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Please nerf heal in BGs


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I have been playing since beta but I have never met healers so OP!!! They are practically immortals espacially operatives/scoundrels! Yes I know some "smart" guy will say "L2P" and "you are a bad player" and so on... But guys: Isn't it interesting thst so many players are complaining?
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Not really prior to 2.0, 75% or more players were not healers. Thus when the majority of players no longer can run around and kill with impunity, they are unhappy because "I came to pvp to kill things".


Now it actually takes a skilled dps to kill healers. You cant just be a terrible button smasher and hope, you have to actually outplay them.


Good teams kill healers, bad teams dont. Yesterday I took 700k damage in 1 wz, died over 10 times. My team lost.




My team did 200k damage to their healers. Check the stats after a wz when you lose. Most of the time its the players.

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I have been playing since beta but I have never met healers so OP!!! They are practically immortals espacially operatives/scoundrels! Yes I know some "smart" guy will say "L2P" and "you are a bad player" and so on... But guys: Isn't it interesting thst so many players are complaining?


Lol, no its not interesting. People will always be complaining about something 24/7.

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I have been playing since beta but I have never met healers so OP!!! They are practically immortals espacially operatives/scoundrels! Yes I know some "smart" guy will say "L2P" and "you are a bad player" and so on... But guys: Isn't it interesting thst so many players are complaining?


You could always use one of those "bad" pvp classes. Healers are no problem to take out with electrode net.

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I have never once run into an issue with heals in a BG if a team focus fires, but PUG Bgs are a bit like herding cats in that respect so you get these whine threads.


You may need 4 players to kill one guy supported by a couple of healers, but in general if players are smart, you will CC the healer and then two decent players can kill one, if you keep going back to CC the healer. But, people aren't smart, just do their rotation, if that, or are clickers and that's it. I am guilty of this periodically, but when I am fully awake and engaged, I will use my CCs on the healer while I kill my target. And to say you should kill the healer first, if they are good, that takes too long, while the DPS you should have killed keeps criting you for over 7k. You will die if you try to kill the healer first.

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Big gulps. They are very healing. Each time I drink one I feel better.


Then logically it is OP and must be nerfed ASAP. I am a stubborn grumpy person and no one should feel better than me.

Edited by DimeStax
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Well forgive us for using BG = Battlegrounds instead of Warzones, we don't need to learn a new vernacular for every game unless people wish to be pedantic and pick on that one bit instead of the rest of the content in a particular set of posts.
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Well forgive us for using BG = Battlegrounds instead of Warzones, we don't need to learn a new vernacular for every game unless people wish to be pedantic and pick on that one bit instead of the rest of the content in a particular set of posts.


It's an indication of the level of knowledge the OP has of the game. In this case it reflects very poorly on the OP, destroys credibility and appears to me as another noob game-hopper who hasn't even put forth the effort to try and learn the game and is crying for another nerf.

Edited by DimeStax
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I noticed this and expected to see a ton of "Go back to WoW" posts.


lol as a monk healer in that game I could easily pump out 30 mill+ heals in a rated bg where the average dps is 10 mill.


Same ideas for both CC the other healers and focus one. If you still keep failing then send a melee to stun/pressure the other healers.


A lot of healers in these games are crap, and are only comfortable pulling off big healing when they don't have anyone ccing/dotting/hitting them. A lot of them when they get focused they forget how to play in the rush.

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I think heals are alright at the moment. I play a 55 Combat Medic and 55 Sawbones and I still get killed if I get focused down. Granted, I play only PUGs and no one is there to peel off me when I get attacked so I can only use the limited abilities I have to keep myself alive. Once those are used up, the number of CCs and high damage will eventually burn me out.
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Well forgive us for using BG = Battlegrounds instead of Warzones, we don't need to learn a new vernacular for every game unless people wish to be pedantic and pick on that one bit instead of the rest of the content in a particular set of posts.


I feel the same way about the phrase 'elder game' as opposed to 'end-game'. Its like Bioware is trying to distance itself from WoW and other games.

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Well forgive us for using BG = Battlegrounds instead of Warzones, we don't need to learn a new vernacular for every game unless people wish to be pedantic and pick on that one bit instead of the rest of the content in a particular set of posts.


People like this really make me feel like joining to WoW for a month just to run around asking where the GTN is or how can I do flashpoints or stuff like that. Would keep me amused for many days.


But anyway, if you nerf heals, nerf dps also at least. Don't know if tanks would also need nerfing after that.

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People like this really make me feel like joining to WoW for a month just to run around asking where the GTN is or how can I do flashpoints or stuff like that. Would keep me amused for many days.


But anyway, if you nerf heals, nerf dps also at least. Don't know if tanks would also need nerfing after that.


I do not think it is heals or DPS it is palyability of Mid ranged and stealth. With snipers being able to take cover anywhere they now have a 10' warning before a dps can attack them. Sorc and Sages are now grouping and moving together with with some merc commandos thrown in. This was the evolution of tank warfare. As a dps I can not even suicide the healer. You are talking at least 2-3 stun abilities not on cooldown plus the healers can do damage as a group pretty well. I do wonder how a sniper whose weapon is super cumbersome in real life can run and use it as quickly as a pistol, Also one stun my dps total goes down theres goes up as a group.


What about the stealth. My question exactly. they are off one man capping objectives or picking off individual players for medals. I did play in one match where every stealth was yelling at everyone else to defend their objectives, but they never fought with the group. Or continued to split the fight.


If I hit the stragglers, stealth and healers god forbid smugglers and snipers I may get one long drawn out kill, but that person was not a threat at that time. If I jump in to hit the healer, my damage will be minimized, but hopefully I can get folks to blow their abilities. I usually suicide the sniper with three healers/sorc/sages. I also loose medals because I am not near an objective. I also jump around and spam all my quickest attacks because it hurts concentration, and also move away from the objective. This is very usefull when you notice everyone else is in spawn mode and you may be alone and will die anyways.


A good force melee dps should kill any 1v1 or even a 2v1 set of healers in a 4' range and should from a role play pov be able to outpace an escaping target within 10'. They are the strongest. Evasion abilities are needed, but they should not bypass primary abilities.


I have been taking screen shots and yes there are some incredible force melee dps outhere in the top 3 for medals, but that is 1 out of 5. I have noticed sages and sorcs not only getting close to but many times bypassing melee dps and then doing 2x the heals and then the 1 out of 5 seeing these classes in the top 5 for both dps and heals. AS far as medals I am even seeing pyro mercs getting more medals than sents because of the heals. Yes they are still good players.


My solution is zero target break in 360 degrees under 10 ft for force user strength based melee combat. Unfair yes and no. With lag many people loose attacks and they are force users they know where u are. Any target engaged with same is at a speed disadvantage if targeted or engaged in combat unless using a special escape. Basically they are the brains and have spent time away from physical combat training to learn their skill. In a purely physical escape they should loose. Also a sniper using cover in close combat in plain sight should be immune to leap, but they should also not get the same advantage that being 15' away in real cover should afford. Or how about medals for engaging in combat against over whelming odds.


The only other option is to repeat the same mistake and give pure dps more evasion and heals plus the ability to protect with more stealth. That way everyone will only have a 5-10% diff in each area depending on class and can fight for all the medals. Basically bolster for abilities.


Maybe I just need to have a series of high lvl toons of each class that I can rotate with each patch

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Easy said. If there are 2-3 healers on the enemy team it is nearly impossible to kill anyone.


Pro tip: Focus


Once you learn that word healers will die with the right amount of pressure.


ps. Also if this is reg pvp in pugs then its a gg unless your in a premade that can focus while in a voip.


9/10 matches where the other team is stacked with healers turns a match into a quitter warzone playground.


Your welcome.

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