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Force Barrier


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Lets discuss these 2 abilities weaknesses.


Force Camo

- Ends when you attack

- Only lasts 4 seconds

- Doesn't make you immune to virtually everything.


Undying Rage

- Spends 50% of HP, last resort ability

- Can be stunned

- Doesn't last 10 seconds lmao

- Doesn't make you immune to virtually everything


Force Camo

-Don't attack

-And? You can be healed to full

-And? You can be healed to full


Undying Rage

-Force Barrier makes you useless, last resort ability

-And? You can be healed to full

-And? You can be healed to full

-And? You can be healed to full

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-Undying rage

-Force camo


Two skills that give double HP according to you and you complain about one ability a Sage has.


You misunderstand

In the case of two healers (every RWZ and a considerable # of reg wz) popping barrier allows the sorc to be healed to full effectively giving the sorc another hp bar or "double hp"


Two sorc healers utilizing this can live wayyyy too long even under a focus fire

Not to mention barrier gives them 10 seconds to wait for their speed/self heal/bubble to come off cd

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I think it's funny when a Sorc uses it. I just stand there, wait for it to time out, then continue my rampage against them. IMO it is completely useless for them. If the Devs want to make it useful, then they need to change it and let them be mobile with it. Meh, w/e. Until then, I will continue to smile at them while I wait them out.
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Marauders have an immunity ability that they can still move and attack with and be healed during.

'No big deal, it's ok that I can kill someone while being immune to all damage, get healed up from nothing and act like I have a second life. Anyone who wails on me for those 4 seconds is the worst player ever!'


Sorcs get a single defensive ability, that is extremely obvious and makes them unable to do anything at all.

'Too OP! 5 guys can be hitting them for 10 seconds and they're immune, I'm a marauder so I'm too stupid to figure out I can change targets, this game is too hard now!!!!!'



You basically mez yourself, on a long CD, and that's the big issue.


I'll trade you force barrier for undying and camo, gladly.

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Unfortunately, most of the healers I've run into don't utilize the skill to its full potential, making it very not OP. They wait until they are like 5% hp and then pop it, so I wait...wait...it goes away... assassinate. Lol, dead.


I agree, though. In the hands of a good team, that ability is pretty crazy. I wouldn't remove it, but maybe just give a healing debuff of some sort.


Barrier on its own just delays the inevitable. It seems potentially breakable, but I haven't seen anything objectionable.

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Barrier on its own just delays the inevitable. It seems potentially breakable, but I haven't seen anything objectionable.


Sorcs finally get Ice Block and Melee write anger posts in response, totally didn't see this one coming. Nope!


It basically is ice block, and that was just as misused. The only thing is you couldn't heal iced mages (if I remember right).


They still pop it when almost dead and then immediately die after it dies down. LOL.

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Against smart people, it's useless. Against dumb people, it's OP'd.


When used by a smart player, it's an asset.


Frankly, I would go ballistic if people took away UR, so I see no reason why I should demand Barrier should go.

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I've seen one proper use of it and it was a pretty skilled Sorc or Sage in Huttball.


Said Sage controlled our endzone for pretty much the whole match. Anytime someone on her team with the ball ran into the pit she would pull that person up or they would pass it and they would score. So a few of us tried to defeat her (me on my Shadow) and she popped force barrier before I could try to knock her out of our area. Well another person was slaughtering us at the same time so we decided to focus him down while she was in barrier. Well while focused on him she pulled someone up and they scored. Finally I knocked her out of our area but by this time it was pretty much over.


This is one of those Sages that makes you want to come on the forums and rage about how OP force barrier is lol. I don't think it's OP and I'm not just saying that because I use it on my Sage.


On my Sage I faced a Sorc who put up force barrier for all of 3 seconds (why use it the wrong way with such a long CD??? lol) while I was 1v1 with her and let it down to attack me lol. Dumb move.


Obviously, it has it's uses but I think they could have given Sorcs/Sages a much better skill to use. Something more defensive that allows us to do our job (heal or dps) and still contribute.

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People need to stop complaining. Just learn how to play around it. People just have not learned to play with it yet. Republic Wins like every WZ on my server anyway. Its nice when Force Barrier gets put on me. Has allowed us to win a couple WZ. For The Empire!!!!!
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Force barrier is fine as a defensive cooldown, although the caster shouldn't be able to recieve ANY heals.


Casting it when you have 5% health, and having full 10 seconds where you can be healed back to 100% is overpowered.


NO. Wrong.

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I've seen one proper use of it and it was a pretty skilled Sorc or Sage in Huttball.


Said Sage controlled our endzone for pretty much the whole match. Anytime someone on her team with the ball ran into the pit she would pull that person up or they would pass it and they would score. So a few of us tried to defeat her (me on my Shadow) and she popped force barrier before I could try to knock her out of our area. Well another person was slaughtering us at the same time so we decided to focus him down while she was in barrier. Well while focused on him she pulled someone up and they scored. Finally I knocked her out of our area but by this time it was pretty much over.


This is one of those Sages that makes you want to come on the forums and rage about how OP force barrier is lol. I don't think it's OP and I'm not just saying that because I use it on my Sage.


On my Sage I faced a Sorc who put up force barrier for all of 3 seconds (why use it the wrong way with such a long CD??? lol) while I was 1v1 with her and let it down to attack me lol. Dumb move.


Obviously, it has it's uses but I think they could have given Sorcs/Sages a much better skill to use. Something more defensive that allows us to do our job (heal or dps) and still contribute.


You can use it right. Pop Force Barrier and you can continue to heal team players while it on.

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I've had it interrupted the moment I've thrown Diversion at an enemy as a sniper. I highly doubt it did anything, though it is possible that it can be interrupted.


It's more probable that the idiot sorc interrupted it himself instead of waiting the remaining 7 seconds for help to arrive sooner. I feel this will be the new Armor Lock ability from Halo Reach.

Edited by Zunayson
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You guys must really have a problem with sorcs and sages if you're complaining about a 3 min CD when there's so much other crap in the game. Are you going to put a heal debuff on every defensive CD?


Personally I think we should be able to hold the ball with barrier up. Other classes can leap and roll with the ball, we're atleast not going anywhere.

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ITT- noobs who can't figure out if someone's healing a barrier's sorc, to attack the healer.


BW, please change this so that bads don't have to think about how to kill healers.


Healers are very bursty at 55

A barriered sorc can be healed to full in 4seconds, can you located, switch, and burn that fast?


I don't think so

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Force barrier is fine as a defensive cooldown, although the caster shouldn't be able to recieve ANY heals.


Casting it when you have 5% health, and having full 10 seconds where you can be healed back to 100% is overpowered.


then you´ll need to give every defensive cd a healing immunity for the sake of balance...

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It basically is ice block, and that was just as misused. The only thing is you couldn't heal iced mages (if I remember right).


They still pop it when almost dead and then immediately die after it dies down. LOL.


Nope you could heal a Mage while he was Ice blocked. If they want to balance it the same way Blizzard did all they need to do is add a few select ways to dispel it like how Warriors could Shattering Throw it and Priests could Mass Dispel it.

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