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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware, do you know the PVP map cycling is an issue right now?


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  • 1 month later...
We are definitely aware that this kind of "streakiness" is possible in the live game. Interestingly, my personal account is one of the accounts we used as a test bed to help gather data. Last weekend I experienced Ancient Hypergate 6 times in a row! In fact, Jon himself didn't dispute that players can and will see streaks of Warzones, it is totally possible, just improbable.


We are aware of these concerns and are actively tracking metrics to make sure this isn't a bigger issue. This is the kind of thing we will always keep an eye on and look to improve.




And how is this coming along? Cause it is indeed, not working as intended. I'm freakin tired of Ancient Hypergates.

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And how is this coming along? Cause it is indeed, not working as intended. I'm freakin tired of Ancient Hypergates.


THIS. Lots and lots of AH... Still streaks as well with the other maps. Nothing but NCs, then a few in a row of something else, etc. Random is not being random. .

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I have had a nice mix of warzones tonight tbh


Last night I did 10 WZ's total.


5 Ancient Hypergates (4 in a row)...


1 Huttball


1 Void Star


2 Civil War


1 Novare


I got mad...lol

Edited by Pistols
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Last night I did 8 WZ's total.


5 Ancient Hypergates (4 in a row)...


1 Huttball


1 Void Star


2 Civil War


1 Novare


I got mad...lol


You did better then me I got 4 hypergates in a row and logged.


Well you did better in the fact that you waited to get other warzones.

Edited by cycao
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Last night I did 8 WZ's total.


5 Ancient Hypergates (4 in a row)...


1 Huttball


1 Void Star


2 Civil War


1 Novare


I got mad...lol


you did 8 WZs or you lost count after 8? coz...that looks like more than 8 to me. :D

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8 shld be 10...my mistake...


took me 10 to finish dailies on both toons...


Hang fire, your talking about last night? I am referring to tonight, wasn't 2.2 supposed to fix this?. Like I said I have had a mix of them all tonight. But I am going to go on for a few hours now again and try and see how it goes.

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was trying to get weekly done last night, sitting on 6/9 and did 6 Hypergates in a row, Lost all of them.. cool.

then 3 Voidstars, lost all of them. even cooler.


Server goes down.







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Hang fire, your talking about last night? I am referring to tonight, wasn't 2.2 supposed to fix this?. Like I said I have had a mix of them all tonight. But I am going to go on for a few hours now again and try and see how it goes.


I didn't see any notes posted anywhere that they even acknowledged this was an issue?


If you look at the yellow posts above, they clearly think metrics guy is spot on and...working as intended, just like Bolster!




But hey, if it is fixed, that's good news....I sincerely doubt it though. :(

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I didn't see any notes posted anywhere that they even acknowledged this was an issue?


If you look at the yellow posts above, they clearly think metrics guy is spot on and...working as intended, just like Bolster!




But hey, if it is fixed, that's good news....I sincerely doubt it though. :(


I thought I had actually seen a post on the patch notes stating it was being fixed in this patch. My mistake.

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6 Hypergates, 3 CWs, 2 Novares, 2 Huttballs (1 was the 15 seconds of backfill), 1 Voidstar, and a partridge in a pear tree.


Normally its pretty even across the board, or a ton of Novares or Hypergates in a row. RNG and all, but its suspicious as I encounter a ton of Novares and Hypergates on both my 55 toons. I'd almost wanna know if theres a queue order, because late at night its a lot of Novare, Hypergate, and CW - I rarely get a Huttball or Voidstar after 11pm.

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Maybe we both wanted it in the patch notes so bad...we dreamed it so!!! Lol




in related news, foxmob had jessica biel and amber heard over for a few games of "ouch ouch! you're on my hair!" and "just the tip, just to see how it feels" last night. he has since petitioned the U. S. government to rename Tuesday, June 11, "7 Minutes in Heaven Day." (normally, he'd be embarrassed by the 7 minute time frame, but screw it! I'd brag if it were 20s with those two!)

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We are definitely aware that this kind of "streakiness" is possible in the live game. Interestingly, my personal account is one of the accounts we used as a test bed to help gather data. Last weekend I experienced Ancient Hypergate 6 times in a row! In fact, Jon himself didn't dispute that players can and will see streaks of Warzones, it is totally possible, just improbable.


We are aware of these concerns and are actively tracking metrics to make sure this isn't a bigger issue. This is the kind of thing we will always keep an eye on and look to improve.





I'm going to have to agree with the players here based on personal experience. Before 2.0 I frequently would get streaks of warzones, but it fit the general randomness. After 2.0 I am repeatedly getting streaks of the same warzones. I have gotten 4-5 streaks of 6 hypergates in a row just in the last several days on my sin. Before that it was huttball for 6 games in a row, and it's rather consistent. 9/10 times the first warzone I play is the warzone I am playing for the next 3 or 4 games minimum, and it's very consistent. It's not randomness.

It has been, in my case, that hypergates are the offending warzone. I have seen more hypergates than anything else combined in the past several months. Next most common is definitively huttball (much to my satisfaction since it's my favorite wz, btw you should make more of those), but it's nowhere near as bad as hypergate.

Civil war and novarre coast and voidstar are so uncommon that I might as well just not include them in our rated setups. We pretty much just need to prepare for hypergate or huttball (sadly we would still lose, lulz).


Also to the guy that got 9 hypergates in a row the odds of that are 5.12000e-7. The odds of 6 in a row are 0.000064. Frankly the fact that eric himself experienced 6 in a row is evidence enough. I'm pretty sure eric didn't play 100,000 games in his test.


It is within reasonable possibility that hypergate is the only one broken and I'm imagining things with the other maps since randomness is possible. But hypergate is without a doubt, broken. It seems to happen more often on my sin but I have no evidence of that either.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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A while back I started keeping track of warzones for a few days, and whilst I no longer have the data (whoops!), I did notice at the time that streaks seemed to occur with different warzones at different times (albeit not predictably).


So (for example) queuing repeatedly starting at 7pm I'd get a run of 4 or 5huttballs. On another day at another time I'd get lots of AH or VS. If I only queued infrequently, I'd notice no streaks at all, so it seemed to be tied to time (ie. the server was serving up a load of one type, then a load of another etc etc).


I think people might be just remembering the streaks of the warzones they dislike the most (and those bothered by it are more likely to post about it) whilst forgetting streaks of warzones they enjoy. I DO think there is a streakiness problem, but I don't think it is tied to a specific WZ type.


I should probably start keeping track again. Ugh.

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  • 5 months later...
Hey everyone,


We reviewed the data behind the Warzone queuing system in order to identify the recurrence of streaks of identical Warzones popping for players entering the system. If you assume a basic random Warzone assignment model you would have a 1 in 5 chance of repeating the same Warzone after queuing for any given Warzone. The probability of a streak of 3 identical Warzones using random assignment would be 0.2^2=0.04 or 4%. Again the probability of having a streak of 4 or more goes down precipitously.


We queried the data an examined the current streakiness of a random sample of players participating in Warzones currently and plotted the probability of certain streaks occurring against the random probabilistic model. The actual data is on par with basic random chance. Recent Warzone players have had a little over 15% chance of repeating the same Warzone compared to the assumed 20%, and subsequent streaks probabilities are also on par with random chance.


Does this mean that you won’t get a streak of the same Warzones? No! In fact, of the sample of 250,000 Warzones we examined, there were 35 streaks of 6, but this is truly the exception rather than the rule and it falls within the confines of the design model.


Also we examined the current trends of number of Warzone instances being generated by the system pre and post ROTHC launch and we have almost the identical number of Warzone instances being generated across Warzone types throughout the whole time frame. This helped confirm that, overall, there isn’t any one Warzone being “favored” over time.


However, we are still looking at ways to improve the design of the warzone matchmaking system in order to maximize the end user experience. Our designers are hard at work looking in details at ways to optimize the system in order to reduce further the likelihood of streaks occurring.


Thank you all for the comments on this topic. We appreciate your passion for the game and are glad to get constructive feedback. This allows us to investigate potential issues that we might not have caught otherwise. Keep the feedback coming.



Okay i found it! :D





So, all day Voidstar*5 (both reps and imps toons) with Huttball*1, arena*1 and again Huttball*1... and new row of Voidstar*7. I won the lottery or what?


I also want to note that is cyclical changes depending on the time of day or hours or moon phases. SO you can stuck in Vodstar and next day you can stuck in Novare Coast!


This is not a random, this is bs.

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