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About Macrobinoculars Zoom


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First off: the macrobinoculars are pure gold for the game, they expand the world in a large and important way.

Now to the suject: Make the player able to freely zoom when using the marcobinoculars to a certain degree, it seems such a waste you can only zoom when there is a mission objective, i don`t even know why you would release such a beautifull mechanic and have players be restricted in using it considering it has nothing to do with breaking the balance of the game. I am a bit(more) dissapointed by this, please BioWare Devs allow the player to zoom whenever he wants by using the macrobinoculars not just on mission objectives, make me feel like a true explorer of the galaxy like you intended(claimed in the description of the macrobinoculars),

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Yes, we need another way besides Escape to get out of using the Macrobinoculars. Moving would be a good way. I currently use a Belkin N52te game pad for moving and various other things, but Escape is not bound to any of the keys, and all keys on the pad are bound. Consequently I do not use my keyboard for much while in game (I don't get caught up in silly, stupid general chat discussions) and use TS mostly to communicate with guildies so I keep my keyboard up where it is a real stretch to get to.
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... it seems such a waste you can only zoom when there is a mission objective, i don`t even know why you would release such a beautifull mechanic and have players be restricted in using it...


Yeah, I don't get it either. I'm always trying my mousewheel when I pick up the bunoculars... and sadly nothing happens.

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