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The worst part about the game.


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I am really enjoying Makeb and the new EXP. in general. Added a lot of content to the game considering the price and am well satisfied with my purchase. The new comms, gearing, yes even bolster, new HM's, the list goes on.

Thank you for all the work.


The worst part about it all is the general chat on Makeb, general chat in general. Its filled with everything from hate speech, blaming Obama for the gay planet, to saying and I quote " At least in Texas we keep our *ags in their place", there was so many negative comments from so many people I just turned general off as many did the same thing.


I own a restaurant ,when I log into SWTOR and enter your business, much like when someone comes into my place, they expect to have an enjoyable experience also expect me as the Manager/Owner to take responsibility to correct any disruptive behavior be it from staff or other customers. I can tell you w/o a doubt if someone came in and started spewing that kind of hate they would be removed from my business because I set the rules in my place and I don't tolerate hate speech, I would also lose business for allowing that sort of disruptive behavior to go on, for it would ruin the experience, same goes for you BW when people log in they are coming to your place of business, and you set what's acceptable.


So not exactly sure what you can do about it, but I can tell you that having to general off because of the amount of this type of speech, really doesn't make the game experience that enjoyable, some sort of moderation needs to happen more quickly, instead of letting it go for the weekend, days or w/e.


Maybe a good punishment would be turning off the ability to speak in general, say, and only allowing them to speak in guild or in tells for a week would curb the problem, that way you still keep the player w/o them spewing garbage and causing people to want to general chat off, or just log from game.


I usually just let this kind of thing go but last night on Makeb the speech was so hateful, in fact it was worst chat I have seen in any MMO I've played in the last 10 years. I know people have freedom of speech, but SWTOR is not a democracy, BW makes and enforces the rules here so please start enforcing your rules.

Edited by Philastra
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Welcome to the internet.....Never been on Xbox live? Its the same wherever you go. EA isnt going to staff that many people so your going to have to live with no general chat. I know I do on Makeb. Sad part is I have had so many great conversations on other planets but Makeb seems to have all the turds right now. I am sure most will leave eventually when they go on their, "I'm quitting rants!" in a month or so.
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Keep in mind, Philastra, that you're playing here with pre-teens, teens, and college kids (and a few adults who never matured beyond those years). They feel there are no consequences to their words, hiding behind the anonymity of their toons & the internet.


Report the worst offenders. You're doing us all a favour when you do so. Then, do yourself a favour, and add them to your ignore list. If there's too many of them, then turn off general chat.


You'll find players like that in most MMOs.


Don't let other people ruin your game, you only give them dark-pleasure when you let them.


I play here with my wife, our two teen kids, and my wife's brother. We never have a problem with such talk on public chat channels, as they know how to /report & /ignore bad players.


Yes, there are a lot of them, but with the way most folks these days raise their kids, are you really that surprised?


Letting it affect you is only doing yourself a disservice.

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Most of general chat is useless anyway. Sometimes I just disable it and take in the gorgeous Makeb scenery. These kind of people are in every game, sadly, and unlike your restaurant there is a little more room for them to slip beneath the cracks. Your profanity filter might be able to help a little bit, but just report them if they cross too big of a line.
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I own a restaurant ,when I log into SWTOR and enter your business, much like when someone comes into my place, they expect to have an enjoyable experience also expect me as the Manager/Owner to take responsibility to correct any disruptive behavior be it from staff or other customers. I can tell you w/o a doubt if someone came in and started spewing that kind of hate they would be removed from my business


Good incentive for me to tip well at restaurants, who knows, it might be yours :-D

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You'll find players like that in most MMOs.


As a player on the EU servers(The Red Eclipse) I would just like to chime in and say that I have seen almost no comments on the level that the OP reports, most comments about the SGRA are neutral or positive ("Yay, 2 Girls kissing" kind of thing).


Just highlights the differences in culture in some aspects I suppose.


My advice is to report these players. Just as you would expect a customer to mention such things to the manager of a restaurant.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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I think the worst part about this is that someone ACTUALLY took their time too think about the negativity general chat spews out.


Are you new too MMO's? general chat is always a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Ignore them and move on, and when the idiots leave have a nice chat with whoever remains. Its the endless cycle of public chatting.

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Agree. Sometimes the best option is reporting, ignoring, turning off chat. I do it A lot. But, I also agree that it is our right and responsibility to demand BW to at least be more visible enforcing rules. I'm not talking about the immature, innane babbling that happens on chat constantly- but the intentional and flagrant rules-breaking that happens. Just because a person has the right to act as a buttmunch doesn't mean the rest off us have to be passive victims to them.
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One thing I loved about SWG was no general planetary chat


You communicated in default /say with chat bubbles which felt more real in the sense of player interaction

I could identify your character by the way they looked just as fast as by the name


You only had like two to three toons per server and the population was small enough that you could build a reputation and people knew each other


It as cool like that

SWTOR has a lot more people and the general chat feels impersonal, it's like a big chat room


You couldn't go around being a racist meanie in SWG or would have nobody to play with

Here it does not matter because you just que up stuff and don't have to build relationships with other players

Not to re quote myself but its very impersonal

Edited by kirorx
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I agree that General Chat is horrible. Not more horrible than other General Chat in MMOs that I've seen though...


Remember, you can ignore people, you can report them, and you can turn GC off. I create a separate tab in my chat window that has General off, which is fine unless I happen to be wanting to find a group or something, but I can switch back and forth.

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You are absolutely correct OP, the language and context you experienced is completely disgusting. Do the right thing and report, report, report. Don't try to defend yourself against these people, as they probably do not care one jot about how they come across (after all, they are spilling this speech without any regard to other players in the first place!) and let's face it, getting into an argument with these people is draining.
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Keep in mind, Philastra, that you're playing here with pre-teens, teens, and college kids (and a few adults who never matured beyond those years). They feel there are no consequences to their words, hiding behind the anonymity of their toons & the internet.


Report the worst offenders. You're doing us all a favour when you do so. Then, do yourself a favour, and add them to your ignore list. If there's too many of them, then turn off general chat.


You'll find players like that in most MMOs.


Don't let other people ruin your game, you only give them dark-pleasure when you let them.


I play here with my wife, our two teen kids, and my wife's brother. We never have a problem with such talk on public chat channels, as they know how to /report & /ignore bad players.


Yes, there are a lot of them, but with the way most folks these days raise their kids, are you really that surprised?


Letting it affect you is only doing yourself a disservice.


That's the funny thing though, there is no such thing as anonymity, the government can find out anything about anybody, they just need a reason to do so, since it is an invasion of privacy, the only ones that will be difficult to find are the ones that know what they are doing and I am thinking these are just kids, teens and childish adults that have too much phobias over same gender romances.

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I The worst part about it all is the general chat on Makeb, general chat in general. Its filled with everything from hate speech, blaming Obama for the gay planet, to saying and I quote " At least in Texas we keep our *ags in their place", there was so many negative comments from so many people I just turned general off as many did the same thing.


Move to a European server; we're much more polite.

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Wow I cant belive this post is still here, thanks all for your responses at least there are some socially decent ppl in game. Again last night I had general on cause I wanted to do some 4 mans on makeb, well people where joking and graphically describing ****** another person, needless to say I turned of general made some reports and moved on, but *** is wrong with certain ppl.


To answer some of the questions here , no I am not new to MMO's been playing them since 1997, and in none of those others I have played have I seen such hateful, insensitive remarks as I did the other night NEVER!


Yes I do report them and really like the ignore function, however what disturbs me the most is that ppl would even think to say such things. Wishing harm on others for simply being who they are or what they believe is insane. I have however noticed a few of the ppl that did say such things haven't been on or I just haven't noticed them because most of the time I have general turned off.


But all this has made me really start to wonder about society as a whole. Do these ppl walk around in daily life spouting this garbage? Do they only do it in general chat, Youtube and the likes where they have anonymity?

Regardless, back to my main point, which is that its just a shame you have ignore so many ppl in a community of gamers no less that all share a common like, and its a shame that I get sick of ignoring every cretin that spouts garbage in chat , that I just end up turning general off.


EDIT: I love the game and not anyone person can ruin my experience, and have 7 50's so its sorta a hard decision to just start over on another server:} However I have checked out some servers and if we get transfers I will prolly move to look for a better server community.

Edited by Philastra
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Wow I cant belive this post is still here, thanks all for your responses at least there are some socially decent ppl in game. Again last night I had general on cause I wanted to do some 4 mans on makeb, well people where joking and graphically describing ****** another person, needless to say I turned of general made some reports and moved on, but *** is wrong with certain ppl.


To answer some of the questions here , no I am not new to MMO's been playing them since 1997, and in none of those others I have played have I seen such hateful, insensitive remarks as I did the other night NEVER!


Yes I do report them and really like the ignore function, however what disturbs me the most is that ppl would even think to say such things. Wishing harm on others for simply being who they are or what they believe is insane. I have however noticed a few of the ppl that did say such things haven't been on or I just haven't noticed them because most of the time I have general turned off.


But all this has made me really start to wonder about society as a whole. Do these ppl walk around in daily life spouting this garbage? Do they only do it in general chat, Youtube and the likes where they have anonymity?

Regardless, back to my main point, which is that its just a shame you have ignore so many ppl in a community of gamers no less that all share a common like, and its a shame that I get sick of ignoring every cretin that spouts garbage in chat , that I just end up turning general off.


EDIT: I love the game and not anyone person can ruin my experience, and have 7 50's so its sorta a hard decision to just start over on another server:} However I have checked out some servers and if we get transfers I will prolly move to look for a better server community.

Saw some childish idiots being homophobic on the red eclipse last night so no one is safe from these types

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