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RotHC // 2.0 : Healing - It's ridiculous.


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New records every day. Today at Hypergate pve geared Operative healer - 1.253.000. healing done.


Compared to the 2mil DMG that is goin on, on my server, the above number is nothing.

Edited by Scotland
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I wish somebody here defending the 2.0 healing was a match for Cilas' intelligence and and his ability to give some meaningful arguments. Unfortunatelly, the decreasing quality of his continous troll posts shows signs of rapid brain deterioration of frontal lobe :eek:


Good luck to you and to your life endeavours, in the mean time I shall enjoy reading the forum filtered of your troll posts.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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I wish somebody here defending the 2.0 healing was a match for Cilas' intelligence and and his ability to give some meaningful arguments. Unfortunatelly, the decreasing quality of his continous troll posts shows signs of rapid brain deterioration of frontal lobe :eek:


Good luck to you and to your life endeavours, in the mean time I shall enjoy reading the forum filtered of your troll posts.


All publicity is good publicity.

Thanks for being a fan.

Edited by Scotland
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I wish somebody here defending the 2.0 healing was a match for Cilas' intelligence and and his ability to give some meaningful arguments. Unfortunatelly, the decreasing quality of his continous troll posts shows signs of rapid brain deterioration of frontal lobe :eek:


Good luck to you and to your life endeavours, in the mean time I shall enjoy reading the forum filtered of your troll posts.


what should be discussed?

5 out of 6 dps classes were unable to match the dmg of a full tank blaming heal afterwards to be overpowered ...

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I wish somebody here defending the 2.0 healing was a match for Cilas' intelligence and and his ability to give some meaningful arguments. Unfortunatelly, the decreasing quality of his continous troll posts shows signs of rapid brain deterioration of frontal lobe :eek:


Good luck to you and to your life endeavours, in the mean time I shall enjoy reading the forum filtered of your troll posts.




Honestly though, surprised this thread is still alive, not much more to be said on the topic

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Healing needs to be turned down in PVP. It's a bit too much at this point imo. Since 2.0, nearly a third of the matches I have played have resulted in stalemates at the one remainging node, or the first phase of Voidstar, or in the middle of Hypergates. Every WZ gets dragged out becuase it's so hard to kill anyone when every team has 2-3 healers and no one is dying. It's not impossible to kill healers, but it's to dificult and requires too much coordination for random PUGS.
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I have argued healing is fine before in this thread, and from playing with my sage healer and my sin tank it "feels" fine in wzs with a somewhat balanced composition.


However, and what i'd like to hear opinions from the healing is fine crowd in this thread, don't you think there are too many healers in warzones lately? I don't even think its necessarily unbalanced, just not as much fun. So from this angle, can we please make healing more difficult so we end up with less players healing?

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I feel like healing is over the top right now. Pre 2.0, sages weren't too tough to kill and scoundrels were a pain but it could be done. Now? A sage who knows what he's doing is hard to kill, and a good scoundrel? Forget it. He can survive 2, maybe even 3 DD on him (if one of the DD is mediocre).


And it becomes just stupid when there are more healers. You can't kill anyone. You try and focus a healer, and one or two other healers keep him up through all the damage. When one healer is more than a DD in output, it gets too hard to kill.


When a healer can stand toe-to-toe with a DD, problems ensue. Especially since the healers in this game tend to be fair DD in their own right.

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