a stupid way (in your example, BUt DPS is so long I figured it would help by chances if I checked heal) then explain to them that is wrong. If they continue kick them and ignore.

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I'd rather be able to report people who harass others and cuss or speak filthy continually in general chat.


Yes, I realize there is a filter, but some people just go on and on with insults towards others and filthy garbage. I think "trolling" has somehow become a normal acceptable thing...when it is frankly unacceptable and should be reportable.

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One of the situations you described could be avoided altogether if Bioware just sorted out the loot system. It makes no sense at all why a Warrior and Agent can roll "need" on an item that one of them CLEARLY has no use for. I could go along with "Mind I need for an alt or whatever", given the legacy items that exist in the game but rolling for an alt in a level 19 FP, as I've seen already more than once is just plain dumb. Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I'd rather be able to report people who harass others and cuss or speak filthy continually in general chat.


Yes, I realize there is a filter, but some people just go on and on with insults towards others and filthy garbage. I think "trolling" has somehow become a normal acceptable thing...when it is frankly unacceptable and should be reportable.


Same, however bioware has been known to ban those players lest they risk their good well behaved customers leaving. Believe me they don't want to be maggots crawling in the **** pile of game with nothing but bad press because of their players attitudes.


I do see that system could be helpful, however the counter to this is that those kind of players will have access to that system and abuse players with it for petty reasons. To be fair, there should be a system to punish players who act irresponsible and go out of there way to be greedy and insulting to purposefully diminish the enjoyment of other players.


But that system should never be third party to players.... I know this is contradictory but I was thinking maybe some player vigilante sick of this could set up a youtube channel that allows others to hand in videos of the players behaving horrible to other players so at least bioware can also narrow them down or become more motivated to investigate the players.

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I get your frustration OP, I've been there too. Once I got a good guild a lot of it stopped for me but that's a secondary point. The one thing I would suggest though is edit your OP a bit, as much as you have good intentions with naming the offender to help warn anyone else who may run across him naming him like that is against the ToS on the forums. I don't want to see you get dinged by a mod for it.
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It was TLDR, but are you saying report bad players as in unskilled bads? so you could report them and bioware would be like "hey you suck, you should l2p, here's some guides on your class"


If so, I support this idea.

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Keep in mind that sometimes folks make mistakes, or are coming in directly from another activity. A Healer who is in DPS "stance" isn't bad, they may just be forgetful. A quick "Hey man, did you know you are in <null> and not <blank>?" is, in my experience, usually met with a goodnatured "Good catch, that could have made things a bit painful!".
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I can see how such system can be useful only if people use it honestly... But you can't expect people to be honest when they have incentive to be dishonest.


If you report a player to be bad then that player can equally do the same to you. To a third party, who has little information, the reports eventually just become noisy, meaningless and with little credibility. Who's to say your words are better than others?


This is why we need evidence, not just testimony from supposed victim and criminal, to come to a conclusion in a court.

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Many of these players though are queuing up as tank or healer in order to get in group faster since as a DPS it can take as long as an hour to find a group.


How does that make it any less selfish behaviour? If you don't like the dps queues, roll a tank or healer, and I say that as a dps.

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Apologies, I only skimmed that post. It was really long! Hopefully you're taking a break and resting your hands :rak_03:



As a healer, I've had to deal with numerous situations. I usually try to keep my cool, and comment politely on something that is bad/wrong first.


If the marauder is jumping into groups before the tank, and trying to act like a tank or some "l337 deeps", they'll die. I will NOT heal you. Often times, the tank realizes this and waits until the DPS is dead to pick up the mobs. Then, we finish the pull, and before I bring up the DPS I explain why he didn't recieve any heals.


If you backtalk me at that point, being rude or claiming I'm a bad healer for not being able to heal a DPS as a tank, I will immediately initiate a vote-kick. If for some strange reason the DPS isn't kicked, I promptly leave the group (after apologizing to 'the group') and put that person on /ignore.


If you say something like, "I'm sorry. I keep forgetting we're not in 50 hms anymore, so I can't lolstomp this stuff." I will say "That's ok, just try not to let it happen again." And the group continues in peace.



TL;DR -- Basically, I try to educate. But if you're an a-hole about it, vote-kick and /ignore.


~Completely forgot to mention this~

I'd love to see, maybe, a system like on Xbox/LoL? One where you can 'commend' others for excellence, or report them for harassment or lack of teamwork, etc.

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this happens to me quite often when i pug, i remembered i queued up as a healer on my commando, we did hammer station which is probably the first FP that you need to learn the mechanics quickly. well i had a guardian who was queued as a tank. well i noticed that he was in shii-form, now i gladly told him that he should switch to soresu form. Now i checked if he had a shield and he did not, not only did we wipe but HE blamed me for him wiping. I really don't understand why i would get blamed first. it sucks and this generally wants me to stop pugging because of how bad some people are
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I'd rather be able to report people who harass others and cuss or speak filthy continually in general chat.


Yes, I realize there is a filter, but some people just go on and on with insults towards others and filthy garbage. I think "trolling" has somehow become a normal acceptable thing...when it is frankly unacceptable and should be reportable.




You can report these kind of players. Right click on their name in the chat box, and you should get the option to report them for harrassment etc.



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Yeah...sorry, but this is nothing but a griefing tool waited to be exploited. I don't like your face? Fine, I'm spamming that you're a n00b spaz that doesn't know how to tank. Who's to say I'm wrong? What if I have 30 people in my guild that take my side?


I wish we could blow bads out the airlocks some days, but this isn't the way....

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Reported for sarcasm.


Is OP suggesting some kind of in-game "whine board" to post bad things about "bad" players? There's a reason such things do not exist.


Reported for reporting.


In all seriousness This is a terrible idea and even if it wasn't it wouldn't happen. Reporting players for being bad, while it would be kinda nice to thin the heard of the people negatively affect our gameplay, those are customers supporting the game and the company would not want to punish them just for being unskilled. Not if Call of Doody has anything like this to stop all the terrible FPS players (aside from running your own server and banning whoever you want)

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Reported for reporting.

Double neener to you, then.


In all seriousness This is a terrible idea and even if it wasn't it wouldn't happen. Reporting players for being bad, while it would be kinda nice to thin the heard of the people negatively affect our gameplay, those are customers supporting the game and the company would not want to punish them just for being unskilled. Not if Call of Doody has anything like this to stop all the terrible FPS players (aside from running your own server and banning whoever you want)

And everyone is a bad player in someone's opinion.

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You can report these kind of players. Right click on their name in the chat box, and you should get the option to report them for harrassment etc.




It only matters if 5 people report him. What Bioware needs is when a person is reported it sends a copy of the last 10 posts that person typed with the report. That way Bioware would have proof right there. They could see the last 10 things he said were cussing and insulting and trolling. Ban him for a week from the game. People would think twice before acting like 2yr olds then.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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I Saying all this let me come to the point of this post. Reporting bad players. There should be some type of holonet vendor or whatever on the fleet where people can click on and like coming to the forums and reading posts, read about reported bad players and why the players are put on the blacklist or post or whatever you want to call it. Sort of like an Severe whether alert system. And this is one example of why.

So what happens when I and my 400+ guild members decide to blacklist you for absolutely no reason at all?

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