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Because It couldn't be said better or enough- A quote from Blooter


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What people fail to understand is that Bioware, although stating that Bolster was not meant to work the way it is now, still continues to drive the PvP portion of its game to the ground. Whether or not they fix the naked pvp bug in the near future really shouldn't be the main concern of the large masses that que WZ/RWZ everyday. What we as a community should be concerned about, is Bioware's lack of concern for us. The game has gone noticeably unchanged for almost a year. Each patch provided 1 or 2 major changes, but in reality, released the same crap in a shiny new toilet. And it sufficed for the majority of players...


Now, as 2.0 has launched, the PvP community is again outraged at the lack of attention Bioware has put it into its product. Will they listen? Most likely not. After all, they deleted the PTS forums after the initial testing and simply ignored the heinous amounts of negative feedback concerning Bolster. And I agree with the negativity. Take an honest look at the definition of PvP: Player vs Player. In it's purest essence, it is defined as a competitive match between other people. The methods and mechanics used to achieve this differ from game to game, but in the end, the notion remains: competition. Athletes train to better themselves and achieve that "edge" against their opponents. The same is true for gamers who grind their gear and "flaunt" it. I know this is a game, and most people don't have the time to spend hours upon hours striving to attain perfection in a pixelated arena. Yet those who do, should not have to suffer. I'm all about skill > gear. In fact, I completely agree. However it shouldn't be forced upon people.


For those of you who truly need Bolster to remain competitive in PvP, I'm not asking/telling you to L2P. Just don't complain that WZ/RWZ are won/lost by gear (some will argue this). The inevitable realization might be: "I'm just not as good as the other player."


For those who complain about Bolster and the state of PvP in SWTOR, argue about the real issues in the game: Resolve bar; CC Chains; the utter lack of fostering a competitive ranking structure through arenas/rwz (aside from the -maybe- 8 teams who repetitively que for RWZ on each server); the amount of time it took for BW to address the smashlol/bubblestun bonanza; etc... The list is pretty long, and this wall of text is critting my fingers and your eyeballs.


So i leave you, the fans of a game we all want to succeed, with this: Complaining can only get us so far. We need to foster a PvP environment that is not only rewarding(progression-wise) and competitive, but enjoyable and fun. Use your voice intelligently. Trolling other players, ridiculing, and intangible expectations will not help the cause.


And for Bioware: Listen to the masses. Listen, and you will reap the rewards.



This man intricately, intelligently, and beautiful stated what is true ^^

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I read right up to the point he talked about flaunting gear. You can still do that at 55. The new gear sets look horrible. Enjoy flaunting that crap.


Nothing has changed except that gear doesn't matter until 55. It shouldn't.


Some positive things for pvp in this patch.


1. No longer a HUGE disparity in gear at endgame. This is a good thing. You still have an advantage. It just isn't a "faceroll advantage".

2. No more team bubblestun. Greatest change ever.

3. Commandos/mercs look decent again. I don't play this class but they needed some love.

4. Sages/sorcs got the burst they wanted (so we might not hear them cry for awhile), even though they told us all they were going to suck and we said, no you wont.

5. Stealth appear like they are a pretty decent counter to snipers, and snipers counter JK/SW melee, and hybrids are putting out great damage as well.

6. No longer have to have undergeared people on my team who can't contribute due to gear.


New WZ's? Yeah they could add some, but what? Large numbers? That is probably a no go, due to people having crappy computers/newer game engine. World pvp? Make that happen yourself. I do on my shadow daily. I would like to see a different map huttball, and some scenery changes.


BTW gear was stupidly easy to get anyways and most of the great players I know play many classes and just used WH gear min maxed.


Problems? Expertise should have a lower cap pre 55. Gear that isn't as good as "nakid" should be bolstered to that level. Problem fixed.


BTW lol at this tool thinking that EWH was much better then the min/maxed WH that I could farm in a day or two pre 2.0. Flaunt? The only thing someone like him flaunted was getting outperformed by people who played multiple classes and never bothered with EWH other then weps, and most people skipped the offhand. I pvped from like 40-45 on every char and had a main hand/offhand, with the exception of focuses in which case I just threw a 27 armoring in them. Money? I got that from sending multiple maxed chars on gathering missions...while I did warzones.


Legacy sets made it VERY easy to gear an alt and to gear them fast. LOL at you thinking this was some kind of epic achievement.


You hate 2.0. I love 2.0. Some minor problems and they can be fixed.

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All of those things might be great if they hadn't also pushed the games' skill cap around the level of Mario Cart by decreasing TTK to almost nothing.


Yes because the skill cap before was super hard. Team bubblestun was really great pvp...if you like turn based crap...


All they have to do is lower expertise cap pre 55. Problem solved. Healing/dmg both go down (both are stupidly too high for a non 30-40 k health pool).


55 plus? We are going to be rocking bigger health pools.


It isn't like this is super difficult to solve lol.

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New WZ's? Yeah they could add some, but what? Large numbers? That is probably a no go, due to people having crappy computers/newer game engine. World pvp? Make that happen yourself. I do on my shadow daily. I would like to see a different map huttball, and some scenery changes.

Your lack of intuition is as big as your insulting posts against people that disagree with your boyfriend bioware. One example of a new warzone? A maze, a dynamically changing environment every time that you enter it with obstacles and things that could require cooperation. No need to mention that group strategy is of vital importance to cover ground and stay alive.


EDIT: And yes I could give more examples but why would I want to after the deletion of so many threads in the pts subforum? Also, talking to someone with lack of intuitiion is like talking to a wall.

Edited by MusicRider
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1. No longer a HUGE disparity in gear at endgame. This is a good thing. You still have an advantage. It just isn't a "faceroll advantage".

2. No more team bubblestun. Greatest change ever.

3. Commandos/mercs look decent again. I don't play this class but they needed some love.

4. Sages/sorcs got the burst they wanted (so we might not hear them cry for awhile), even though they told us all they were going to suck and we said, no you wont.

5. Stealth appear like they are a pretty decent counter to snipers, and snipers counter JK/SW melee, and hybrids are putting out great damage as well.

6. No longer have to have undergeared people on my team who can't contribute due to gear.


Your points 2,3,4 and 5 have NOTHING to do with the new Bolster.


So why do you include these points? NOBODY here is arguging that every single change in 2.0 is bad. So why deflect from the Bolster issue?


And finally, to your relevant points 1 and 6. :


We do not know yet. At the current stage it seems that lvl 55 bolster is messed up as well so you have no clue how the gear disparage will actually look like once things are sorted out.


For the time being at least, PVP in practice is the most unbalaced thing ever. My Lvl 30-54 WZ regularily feature players with HP between 21k and 28K HP. I have already seen a few people with 19K running around.


Level playing field, right...

Edited by Arutar
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Yes because the skill cap before was super hard. Team bubblestun was really great pvp...if you like turn based crap...


All they have to do is lower expertise cap pre 55. Problem solved. Healing/dmg both go down (both are stupidly too high for a non 30-40 k health pool).


55 plus? We are going to be rocking bigger health pools.


It isn't like this is super difficult to solve lol.


Expertise has damage reduction and damage increase. 60% damage increase is offset by 37.5% damage reduction. Lowering expertise would do nothing to TTK, since if everyone has the same expertise, everyone has the same damage increase with the same damage reduction (max level expertise is around 2018, and gives the 60%/37.5% effects).

Learn to math please:

100 damage * 0.60 damage increase = 160 damage

160 damage * (1 - 0.375 damage reduction) = 100 damage


In fact lowering expertise would make TTK worse because healing would be reduced. Your damage increase vs damage reduction would not change.

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Your points 2,3,4 and 5 have NOTHING to do with the new Bolster.


So why do you include these points? NOBODY here is arguging that every single change in 2.0 is bad. So why deflect from the Bolster issue?


And finally, to your relevant points 1 and 6. :


We do not know yet. At the current stage it seems that lvl 55 bolster is messed up as well so you have no clue how the gear disparage will actually look like once things are sorted out.


For the time being at least, PVP in practice is the most unbalaced thing ever. My Lvl 30-54 WZ regularily feature players with HP between 21k and 28K HP. I have already seen a few people with 19K running around.


Level playing field, right...


Tell those people with 19-21k hp to take their relics off. It's the relics that are messing up the bolster, removing them and you will instantly go to 24k as dps/heals, 26-28k as tank. The relic slot bolster is borked, and it's causing bolster in its entirety to go haywire.

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Tell those people with 19-21k hp to take their relics off. It's the relics that are messing up the bolster, removing them and you will instantly go to 24k as dps/heals, 26-28k as tank. The relic slot bolster is borked, and it's causing bolster in its entirety to go haywire.


I tried - but people *surprisingly* often do not listen to strangers in WZ who tell them they should remove at leasts parts of their ther min-maxed pvp gear to get better :D


I wonder why :D


On top of that, I play on a German Server and the extent of whole Bolster fiasco in the German forums or the game itself lagged behind.

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I tried - but people *surprisingly* often do not listen to strangers in WZ who tell them they should remove at leasts parts of their ther min-maxed pvp gear to get better :D


I wonder why :D


On top of that, I play on a German Server and the extent of whole Bolster fiasco in the German forums or the game itself lagged behind.


Point them to this post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=623020&page=4. The only reason naked is even comparable to my EWH is because my EWH set is not min maxed. My pve set is min maxed though and it's just crazy good. And yes those stats are without buffs or stims.

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I think all 2.0 has done for me is point out that I didn't really care about gear progression before all that much, when it comes to performance. I never min-maxed. The most I did was get my sniper to WH and there he sat, untouched except for when the opportunity for open world PvP would happen. With my schedule; that hasn't happened all that much.


So 2.0 is showing me that I only looked at the gear progression as PvP content at best due to only having 5 different warzones. And by FWIW, I do NOT want more of them. It's the other PvP venues that are lacking. That part became evident when I was never so happy as I was when using double XP weekend to level my gunslinger and getting in the handful of skirmishes while doing so. Even when I eventually ran into 50s that would kill me; I prided myself on taking out another character my level before the 50 got me if I could.


So; it really isn't about bolster to me. I think it would be fine, and really enjoyable if I wasn't already tired of warzones to a point that getting gear would be my only motivation. I guess I still would be motivated to do so, if I felt there would be more than warzones once I reached my goal. I'm not really interested in ratings, or proving I am any good to others, so rated doesn't do anything for me either when it is still the same damned warzones.


Ok. I will stop rambling.

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Tell those people with 19-21k hp to take their relics off. It's the relics that are messing up the bolster, removing them and you will instantly go to 24k as dps/heals, 26-28k as tank. The relic slot bolster is borked, and it's causing bolster in its entirety to go haywire.


Most slots are screwed. I've taken off my fully aug'd WH on my Sorc and basically everything went up.


Level 9 MH and OH are better than my WH on my jugg.

Edited by WaldoA
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Most slots are screwed. I've taken off my fully aug'd WH on my Sorc and basically everything went up.


Level 9 MH and OH are better than my WH on my jugg.




Read it, learn.. min/maxed gear, PvE or PvP, without relics, is better than naked. On top of that I get a set bonus which you don't have. The relic slots when bolstered with relics in them totally screws up the math of the bolster.

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All of those things might be great if they hadn't also pushed the games' skill cap around the level of Mario Cart by decreasing TTK to almost nothing.


^^ THIS...


there is no "skill" involved when it only takes 2 or 3 hits to kill somebody, and likewise you are not getting any better AT pvp 2 or 3-shotting people.


PvP is a joke right now

Edited by painterwhit
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Read it, learn.. min/maxed gear, PvE or PvP, without relics, is better than naked. On top of that I get a set bonus which you don't have. The relic slots when bolstered with relics in them totally screws up the math of the bolster.


I don't need to read it.. I'm looking at my stats and seeing that I get more bonus damage, expertise and main stat at the cost of 1-2k~ endurance.

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I read right up to the point he talked about flaunting gear. You can still do that at 55. The new gear sets look horrible. Enjoy flaunting that crap.


Nothing has changed except that gear doesn't matter until 55. It shouldn't.


Some positive things for pvp in this patch.


1. No longer a HUGE disparity in gear at endgame. This is a good thing. You still have an advantage. It just isn't a "faceroll advantage".

2. No more team bubblestun. Greatest change ever.

3. Commandos/mercs look decent again. I don't play this class but they needed some love.

4. Sages/sorcs got the burst they wanted (so we might not hear them cry for awhile), even though they told us all they were going to suck and we said, no you wont.

5. Stealth appear like they are a pretty decent counter to snipers, and snipers counter JK/SW melee, and hybrids are putting out great damage as well.

6. No longer have to have undergeared people on my team who can't contribute due to gear.


New WZ's? Yeah they could add some, but what? Large numbers? That is probably a no go, due to people having crappy computers/newer game engine. World pvp? Make that happen yourself. I do on my shadow daily. I would like to see a different map huttball, and some scenery changes.


BTW gear was stupidly easy to get anyways and most of the great players I know play many classes and just used WH gear min maxed.


Problems? Expertise should have a lower cap pre 55. Gear that isn't as good as "nakid" should be bolstered to that level. Problem fixed.


BTW lol at this tool thinking that EWH was much better then the min/maxed WH that I could farm in a day or two pre 2.0. Flaunt? The only thing someone like him flaunted was getting outperformed by people who played multiple classes and never bothered with EWH other then weps, and most people skipped the offhand. I pvped from like 40-45 on every char and had a main hand/offhand, with the exception of focuses in which case I just threw a 27 armoring in them. Money? I got that from sending multiple maxed chars on gathering missions...while I did warzones.


Legacy sets made it VERY easy to gear an alt and to gear them fast. LOL at you thinking this was some kind of epic achievement.


You hate 2.0. I love 2.0. Some minor problems and they can be fixed.


Nope. Your a dumba ss. Try playing pvp before you open your worthless gob.

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5. Stealth appear like they are a pretty decent counter to snipers, and snipers counter JK/SW melee, and hybrids are putting out great damage as well.


ttk is way too low. all stealth classes operate at a distinct advantage. In CW, my breaker was on cd from a previous encounter, but I was full hp. a shadow stunned me. and I was dead before the stuns (obviously not just one) were over.


I was in an NC in which one op took out two - TWO - guards before I could get halfway down the hill (that's 25% of the way from south to west).


this does feel like 1.1 all over again. I'm not saying nerf ops. good for them that their dps is relevant again, but the ttk is ridiculously low. up the mitigation in lowbie?

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I read right up to the point he talked about flaunting gear. You can still do that at 55. The new gear sets look horrible. Enjoy flaunting that crap.


Nothing has changed except that gear doesn't matter until 55. It shouldn't.


Some positive things for pvp in this patch.


1. No longer a HUGE disparity in gear at endgame. This is a good thing. You still have an advantage. It just isn't a "faceroll advantage".

2. No more team bubblestun. Greatest change ever.

3. Commandos/mercs look decent again. I don't play this class but they needed some love.

4. Sages/sorcs got the burst they wanted (so we might not hear them cry for awhile), even though they told us all they were going to suck and we said, no you wont.

5. Stealth appear like they are a pretty decent counter to snipers, and snipers counter JK/SW melee, and hybrids are putting out great damage as well.

6. No longer have to have undergeared people on my team who can't contribute due to gear.


New WZ's? Yeah they could add some, but what? Large numbers? That is probably a no go, due to people having crappy computers/newer game engine. World pvp? Make that happen yourself. I do on my shadow daily. I would like to see a different map huttball, and some scenery changes.


BTW gear was stupidly easy to get anyways and most of the great players I know play many classes and just used WH gear min maxed.


Problems? Expertise should have a lower cap pre 55. Gear that isn't as good as "nakid" should be bolstered to that level. Problem fixed.


BTW lol at this tool thinking that EWH was much better then the min/maxed WH that I could farm in a day or two pre 2.0. Flaunt? The only thing someone like him flaunted was getting outperformed by people who played multiple classes and never bothered with EWH other then weps, and most people skipped the offhand. I pvped from like 40-45 on every char and had a main hand/offhand, with the exception of focuses in which case I just threw a 27 armoring in them. Money? I got that from sending multiple maxed chars on gathering missions...while I did warzones.


Legacy sets made it VERY easy to gear an alt and to gear them fast. LOL at you thinking this was some kind of epic achievement.


You hate 2.0. I love 2.0. Some minor problems and they can be fixed.


I am starting to like this guys post of late. ^


All but the truth, +1

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