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2.0 Hardmode Flashpoints are not worth the payout.


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So its been a week of doing these new hardmodes and without question they need to be fixed. The cost of repairs, time, and effort level vs the payout is beyond off scale. These are the current problems as i have seen so far. feel free to add what i may have missed.


1. Bosses drops BLUE gear really? And dont hold your breath but a whooping 2 elite tokens . what is the point. If i can craft the level of gear given is too low.


2. Boss difficulty levels are set too high, perhaps they were set for pts when we all had full gear but no one does now, for example the wookie in cademimu spawns so many death trolls so fast it is near impossible to beat. the heat beam in hammer station cause so many wipes everyone quit. Both times i got que no we did not make it past the first boss.


3. Repair cost are tooo high to make the 10k payout at the end worth anything. The last run caused 5 wipes at a cost of 23k per wipe. so to do this flashpoint and get 0 gear from it i spent over 100k in repairs.


4. The overall payout for the vs the cost of gear per tokens if the gear goes from 80-140 tokens per item the payout is just not worth the repair bills or time.


i love flashpoints but if they cause more stress then fun i do not see any reason to do them at all. Doing a raid has a far better payout with less cost in repairs.

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Very few times have my groups wiped on 55 HM. Are the people in group geared for HM? Is the group using CC? Do people in your group know the fights? Only time I saw a group wipe multiple times was When healer wasn't gear.


As far as gear drops. Would you be happy if the gear was epic and not blue?


I enjoy the HM being hard.

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For the people wanting things to be harder, I have one question for you. What happens when its people like you that only remain in the game and everyone un-subscribes? The hardmodes are really hard, and from a tank standpoint, we are very squishy now. This really needs to be looked at, repair costs are too high, the pay-out is horrid, and the gear drops are even more horrid. So my question to people who want it harder, what class are you? My gear is black hole, campaign, 1 basic comm's and 1 black market piece. And I have been nearly one shotted as a tank by mobs and sometimes bosses.
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i think this new 55 HM FPs are a joke, they are easy, but the amount of HP is absurd, they should have harder mecanics not large health pool

For me HM should be on par of the HM LI after the 1st nerf,(because wasnt melee friendly) a pug team with good players could clear it (not the joke that is now)

But the op is right, time invested vs reward is not worth it

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For the people wanting things to be harder, I have one question for you. What happens when its people like you that only remain in the game and everyone un-subscribes?


THAT is a hypethetical that will not happen.


First... they are not that hard if you are geared properly and the team works the FP correctly. So most people will not quit over HM FPs.


Second... many people don't even work them and could care less... so they will never quit because of them.


As for rewards for running the content.. meh.. if you don't like it......do something else IMO. Some folks run content for more then just grabbing content for themselves. I'm not a fan of content being strictly a vending machine for gear.

Edited by Andryah
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So how in the hell do you get better gear in order to do the new hardmode's to where they not hard????? All of you people who think these new hardmodes saying they are too easy must be in elitist guilds or something. Or don't run in pug groups!
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I am in as full gear as possible do to com caps, 66 mods , i am a tank btw, and i guess the people saying it is too easy are doing these in guild runs, with everyone in good gear, and using vent or something like it. But on a normal random que that is NOT the case. some are geared good some still in black hole. i can not change others gear.(wish i could)

I just do not see the cost of time,credits and lack of fun to be worth the credits,drops, stress and time. i Hope they fixed some of these issues. I see no reason why any boss should drop BLUE LEVEL 53 items what is the point of that? I can get those from any reg mob in makeb for the love of ..

Edited by Irawratih
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Considering un-subscribing and being done with all MMO's. Just so tired of dealing with professional gamers. It angers me something fierce. Maybe it is just time to un-install all the MMO's on my computer and find something else to do. All MMO's seem to cater to the elitist professional gamer and less on the fun factor.
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OK Ill put in my 2 cents.


I do not consider myself pro - or elitist, but I really don't have any problems with the hardmodes either. I have not done any as a guild run, only pugs thus far, and i was in 61/63 gear when I hit 55 and have done all my 55 hm's as healer.


The whole thing with the new hardmodes is the new mechanics, that is all. Athiss Last boss can be healer intensive if they dont know how to cleanse, the same with the first boss in Hammer. most of the bonus bosses are just tank and spank, although the Mando Raiders one does need kiting or the group will wipe.


P.s They are called 'hardmodes' for a reason. Yet I do agree, the reward at the end could be slightly higher.


P.p.s A lot of guilds, including mine were running tfb/Sav sm pre 55 you, You should try it yourself, manually ofc. again Mechanics is important.

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Yea that hammer station robot cost us 3 healers last try they just gave up, after 8 total wipes and 150k in repair costs we all gave up. My overall point is they are not fun at the current level settings, and the rewards are horrible. I though you did hardmodes to get gear for raids but maybe things have changed and you just go right into raids instead. i am the last one of my friends still playing swtor. everyone else i know quit due to lack of fun. this 2.0 update with caps on everything and nightmare mode hardmodes will not bring any of them back.
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There are always bad groups. I remember when all the original hard modes (not talking about Kaon and Lost Island) wiped groups all the time and had much less rewards than what they upgraded to. A very green bunch of pugs wearing Tionese or worse will probably have issues. So far I've found them to be fairly easy, wearing my level 61-63 gear that I'm slowly upgrading. I do think the orange gear with blue mod drops are a little disappointing, though. You need to do the bonus bosses to get a better chance at cool stuff.
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The problem here is people not knowing mechanics. MMO's are not catered to hardcore professional gamers, if anything the opposite. Anyone that thinks this just has no business playing in the first place. There are many things that can be going wrong, but I'll say this since I've seen it brought a few times. The first boss in hammer station uses a beam and it NEEDS to be CLEANSED at around 4 or 5 stacks. If this doesn't happen you will almost always wipe. This stuff isn't hard, you just need to know what you are doing.
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So how in the hell do you get better gear in order to do the new hardmode's to where they not hard????? All of you people who think these new hardmodes saying they are too easy must be in elitist guilds or something. Or don't run in pug groups!


Basic gear vastly outstrip the gear requirements for HM 55s.If you still find yourself unable to complete the FPs, simply wait until the rest of the community is geared enough to carry you

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Basic gear vastly outstrip the gear requirements for HM 55s.If you still find yourself unable to complete the FPs, simply wait until the rest of the community is geared enough to carry you


The other problem is actually the nerf to equipment from level ups 51-55, it makes it so we're a lot more fragile in some respects than we used to be.


I can tank Athis and if I respec to tank, I'm able to tank Mandalorian Raiders.


I have a hard time tanking Cadmandeu (or crashmandeu as I like to call it) (even the first boss).


Granted I prefer playing a dps, but we have very few players that actually tank anymore (I suspect they left out of frustration), I really don't like the tank tree, I prefer the Vigilence Tree.

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The other problem is actually the nerf to equipment from level ups 51-55, it makes it so we're a lot more fragile in some respects than we used to be.


I can tank Athis and if I respec to tank, I'm able to tank Mandalorian Raiders.


I have a hard time tanking Cadmandeu (or crashmandeu as I like to call it) (even the first boss).


Granted I prefer playing a dps, but we have very few players that actually tank anymore (I suspect they left out of frustration), I really don't like the tank tree, I prefer the Vigilence Tree.


By Basic Gear, I literally mean the gear that one buys with Basic commendations, in case that was unclear, not the gear acquired while leveling through Makeb.

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Yea that hammer station robot cost us 3 healers last try they just gave up, after 8 total wipes and 150k in repair costs we all gave up. My overall point is they are not fun at the current level settings, and the rewards are horrible. I though you did hardmodes to get gear for raids but maybe things have changed and you just go right into raids instead. i am the last one of my friends still playing swtor. everyone else i know quit due to lack of fun. this 2.0 update with caps on everything and nightmare mode hardmodes will not bring any of them back.


The debuff the droid puts on with the heat beam needs to be cleansed.

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i see that the changes in healing needs seem to be the cause for these wipes, somewhat. i have also been in groups that still have black hole gear on i dont mean some parts i mean full black hole. As a tank its beyond frustrating and spending 2 hours and hundreds of thousands of credits on repairs for a single flashpoint that does not give you squat but a few tokens per run and i need 100s for each part. so that means i have to do this flashpoints hundreds of times to gear up. In no way is that worth the effort.


btw what is the solution for the dam wookie adds ?

Edited by Irawratih
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Once we all geared up to the point where the level 50 HM FPs were a joke, we got bored and complained about the lack of PvE challenge.


Well...here are with a little challenge. Enjoy it while you can - in a few months, this content will be trivial for most of the max-level player base (mouthbreathers excepted, of course).

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Once we all geared up to the point where the level 50 HM FPs were a joke, we got bored and complained about the lack of PvE challenge.


Well...here are with a little challenge. Enjoy it while you can - in a few months, this content will be trivial for most of the max-level player base (mouthbreathers excepted, of course).


Laughing really hard.




Ty MarvelZombie for making this morning better for me!

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Maybe learn the tactics and do not wipe?


For all those wiped at Hammer Station on Mining Robo with laser - tell your healer cleanse tank next time when he will got 4-5 stacks. And bye bye wipe.

Edited by RixoFutu
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oh well guess the fact that the drops are worthless and its not fun got lost someplace in here amoung the you suck, i want it to be impossible cause thats how i like it posts. Maybe if they would have given us some req 55 flashpoints this would not be such a problem as well but they did not you got extreme hard mode and nothing else.
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So its been a week of doing these new hardmodes and without question they need to be fixed. The cost of repairs, time, and effort level vs the payout is beyond off scale. These are the current

problems as i have seen so far. feel free to add what i may have missed.

I have a few comments on your points.


1. Bosses drops BLUE gear really? And dont hold your breath but a whooping 2 elite tokens . what is the point. If i can craft the level of gear given is too low.

Elite Tokens purchase grade 30 gear (level 69). If you are having troubles running HM 55 FPs, I seriously doubt you've already learned to craft Black Market gear.


2. Boss difficulty levels are set too high, perhaps they were set for pts when we all had full gear but no one does now, for example the wookie in cademimu spawns so many death trolls so fast it is near impossible to beat. the heat beam in hammer station cause so many wipes everyone quit. Both times i got que no we did not make it past the first boss.

The boss encounters have specific mechanics. When 2.0 dropped live, I pugged a number of HM 55 FPs wearing grade 63 gear. Some of the other members of the pugs had worse gear (58/61). As long as we paid attention to mechanics, we were fine. As an example, the Boarding Party in Mandalorian Raiders. Kill them in the wrong sequence and you're f**ked. Kill them in the right sequence and it's a breeze.


My recommendation is to learn the strategies and how to beat the mechanics.


3. Repair cost are tooo high to make the 10k payout at the end worth anything. The last run caused 5 wipes at a cost of 23k per wipe. so to do this flashpoint and get 0 gear from it i spent over 100k in repairs.

I can understand the frustration with wiping, but I don't get this 0 gear from it. Are you in full Arkanian / Black Market? Or did you just not win any drops? If you're in full 69 gear then your problem is a poorly-coordinated group, a lack of understanding of the encounters, and possibly not knowing how to play your class.


4. The overall payout for the vs the cost of gear per tokens if the gear goes from 80-140 tokens per item the payout is just not worth the repair bills or time.


i love flashpoints but if they cause more stress then fun i do not see any reason to do them at all. Doing a raid has a far better payout with less cost in repairs.

If you can't make it through HM 55 FPs, but you can make it through TfB / SV, then you're being carried through the operations by others in the group.


The 4 new flashpoints are NOT more difficult than the 55 operations.

Edited by Khevar
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