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RotHC // 2.0 : Healing - It's ridiculous.


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Too much, it's boring as hell. Did you ever watch a featherweight boxing match? few thousand punches and no knockdowns? That's as boring as this feels, just spam


Yeah, even if it's balanced, there's nothing fun about a game where both team's total deaths add up to a single digit number.

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When a healer can stand toe-to-toe with a DD, problems ensue. Especially since the healers in this game tend to be fair DD in their own right.
if any healer can tank your dmg as a dd you are horrible and nothing else(except VG/PT their dmg is so crappy and predictable they aren´t competative) .
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I have argued healing is fine before in this thread, and from playing with my sage healer and my sin tank it "feels" fine in wzs with a somewhat balanced composition.


However, and what i'd like to hear opinions from the healing is fine crowd in this thread, don't you think there are too many healers in warzones lately? I don't even think its necessarily unbalanced, just not as much fun. So from this angle, can we please make healing more difficult so we end up with less players healing?


My problem with this is that if you are the only healer, and the other side has dps who know how to... dps... things become exponentially more challenging.


1 burst dps (choose your poison) can easily put out 7-10k per GCD, combine that with stuns and focus fire and it's really easy to rip a solo healer apart.


The problem, as I have experienced it, comes along when one side has an over-abundance of healers and/or your dps are horrid (bad specs, no focus fire, no coordination, breaks cc, etc).


As someone who heals, dpses, and tanks, I feel everyone's frustration - yet - I do not think we should change healing until the bugs are fixed, everyone is geared, and we can find a way to filter out the absolutely horrible dps from the equation (the guys who barely scratch 200k damage....)

Edited by alexsamma
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I've been healing (operative) since before 2.0. When i run my dps alts, i still constantly run into wzs with no healer on my team.


I've been able to keep myself alive against one dps if they don't have a good rotation and don't play their stuns right since before 2.0. You just have to know when throw out the massive burst (when I'm about to be below30% because thats when i can instant heal for free) and when to stun me. You do that right, you'll win. You mess up, you'll get frustrated.


In a regular wz fight, I can keep most everyone alive with HoT until the team starts to focus (like a good team...) on me and my tank (especially if they can separate us) The biggest problem is that so many people are just out for medals that they'll just go around throwing up big dps numbers not caring who they're hitting. It's lack of cooperation that leads to you thinking a healer is OP and you can kill anyone because of him/her.


Learn to focus, learn your rotation, learn your stuns, and learn MY rotation.

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A healer's HPS absolutely exceeds the best DPS's DPS. If this isn't the case you'd never have a reason to take a healer to begin with. It's also easily verifiable by any leaderboard where you've both good DPS and good healer present. You'll notice that the very best healer consistently outheal the best DPS, not necessarily by a lot but they always do.


Now just because HPS > DPS doesn't mean a healer will never die 1on1, because there's interrupts, stuns, and burst to consider. But over long period of time, you're likely to run out of CC before the healer hits full resolve or runs out of his CDs.

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Imo healing is not overpowered. I always queue up with my gf, she is op healer and i am a soc healer.

The problem is dps, when you look at the score boards its obvious that some dps suck hard.

I had enough encounters that i get 4 hits above 7 - 8 k, even a healer cant survive that. And when interupts or stuns are well placed then its over.

Its all about focus target. But if someone doesnt know how to use a Sniper, Smasher or Lightning Sorc or whatever then its easy to heal.


As a sorc its pretty easy to be interupted, i see enough marauders or the rep equivelant that dont use 1 interupt.


Healing is fine.

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The number of DPSers it takes to kill a couple of healers cross-healing or a healer/tank combo has been vastly exaggerated in this thread. Four DPSers can most certainly take out a healer/tank combo........ unless they are really, really, really bad.


This is true. The real question is why tank + healer beats 2 non-healing dps 100% of the time if all four are top players. Or why it takes so long for 3 dps to kill a tank + healer that the entire enemy team can mosey over for a peek at the action? Or why 2 healers + 1 tank + 4 dps vs. the same combination results in no one losing a node 99% of the time.


This game does play a lot differently with pugs vs. ranked teams. But if the game is currently broken (overly defensive) with ranked teams, then it is signaling problems that eventually will filter down to normal warzones. The problem should be nipped in the bud. Or not. Doh....

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It's absolutely possible to win against healer stacked teams, it just requires some coordination;


of course it is possible to win. But not in a pug where no one focuses even after marking and yelling and you cant hardly change that.


So right now healing is way to op and it makes it really boring for dds to hit against a wall for 15 min.


It seems they balanced healing only for rated where if everyone focuses you can kill healers but if there are 2 good healers and a guard you can hit with 4 pug dds all you want .


So either they planned it that with future pvp tiers the dmg will increase instead of healing or they need to lower it to bring back the fun for dds, not saying roll back like before but cut the buff from pre 2.0 in half, so healers are still are gamechanger but not the only one.



oh and please stop with accusing others they are bad its not the point.

Edited by Anubiran
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Having now had enough time to really get into post 2.0 pvp (and not just give a gut reaction!) I think that the biggest change to the overall healing style is that as a healer I can last significantly longer against good dps than pre-2.0 HOWEVER it does take *all* my attention away from healing the rest of the team. I used to be able to heal others far more than I can now, so yeah maybe I'm hard to take down and maybe I'm putting out great healing numbers but I'm not being the useful asset to my team that I used to be - I'm just a locked down damage soak if under attack by even 1 dps. I also find that with reduced ttk that healing other dps (when I'm under no threat) is far more difficult than before.
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I 100% agree me and my guildmate pvp all day and night. Never had a problem pre 2.0 with healers they felt extremely balanced.

I saw plenty of QQ abouts scoundrel healing in 1.7.


Your post translates as: 'never had a problem killing healers until 2.0', which contradicts the scoundrel QQ that existed.


So basically you're both wrong and a liar. Gz!

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Imo healing is not overpowered. I always queue up with my gf, she is op healer and i am a soc healer.

The problem is dps, when you look at the score boards its obvious that some dps suck hard.

I had enough encounters that i get 4 hits above 7 - 8 k, even a healer cant survive that. And when interupts or stuns are well placed then its over.

Its all about focus target. But if someone doesnt know how to use a Sniper, Smasher or Lightning Sorc or whatever then its easy to heal.


As a sorc its pretty easy to be interupted, i see enough marauders or the rep equivelant that dont use 1 interupt.


Healing is fine.


The old "it's not that I am OP its that everyone else sucks" excuse. Such a timeless classic. It's like a fine wine.

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The old "it's not that I am OP its that everyone else sucks" excuse. Such a timeless classic. It's like a fine wine.


He's not wrong. There is a huge difference between good dps'ers and bad ones in warzones.

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The old "it's not that I am OP its that everyone else sucks" excuse. Such a timeless classic. It's like a fine wine.


Just like the DPS QQ, both will never go away.


DPS either qq about not being able to solo healers (pre 1.2 and post 2.0, exception sabo there the qq started post 1.2)

or the qq about there not being any healers in random groups (post 1.2 till 2.0)

or they qq about the healers picking up some stupid hybrid, which annoys them (bubblestun sorcs post 1.4 till 2.0)

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He's not wrong. There is a huge difference between good dps'ers and bad ones in warzones.


THIS^ so much of this, but they also made operative healing stupid easy same with sorc healing.not as much tho



While operatives are in there own league...

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He's not wrong. There is a huge difference between good dps'ers and bad ones in warzones.


unfortunately there is no difference between good healer and a bad healer, the game has been very easy for them.


Just like the DPS QQ, both will never go away.


DPS either qq about not being able to solo healers (pre 1.2 and post 2.0, exception sabo there the qq started post 1.2)

or the qq about there not being any healers in random groups (post 1.2 till 2.0)

or they qq about the healers picking up some stupid hybrid, which annoys them (bubblestun sorcs post 1.4 till 2.0)


As a sniper i never really QQed about the lack of healers. The healerless (both sides) 1.7 games where some of the most fun games i've experienced. :D

Edited by NoTomorrow
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unfortunately there is no difference between good healer and a bad healer, the game has been very easy for them.


For op/scoundrel heals yes and maybe sorcs but mercs have to really work for it.

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unfortunately there is no difference between good healer and a bad healer, the game has been very easy for them.


there are very clear differences between them.

Cleanses, LoS, Target Switch, Kiting away from the team, ...


As a sniper i never really QQed about the lack of healers. The healerless (both sides) 1.7 games where some of the most fun games i've experienced.


As a sniper you shouldn't dare to qq :rolleyes:


On our server the reps knew how to support the healers and the imps were more of the "omg, look at my dps, omg" types, so the remaining healers played mostly on rep side, which lead to some games with a healer balance of 5vs0 :D

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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there are very clear differences between them.

Cleanses, LoS, Target Switch, Kiting away from the team, ...


Take a skilled DPS dude, let him play a healer, no problems at all. All that "extra" skill that heals requires compared to DPS is a myth, a lie that has been pulled over the naive eyes of PvP forumers.


On the contrary, an unskilled healer will bring much more to the game than an unskilled DPS.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Take a skilled DPS dude, let him play a healer, no problems at all. All that "extra" skill that heals requires compared to DPS is a myth, a lie that has been pulled over the naive eyes of PvP forumers.


I spoke about clear differences between good healers and bad healers, just as there are differences between good dps and bad dps

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I spoke about clear differences between good healers and bad healers, just as there are differences between good dps and bad dps


There are too many useless DPS specs in the game that cannot deal with healers. Many people are playing them.

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