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what's your swtor score?


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Pretty much average.

Would give it a much higher score if not for all the useless travel.


I spend more time traveling in this game than any other activity...its really pretty lame. :(




*edit* scratch that, traveling time is second only to queueing time...

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9/10 if this wasnt a Bioware game.


This is a Bioware game.


7/10 Sorry, but while SWTOR has qualities that truly shine Bioware have demonstrated the capability to do better with past titles.


This is still the best MMO that currently exists of course.

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Mediocre game. Only reason I'm playing it is cause it's Star Wars.


i dont get such comments...


your pretty much saying you dont like the game but do dig star wars.


i dig star wars to but hell with all that if i thought the game was mediocre. aint spending my bucks every month on a game i dont like, even if its star wars.

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Right now? 7/10 where 5/10 is an average gaming experience. I think it is a good solid game which is enjoyable. However, the game has a number of weak points that need to be addressed. Most notably the ui, queues, and a handful of other niggling problems that could use some refinement. One issue that I personally have had, but have not seen really discussed is that the talent trees are pretty boring and unfocused.


Once some of these obvious flaws are ironed out then I think the game with deserve and garner more respect. The question is, can Bioware keep everyone's attention long enough to get everything lined up? We shall see.

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One issue that I personally have had, but have not seen really discussed is that the talent trees are pretty boring and unfocused.


People don't focus on that because with the state the game is currently, it's more of a QoL issue. While in fact it's a fundamental issue of the game. It's an RPG and the character advancement matters a lot. I don't know why Bioware thought they could get away with such a simplistic (and copy pasted from old games) approach. I mean, they already natively had a much better option, which is feats, and they could implement it in the game in a way that it's fun and highly customizable.


Hell, even WoW itself realized that talent trees suck and removed them, even though it had way better talent trees than SW:TOR, but SW:TOR is kinda stuck in vanilla WOW skill tree mentality (really bad, cookie cutter, no thought needed, illusion of choice).

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Hell, even WoW itself realized that talent trees suck and removed them, even though it had way better talent trees than SW:TOR, but SW:TOR is kinda stuck in vanilla WOW skill tree mentality (really bad, cookie cutter, no thought needed, illusion of choice).



Not to burst all you guys bubbles but how long did they have that?


if you want to put it into perspective you can fairly much say they changed that nearing the EOL of the game(end of life).



we are discussing a brand new launch here with a decade of development ahead of you.


comparing crap WoW did the last few years/months is seriously rediculous and stupid :)

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People don't focus on that because with the state the game is currently, it's more of a QoL issue. While in fact it's a fundamental issue of the game. It's an RPG and the character advancement matters a lot. I don't know why Bioware thought they could get away with such a simplistic (and copy pasted from old games) approach. I mean, they already natively had a much better option, which is feats, and they could implement it in the game in a way that it's fun and highly customizable.


Hell, even WoW itself realized that talent trees suck and removed them, even though it had way better talent trees than SW:TOR, but SW:TOR is kinda stuck in vanilla WOW skill tree mentality (really bad, cookie cutter, no thought needed, illusion of choice).


Yea the new wow system is really good... lets take a look at the comments from wow players in the comment section of that new "oh-so-brilliant" talent system:


Lerxt 12/4/2011

I think I agree with the negative on this issue. Part of the 'freewill' of the game is the talent trees. If some people are 'missing out' because they don't know or don't study the options sufficiently then that is a skill they need to acquire. I would prefer to select talents based on the way I play, not the way someone else thinks I should play.

Given it a lot of thought. Not in favour. Why dumb down the game?


Neural 12/3/2011

I just can't believe that one thing you invented that was copied all over other mmos are being removed because of uncreativity. This will sentence this game to death. Or, since you are dumbing down the customization, I really hope you raise all other ways up: emotes, dances (still in my WotLK box...), colors and all.


Patchu 12/2/2011

It seems like Blizzard prefers making the game easy for 6 year olds and their grandmas then really focusing on their base player categories.


Chancre 11/29/2011

Jumping the shark... seems like a total pooch screw


Dubaku 11/28/2011

A cataclysmic catastrophe that will certainly bring about two things: the Wrath of players and the end of WOW (for people ages 3 and up).


Its about... 301 pages of this. 95% are comments like these. So... and you still think they done great! Well... you're part of the 5% who actually like these changes then! Grats!

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Crazyhorse one of the few who understands the stuff.



people painstakingly decide that their way is THE way.


not to mention people on this forum have a very hard time making good comparisons that actually stand. they fail to see in order to compare crap properly you need to have exact the same things next to eachother.


if you dont youll get a crap tossing fight like on the forums


a comparison of a recent change in wow has no grounds whatsoever to be compared to the launch of this game.


all those kinda comments fall into the Suggstions category for the future not much else

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