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Shadows/assassins need a rebalance


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Then people just take armorings from survivor set and mods/enh from dps set. You're losing out on the dps bonus and your grind is a little longer, but ultimately your at the same spot where a tank with dps stats is better than a tank with tank stats.


No gear would make up for a 25% damage loss to maul

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I miss the 10-29 lowbies. How bad was the other team in that wz?


Well I doubt their warzone started with comments about of "oh boy, ive never done this one before!!" and my personal favorite. "Where we fighting?"


Other than that I was pretty easy until about halfway, where I am pretty sure somebody must have put a target marker over my head. But before that I pretty much effortlessly killed whoever I looked at and capped whatever I felt like.

Course that toon is in full moddable gear with every armoring, hilt , mod, and enhancement all rating (28) mainstat heavy blues. Along with a matrix cube and purple implants and ear. Legitimate exploiting practically.


Still feel sorry for that guy that ate that 12.4k hit particularly since most of them only had 25-26k life.

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The reason sins are overpowered beyond belief in regs is based on 2 principals.


A) They have the most stunlock/interrupt potential of any class. They are by definition a complete shutdown class.


B) Electric ambush reduces your recklessness cooldown by 60 seconds every time you exit combat. Recklessness provides a +60% crit rate on your next 2 force attacks. Combined with the assassin PvP set bonus, it essentially means your recklessness always resets on combat exit and provides 3 +60% crit force attacks.


The result of this in regs, played by even an "average" assassin is devastating. You never get to the sustained damage phase, you are always bursting. It is why I call this spec a "gutless stun locking scrub spec."


The specs design in ranked arena's is prohibitive. You are not going to be able to lock down and kill anybody quickly. Once your burst is gone, your reduced to very sub par sustained damage. On top of that, your stuck in combat until the melee is over.


The spec is in desperate need of a redesign. IMO Bioware needs to get away from reliance on stuns and front loaded burst. Replace them with proper utility and decent sustained damage.


Immortal juggs have vastly superior stunlock and interrupt potential. It is solely the fault of electric ambush.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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Besides people are looking at this all wrong. The majority of deception players suck. They need to be more worried about any darkness hybrid due to the major buffs to the armor ratings. Now you're going to have all these assassins who usually die fairly easy and giving them an insane boost to their survivability.


This won't matter in pvp until sins have intercede and aoe taunt bubbles or the damage output of PT tanks.

Could be overpowered in pve but ill leave that to the fuzzy math crew

Edited by JP_Legatus
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This won't matter in pvp until sins have intercede and aoe taunt bubbles or the damage output of PT tanks


PT tanks have the worst single target pressure of all the tanks, even their AoE is pathetic. Stop confusing Shieldtech with AP in tankcell

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Theres a reason warzones are full of them i will give you a hint i just got hit for a 8k maul.They are a grossly overpowered, stupid damage out of stealth for a stealther almost every utility in the game and no counter. This class is op if anyone can give me a reasonable reason why not and don't come up with they are supposed to be best 1 vs 1 i shouldn't die without a fighting chance where is the competitveness in that you don;t see any other mmo having a class that beats everything solo? Stupid damage hitting harder on a instant cast then a snipers channeled abilities or any set up skill is ridiculous and don't get me started on 7k dicharges a melee stealther with ranged attacks hitting hard as only ranged classes its not a jack of all trades its a master of all trades.


Please don't troll i know that is unlikely because every game im in theres 4-5/8 players are assassins/shadows and they won't want their op class nerfed.



Yes the assassins need to be buffed to deal with all the smash monkeys in pvp. Buff every class!! biofail needs to bring all the classes up to the monkeys that's all I see in WZ these days.

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The reason sins are overpowered beyond belief in regs is based on 2 principals.


A) They have the most stunlock/interrupt potential of any class. They are by definition a complete shutdown class.



Either you are a bad, or you haven't a clue what you are talking about? Have you seen the Agent/Smuggler class with their 2x8 second stuns+ 4 second stun? Oh and guess what, like ALL classes, they have an interrupt. Maybe you need to visit your class trainer

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PT tanks have the worst single target pressure of all the tanks, even their AoE is pathetic. Stop confusing Shieldtech with AP in tankcell


I've got probably over twenty games recorded of full PT tanks doing slightly less dps than the actual dps classes, in arenas. They're vastly exceeding any amount of damage the juggs do. As for sin tanks, I don't even know why anyone would bring that up because I haven't even SEEN a sin tank playing on bastion for months, and when I did see them they sure as hell weren't doing PT tank damage.


On top of that, AP in tankcell DOES exist regardless of whether you want to acknowledge it or not. And it's broken as ****. We can come back to sins when that hybrid doesn't exist.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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I've got probably over twenty games recorded of full PT tanks doing slightly less dps than the actual dps classes, in arenas. They're vastly exceeding any amount of damage the juggs do. As for sin tanks, I don't even know why anyone would bring that up because I haven't even SEEN a sin tank playing on bastion for months, and when I did see them they sure as hell weren't doing PT tank damage.


On top of that, AP in tankcell DOES exist regardless of whether you want to acknowledge it or not. And it's broken as ****. We can come back to sins when that hybrid doesn't exist.


You realize that is because PT have a AoE dot that does little to no pressure, and because the pulse engine proc also generates large amounts of AoE fluff.


Go look at biggest hits, PT in full tank with tank gear will be doing good to have 2.9k biggest hits, whereas Juggs and Sins will be getting 4k on their executes and ravage can also do as much

Edited by Zoom_VI
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You realize that is because PT have a AoE dot that does little to no pressure, and because the pulse engine proc also generates large amounts of AoE fluff.


Go look at biggest hits, PT in full tank with tank gear will be doing good to have 2.9k biggest hits, whereas Juggs and Sins will be getting 4k on their executes and ravage can also do as much


Sin hybrid 23/23/0 with tank technique in min/maxed dps/tanky gear can make 7-8k biggest hit.

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Either you are a bad, or you haven't a clue what you are talking about? Have you seen the Agent/Smuggler class with their 2x8 second stuns+ 4 second stun? Oh and guess what, like ALL classes, they have an interrupt. Maybe you need to visit your class trainer


Only a bad would try and claim that operatives have more stuns than sins.. -1/10 and btw "interrupt potential" isn't limited to just the interrupt button.

Edited by JackNader
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Immortal juggs have vastly superior stunlock and interrupt potential. It is solely the fault of electric ambush.


Why on earth would you mention an immortal jug. When was the last time an immortal jug stun locked you and burned off all your health? Never....


If Bioware took away most of deceptions stuns, they would no longer be overpowered in regs. If they took away electric ambush, the same would be true. The two together is what makes deception overpowered.

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Why on earth would you mention an immortal jug. When was the last time an immortal jug stun locked you and burned off all your health? Never....


If Bioware took away most of deceptions stuns, they would no longer be overpowered in regs. If they took away electric ambush, the same would be true. The two together is what makes deception overpowered.


There is no reasoning with the sins on this thread. Between Cycao and his band of misfits, they will argue till their lips are blue that "sins are just fine and actually need buffs" But I guess you wouldnt expect them to say the truth when their main is on the line.

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There is no reasoning with the sins on this thread. Between Cycao and his band of misfits, they will argue till their lips are blue that "sins are just fine and actually need buffs" But I guess you wouldnt expect them to say the truth when their main is on the line.


They need help with sustained damage which is so-so currently in PvP and terrible in PvE. I have said I do not agree with buffing maul.


I'm not a terrible player and play a fairly wide range of classes and specs and really don't think any class is overpowered like the majority of people posting here. The damage for rage is fine, op healers are fine, the amount of CC is fine and so on and so on. And I usually play madness or a hybrid with lighting charge, I would love to see that spec get some love but it's currently the worst spec in the game (I can get into it with you with that if you don't believe me) which is why I play deception because for the first time in forever it can finally be used in a ranked setting that's not penalizing a team.


Honestly the only thing you keep repeating is their opening burst which comes at the cost at all their cooldowns and you, like everyone who would rather this class just get deleted from the game, are the ones who really don't know what they're talking about. I hear 'every warzone has X amount of sins' and what have you, all that means it's a fairly popular class and everything thinks it's easy which it's not. Every class has a super easy rotation but once you get out of that it's when you see people struggle which is why so many players suck at every single spec.


Too make it harder people don't even mention what class/spec they're using to which assassins are causing them all this grief. I know at once you played vengeance '3 years ago' and are playing a mystery spec which apparently every assassin eats up in three global coodowns every single time.


All you have to do is take a hard look at ranked warzones pre and post 2.0 for 8v8 for dps specs. Pre 2.0 it was pretty much pyro, snipers and warriors. Post 2.0 it was snipers, warriors and sorcs and mercs started to see their way into the mix, very few teams would run with deception. Though no one thinks that the ranked scene matters, and why would they as it only consists of the best PvPers this game has to offer. This is why myself and others calls this a reg star spec, it excels at tearing through bads, bads who don't min/max their gear, backpeddle, keyboard turn and click, don't use taunts, cant CC, has no idea how every ability functions and in hand knows no counters for all specs/classes...thus making it regstar.


Take that as you want. I want deception to get sustained (not through a damage increase to maul), I have written a few times I rather them lose the duplicity proc from low slash and put it back into a positioning and defensive ability and not offensive. The damage potential can be match by mercs, sorcs, warriors and now PT's. Believe it all you want but the damage that all burst classes can put out (minus ops) is more in line now than it has been in a while but all people can see is a stealth class exceeding at 1v1 for some stupid reason and opening burst which is what a stealth class is.

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And I usually play madness or a hybrid with lighting charge, I would love to see that spec get some love but it's currently the worst spec in the game (I can get into it with you with that if you don't believe me) which is why I play deception because for the first time in forever it can finally be used in a ranked setting that's not penalizing a team.



"Oh I usally play madness but oh no is why I play OP FotM deception cuz i dont want penalizing a team " - makes sense.


Learn to play scrapper scoundrel, assault commando, watchman sentinel to understanding what worst spec in game IS indeed.

Edited by TonyDragonflame
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