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Does anyone really care about achievements?


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Personally I dont, It makes no difference to me or my character. It's just sickening when people troll you about their achievements and how all their buddies can accomplish and what your Guild doesnt achieve then their like "Yeah our Guild is better than your Guild you Loser"
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Yup, peeps care about them. I know some that are grinding them now. For me... heh, not a huge deal although occasionally completing one is a bit of a surprise since I'm not tracking them. And some of the rewards are pretty cool, most notably cartel coins and titles. Over all, it is a nice addition.
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Personally I dont, It makes no difference to me or my character. It's just sickening when people troll you about their achievements and how all their buddies can accomplish and what your Guild doesnt achieve then their like "Yeah our Guild is better than your Guild you Loser"


I have never run across this on an RP server. ;)

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Over a year into the game and we finally have achievements!


I played City of Heroes for 7 years because of badges. in the end I had collected roughly 1300/1400 different badges for different things. Some were mindless grinds, some where 6 hour Task Forces where you had to have restricted powers and nobody was allowed to die. In the end it's all just posterity, bragging rights, and sense of accomplishment. Also they're shiny.


I'm actually very impressed with the achievement system in TOR, Tons of stuff to do, as well as the extra incentive to finally finish playing the other stories. My only problem is that other people don't care, and so when I ask if we can do the bonus boss in a flashpoint, I get kicked because people don't care and it adds extra time to completion.

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tons of people care about them, because they give players something to do, other than sit in fleet and cry... no but really though, yes people care about them a lot,


and in this game some of them actually give rewards, ive been given cartel coins for some ive gotten done.


mostly as you level, you don't really pay attention to them but eventually (or perhaps not) you start to want to get that 100% completion on a planet or area...


and if achievements are something that YOU DONT CARE ABOUT,, then just ignore them....


I mean look at it this way..... I HATE PVP, so should I write a post asking why pvp is in this game since I hate it personally?


gimme a break

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To me this was a huge waste of programming/developer time.


What's the point of them? What's the point of them in ANY game? I never understood why they mattered, and why people cared about them. It seemed to me that OCD people, with a form of mental illness were obsessed with 'collecting' this kind of crap. "Collector" personalities are a form of mental illness - by the way.


The point is to be a time sink for completionists, with Cartel Coins and vanity titles thrown in to sweeten the pot. Honestly I haven't even really looked at them. I get the notifications once in a while when I complete one and it's just, "Oh, nifty. Moving on."

Edited by jovianus
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Over a year into the game and we finally have achievements!


I played City of Heroes for 7 years because of badges. in the end I had collected roughly 1300/1400 different badges for different things. Some were mindless grinds, some where 6 hour Task Forces where you had to have restricted powers and nobody was allowed to die. In the end it's all just posterity, bragging rights, and sense of accomplishment. Also they're shiny.


And now they are gone.


A part of me is a bit OCD when it comes to gaming achievements. I don't think I collect them because I actually want the achievements most of the time, I do because it pains me not to have completed them.


But then a part of me says "hey dude, it's just digital stats on a server, that could go down any day. It doesn't have any value in the physical world, so just play for fun"

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I would care a bit more about them, if they didn't force me to go back to whenever planet to get them done...


Right now - and not trying to brag here, since I doubt I'm the only one - I have 8 level 50 characters and 8 level 50's that already finished chapter 2, being that all of this happened BEFORE achievements were included.


In other words, I will either be forced to reroll yet again, which I won't mind for some classes but still doubt it will happen anytime soon or I'm forced to walk around Planets, killing dozens and dozens of enemies, to get some achievements done.


I think it's a terrific system but honestly, it should have been implemented way earlier. I won't even get around the fact you need an heroic that's not even in the game anymore, to get Taris to 100%... Or maybe I'm missing something.

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Some of 'em give titles and Cartel Coins, so I guess there's that?


Kinda wish they'd have given me a legacy unlock for the stats on all the data/holocrons instead of an achievement for them. I just. . . don't want to do them all for every single character I level.


I also like them - to some extent. It has nothing to do with the OP's crass and generalization of mental illness. It is something that gives me a goal to .... guess what .... ACHIEVE ... when there are times I don't have enough time to play or just want to putz around for a bit. For the most part, it seems like 75% of the Achievements can be ... achieved ... just via normal gameplay. In fact, yesterday I must of pinged at least half a dozen just by running NM FP and normal questing on Balmorra.


In terms of the 'crons. I wholeheartedly agree. I don't know how many times I stated that 'crons should be rewards for exploring and not platforming, but yes, unless they are changed, I wish there was a Legacy unlock for the codex and the stats for alts.


I would care a bit more about them, if they didn't force me to go back to whenever planet to get them done...




I think it's a terrific system but honestly, it should have been implemented way earlier. I won't even get around the fact you need an heroic that's not even in the game anymore, to get Taris to 100%... Or maybe I'm missing something.


Yes, I can see how that would be annoying, though I took my Jedi back to Tython and was able to get everything within a couple of hours. That is of course, excepting the couple of entries that (as you noted for Taris) are unachievable because of the broken codex. My next wish is that the clean that up once and for all. I am a patient person when it comes to bug n QoL fixes, but I think the codex issue has gone on long enough.

Edited by BJWyler
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Extreme minority? I think you underestimate gamers. If a minority of gamers did care for achievements, Playstaion, Steam, and mobile games wouldn't of rushed to make them for their systems.


I agree. And I bet the OP is probably someone who pvp's for 10 hours a day and takes great pride in his gear stats and his comms and where he is on the leaderboards at the end of each match, yet he has the nerve to act confused about someone else being interested in achievments.

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I like them. Gives you something else to do other than the same things you've done for a year. I've also got over 500 Cartel Coins since launch getting them. Maybe you don't like free things? I do.


If you don't like them, don't get them. Problem solved. I don't get why people complain about things they don't HAVE to get when others might want to get them. It doesn't effect you. So why care about it? Worry about your own game and what you do, not others.


The only problem is some of the things I have already done I'll have to do again to get credit. Such as 50000 PVP kills...which I am certain I have already done. But, I'll do them as time goes along. No rush.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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  • 2 months later...
I like them. Gives you something else to do other than the same things you've done for a year. I've also got over 500 Cartel Coins since launch getting them. Maybe you don't like free things? I do.


If you don't like them, don't get them. Problem solved. I don't get why people complain about things they don't HAVE to get when others might want to get them. It doesn't effect you. So why care about it? Worry about your own game and what you do, not others.


The only problem is some of the things I have already done I'll have to do again to get credit. Such as 50000 PVP kills...which I am certain I have already done. But, I'll do them as time goes along. No rush.


Edited by shonenjumpstyle
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Don't care about achievements. Never have, never will. Never understood the point. I know when I've done something in a game that *I* consider an achievement and have no need for the game to tell me that.
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I like ones that i dont have to go out of my way to do to get the achievement, such as the ones for completing a class story, or getting a class to 50, or getting a crew skill to get to 400/450.


I love free CCs and titles


and then there are ones that i may get parts done but will not try to finish, such as space, warzones. eventually one day when im done working on my main ill use him to finish up the planet cheevos

Edited by Skodan
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I like them. Gives you something else to do other than the same things you've done for a year. I've also got over 500 Cartel Coins since launch getting them. Maybe you don't like free things? I do.


If you don't like them, don't get them. Problem solved. I don't get why people complain about things they don't HAVE to get when others might want to get them. It doesn't effect you. So why care about it? Worry about your own game and what you do, not others.


The only problem is some of the things I have already done I'll have to do again to get credit. Such as 50000 PVP kills...which I am certain I have already done. But, I'll do them as time goes along. No rush.


It effects me plenty. BW could have used the dev time on something else. Derp

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I like doing them. The next step for BW is to find a way to show them on the forums so that we can browse the achievements of the posters.


No, thank you. I've seen what that did to the forums in other games. It just became another weapon for those who wish to make themselves feel better by attempting to degrade those who didn't have this or that achievement.

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It effects me plenty. BW could have used the dev time on something else. Derp


As has been pointed out, BW could have used all the development time they spent on PVP on something else, too. There are plenty of players who do not PVP. For them, any development time spent on PVP is time spent on something they will likely never see, when the devs could be spending all that time on new FP's, OP's, etc.

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I enjoy them and I see people discussing them regularly. I also recall threads requesting similar systems. It's an alternate thing to do for the people inclined to do them. Is that a minority of players, probably, but the system undoubtedly took less time to create than a nightmare mode ops which similarly caters to a minority of players.


Pick just about any aspect of the game and you will find people that have absolutely no interest in it. That's the nature of MMOs. What YOU think of as the best and most important part of the game is going to be an unimportant waste of time to someone else. I think class stories are the single most important and interesting feature of SWtOR and dev. time spent on anything else is a tragic waste of resources, and yet, shockingly, I see people asking for instant lvl 55s as unlocks so they can skip the class quests and just do the end game grind. To each his own.

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Leaving aside your widely absurd insults towards anyone who enjoys the achievement part of the game, there are plenty of people who enjoy the achievements...it's far from an "extreme minority". Why have PVP since everyone doesn't PVP? Why have Ops since everyone doesn't run Ops? Why have alts since everyone doesn't play alts? What's the point of anything in the game? What's the point of better gear? What's the point of saying you complete a HM FP or an Op? What's the point of beating a World Boss? If you start down that line of questioning, then we might as well shut down the game. Here's an idea, everything in this game doesn't have to be catered towards a particular player's tastes and play style. If you wanna power level or run the same Op 1000 times or gank lowbies in PVP or whatever it is you do, then go do it. You enjoy the parts of the game you like and I'll enjoy the parts of the game that I like. When you decide to pony up the dough to create a MMO, then you can dictate to everyone else how it should be designed and played, lol.


Well said.

You play your game, I'll play mine.

Now G.T.F.A

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