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The new alacrity is an epic failure


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When the developers told us there will be alacrity changes, they promised that it will actually be useful for more classes. However, anyone with a basic understanding of math can tell you that alacrity is actually used less now than it was before 2.0!


Prior to 2.0, the only classes that really used alacrity for pve were healers and sorc dps. Even with the alacrity changes, it just isn't feasible to stack alacrity as anything other than healers. Even with the nerf to crit chance, surge is still better to stack than alacrity after you reach your accuracy goal. Because dps sorcs now need accuracy, they will stack less alacrity now (if any) than they did prior to 2.0.


My point is that 2.0 did absolutely nothing to make more classes use alacrity, and the changes to boss resist actually made it a less valued stat for the only dps class that used it prior to 2.0.




There is absolutely no reason to stack alacrity as a tank or dps. Why the hell do half of my pieces have alacrity on it as a sniper? Does Bioware actually play the classes and look to see which stats are good and which stats are not? Alacrity was just a scam to justify putting undesirable stats on our gear to make us run the content dozens of times just to get decent itemization. Again, the developers lie to our faces. We deserve better than lies.

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You mean that whole 1 piece of republic tank armour per set that has any alacrity on it?


Yep, one piece is too much. They already have accuracy on a few pieces which is also useless as a tank. It would be like putting defense on a dps piece.

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The developers purposely make so that most of the (even epic) gear is quite easy to loot even for casual players who never go in operation, so that everybody will feel happy about owning the last tier of stuff.


They expect good players to do theorycraft and switch mods to optimize the whole stuff. Otherwise they wouldn't give the possibility to mod the stuff. Of course you have to buy about two times each piece to have an almost correct result but it has been the same the since launch.


I personally prefer it this way rather than having a perfectly balanced stuff from the start, but which would be harder to obtain.

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The developers purposely make so that most of the (even epic) gear is quite easy to loot even for casual players who never go in operation, so that everybody will feel happy about owning the last tier of stuff.


They expect good players to do theorycraft and switch mods to optimize the whole stuff. Otherwise they wouldn't give the possibility to mod the stuff. Of course you have to buy about two times each piece to have an almost correct result but it has been the same the since launch.


I personally prefer it this way rather than having a perfectly balanced stuff from the start, but which would be harder to obtain.


Yes, I know that, but they didn't tell us that. They told us that alacrity will now be useful for more classes. That isn't the case. Remove the alacrity. Make us min/max by substituting crit for power, accuracy for surge, like before.

Edited by bbare
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Yes, I know that, but they didn't tell us that. They told us that alacrity will now be useful for more classes. That isn't the case. Remove the alacrity. Make us min/max by substituting crit for power, accuracy for surge, like before.


You know you can mod your gear to be exactly what you wish it to be, right?


And it is clear that they are not there yet.. but they are moving in the direction of making alacrity useful for more classes and more talent specs within classes.


I think you need to relax a little. It's not like they put alacrity in gear and you can't do anything about it.

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Maybe... but it does not warrant the use of the perjorative "epic" in connection with "failure".


Seriously.. change your thread title to match your complaint please.


for the same classes it was useful before, it's even more useful now, for all the other classes it's still crap.


So much for:

Now more Alacrity is strictly a good thing.
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You know you can mod your gear to be exactly what you wish it to be, right?


And it is clear that they are not there yet.. but they are moving in the direction of making alacrity useful for more classes and more talent specs within classes.


I think you need to relax a little. It's not like they put alacrity in gear and you can't do anything about it.


Yes, I know that. That isn't my problem. My problem is that they told us that it will be a useful stat for everyone. That was their reason they gave us for putting alacrity on our gear. However, those were just lies. I don't like when the developers lie to the players. It is just unprofessional.

Edited by bbare
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Yea I made a Nano-Infused Alacrity adrenal on my sniper and used it. No alacrity gear on and no spec (engineer spec'd) with alacrity. All of that 675 alacrity decreased my cast time and global cooldown by 10% and increased my energy regen. by 0.6 per second. USELESS! I won't even put it on my healers, it just doesn't make any sense anymore. With sorcs really being the only healer to utilize it anyway, the decreased cast time to innervate and instant revivication makes it completely useless. Edited by ericthenut
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Yea I made a Nano-Infused Alacrity adrenal on my sniper and used it. No alacrity gear on and no spec (engineer spec'd) with alacrity. All of that 675 alacrity decreased my cast time and global cooldown by 10% and increased my energy regen. by 0.6 per second. USELESS! I won't even put it on my healers, it just doesn't make any sense anymore. With sorcs really being the only healer to utilize it anyway, the decreased cast time to innervate and instant revivication makes it completely useless.

Did you know that you removed 54 second of GCD off a 6 min fight with 10% alacrity? You think that's worthless? :o

Thats over 30 more attacks, massive increase in dps. Find the balance between crit/ surge / Alacrity and youre in for a blast.

Edited by ElitehunterDS
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Did you know that you removed 54 second of GCD off a 6 min fight with 10% alacrity? You think that's worthless? :o

Thats over 30 more attacks, massive increase in dps.


He only had that high alacrity for 15 seconds every three minutes. Power adrenal is far superior.

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He only had that high alacrity for 15 seconds every three minutes. Power adrenal is far superior.

right, but im not sure why anyone would use alacrity adrenals, I agree its something that should be reserved for power only.

Edited by ElitehunterDS
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I personally love the new Alacrity.


Yeah I stacked insane alacrity on my sniper. Guess what? Never run out of power, and things like snipe very nearly become instant, and series of shots is insanely fast.


Alacrity is pretty awesome.. I put in on my marauder even, awesome stuff.

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