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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Shadows/assassins need a rebalance


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I already explained why 1v1 is important.



Dueling friends.

The gree event.

Guarding a node in regs and getting raped by a sin before help can arrive.


A good sin is unbeatable in those situations. What would you do to your class to make it fair to the other people paying the same money you are to play?


next thing: sap. Why is the timer so short on this? You should be able to do it once a fight at best, not every 8 seconds.


1. if you get sap capped by 1 sin, you are doing something wrong (especially if you are a VG and have shoulder cannon).


2. The game is not built around dueling friends. But if so a vengeance jugg or carnage marauder or a lightning/madness sorc or a lethality sniper can kill a sin rather easily.


3. It's your fault if you sit next to the node. Always guard away and stay hidden.


4. gree event? Are you talking about gankers? If so just team up with a friend for the event. If you don't have any friends ... well I can't help you there.


Seriously the way you talk about sins is like one raped you or something.

Edited by sithBracer
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I already explained why 1v1 is important.


Tournaments. <- no balance reason

Dueling friends. <- no balance reason

The gree event. <- no balance reason

Guarding a node in regs and getting raped by a sin before help can arrive. <- L2P you can last extreamly long vs assas on any class if it is your goal but 99% try to fight back instead of survive as long as possible


A good sin is unbeatable in those situations. What would you do to your class to make it fair to the other people paying the same money you are to play?


next thing: sap. Why is the timer so short on this? You should be able to do it once a fight at best, not every 8 seconds.

sap works only vs people out of fight if you want it to have a reuse CD you need to get rid of that restriction and you def. not want that :p

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Who cares about dueling tournaments or dueling friends? They're both player driven and offer nothing outside of whatever the pool is and anyone can enter. This game has nothing to do whatsoever with 1v1 outside of those two situations. The gree event is meant for groups of 4 and is a free for all zone. You're going to be getting ganked if you're running around solo, either by a sin or by other groups of 4 who're participating in this once every few months event. For node guarding, yeah it's regs. Unless it's an actual tank (PT or jug) or another stealth (sin or ops) you're going to be subject to stealth attacks. If you notice a good stealth on the opposing team make it aware to your teammates. If you get blown up instantly part of the blame is on the defender. And it's regs...regstar class.


And there is to 'timer' for sap, you can chain sap with sins or ops. It can either be used offensively for stealth capping objectives (which would be all on the defender for standing so close) or defensively for chain sapping attackers until help arrives.


Thanks for making my case that your class is ridiculously out of line.


1. It shouldn't take two players to kill a sin. It's not even a skill issue because a great sin and a great anything else means that the sin wins. I shouldn't have to scream for help or bring four people to avoid a stealth gank.


2. Sap needs a cooldown, let's start with a minute and go from there. If you lose the sap/heal, other classes might just have a fair chance to beat you.


Plus, even terrible sin players sap troll people in warzones. It's *********** annoying and it needs to go.

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I already explained why 1v1 is important.



Dueling friends.

The gree event.

Guarding a node in regs and getting raped by a sin before help can arrive.


A good sin is unbeatable in those situations. What would you do to your class to make it fair to the other people paying the same money you are to play?


next thing: sap. Why is the timer so short on this? You should be able to do it once a fight at best, not every 8 seconds.


We will explain to you again the devs do not balance around your dueling 1v1 and never will. If you get beat by a shadow/sin then you are doing the wrong things in the first place. This means you have bad tactics against the class and call nerf because you have no clue how to counter the class.

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Thanks for making my case that your class is ridiculously out of line.


1. It shouldn't take two players to kill a sin. It's not even a skill issue because a great sin and a great anything else means that the sin wins. I shouldn't have to scream for help or bring four people to avoid a stealth gank.


2. Sap needs a cooldown, let's start with a minute and go from there. If you lose the sap/heal, other classes might just have a fair chance to beat you.


Plus, even terrible sin players sap troll people in warzones. It's *********** annoying and it needs to go.


How did I make your case? It doesn't take two players to kill a sin, yeah probably really well played one but you can almost count them on one hand if you look at players from each server. Also if you're guarding a node you should ask for help if you see anyone approaching let alone getting attacked by any stealth class. You must be a terrible node guard...Never assume they're alone as you should be concerned with stopping the cap and prolonging the fight.


And the sap/heal? Yeah you're going to get that but if it gets to that point then it's not a good assassin or shadow. I don't think I have ever needed to use that tactic, mostly due to the fact that it's frowned upon and if you're concerned with it in dueling most tournaments wont allow it.


And sap trolling....I do this often as it's hilarious but mostly it always serves a purpose like chain sapping the other team in huttball in trying to help your team either regain control of mid or help advance the ball be disallowing players with pulls/leaps to get to the ball carrier. Or stop players from switching sides in voidstar/cw/nc. It only takes two saps to fill up your resolve and unlike every other 8sec mez in this game it's instant but you cannot be in combat for it to be used on you.





And your job as a node guard is to not 1v1 anyone that wants to take it. Your job is to ensure that it does not get taken from your team. So call incs, stall, and stop the cap.

Edited by cycao
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This thread is ridiculous. If these buffs continue, there will be no other class played on imperial fleets for it is by far the most OP class in this game. Do the devs even play this game?


Just out of curiosity what classes are you currently playing which is causing such issues for assassins/shadows?

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SINS ARE NOT THE BEST DUELING CLASS AND THIS IS NOT A 1V1 GAME. Juggs are the best duelers and nobody cares about dueling.

Ill agree with anyone who says maul didn't need a buff and beyond that you're just a QQ noob. Sins have been underperforming at EVERY ROLE for a very long time.

Dps: PT > Mara > everything else

Tank: PT > jugg > sin


QQ NERF SIN NAO get lost ffs

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"because the burst will go from strong (if not strongest) to killing enemies in 4-5 GCDs in PvP"


taken right from the assassin threads. Nuff said.


who cares about wz, unranked, or 1v1


how many deception sins make up top 4v4 comps right now? that's what i thought


deception has some viable comps, but the whole team has to be excellent players and the sin has to play to near perfection


a little more burst hardly solves their problems. most sins you will see after 2.5 will be some variation of dark maul

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who cares about wz, unranked, or 1v1


how many deception sins make up top 4v4 comps right now? that's what i thought


deception has some viable comps, but the whole team has to be excellent players and the sin has to play to near perfection


a little more burst hardly solves their problems. most sins you will see after 2.5 will be some variation of dark maul


And this is coming from a sorc.

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"because the burst will go from strong (if not strongest) to killing enemies in 4-5 GCDs in PvP"


taken right from the assassin threads. Nuff said.


Lol @ 4-5 gcds even a sorc can do that

Maras do it in 3, sins can't do it in 3 and still won't do it in 3 after the patch. It's a SLIGHT INCREASE. And all the previous factors still apply.


QQ is QQ

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who cares about wz, unranked, or 1v1


how many deception sins make up top 4v4 comps right now? that's what i thought


deception has some viable comps, but the whole team has to be excellent players and the sin has to play to near perfection


a little more burst hardly solves their problems. most sins you will see after 2.5 will be some variation of dark maul


Omg, im laughing so hard my sides hurt. who cares about 8v8 wzs, owpvp, duels, 1v1 wz encounters, pretty much ANY other pvp encounter OTHER then rateds?!?!? Do you realize how little of the poulation does rateds? All i can tell from this entire thread, is that the current sins do NOT want bioware to take away their cookie. I for one cannot wait until the real nerfs get handed out and all you posers re-roll to the next FOTM. ( even though this fotm is more like flavour of the year)

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Omg, im laughing so hard my sides hurt. who cares about 8v8 wzs, owpvp, duels, 1v1 wz encounters, pretty much ANY other pvp encounter OTHER then rateds?!?!? Do you realize how little of the poulation does rateds? All i can tell from this entire thread, is that the current sins do NOT want bioware to take away their cookie. I for one cannot wait until the real nerfs get handed out and all you posers re-roll to the next FOTM. ( even though this fotm is more like flavour of the year)


First everyone should take open world PvP and 1v1's with a grain of salt, they're all player driven content and they don't balance classes around them.


You should be paying attention to what happens in the rated scene because that is where you find the top tier talent. What you have in regs is regstars. You never saw teams run deception and you don't see a ton of sins in arenas, they're no where near as effective against players who know how to counter them and use teamwork. That is why bioware should buff/nerf classes based off of the players who properly play classes and specs at their full potential.


I'm still trying to figure out what spec you are currently playing. I don't think its a sorc/sage, kind of leaning toward PT/VG or possibly sniper/gs.

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Lol @ 4-5 gcds even a sorc can do that

Maras do it in 3, sins can't do it in 3 and still won't do it in 3 after the patch. It's a SLIGHT INCREASE. And all the previous factors still apply.


QQ is QQ


Sorcs and Maras can pop out of stealth and do this while you are stunlocked? Give me a break. You are so delusional that you will say anything to not get your main nerfd into the ground.

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Sorcs and Maras can pop out of stealth and do this while you are stunlocked? Give me a break. You are so delusional that you will say anything to not get your main nerfd into the ground.



How man hits do you think sin hits you while stun locked?

Edited by Neoforcer
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I'm still trying to figure out what spec you are currently playing. I don't think its a sorc/sage, kind of leaning toward PT/VG or possibly sniper/gs.


Vigilance FTW I wont bother sharing my spec/build...but try fighting me 1v1 :p If u are strong with the force, no foe will stand in front of u for long!



And there's some stuff about "Sage/Sorc is fine. L2P." Or translation in context "Nerf what kills me. Things I find easy to kill are fine."

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And there's some stuff about "Sage/Sorc is fine. L2P." Or translation in context "Nerf what kills me. Things I find easy to kill are fine."


So says "try to fight me 1v1"...so basically bragging and then complains about assassins in 1v1. Yeah that spec is more than fine and it's getting a nice little buff as well.


Good dig Techno.

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Omg, im laughing so hard my sides hurt. who cares about 8v8 wzs, owpvp, duels, 1v1 wz encounters, pretty much ANY other pvp encounter OTHER then rateds?!?!? Do you realize how little of the poulation does rateds? All i can tell from this entire thread, is that the current sins do NOT want bioware to take away their cookie. I for one cannot wait until the real nerfs get handed out and all you posers re-roll to the next FOTM. ( even though this fotm is more like flavour of the year)


i'm not a sin. i main a lightning sorc and arsenal merc. check out mudclot's or insomniaq's streams and vids.


i do have a sin alt though


i can tell by the way you post that you are bad


you should just quit the game now because your type never improves

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So says "try to fight me 1v1"...so basically bragging and then complains about assassins in 1v1. Yeah that spec is more than fine and it's getting a nice little buff as well.


Good dig Techno.


lol a vengeance jugg crying about 1v1


get a hold of liege, the best vengeance jugg in the game, and ask how he beat turrican, one of, if not the best, sins in the game

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