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I don't get it when dudes play as girls in MMOs...


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Been playing games, on and offline, for a long time. And the main reason why I switched to playing mostly female avatars is because in most games the animations for females are just way better. It's usually the male running animations that annoy me.


Funny thing about SW:ToR is that it does feel akward for me to romance male companions, heh. :p

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Been playing games, on and offline, for a long time. And the main reason why I switched to playing mostly female avatars is because in most games the animations for females are just way better. It's usually the male running animations that annoy me.


Funny thing about SW:ToR is that it does feel akward for me to romance male companions, heh. :p


Heh, funny because its the opposite for me in SW:TOR.

The female running animations (running, not sprinting) look waaaay too "girly" for me... my main is a bad-*** bounty hunter thats wearing heavy beskar'gam and it just looks soooo wrong to see her running like a 14 year old schoolgirl...

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Okey i am sick of people complaining and whining of stupid stuff like this. Okey i enjoy 50% playing as a male and 50% as a female.

i am a male and lets say KoToR i could only enjoy it as a man but in WoW i loved the Blood Elf female alot, in Mass Effect the male was boring so i took teh feamel and wow she was epic. In Saints Row 2 and 3 i wasa female cus i am sick of beign a male in sandbox games. In Devil May Cry yeah of course i have to me a man there and what a man he is.

in SW TOR i play as both and i enjoy it in both way :p just respect whatever we want to play as.

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Sure the view of the back is nicer, but how can you relate?


I don't. I am not my characters. I do not imagine myself as my characters.


My characters are digital action figures. I have 18 characters, haven't kept count, but roughly half are male, half female. I don't relate to the male characters anymore than the female. Someone early in the thread posted that some players play their characters as an extension of themselves. I think it's that mindset that leads to a lot of problems in MMORPGs. When you think of your characters as you, everything that happens to them affects you more than if you see them as toys to play with.


When my boys play with their friends, I never see an argument break out when they are playing with toys or games. But when they are pretending to be Naruto or something, they never, ever want to lose. Similarly, folks who see their characters as an extension of themselves in the game are seeing the character as an idealized version of themselves. I don't do that, so playing female characters (and readily admitting to being a man IRL) is no big deal.

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Sure the view of the back is nicer, but how can you relate?


When I started playing MMO's back in 2000 my dad wouldn't let me roll a chick cause '"I was 14 at the time"' he was afraid I'd be harassed and propositioned more than I'd be able to enjoy playing the game Asherons Call. Sad part was, in 2002, when I rolled my first female character, I spent maybe 30 minutes a night for a while just igging guys who PMed sex msgs to me :( luckily it only lasted a lil more than a few days, then I guess they figured out I wouldn't play along, and I was left alone, for the most part. Doesn't happen as much in TOR as it did in WoW thankfully but every now an then, I'll still get one of those out of the blue 'hey baby wana ....' msgs


Every game has fidiots in it, and it's easier to play the way you like and enjoy than let them ruin your fun, so play what makes you happy, chicks playing males, guys playing females, whatever works for you is the 'right' way to play the game. In the end, this is for entertainment, so why should it matter what anyone else is doing with/to their characters, if it doesn't affect your game play?


Since player gender has no bearing in game for other than the person behind the screen, the only thing I can see as an issue is you're one of those guys who gets overly protective/possessive of a female avi in your group, and it cracks your crank that that hot pixilated babe in a brass bra might be a hairy backed dude in a tshirt and unders in a basement somewhere 😄

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Sure the view of the back is nicer, but how can you relate?


Question: Are you putting this purely on physical attributes (you're short and fat, why do you have a tall and skinny character, how can you possible relate?) or mental and emotional attributes?


Do you expect the female characters to be written with such fundamentally different reasoning and motivations that men literally cannot play them? That men literally cannot understand a story told from a female perspective?


The stories aren't that different between the genders.


I can understand my Agent because he's a patriot of the Empire who will do what he feels necessary to keep Her and Her people safe, even if that means defying the Sith and being tolerate of aliens. His nether regions don't come into it.

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I don't get it when people play people with force powers who wield lightning. I mean the graphics and moves are interesting, but how do you relate? I mean, as a student or accountant or computer programmer or burger-flipper who will never EVER shoot lightning from his fingertips?
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A better question would be: Why do people assume a female in game is a female. Then, after they hit on this said female toon only to learn a male is behind the keyboard, why do they then post a thread asking while males play as female toons?
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I don't get it when people play people with force powers who wield lightning. I mean the graphics and moves are interesting, but how do you relate? I mean, as a student or accountant or computer programmer or burger-flipper who will never EVER shoot lightning from his fingertips?


Not sure what u are talking about. Are u saying that you can't release lightning from your hands? Don't make me laugh please.

Edited by zzoorrzz
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Not sure what u are talking about. Are u saying that you can't release lightning from your hands? Don't make me laugh please.


Yeah, everyone knows that people who play Sith naturally shoot lightning from their hands. Personally, as an Agent player, I keep a vast array of foot-long knives hidden in my shoes, just in case.

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I didnt know that SWTOR was a dating game? I play female characters because and not offend the female sex but they are considered the weaker sex so when they go midevil and get bad ***** i enjoy that. i guess the op isnt a fan of Tomb raider lol.
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Yeah, everyone knows that people who play Sith naturally shoot lightning from their hands. Personally, as an Agent player, I keep a vast array of foot-long knives hidden in my shoes, just in case.


Exactly this. It's why I play a smuggler. Though, I 've been having some issues with my stealth field generator and Wal Mart says they can't help me without the receipt.

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Sure the view of the back is nicer, but how can you relate?

If I understood correctly, with this logic I could have never played Tomb Raider. I also can't write a book with female characters in it. That character in the game is not me, it's a fictional person I created.

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If I understood correctly, with this logic I could have never played Tomb Raider. I also can't write a book with female characters in it. That character in the game is not me, it's a fictional person I created.


I loved the latest TR and can't wait for the next one. First time I ever completed a TR game. Of course it was the first I got on PC too so could be I liked the controls better on PC than console.


But other games we can't play as guys. WET. A game that has the Kill Bill type combat, girl hero voiced by Eliza Duscku or however her name is spelled, cussing, taking drinks of whiskey. Very underrated game.


And imagine not being able to watch shows and movies with a female hero because the OP's logic or lack of it.

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I suppose no one can play any game that has an main character of the opposite sex....


Guys not playing the new Lara Croft Game....


Girls no Halo or Call of Duty....




And think of all the characters we can't play in fighting games. :t_eek:


I don't think OP understands that some people are in it for the story. Sexualizing your character seems... wrong. The game is not real life, people. Some just take things so seriously. That's why we see so many ridiculous QQ threads on the forums. People just need to lighten up.

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Sure the view of the back is nicer, but how can you relate?


Because I have no desire to look at a man's backside and body for 100 hrs. Females generally look better and get better looking armor/clothes as well. I always play as females, 6 our of 8 of my SWTOR characters are female. My Mass Effect 1 and 2, Dragon Age, and Fallout 3 characters are all females. My Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 characters are all female.


I also don't like bulky, blocky, "tough" looking armor and clothing. It's the artist in me. I like more lines and flow, you wont find that on most Male characters outfits in games, including this one.


I fail to see why you care or why it matters to you. It's a game...what exactly do you have to "relate" to. It's not real.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Well, besides the fact that this is a MMO and people should be given as much choice as possible...


I can only say that both my mains are men (twins you see). I have two female characters I created for the fun of it (one of them designed by a girl who wanted to try the game out) and got kind of sucked up into the storyline for these characters.


I didn't think anything of it, really, and given that we are supposed to be building a "family" I'm pretty sure they all involve both genders to some extent;). No I'm not making a comment about SSM!


- Arcada

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All my characters are female and my great beard tend to say i'm a men.


Why do i play female toons ? Many reasons.


  • Eye candy : this is very rare for me to be able to make a male character looking "okay". They always look ugly to me. Maybe it's because i find mens ugly in real life too (myslef included). So, when i do not want to look at an ugly character all the time, i play female ones (and no, i don't talk about the rear side of the characters, even if it counts).
  • Old habit : When i was playing "console" games where you do not create a character but have the possibility to choose one between others, like Street Fighter for instance, i was always looking for speed built characters. And males tend to be slow and powerful characters when womens tend to be the light hitting but fast ones. So i was almost always playing girls characters because it was fitting with my play style. Nothing less, nothing more. And after few years, i was'nt thinking anymore. Choose a character : girl. Even if there is no differences with males.
  • Roleplay perspective : I'm a man 100% of the time. Why should i be a male in games too ? For the romance stuff ? Lesbianism is the answer. :D

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