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The outright lies people are telling regarding bolster.


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The lies.


1. Being naked is better then 5 pcs WH/EWH at level 50.


LOL what? My marauder has near 100 percent surge. If you think 1000-2000 health is better then that? You are an idiot. Also my 4pc shadow set bonus is absolutely incredible. There is no way in hell I would give that up for 1000 more health, a tiny bit more expertise and less surge/power/dmg.


2. Being naked somehow mitigates more dmg and that people are exploiting.


No. There is no exploit going on. Blues/epics, WH/EWH are better then being naked with the exception of relics and implants (sometimes) if those blues/epics are around your item lvl and augmented. I don't know who started this rumor but they are an idiot.


3. You have no advantage with WH/EWH over people who don't have it.


At level 50 this is completely false. You do have an advantage. It is not a HUGE advantage. If the player is better then you? You are going to get wrecked. If you think gear should matter before endgame? You are also an idiot and probably twinked to steamroll new players. This HURT the game. Just because you are bad at the game, doesn't mean you have the right to have 1/3rd more health and double other peoples dmg, while also being in voicecom. If you thought Bioware or any MMO company would let this continue? You are delusional. This game wants to GROW, not have people try a warzone and have zero chance to do anything.




1. Past 50, level 50 gear isn't that great. Duh. This happens every expansion in every mmo. Expansions are a restart. Sorry you didn't get the memo a decade ago....


2. It is better to be naked (sans weapons) at higher 50 levels then wear level 50 gear. Again. Duh. If you level in instances/quests? That gear is better then being naked. That is how bolster is supposed to work. At 55? You are going to have 30 plus k health as dps in wh/ewh and close to 40 as a tank. Burst isn't going to be as much of a problem.


Things they can do to fix what is already a good system.


1. Any time a gear set (other then wh/ewh) or a piece of gear does not have expertise or health as high as a "naked slot", it is automatically upgraded to "naked gear". This solves the let's get nakid problem.


2. Expertise from bolster can be capped below 55 for less burst. Maybe 1800ish instead of 2000 plus.


Stop lying, stop making excuses. Instead give Bioware/EA GOOD solutions to the problem. If you were a twink steamrolling lowbies? You are delusional if you think that is coming back. Lying will do you no good. Play a different game. You are trash. You hurt the game.

Edited by biowareftw
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The lies.


1. Being naked is better then 5 pcs WH/EWH at level 50.


LOL what? My marauder has near 100 percent surge. If you think 1000-2000 health is better then that? You are an idiot. Also my 4pc shadow set bonus is absolutely incredible. There is no way in hell I would give that up for 1000 more health, a tiny bit more expertise and less surge/power/dmg.


2. Being naked somehow mitigates more dmg and that people are exploiting.


No. There is no exploit going on. Blues/epics, WH/EWH are better then being naked with the exception of relics and implants (sometimes) if those blues/epics are around your item lvl and augmented. I don't know who started this rumor but they are an idiot.


3. You have no advantage with WH/EWH over people who don't have it.


At level 50 this is completely false. You do have an advantage. It is not a HUGE advantage. If the player is better then you? You are going to get wrecked. If you think gear should matter before endgame? You are also an idiot and probably twinked to steamroll new players. This HURT the game. Just because you are bad at the game, doesn't mean you have the right to have 1/3rd more health and double other peoples dmg, while also being in voicecom. If you thought Bioware or any MMO company would let this continue? You are delusional. This game wants to GROW, not have people try a warzone and have zero chance to do anything.




1. Past 50, level 50 gear isn't that great. Duh. This happens every expansion in every mmo. Expansions are a restart. Sorry you didn't get the memo a decade ago....


2. It is better to be naked (sans weapons) at higher 50 levels then wear level 50 gear. Again. Duh. If you level in instances/quests? That gear is better then being naked. That is how bolster is supposed to work. At 55? You are going to have 30 plus k health as dps in wh/ewh and close to 40 as a tank. Burst isn't going to be as much of a problem.


Things they can do to fix what is already a good system.


1. Any time a gear set (other then wh/ewh) or a piece of gear does not have expertise or health as high as a "naked slot", it is automatically upgraded to "naked gear". This solves the let's get nakid problem.


2. Expertise from bolster can be capped below 55 for less burst. Maybe 1800ish instead of 2000 plus.


Stop lying, stop making excuses. Instead give Bioware/EA GOOD solutions to the problem. If you were a twink steamrolling lowbies? You are delusional if you think that is coming back. Lying will do you know good. Play a different game. You are trash. You hurt the game.

I don't know why you think any of those details are relevant, but my 36 Commando has 24K HP naked and the equivalent of around 1500 expertise. /thread

Edited by Darth_Vampirius
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The op is right, EWH is way better than nekkid and I've tested it.


1920 expertise is waaaaaay better than 1500 expertise and 4000 more health.


I wish people would stop listening to stupid stuff others say and just wear their gear. It is however better playing naked than wearing greens.

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The op is right, EWH is way better than nekkid and I've tested it.


1920 expertise is waaaaaay better than 1500 expertise and 4000 more health.


I wish people would stop listening to stupid stuff others say and just wear their gear. It is however better playing naked than wearing greens.

So, you think it's fair for EWH to be only slightly better than a naked level 30? Right....

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So, you think it's fair for EWH to be only slightly better than a naked level 30? Right....


Sure... I'm glad expertise is standardized. I'm also glad pvp is seemingly more skill based and less gear based, good things from a pvp perspective.


Edit: I've only leveled my two inquisitors so far, my assassin and my sorc... my sorc's Force Storm was critting for 1400 a second on bolstered 30s, when my sorc was in full optimized ewh. There is a huge difference in expertise that makes up for all other apparent stat differences. I was probably hitting them 20-25% harder just due to expertise difference. I finished a few warzones in full ewh with 500k+ damage, with all others doing less than 50% of that -- ewh is working fine.

Edited by Monterone
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I just checked this out myself at level 13 no gear i had worse stats then level 13 with gear there pretty close to = but the fact remains if you twink out your toons while levelign or even having old pvp gear vs naked your stats will be better since it is gear based not level based. I don't know why people think naked = better stats it clearly does not and if you don't believe me go into a warzone naked look at your stats then equip items big difference maybe not but if your in purps there will be
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Unless they changed it since last night, in my full WH gear I had 1600 expertise. Naked I had 2004. I call BS.


I've got 1920 expertise on both my sorc and sin. Full EWH on both.


Is this a bug we're seeing then? How can someone have 1600 expertise in full WH and I have 300 more in full EWH?

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I just checked this out myself at level 13 no gear i had worse stats then level 13 with gear there pretty close to = but the fact remains if you twink out your toons while levelign or even having old pvp gear vs naked your stats will be better since it is gear based not level based. I don't know why people think naked = better stats it clearly does not and if you don't believe me go into a warzone naked look at your stats then equip items big difference maybe not but if your in purps there will be


From what I've been seeing, you get the best stats by having custom gear with blue mods inside. At least that's what I'm wearing, and I have 25k hp, and the only person I've seen with 25k hp also wore custom gear with blue mods.

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I've got 1920 expertise on both my sorc and sin. Full EWH on both.


Is this a bug we're seeing then? How can someone have 1600 expertise in full WH and I have 300 more in full EWH?


He has PvE pieces, as before patch he likely had the 1214 expertise setup.


If he reverts back to having full expertise, he'll be in a better spot, then just remove relics to have 2004 or w/e the hell.

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From what I've been seeing, you get the best stats by having custom gear with blue mods inside. At least that's what I'm wearing, and I have 25k hp, and the only person I've seen with 25k hp also wore custom gear with blue mods.


I agree, or if you have purped out gear eg craft your own to specific stats you want to purple and you will have better stats then those running around naked. people are morons to think being naked gives them an advantage

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I've got 1920 expertise on both my sorc and sin. Full EWH on both.


Is this a bug we're seeing then? How can someone have 1600 expertise in full WH and I have 300 more in full EWH?


I'm very willing to believe its a bug, because everything is just so screwed up right now. Everyone and their mother is claiming 7-8k crits, and yet the biggest I've seen whether naked, geared, or any combination of, is a 5k Maul and 4k Discharges as full Deception. Something is off.


EDIT: and even pve or levelling gear without expertise dropped me significantly. I threw on old leveling blues I had, and my stats still went down. Idk if I'm just special, but everything I've tried points to the best stats absolutely naked :confused:

Edited by RankorSSGS
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Personally, I just love fighting nekkid. I don't care at all about gear anymore except for my mainhand, simply because I really like the sound of Kashyyk's Legacy.


While PvPing, something just clicked last night, something cathartic. It was just such a joy fighting with my crank swinging in the wind, especially when fighting against nekkid chick toons. I swear it was almost like heaven, what you dream an MMO should be: nekkid people fighting other nekkid people with lightsabers and laser guns.


It's effing awesome!

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I agree, or if you have purped out gear eg craft your own to specific stats you want to purple and you will have better stats then those running around naked. people are morons to think being naked gives them an advantage


What they are saying is actually that it's better to be naked than in war hero or elite war hero gear.

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Unless they changed it since last night, in my full WH gear I had 1600 expertise. Naked I had 2004. I call BS.


Read my post. Take off implants, ear pieces, and most importantly RELICS. If you were min maxed with AUGMENTS those implants/ear pieces are often times much better then nothing in the slot. The Relics seem to be the one item that just sucks as EWH/WH.


You should be at or around 2000 expertise now with WAY more surge/power/dmg (tech dmg/force dmg matters and the ewh weapons provide a huge difference over crap weapons).


IF you have PVE armorings with pvp mods in a legacy belt/wrists? Take those off. There is a reason we used 27 armorings before 2.0. Expertise had a soft cap. Now it doesn't. The game changed. Adapt. I had pve 27 armorings on 4 characters I think? Do you have any idea how much money that was? Crying about it is stupid. I KNEW it would be worthless in the expansion, because expansions are a restart.


Your char should look exactly the same as it did before minus the belt/bracers. You don't need to run around naked, and in fact that is a STUPID thing to do IF you were min/maxed and had augments.


No augments, no min/max? Yeah your gear was crap anyways. Get over it.


Stop lying, and stop making crap up. If I took my 5 pcs off my marauder I would smash for 7 k. With them I smash for close to 9. If I take off my 4pcs on shadow, I have to weave in a crappy melee ability to get a 3 stack, when I could be mauling instead.


How is that not an advantage? Face it kids.


You are either

A) too lazy to take on and off a couple of items before a WZ starts to figure this out. Took me all of 30 seconds, and there is 2 minutes before the WZ starts...

B) Never had min/maxed augmented gear to begin with and are mad your standard WH/EWH gear blows, and probably bought it recently even though people told you not to.

C) Bad, and getting rolled by superior players now that you don't have a HUGE gear edge (you still have one).

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Unless they changed it since last night, in my full WH gear I had 1600 expertise. Naked I had 2004. I call BS.

Same here - full augmented, mix/maxed WH = ~1600 exp, empty shells + mainhand/offhand = ~1900 exp. There is rather small difference in other stats though. I guess exp. difference may be due to having 1200 exp before 2.0 instead of maxed.

Edited by unK_
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Unless they changed it since last night, in my full WH gear I had 1600 expertise. Naked I had 2004. I call BS.

Naked PVP is an absolute disgrace, especially since Bioware was told about the problem months in advance.


The OP is just Bioware bootlicker, don't take him too serious.

In a different thread yesterday, he was bragging about his damage numbers thanks to bolster, so we can safely conclude that he's just another death-matching baddie who plays for the scoreboard:

If you are not topping dmg now? You prob weren't topping dmg before, or are used to fighting undergeared people. This is a SKILL issue. Get better.


I have topped dmg in damn near every single warzone on marauder/sniper/shadow/scoundrel so far and can't level past 50 (didn't preorder in January).

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I'm very willing to believe its a bug, because everything is just so screwed up right now. Everyone and their mother is claiming 7-8k crits, and yet the biggest I've seen whether naked, geared, or any combination of, is a 5k Maul and 4k Discharges as full Deception. Something is off.


EDIT: and even pve or levelling gear without expertise dropped me significantly. I threw on old leveling blues I had, and my stats still went down. Idk if I'm just special, but everything I've tried points to the best stats absolutely naked :confused:


I am constantly critting for 7-8 k on my shadow on maul with 5 pcs, and no relics/earpiece/implants, belt/bracers (I had 27 pve armorings in them which are now worthless due to the pvp mod having crappy expertise and the armoring having none).


If you had ewh bracers/belt, they would probably be superior to nothing in the slot.

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Naked PVP is an absolute disgrace, especially since Bioware was told about the problem months in advance.


The OP is just Bioware bootlicker, don't take him too serious.

In a different thread yesterday, he was bragging about his damage numbers thanks to bolster, so we can safely conclude that he's just another death-matching baddie who plays for the scoreboard:


Wait a second...


A) I wear 5pcs on every character, because it is superior to being naked

B) I have been very critical of Bioware/EA and am offering solutions, not crying like a little baby

C)FPS death matching baddies find MMO's easy, which his why you are probably getting lit up by them, now that they don't have to farm gear while leveling.


Get rolled kid.

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