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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Force Barrier


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I have watched republic and imperial alike use up all their strongest on a force barrier.


Same here. The other day I was in CW lighting up a Sage Healer with my Sorcerer when the popped their Force Barrier, I switched targets to another Sage healer while watching the one in a Barrier. When it dropped, I hit them with Electrocute, then blew them up with a double dose of Thundering Blast followed by double strike of Chain Lightning. It was a good kill. :D

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Force barrier = 10 extra seconds of uncontested protection on a door/point. Completely changes the dynamic of capture/defend PvP


Spam rolly-polly move - Guaranteed cap/ball grab/door arm. Negates the initial fight over a point and makes it very hard to prevent Void Star steam rolling.


Both abilities need to be balanced a little better for PvP.

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to be honest,its not that OP and I dont care for it much, bit it has its uses one is putting a big dumbarse hat on bad melee. You cant avoid a cap for 10 seconds once you move to perfom an action it ends. On a side note, I would have MUCH rather got phase walk and the assasins and shadows got Barrier
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Same here. The other day I was in CW lighting up a Sage Healer with my Sorcerer when the popped their Force Barrier, I switched targets to another Sage healer while watching the one in a Barrier. When it dropped, I hit them with Electrocute, then blew them up with a double dose of Thundering Blast followed by double strike of Chain Lightning. It was a good kill. :D


Thank you for posting a something un-stupid in this thread.


I haven't played with/against FB enough to have a good opinion but so far it seems fine to me. I grunched the thread so I may have missed but I didn't notice any poster who's opinion I value agreeing with the original post.

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Well guys I understand what you are saying, but I'm not complaining about it. I think it is OP and that is my opinion. Yes it is a 3 min cool down and I can't do anything for 10 seconds. But I will say this I live over 90% of the time when I use this. I don't use barrier just to use it though. I always have self heal and med pac up. 10 seconds is more than enough time to get knock back. Before the 10 seconds are up I stop the channel and use medpac then self heal. Knock back sprint the other direction and I live.


Also if you say that I'll just wait til it's done then kill you. I know that you are not a good pvper. 10 seconds in pvp is forever and if you sit there and wait 10 seconds then I already know you are bad. I will also say this in the barrier I have the advantage over someone who is waiting because I can stop it at anytime. If I have stun up I wil just stun, knockback, and sprint.

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Unfortunately, most of the healers I've run into don't utilize the skill to its full potential, making it very not OP. They wait until they are like 5% hp and then pop it, so I wait...wait...it goes away... assassinate. Lol, dead.


I agree, though. In the hands of a good team, that ability is pretty crazy. I wouldn't remove it, but maybe just give a healing debuff of some sort.


why do all the cool chicks play on the imp side :(

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Heheh it's funny, what you warriors are saying is exactly what happens. Yeah, a few times the barrier really helped but most of the time, on pug teams, warriors just wait it out and dispatch me quickly or smash me to death in one hit. I've even had 2-3 people switch target to me and wait for me to get out just to kill me. Unless you're on a great team, it's just a short death delay.


As a sorc, what I'd like to see is a knockback with a root when Barrier ends. That will actually help it serve its purpose and people wouldn't just swarm around you waiting for it to end.

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Heheh it's funny, what you warriors are saying is exactly what happens. Yeah, a few times the barrier really helped but most of the time, on pug teams, warriors just wait it out and dispatch me quickly or smash me to death in one hit. I've even had 2-3 people switch target to me and wait for me to get out just to kill me. Unless you're on a great team, it's just a short death delay.


As a sorc, what I'd like to see is a knockback with a root when Barrier ends. That will actually help it serve its purpose and people wouldn't just swarm around you waiting for it to end.


You do realize that you can basically recreate a bubblestun at will with Force Barrier and grenades, right?


You can still aim ground target reticules while channeling Barrier. This iiterally gives you 9.9 seconds to aim a seismic (aka stun) grenade square in the middle of those 5 melee that just jumped at you--and even some capacity to wait out their draining whitebars before you drop the nade at your feet.


Anticipate precisely the millisecond when you drop that nade, for it is precisely in that millisecond that you hit speed AND bubble/unnatural preservation if up. Hit speed first to get away ASAP, but it doesn't respect GCD so you should be popping both within the limits of human reaction time. No more than 0.2 seconds. Medpac is optional and/or alternative to UP if that's not up. Sprint around the nearest LOS and heal yourself--a corruption spec sorc can literally be back up to full health while those 5 melee are still getting up from their faceplant. (And that's assuming the sorc had so much burst incoming that he did not have a GCD available to pop HoTs or instant reviv underneath him before popping Barrier.) As you control the timing, and normal warzones are littered with baddie sorcs who QQ about receiving a "10-second self-stun," you also get an element of surprise. And Barrier even gives you several seconds to plan out where you will sprint!


And all of that is without a SINGLE heal or peel from the rest of your team, useless though your teammates may be. Yeah it does kinda suck to have to use a consumable to get the most of the ability when in solo pug warzones with a bunch of scrubs who have no idea what a peel is, but finding a source of grade 2 cybertech mats and setting up a crafting alt is a small price to pay for that kind of boost to survivability. Barrier and grenades literally have the same cooldown, and the synergy in a solo situation is just incredible. He who has ears, let him hear: USE IT.


Hell, it is for this reason that I downloaded fraps today. Time to start compiling Andy's Force Barrier Troll Diaries (credit to Bradleey and his Troll Diary series for inspiration). I've literally gone from 89 HP to full when no fewer than 4 warriors jumped on me in a hard focus switch, double smashed (that hit) and double ravaged (only first tick hit before Barrier).


I give hope to sorcs.


Keep none for yourself.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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You do realize that you can basically recreate a bubblestun at will with Force Barrier and grenades, right?


You can still aim ground target reticules while channeling Barrier. This iiterally gives you 9.9 seconds to aim a seismic (aka stun) grenade square in the middle of those 5 melee that just jumped at you--and even some capacity to wait out their draining whitebars before you drop the nade at your feet.


Anticipate precisely the millisecond when you drop that nade, for it is precisely in that millisecond that you hit speed AND bubble/unnatural preservation if up. Hit speed first to get away ASAP, but it doesn't respect GCD so you should be popping both within the limits of human reaction time. No more than 0.2 seconds. Medpac is optional and/or alternative to UP if that's not up. Sprint around the nearest LOS and heal yourself--a corruption spec sorc can literally be back up to full health while those 5 melee are still getting up from their faceplant. (And that's assuming the sorc had so much burst incoming that he did not have a GCD available to pop HoTs or instant reviv underneath him before popping Barrier.) As you control the timing, and normal warzones are littered with baddie sorcs who QQ about receiving a "10-second self-stun," you also get an element of surprise. And Barrier even gives you several seconds to plan out where you will sprint!


And all of that is without a SINGLE heal or peel from the rest of your team, useless though your teammates may be. Yeah it does kinda suck to have to use a consumable to get the most of the ability when in solo pug warzones with a bunch of scrubs who have no idea what a peel is, but finding a source of grade 2 cybertech mats and setting up a crafting alt is a small price to pay for that kind of boost to survivability. Barrier and grenades literally have the same cooldown, and the synergy in a solo situation is just incredible. He who has ears, let him hear: USE IT.


Hell, it is for this reason that I downloaded fraps today. Time to start compiling Andy's Force Barrier Troll Diaries (credit to Bradleey and his Troll Diary series for inspiration).


I give hope to sorcs.


Keep none for yourself.


Exactly!!! 10 seconds is an eternity in pvp. I got of almost any situation with the FB.

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A sorc healer can take themselves from 1% to 100% while in barrier. Tested on a black hole geared sorc. Resurgence, puddle, bubble, barrier took me from 1%to 100 by myself.



You can also die and respawn at full life and force in 2 seconds time.


This says nothing about Force Barrier though, and says legions that Respawning is overpowered and overrewards people that get killed.

Edited by KettleBelll
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You do realize that you can basically recreate a bubblestun at will with Force Barrier and grenades, right?


You can still aim ground target reticules while channeling Barrier. This iiterally gives you 9.9 seconds to aim a seismic (aka stun) grenade square in the middle of those 5 melee that just jumped at you--and even some capacity to wait out their draining whitebars before you drop the nade at your feet.


Who are these 5 melee that huddle around you, picking their noses for 9.9 seconds while your FB is up? I hope I get queued against these ******* next warzone.


Also, guardians and agents have AoE mezzs that can be used in similar ways. Sure, their AoE mezz is not as powerful as FB + grenade. On the other hand it is on a shorter cooldown.


the real test of any single ability's over powered-ness is how it plays in 8v8 (rated WZ). E.g. if we take 2 strong rated teams and one of them agrees not to use FB (whether or not they bring a sage/sorc for other reasons is their choice) while the other is free to, how much advantage does the FB side get?

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