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It's great to PVE with no Damage Meters


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Just today I was wishing for a damage meter and a target dummy so much so I could try out different rotations.


You can still figure out your dps in-game. Old time players know how to do this. Im sure if you think about it long enough, it will come to you.


People were checking rotations, dps and hps long before parsers were widely available. Top guilds are already doing so again.

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don't get me wrong, combat log and all that jazz is nice for a number of reasons and I hope that they implement it


however, damage meter itself is kind of redundant IF they would just add the combat log


as for seeing who's slacking/who's not.. just look at them


I did cademimu last night and noticed stuff wasn't dying that fast. started watching our dps commando and he was just slicing after every fight and generally being really slow


I said "dude, stop *********** crafting and start doing some damage"


tl;dr if you don't have a damage meter, your eyes work pretty well as a substitute

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Add a raid-wide meter for the raid leader keeping track of each players level of activity, as in % of time in combat spent casting or "doing something useful". It should also display damage taken. (Even though I still think that an "all-knowing" meter for raid leaders is an invaluable asset I'll leave it like this for the sake of discussion)


This wouldn't work.


I could sit there spamming my weakest ability. The meter would have to be sophisticated enough to distinguish between "doing something useful" and "doing something non-productive"


It would require a ton of resources to develop, implement and maintain the definitions of a useful action vs a non-useful action when it would be FAR easier to just implement a combat log (considering the game already has to log your actions anyway)


Listen - I know the combat logs and meters bring problems. People suck, I get that. But its far easier to spend 15-20 min once or twice a month checking up on how to gear/how to play vs spending 15-20 min or more per play session being berated for not knowing what to do or how to do it.

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Someone has consistently low DPS.


I agree. One of the only argument I've seen made for no damage meters is that some over sensitive people have been annoyed at the hyperactive kid that insists on posting them every encounter.


There is an ignore function and damage meters or no, it isn't going to change the fact that the type of people who incessantly post their meters are generally not the type many of us (including the pro damage meters side) want to group with at all.


The other argument is that some people thing people become 'obsessed' with the meters and get tunnel vision, thereby failing at their jobs and dying or running out of resources for healing... Do these people even understand that without resources you can't heal and aren't likely to be on top of the meters anyhow? Do they also understand that dead DPS is zero DPS?


If you want to do flashpoints in some wonky RP spec wearing gear that looks pretty, but with the wrong stats, why don't you group with like-minded people instead live in fear of the eventual implementation of combat logs and log analysis software? Some of us actually want to excel at our roles and not live in a world of mediocrity.

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"Its great to pve without damage meters"


Buts its very very hard to raid without them when encounters have dps checks!!!


Please, if you dont raid stop moaning, if you do raid then you would be happy when they are in. Why raid, if not to progress? If you cant progress, looking at where you are going wrong is the first thing you do to improve.


Healing and damaging infomation you get from Meters are there to help you spot problems QUICKLY that helps you improve to overcome the encounter.


Unless you could tell people another way to get that info QUICKLY!

(please, the toads saying "u already can work it out!" maybe if the supposed end game at moment had huge dps checks in with mechanics that worked, spending ages to work the numbers back wouldnt seem much of a problem for most, but its not what raiding is about, or where the end game is at the moment)

If bioware, dont have any mobs in raids that need some sort of DPS checks whatsoever, then i am happy for them not be added, its that simple!



Oh i forgot, athletes never use a stopwatch to time how quick they are running to see where they can improve, "OMG, they are noobs if they need them, why dont they just count in their head" HAHAHAHAHA

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I agree. One of the only argument I've seen made for no damage meters is that some over sensitive people have been annoyed at the hyperactive kid that insists on posting them every encounter.


There is an ignore function and damage meters or no, it isn't going to change the fact that the type of people who incessantly post their meters are generally not the type many of us (including the pro damage meters side) want to group with at all.


The other argument is that some people thing people become 'obsessed' with the meters and get tunnel vision, thereby failing at their jobs and dying or running out of resources for healing... Do these people even understand that without resources you can't heal and aren't likely to be on top of the meters anyhow? Do they also understand that dead DPS is zero DPS?


If you want to do flashpoints in some wonky RP spec wearing gear that looks pretty, but with the wrong stats, why don't you group with like-minded people instead live in fear of the eventual implementation of combat logs and log analysis software? Some of us actually want to excel at our roles and not live in a world of mediocrity.


Not having a damage meter causes you not to excel at your role and too live in mediocrity? I thought ther was alittl more to raiding than that, i guess not...

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Baddies hate the meters because it shows they are bad. Damage Meters are extremely useful. Just make it to where results can't be posted. Also, add click-casting/mouse over macros. Healing is just lame without them and I probably won't spec heals if they don't add something like this. Just my opinions. :eek:
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I have only seen dps meters hurting team efforts... pulling aggro off the tanks, unnecessary healing needed for dpsers leaving less available for the tank, etc etc. Dpsing is as much about damage output as it is about knowing when to hold back and allow the tank to do his job so the healer can manage the situation.


Frankly no one remembers the high dpsers. Folks remember the tank/healers that keep the party alive through the tough spots. Well I suppose they will remember the high dpsers that get the team wiped.

Edited by Mystais
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I started to have fun again watching the fights instead of a dmg bar. And guess what? Won all flashpoints so far.



You watching the damage meter isn't the damage meter's fault, though.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: its a tool. People misusing tools happens all the time, but that doesn't make the tool any less valuable to those who use it correctly.

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I started to have fun again watching the fights instead of a dmg bar. And guess what? Won all flashpoints so far.


How bad was the accident that removed your peripheral vision?


Do you find gaming hard without peripheral vision?


See, I use mine to watch healthbars without actually focusing on them.


I'd find gaming really hard had I had the same kind of eye injuring accident you did.

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Agree with the OP 100%.


As soon as anyone says to me or any of my team members "you aren't healing enough" "you aren't doing enough damage", etc., I bail or I kick the accuser.


It's a game and you are free to team with who you want or don't want to. It's not a game for others to offer their unasked-for advice.


I've been gaming for decades and I'm so sick of the judging of others based on someone else's perception of what the "correct" numbers are.

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fantastic, I can finally enjoy flashpoints without some kid linking his meter every 3 mins to brag.


what a blast, thanks for not including a combat log bioware!


I agree.


For those wanting to determine how to be more effective and efficient?


You should do it the old fashioned way, trial and error. It'll work. It worked in past games.

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How bad was the accident that removed your peripheral vision?


Do you find gaming hard without peripheral vision?


See, I use mine to watch healthbars without actually focusing on them.


I'd find gaming really hard had I had the same kind of eye injuring accident you did.




Guns dont kill people, Noobs do!

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Agree with the OP 100%.


As soon as anyone says to me or any of my team members "you aren't healing enough" "you aren't doing enough damage", etc., I bail or I kick the accuser.


It's a game and you are free to team with who you want or don't want to. It's not a game for others to offer their unasked-for advice.


I've been gaming for decades and I'm so sick of the judging of others based on someone else's perception of what the "correct" numbers are.


Thats where your problem is then.


Most People dont care about some easy group content with pugs, or even a couple of mates. What they do care about is getting alot of you together organised for certain times of the week to take on the hardest content the game has to offer.


First off you wouldnt sign up to a raid if you couldnt handle being given advice on where to improve or even people asking you for advice.


So that was a totally poinltess statement, oh apart from the fact, if you joined a hard dungeon and you needed some very foccussed players to kill the bosses, but one person spent most time not having a clue or getting everyone killed, your right, i would kick you, as i dont pay a monthly sub for some total stranger to ruin my enjoyment!

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It has everything to do with guild control freaks kicking people for not being up to snuff instead of teaching them. Name one guild that actually taught people instead of just g-kicking them and removing them from the raid.


What's that? No response? It's ok.


I was an officer/raid leader in a Heroic raid group. One of our people had major issues when we first started raiding. (how did we know? meters)I mean dps was lower than both tanks.


Someone else in our guild with the same class took about 30 minutes with that person looking over spec rotation bla bla. That person is now and has been top 2 or 3 dps in our group for over 8 months.

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My god I've seen this rant before... IN RIFTS!


I think the only other topic in real life that brings this sort of heated debate is gun control. For the record, meter's don't kill people. People do... no meter mistakenly starts tracking without a users consent. It doesn't crawl out of it's addon box and starts counting away the breaths a baby takes tearing away it's good Imperial moral structure we have painstakingly ingrained into its mind.



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