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Just want to know your guys' thoughts here, but I will also insert my own. What do you guys want to see added or taken away from character creator?


My preferred cc addons will be toward females more than males. That being said, I would like to see more weight options for females. All of the options are thin. i would actually like to have a female weight option that makes them fat. (the male creator has one so y don't we?) I would also like to see slots to change the size of female characters' breasts, butt, thighs, hips, legs, arms, and belly. (If you can't tell already, I would like to see bigger girls in the game, don't hate me just cuz I think 'big' girls are attractive.) I would also maybe want something with height also. But the main things I want are more weight options, and then breast, butt, and belly adjustment slots. The other ones I would like to see but they aren't as important.


So, what would you guys like to see on character creator?

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i would like to see more options for zabraks. one of the first things i tried to do while making my first character, was a maris brood look-a-like. sadly, you can't look like maris brood at all, no red horns, you have to have facial tattoos, and you can't have makeup. it's really super annoying.


i'd also like to see twi'leks have much more options for faces and for them to separate lekku paterns and makeup. my favorite lekku patterns always wind up having ugly, whore-makeup come with it v.v


that's all i can think of for now i guess. the main thing i want is maris brood features. she's got the best look of any of the characters i have ever seen in star wars, and i just love her.

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Haha, I could write a novel on this, but keeping it brief and (hopefully) realistic . . .


1. One additional body type per gender. Something between types 2 & 3; this appears to be in-game already, as seen on Voss NPC's.


2. More Miraluka masks. I'd especially like to see a simple white blindfold, like is shown on Miraluka icon in character creation, and some more of the pretty veil-type ones in fairly neutral colors.


3. Additional complexion choices and faces for Twi'lek, there are so few!


4. More hairstyles, designed by someone who has good taste and actually understands how hair that is longer than 2 inches works (no, longer parts aren't attached with velcro . . . ). I'd really like to see some ponytails and braided options for both genders.


5. Additional makeup options that have a more natural/subtle look. Think tinted lip balm and soft smokey eyeshadow, rather than orange lipstick and bright green eyeliner.


Ideally, I'd also love to see a much greater option for body types too -- separating height from build would be wonderful! Wouldn't a body type 4 female type but with a short height be cute? And I'd love to have eyebrows separate from complexion, and have longer hair options. But sadly I do not think those are realistic wishes, so I try to hope for things that Bioware might actually be willing and able to implement.

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Not sure how body type 4 isn't considered a plus size, but I agree I'd like to see sliders in place. I don't really like the proportions on a lot of the male and female models, and I feel they're a tad unrealistic, especially on how they interact with certain clothing models. So height, weight, bust, muscle tone, would all be good things to put in a slider for.


I've love to have facial features separate from the face options (eyes, mouth, nose, chin at the VERY least), but I doubt they'll ever allow that due to rendering reasons.


More hairstyles that aren't ugly as hell please, especially for females! Maybe a somewhat long hair option for those people who want it. (I know many, but I am not one of them. I like me some short hair.)


Definitely more options for each race/class... Such as the bounty hunter tattoos being more numerous and available for everyone else who makes sense and doesn't have racial tattoos. Slave brands could probably go to everyone as well as an option in the scars slider.


More skin tones and hair colours. (Nothing too unrealistic, but remember this is Star Wars! People could easily roleplay Zeltrons if they had pink/red/blue skin options and red/pink hair options for Humans. No need to even make a new race.)


The ability to create a last name that isn't your legacy name, and just display legacy as a title. None of my characters are related and I play on an RP server. :\ Also, naming conventions being explained on a hover-over or something when you go to name your character. You wouldn't have to follow them, but they'd be useful for people who want to be canon. (Like Chiss 3-part names, or Twi'lek 2-part names)


No more clown makeup please.



Unfortunately, I don't think most of my suggestions/wishes would ever work with the way Bioware has already designed the game... So they're sort of just pipe dreams for now. ;)

Edited by SystemProcess
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Nobody needs to make their posts brief or realistic. I want everyone to be creative. I would really like to change the size of the weight, breast, butt, and belly separately. To be honest, I've got a thing for big girls. I would really like to have a slightly overweight female with a huge butt and a bulging belly being held snug by armor. But that would look really good in slave armor too ;)


I just would like to play a bbw in this game. But im content for now, because how big could you get when all you do is fight all day. The calories force powers must burn alone! But i would be content to have a female with a small belly (but still have a belly) and a big butt. (I should be Sir Mix-Alot's son or something, I swear) :rak_03:

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I would also like to see a few more sliders. Especially for muscle tone. My female sage looks like I could break her if I hit her hard enough with a cotton ball. I mean I imagine casters to be somewhat frail looking, but I would be very happy if I could add some muscle tone to my toon. All the female body styles lack muscle tone, in my opinion, whereas the male body types are sometimes too bulky looking. Also when choosing an alien race, having the random name generator roll typical names for that race would be awesome (such as split names for twi'leks as mentioned above). I really love this game. There is much to improve, however, I think it is on the right track. Well hopefully.
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I like for the female to have long hair styles that aren't always put up in a bun, ponytail or something. I have long hair in r/l and I don't like to wear it up. My preferred style is around my shoulders and back. I like this to be an option.

Long hair creates clipping problems. Twi'lek tails are bad enough. Long hair would compound the problem. Allegedly in LotRO alpha or private beta people were polled and asked if they'd rather have long hair or cloaks and the players chose cloaks.


So would you rather have long hair or hods and hats? Maybe you'd choose "long hair."

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Some of the NPCs in this game already have "facial hair" that is more of a complexion kind of thing (meaning that it isn't 3D). For example, Torian's sideburns. I think we should have access to those at least.
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I would like long hair not the ponytails or buns and with regard to the clipping issue for some reason it was never a problem in SWG. The twi' lekku was a clipping problem but long hair never was a clipping issue.


I would also like some varying eye colors such as purple for a human.

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I would like long hair not the ponytails or buns and with regard to the clipping issue for some reason it was never a problem in SWG. The twi' lekku was a clipping problem but long hair never was a clipping issue.

Perhaps SWG did it the way LotRO does it re: long hair and hats. Every character gets the same crew cut when putting on a hat (even bald characters). And of course people complain about it.


Be even weirder to just make Twi'lek tails disappear when they put on a hat.

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Just want to know your guys' thoughts here, but I will also insert my own. What do you guys want to see added or taken away from character creator?


My preferred cc addons will be toward females more than males. That being said, I would like to see more weight options for females. All of the options are thin. i would actually like to have a female weight option that makes them fat. (the male creator has one so y don't we?) I would also like to see slots to change the size of female characters' breasts, butt, thighs, hips, legs, arms, and belly. (If you can't tell already, I would like to see bigger girls in the game, don't hate me just cuz I think 'big' girls are attractive.) I would also maybe want something with height also. But the main things I want are more weight options, and then breast, butt, and belly adjustment slots. The other ones I would like to see but they aren't as important.


So, what would you guys like to see on character creator?


Well sadly (for you) this game won’t feature those things.


Everything in the game has been designed around the existing body types. Altering them in any way or presenting them differently would cause issues, with art assets/armors, animations, cutscenes, mounts, etc.


For example in terms of height, all the cutscenes in the game are framed around the existing body types meaning you could never have something as tall as a Wookie or small as a Jawa without them being cropped out in a majority of the cutscenes. The mounts would also provide a problem as well as anything taller or shorter wouldn’t fit or animate properly on the mounts.


Sliders for body parts (and height) would also create a problem in terms of all the existing armors in the game being designed around the existing body types. You couldn’t add sliders without it creating a number of visual problems with the armors.


Basically the things you want the character creator to have would need to be things the game launched with or were in mind when in development. There are a lot of elements in TOR that would be really difficult or impossible to add, change, or edit at this point. They’re locked into so many decisions they made long ago. For instance you’ll never see any sort of major overhaul to the character creator because so much of the game is built around it and/or with it, ie NPCs.

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Just want to know your guys' thoughts here, but I will also insert my own. What do you guys want to see added or taken away from character creator?


My preferred cc addons will be toward females more than males. That being said, I would like to see more weight options for females. All of the options are thin. i would actually like to have a female weight option that makes them fat. (the male creator has one so y don't we?) I would also like to see slots to change the size of female characters' breasts, butt, thighs, hips, legs, arms, and belly. (If you can't tell already, I would like to see bigger girls in the game, don't hate me just cuz I think 'big' girls are attractive.) I would also maybe want something with height also. But the main things I want are more weight options, and then breast, butt, and belly adjustment slots. The other ones I would like to see but they aren't as important.


So, what would you guys like to see on character creator?


There were 20 something threads about this on the original beta. They never once responded except for a small "character creation will have many options" at one of the cons. In all honesty, I'm pretty sure the engine of theirs would'nt be able to handle anything further then what they provided (and that's why the options are a joke and there's no sliders)


This is one of those things that I'm sure we'll never see happen. (unfortunately)

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Character creation is one of the weakest parts of this game. Bioware chose to be lazy and include such a stupidly limited system that creating a character is not much fun. We need a ton more options for everything. SWG had one of the best creation systems I have ever seen. Go to a entertainer who was full image design spec and your choices were off the charts. That is exactly the type of system this game needs.


1)Get rid of the preset body types. Give us sliders so we can adjust the hieght, weight, chest, muscle mass of our characters. The four preset types cannot be adjusted at all and that is just total BS!


2) Facial features. We need sliders for all facial features. Eye size, shape, spacing, height. Nose, mouth, chin,cheeks, ears and neck all need sliders. Look at Mass Effect 3. The damn DEMO has better facial creation than a, supposedly, fully launched MMO does. A KRIFFING DEMO! That is just unacceptable.


3)Hair styles. Lets face it, half the style currently ingame suck. Who the hell designed them? We need many more styles, which are better looking. Hire a real hairstylist to help out. I trust some random guy from Los Angeles than I do the art team at BW for this.


)More options for the differant species. I'll give a few examples of what I mean here. I'll start with the one that pisses me off the most, Zabraks. Zabs have their horn formations tied in with their hair. Why the hell did the devs think this was a good idea? Zab players need to be able to pick the formation of headbones and their hairstyle SEPARATE from each other. This is just so stupid to tie them together. SWG did this and it was the single flaw int heir creation system. Separate the hair from the headbones!


Zabs also need more bone formations to choose from and should be allowed to color those bones. Now, facial tattoos are another problem. The current designs suck, just like the hairstyles do. Even worse we can't change the color of the facial markings. Again, this is so stupid and makes the devs look lazy as well. First, we need more designs and better ones. Then we need to be able to color them.


Twi'leks also get the shaft here. Their skin color choices are ridiculously limited. Twis come in every color and shade under the sun. SWG, again, did this right. You could make a Twi'lek of any color you wanted in that game. Here, you have maybe six or seven choices and that is it. Stupid and lazy work from the devs. Next we have the lekku markings. Like the Zabraks and their headbone/hair problem, Twis have their marking designs tied in with their makeup. Who came up with the limitations?


Twi'leks need to have their markings separated from cosmetics. They have to be able to choose the design they want without having to settle on the cosmetic type they don't want. More lekku designs must be added AND they must be made colorable. These should never be tied in with any other part of the creation process!


That is all I will go into here. This post is too long as it is. But there are my thoughts on the current system and what must be done to improve it. We know BW will never adopt a system like this though. They have proven all ready they do not care aboutcharacter creation options. The upcoming "barber shop" is just going to be character creation thrown into the cartel market with a few minor choices added to a couple things. It will fail because it will be the same crap we already have, just now you will pay to use it.

Edited by Kilikaa
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Never a good idea to take something away so nothing there.


But add sliders for the face (i.e. noise size/shape, mouth shape/size) and the body (i.e. **** size, height, weight etc.)


Tattoos for both the face and body.

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I want a character creator like EVE or TERA , course they would have to scrap the current game engine. I don't think anyone would complain except the bean counters. :jawa_biggrin: Anyways i would like more NON justin bieber type hairstyles. Edited by Sobur
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Just want to know your guys' thoughts here, but I will also insert my own. What do you guys want to see added or taken away from character creator?


My preferred cc addons will be toward females more than males. That being said, I would like to see more weight options for females. All of the options are thin. i would actually like to have a female weight option that makes them fat. (the male creator has one so y don't we?) I would also like to see slots to change the size of female characters' breasts, butt, thighs, hips, legs, arms, and belly. (If you can't tell already, I would like to see bigger girls in the game, don't hate me just cuz I think 'big' girls are attractive.) I would also maybe want something with height also. But the main things I want are more weight options, and then breast, butt, and belly adjustment slots. The other ones I would like to see but they aren't as important.


So, what would you guys like to see on character creator?


I wouldn't call male body type 4 fat. You take the top off and he has the fairly typical power lifter build to em, much like the Worlds Strongest Man competitors.

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1)Get rid of the preset body types. Give us sliders so we can adjust the hieght, weight, chest, muscle mass of our characters. The four preset types cannot be adjusted at all and that is just total BS!


2) Facial features. We need sliders for all facial features. Eye size, shape, spacing, height. Nose, mouth, chin,cheeks, ears and neck all need sliders. Look at Mass Effect 3. The damn DEMO has better facial creation than a, supposedly, fully launched MMO does. A KRIFFING DEMO! That is just unacceptable.


They can't do any of that stuff now. The character creation system would've had to have been designed that way back in development. There are too many things in the game that have locked the body types as being permanent features to the game, ie cutscenes, armors, mounts, facial animations, etc.


The upcoming "barber shop" is just going to be character creation thrown into the cartel market with a few minor choices added to a couple things. It will fail because it will be the same crap we already have, just now you will pay to use it.


The Barber Shop won't fail. It's unlikely that it'll be anything other than successful. There's too many people in the game that regret some choice they made when making their character way back when, whether it's a hair style, body type, or whatever, not to mention all the people who will want to change their lvl 55 (or whatever) character's to Cathar will need to purchase it as well.


I'm also guessing it's not a one time purchase either, it'll probably be some type of token since they know certain people will want to use it more than once, not to mention if they ever introduce new things like hairstyles they then get people to not only buy the hairstyles but also (yet) another token so they can use the Barber Shop.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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I'm also guessing it's not a one time purchase either, it'll probably be some type of token since they know certain people will want to use it more than once, not to mention if they ever introduce new things like hairstyles they then get people to not only buy the hairstyles but also (yet) another token so they can use the Barber Shop.


Yep. And it's another opportunity to throw a bone to subscribers. CoH gave a free appearance change token for every 2 or 3 months subscribed.


Prediction: No bones will be thrown.

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