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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Keybinders vs Clickers


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Neither. I use a steering wheel and stick shift for movement. I use three pedals under the desk for abilities, with CTRL and Shift modifiers.


My rotation is:

Gas Pedal

Shift + Gas Pedal


CTRL + Brake


Shift+ Brake


Then I drop it down to 4th gear and double clutch -> shift + gas pedal.

Pfffft, I managed to hook up he Rock Band drum set.


I can't play when the rest of the family has gone to bed :(

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Keybound 5 button microsoft mouse with my trinket to break stuns bound to my thumb button on my mouse.


I keybind because I PvP and I need to be able to have exceptional situational awareness with camera control, optimum mobility, maneuvering with mouse control and simplified rotation that I can mindlessly execute 1,2,3,4,q,w,e....

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I feel as if the difference between clicking and key binding is relatively miniscule in WZs, but it's definitely a factor when it comes to situations that require very quick responses.


They seem to be indistinguishable for the most part except for one big scenario: the global CD bug. Simply because with keybindings, it is easy to go back to an ability that didn't activate despite the GCD ticking down simply because all you have to do is hit the key bind again. However for a clicker, having to move the mouse back to the ability to activate it in a break in the rotation will be very critical in scenarios like duels, where it's all about speed.


Other than that, I think both are equal enough to where you can't tell who clicks and who binds. Only who keyboard turns and who mouse turns.

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Why did this get necro'd when there is already a thread with the exact same topic that has been on the front page for a while.....


That's probably why somebody thought it would be funny to necro it. Though both threads should die a quick and merciful death like all the keyturning clickers...

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Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right A B Select Start


You failed to provide the correct response for the secret code for unlimited lives in Super Kicky Fighter. It should be:Up up down down left right left right A B B A start... The Shadowhog will now punish you to forever clean the filthy toilet of filthy piggy filth...

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Call me old school but I still click to heal on my safe and I'm the top healer when I parsec and top healer in all my war zones matches. To me it doesn't make a difference if you know your class and when to pop your abilities 1 or even 2 seconds won't matter. But to say clickers are not as good or elite as keybinds your crazy....my stats show me different every day.
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Its the same exact argument for saying someone sucks because of their class.


Your class doesn't make you suck....as long as the player is good. People feel superior to others due to class. But the reality is that the player can still be good as a sub-par class. But they would be that much better as a stronger class.


Same thing applies to clickers. Clicking sucks, but if the player doesn't suck then the toon will be fine. They could be that much better had they not been a clicker, but it is what it is.

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I've been playing for 2 years and still don't know how to keybind :jawa_tongue:


I just spam my 1 thru = quickbar and I keep the others to the sides for easy clicking.


I'm not a crappy player either. I usually get around 8 medals per match for DPS and caps, etc.

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Medals don't necessarily reflex your impact on a wz. A jug tank doesn't earn medals for hanging back in void star tunnels CCing the opposing team so an ally can plant bombs undisturbed. But lingering around your team's single node in civil war while everyone else is fighting for another does. So bad example.


Anyways, no, except in the rarest exception, keybinding is far and away superior to clicking. I'd rather not have clickers in the WZ tbh, outliers not included of course.

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But then, I play long-range "turret" classes (Merc/Mando, Snipinger, and currently levelling a Lightning-Sorc) almost exclusively, and that plus GCD makes them quite clicker-friendly.


However, I can see how this would put you waaaaaay behind with a mobile melée/brawl-range class. (just as well that that playstyle just doesn't do it for me, never has.)


Oh, total LOL-moment:


If you get a solo-kill in a WZ, then make sure to /say something to the effect of "You just got your azz solo'ed by a clicker!" The nerd-kiddie rage and tears --especially, quelle surprise, from smash-morons-- are beyond sublime.


One thing, though: If you use a Razer Naga or similar, then are you really a key-binder, or really a clicker just with more buttons under your mouse-hand?

Edited by midianlord
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Neither. I use a steering wheel and stick shift for movement. I use three pedals under the desk for abilities, with CTRL and Shift modifiers.


My rotation is:

Gas Pedal

Shift + Gas Pedal


CTRL + Brake


Shift+ Brake


Then I drop it down to 4th gear and double clutch -> shift + gas pedal.


JK I use keyboard like everyone else who is gonna answer this thread


This made me laugh so hard .... Thx for the abs workout now I can skip the gym for a week !


Now I can't stop imagining a dude doing just that at his desk managing a PT shoulder cannon with pedals steering left and right LOL !!!!!!!!


But seriously , its like saying in an FPS game that you would play with a controller vs a mouse theres no debate to have here...

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But then, I play long-range "turret" classes (Merc/Mando, Snipinger, and currently levelling a Lightning-Sorc) almost exclusively, and that plus GCD makes them quite clicker-friendly.


However, I can see how this would put you waaaaaay behind with a mobile melée/brawl-range class. (just as well that that playstyle just doesn't do it for me, never has.)


Oh, total LOL-moment:


If you get a solo-kill in a WZ, then make sure to /say something to the effect of "You just got your azz solo'ed by a clicker!" The nerd-kiddie rage and tears --especially, quelle surprise, from smash-morons-- are beyond sublime.


One thing, though: If you use a Razer Naga or similar, then are you really a key-binder, or really a clicker just with more buttons under your mouse-hand?


A Naga is a supermouse....

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