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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Augment glitch still here


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That damage can be undone, though. All they'd need to do is set up a NPC who would trade old WH/EWH shells for replacement pieces with expertise added back in.


I rather let em implement a lock for changing gear inside a WZ

Once u load u can't remove gear

Bad for a tactical respec, but it will block the exploit

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If this were an exploit that benefited players (more XP, more $ or anything like that), you know damn well they'd do an emergency patch in the middle of the day. The lack of a fix for this is simply pathetic.
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I rather let em implement a lock for changing gear inside a WZ

Once u load u can't remove gear

Bad for a tactical respec, but it will block the exploit


The problem with this idea is that there're many people who change their gear in the downtime prior to warzones starting, not before taking queue pops. Locking gear on entry would essentially mean giving a big F-U to anyone who runs dailies / heroics, and Bioware's really encouraging that right now with the new achievement and reputation systems.

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Look, I get it. Your game is dead as far as EA is concerned. You haven't a spare cent in the budget, and your one or two remaining devs not focused entirely on the cartel market are the college interns. But throw us a bone here. For some of us, PvP is the only reason we're still hanging on.


I feel like Charlie Murphy's couch (Chappelle anyone). Been gaming for over 20 years but this is my first MMO. The silence, i.e. lack of consideration, is deafening. I log to do my PvP dailies and then I'm done.


PS: Would be interested in what alliance the Shadowlands PvPrs roll in the upcoming MMO that shall not be named.

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The problem with this idea is that there're many people who change their gear in the downtime prior to warzones starting, not before taking queue pops. Locking gear on entry would essentially mean giving a big F-U to anyone who runs dailies / heroics, and Bioware's really encouraging that right now with the new achievement and reputation systems.


But no one that changes augs and mods.... lock the augs and mod changing... Simple.. Fix... done.



Want two gear sets?? have two gear sets and switch your gear... but the mods and augs stay

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Change the schedule! This is pathetic. If it's your goal to fix things "as quickly and efficiently as possible", then fix it. Don't give us this "we do not have a scheduled maintenance planned" b.s. My patience is really wearing thin, and these weak excuses aren't helping.


This was my thought upon reading the official response. This is not a random bug that affects a small number of players at random times, this is a bug that is being exploited.

Exploits are something that should not wait till scheduled maintenance, it should be identified, a solution created and fixed when the solution is found.

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Hey everyone,


I just wanted to confirm that this is not intended and is a bug. We also would like to apologize for the frustration many of you are experiencing around Bolster. As we discover issues like this it is our goal to fix them as quickly and efficiently as possible and we want to thank you for your continued patience as we work through them. Making PvP a fun and balanced experience is really important to us and to SWTOR. This is something we will definitely be fixing in a future patch and I will let you know as soon as I have more information on when that fix will happen. As a note this will not be fixed this coming Tuesday as currently we do not have a scheduled maintenance planned.


Thanks for your info and your continued patience.





Here's an idea.


Tell those 'geniuses' that we don't want bolster in our level 55 warzones.


Improve the recruit gear, and make everyone reasonably happy.

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Here's an idea.


Tell those 'geniuses' that we don't want bolster in our level 55 warzones.


Improve the recruit gear, and make everyone reasonably happy.


Please. Bolster would be fine if it worked. Seems a new recruit set, w/o bolster, would be an easy solution. Keep the gear gap small, and the outcome is the same as you were going for with bolster at 55

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I hope y'all are working on a solution to this.


Well it will be at least a week before anything will happen...I am guessing 2.1 we will see a fix only to see it broken again with 2.2, just my prediction.

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Well it will be at least a week before anything will happen...I am guessing 2.1 we will see a fix only to see it broken again with 2.2, just my prediction.


I'm sure you're right. I just want to stay on them until we at least get some more info

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Eric, do you have an update on the ETA of this fix?


I'm sure he's waiting to hear from the Development staff before he posts, since Eric is not the one in charge of fixing the issues with bolster. My assumption is, they'll be re-tweaking how bolster actually works, which undoubtedly will take some time. The next scheduled downtime isn't till next Tuesday, which I imagine is their hope for 2.1 update.

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A new set of recruit gear isn't a viable option. Why? Because from experience we know that about half the people that should be wearing it won't. They either won't know it exists or they sell it when they get it free in the mail or they persist in using pve gear claiming 0 expertise is better. And then you just tick off the pvp players when such people are on your team.


As I have stated numerous times before, the solution is simply to look at each item slot and if the item has less expertise than the corresponding Partisan piece, all the stats are overriden by a Partisan piece with a -2 End modifier. if the item has equal or higher expertise than the Partisan item, the item is used normally.. Done. Simple. No exploits.

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i augmented my gear today with purple mk9 augments and have less expertise and bonus dmg /10% minus/ than before in WZs.

Whats wrong, is it bolster or i did something wrong ...

Edited by mrekxxx
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