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For love of the game: no respec inside warzones.


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The title states the main point. It vastly imbalances warzones. And to those that say everyone can do it...that is not true.


Snipers and marauders cannot spec tank or heals.


I almost never post, but this is high end pvp game breaking material.

A dev should acknowledge that they comprehend that this is happening and imbalanced.


This has been around since 1.3. If it were game breaking, the game would have been broken and dead a year ago.


It doesn't matter if maras/snipers can't spec to heals/tank, maras can spec to lolsmash or superpred and snipers can spec to engineering or marksmanship.


The only point in respecing is the match itself, if you're a sin and you queue up as deception, but then get huttball, it makes sense to spec into darkness for the pull (which probably should be a baseline ability anyway, like pts have).


Would you prefer people respec at the beginning of a warzone or just have 3-5 people quit if they happen to be in the wrong spec for the match?

Edited by SomeJagoff
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Because of the RNG nature of the PvP match-maker you can often be left with no healers. The only way to have any on your team is to make some using the field respec on classes that can heal.


How many times has this actually happened though? Be honest.


Most pugs do not discuss who is what. No one ever says "Oh, no healers? I will respec." No, most pugs say "Oh, no healers? I will quit."

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How many times has this actually happened though? Be honest.


Most pugs do not discuss who is what. No one ever says "Oh, no healers? I will respec." No, most pugs say "Oh, no healers? I will quit."


You must join some pretty crappy PUG's. Some of the PUG's I've known (former guildies on other servers) scan the player list inspecting the gear of healing classes. They don't ask anymore, they assume nobodies a healer unless their explicitly wearing armor with certain bonuses.


Plus by name association you can figure out who is heals if you've PUG'ed a decent amount of games.

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How many times has this actually happened though? Be honest.


Most pugs do not discuss who is what. No one ever says "Oh, no healers? I will respec." No, most pugs say "Oh, no healers? I will quit."


Dude, i've been in quite a lot of healer saturated teams. Our healer respeccing for DPS was the right thing to do. His DPS was essential for us to actually beat enemy team.


You can do some business with healerless teams, but having a DPSless team, i'll piss on that. I don't want to be the only DPS in the entire warzone, and even that, a stationary ranged DPS unable to hunt down enemy healers.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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Let me explain more eloquently then...


Two teams play a void star.


Team one plays 4 dps, 2 tanks, and 2 heals on offense and defense.


Team two plays 4 tanks and 4 heals on defense, then respecs to 5 dps and 3 heals for offense.


Does anyone think this is working as intended...doesn't this destroy the competitive value of the game.


Team two would have a massive advantage.


Team 2 has smarter, better pvpers. Team one should have a few of its DPS spec tank for defense.


Mobile respec is something anyone can buy, and one of its primary uses is in PVP. You take that away might as well just take away mobile respec all together.


End of story, nothing to see here folks, move on....

Edited by Doctor-Raider
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The problem is the same as in pug vs. premades. If team A is full of people who for some reason can't/don't want to respec (i.e. they are f2p/preferred and don't want to pay for the respec, they don't have the 200k to buy field respec, they only enjoy dps/tanking/healing, they like to rpg and consider their character's abilities part of the character itself) and team B is full of people who respec to the most useful spec, team B as an advantage just like a good premade might have against a pug. However, just like with premades, forbidding this completely wouldn't be a good solution. It's good to have someone field respec if you have 8 dps or 5 healers in the group and it's nice to play with friends.
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i think there is a real value in being able to respec before a match starts. As some folks here have said, sometimes you end up on a 4 healer team, respeccing to DPS will absolutely help you win.


After a warzone starts however, i think field respec should be disabled. How many voidstars do you have to play , where the entire team you are facing starts on offense with 4 dps, only to respec their entire team to 4 tanks on defense.


It is also obvious pay to win, the respec button is a legacy unlock, not everyone has it.


I don't have a problem with a team looking around before a warzone starts, and adjusting their comp. to something more suited. Once a warzone starts however, it is certainly an unfair advantage depending on the makeup of your or your opponents team. This has no place in warzones beyond the one minute staging time at the beginning.


i do appreciate the utility of it, but limit it to the beginning...

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Team 2 has smarter, better pvpers. Team one should have a few of its DPS spec tank for defense.


Mobile respec is something anyone can buy, and one of its primary uses is in PVP. You take that away might as well just take away mobile respec all together.


End of story, nothing to see here folks, move on....


Team one has great pvp'ers who are at the top of their classes on their server.


They just happen to be 2 snipers and 2 marauders that cannot respec to tank or heals.


You sir have made my argument for me...after reading your own post and applying this example can you truly say there is not a huge issue?

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I respec often on my various characters, especially my Marauder. The 3 trees are so vastly different, it really depends on what I'm doing.


Annihilation - Usually only for Civil War. There's a lot of 2v1 potential on this map, and Annihilation's self-heals come in handy for capping the other team's node. I will use Anni in PvE Ops most of the time because it's probably the best spec against bosses and has raid utility.


Carnage - My preferred spec in PvP. Awesome burst. I generally prefer it over the other specs.


Rage - Derpsmash FTW. I use this when running daily missions because it 1-shots PvE trash MOBs. I'll use Rage in Huttball and Voidstar because players tend to be bunched together.


I've rarely done a respec DURING a match. Sometimes I'll switch back and forth between full Shieldtech and a hybrid spec on my BH, but usually not.

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They only should remove respeccing if they make PVP queing role-based as with the PVE group finder, i.e., both teams in every game would have 2 healers, 2 tanks, and 4 DPS. But as it is now, they absolutely should not remove respeccing. There are still far too many DerPSers and not enough healers/tanks in most warzone matches, and I'm talking about games with loads of sages, shadows, guardians, etc. We don't need to make the problem even worse by removing respeccing.
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Team one has great pvp'ers who are at the top of their classes on their server.


They just happen to be 2 snipers and 2 marauders that cannot respec to tank or heals.


You sir have made my argument for me...after reading your own post and applying this example can you truly say there is not a huge issue?


That's the price you pay for playing a DPS-only class. It's balanced by the fact that marauders and snipers are the best at DPSing.

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Dude, i've been in quite a lot of healer saturated teams. Our healer respeccing for DPS was the right thing to do. His DPS was essential for us to actually beat enemy team.


You can do some business with healerless teams, but having a DPSless team, i'll piss on that. I don't want to be the only DPS in the entire warzone, and even that, a stationary ranged DPS unable to hunt down enemy healers.


Lol, that would be pretty funny to see a game with 7 healers and 1 DPS. I'm still waiting for a voidstar defense game with 4 healers and 4 tanks :D

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Dude, i've been in quite a lot of healer saturated teams. Our healer respeccing for DPS was the right thing to do. His DPS was essential for us to actually beat enemy team.


You can do some business with healerless teams, but having a DPSless team, i'll piss on that. I don't want to be the only DPS in the entire warzone, and even that, a stationary ranged DPS unable to hunt down enemy healers.


I was just venting my frustration that this sort of thing doesn't go on nearly enough. PUGs, at least pub side solo-queue on Pot5, seem to just assume that the plan every time is "Do what you feel like, hope it works out." Some players are pretty good and play tight tactics without communication, but it's always reactive instead of proactive.

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I always play the classes with both dps and healing trees, and even I can agree that having 6 healers and 2 tanks on Voidstar defense when you could have potentially 5 or 6 dps on offense simply makes for boring games.


Unbalanced? No, because both sides can do it. But it's incredibly boring to play no matter which side you're on.

Edited by Jenzali
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Snipers and marauders cannot spec tank or heals.


So? On my sniper and my sentinel I respec almost every match. If I run up against 3 sage healers I'm going lethality, because they can't cleanse my tech dots. If I run up against lots of tanks, same deal. If I'm in ancient hypergates, I'm going engineer. Huttball = marksman.


Field respec is a good thing for a skilled PVP'er, something that separates the good from the bad. Last thing we need to do is reduce people's options - how does that improve the game?

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Team one has great pvp'ers who are at the top of their classes on their server.


They just happen to be 2 snipers and 2 marauders that cannot respec to tank or heals.


You sir have made my argument for me...after reading your own post and applying this example can you truly say there is not a huge issue?


So they run Smash & Engi. Big whoop.


Sturdy DPS specs that dump AoE and can door deny very well. What's the problem, exactly?

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To those that don't understand why snipers and marauders can change ROLES (not spec), I guess I don't have the ability to reach you mentally.(ps I am not a sniper or marauder).



If you aren't a sniper or a marauder then maybe you shouldn't spout idiocy by saying they are somehow unfairly affected by the system, because let me assure you, as someone who has a Sentinel, and a Sniper, and a Gunslinger, I find the ingame respec to be INVALUABLE. If you can't understand that just because they can't switch roles doesn't make the ability worthless you aren't reaching anyone mentally because you have no mind to speak of. Maybe you shouldn't try to fight for causes you absolutely know nothing about. Or maybe you shouldn't ACT like you're fighting for those poor snipers and maras when you really just don't like the thing at all. At least be honest.


pay to win.. you have to buy it... get rid of it, or make it free.


You can access the ability with credits. You also pay credits to min/max your gear. You pay credits just to augment your gear. Are we also gonna disallow modding your gear because it costs credits? Your argument is bad and you should feel bad.

Edited by ArchangelLBC
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And remember, even if all characters bought it, not all AC's can switch roles.


To the people who can't read the entire thread. Changing specs and changing roles are two totally different animals.


Respec should be allowed before the match starts in regulars...and not at all in rateds.

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Its an ability available to everyone, so it is definitely fair. That's like whining that someone spent the time to get better gear than you. You want to be able to do it? Farm credits and buy the ability.


Lately I've been playing DPS sage a lot, but there have been times when I solo queue and wind up in a group where I'm the only class that is even *able* to heal. Should we be punished because we had poor luck in that grouping? Or should I be able to do a quick respec and make it more of an even fight?

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Yeah yeah yeah yeah


4 heals voidstar defense is totally fine, they respect because they are better PvPers and fully deserve to win.


Its an obvious joke and it shouldnt exist in rated games. Period.


I don't get why people are making it seem like the option for rateds should be treated differently. In rateds, you most likely have an exact team composition that you are wanting, along with min/max gear. Why not take the ability to respec into consideration? Always have a few people that can switch between builds with their respec depending on the situation and have them bring a second set of gear to match what their new spec is.


In my opinion, it adds levels to the strategy behind the game, which is important, considering there isn't much to be found here to begin with.


I mean, think about it. Say you start a match with a sorc healing and an operative as dps, wait til your opponents get the healers marked and are on the lookout for stealthy stabbing, then you have both of them switch roles. Now the sorc is going to dot them the hell up while the (relatively) ignored operative is going to free-cast his uber heals.


It adds strategy. When more people start utilizing it, it will become more and more standard for ranked teams to employ. If you can't keep up, then you will be left behind.

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