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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Comm Cap (GET RID)


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Get rid of the Comm Cap that design make complete no sense. What is the purpose of doing daily HM if we can even get our Comm's for doing it. All this design does is halt our progression within the game. I think you should leave it to us players to decide when we done grinding comms for the week. My group completed 1 ops and 1 HM FP and i reach my maximum comm's limit.


So do us a favor and get rid of the Comm Cap

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Get rid of the Comm Cap that design make complete no sense. What is the purpose of doing daily HM if we can even get our Comm's for doing it. All this design does is halt our progression within the game. I think you should leave it to us players to decide when we done grinding comms for the week. My group completed 1 ops and 1 HM FP and i reach my maximum comm's limit.


So do us a favor and get rid of the Comm Cap



.. like with all other posts regarding this issue

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bump , seeing the amount of comm unassembled items give , i can stop playing a few week (log in once sometimes to take items ) . I mean really , you just wanna stop us from playing the game ? the previous cap was fine (yeah thousands of comm was fine , not 50 or so and 200 per week lulz)
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I completely agree with getting rid of the comm cap period. I don't see the point in any of it. If I do enough pvp matches, and get enough coms, why shouldn't I be able to get my entire set of pvp armor in one purchase? I'm still having to play the game aren't I? Comm capping is just another cheap trick to keep us playing and doing the grind.....
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Com caps are a way to reach out to the casual player. It keeps them competitive with the 24/7 players. There are too many casuals out there that would quit simply because them being able to play a few hours a day compared to the people who can cap in a day is just not enough. And if your that competitive with it it shouldn't matter, you'll keep going at it and BioWare knows it. The question is, do you really want to do all there is to do in a day? Probably, but then you'd just complain there isn't enough to do or this needs to be added or this. Caps stop all this and give you a fresh start each week to feel progress.
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The com caps are ridiculously low, especially the planetary ones.

So yes please, put them at a reasonable level - or at least back to the level's they where pre-2.0.


There is no cap on the planetary comms. So long as you spend enough to keep your total under 50 you can earn as many as you wish.

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I'm talking more of the PVP comms than anything. Never been much of a PVE person myself. Still though, I think what you are saying is that comm caps are pretty much another way for Bioware to ensure I keep playing, although they don't take into account that I am a die hard SW fan so I'm gonna keep playing anyways..... /sigh
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Agree! The CAP should be DOUBLE if not completely removed for SUB's.


It's just telling people you don't want them to play the game more than xx hours a week. That's a bad business model to follow on a game you want your players online MORE to encourage them to do more things.


Those with MULTIPLE toon's are not going to be impacted. Heck they will just gear up one toon at a time from items collected between six other toons CAPPED Comm limits. Just plain silly to have any COMM CAP and this just goes to show that the casual gamer is not going to benefit as much as the hard core player.

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i would suggest that they should have something like overflow limit for the weekly progress



before an ops i has a weekly progress of 191/200, after ops i will be able to get 25 comms but because of the weekly progress limit i was only able to got 9 out of the 25 given comms the remaining 16 comms is wasted.


rather than getting the amount of comms just nice that it meet the max limit which is 9, we should receive the full given amount of comms and after that players should not be able any comms as they have reach the weekly progress limit

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Get rid of the Comm Cap that design make complete no sense. What is the purpose of doing daily HM if we can even get our Comm's for doing it. All this design does is halt our progression within the game. I think you should leave it to us players to decide when we done grinding comms for the week. My group completed 1 ops and 1 HM FP and i reach my maximum comm's limit.


So do us a favor and get rid of the Comm Cap


yea ditch the comm caps not cool ! /support !

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Com caps are a way to reach out to the casual player. It keeps them competitive with the 24/7 players. There are too many casuals out there that would quit simply because them being able to play a few hours a day compared to the people who can cap in a day is just not enough. And if your that competitive with it it shouldn't matter, you'll keep going at it and BioWare knows it. The question is, do you really want to do all there is to do in a day? Probably, but then you'd just complain there isn't enough to do or this needs to be added or this. Caps stop all this and give you a fresh start each week to feel progress.


Here's my question: how would this really help? The casual player is still having to deal with the other players that have been around longer, thus have all the gear already. What has it solved?


Also, and I may be wrong at this, but I think players would be ok with a reduction in how many Comms are awarded and/or an increase in prices if it meant the cap was removed/raised very significantly. Still keeps them around longer... but now their progress is limited more so by what they can do in a day rather than what BW says they are allowed to do.

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Im basicaly being told that I am only allowed to do a certain amount of FP/s OPS or whatever per week... If you factor in the price of say old Black hole gear... I am allowed 1 or 2 new piece of gear per week!


Get real... If I want to run Every op and every FP so I can gear up as fast as I am able or willing to, then I should, I pay you hard earned money every month and I would very much appreciate not being so restricted in what is worth my limited time doing!


Its the same thing with the lock outs I can do one version of an op per week... meaning I have a VERY low chance of getting an item drop that I need, meaning it could take WEEKS for me to get the main hand weapon i need etc. unless I happen to be the only class needing an item, and it actually drops for my class, never going to happen! it will either not drop or theres another sage or whatever there meaning I have to roll for it and probably loose the first couple of runs untill i luck out!


Comms should be unlimited, but if you have to impose a cap for whatever reason is in your devs minds.. then at least make it a reasonably high one, so that people who are keeping the game going! are actually being rewarded for thier efforts and time.

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Get rid of the Comm Cap that design make complete no sense. What is the purpose of doing daily HM if we can even get our Comm's for doing it. All this design does is halt our progression within the game. I think you should leave it to us players to decide when we done grinding comms for the week. My group completed 1 ops and 1 HM FP and i reach my maximum comm's limit.


So do us a favor and get rid of the Comm Cap




At the very least the comm caps should be raised by about 50%.

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Another +1 to all of this.


Limiting regular players to be on the level of subscribers doesn't work. I've seen it in other games, and it only angers the fan base. I feel like I wasted a lot of time turning in Weekly Ops runs yesterday where the only thing I gained was 32,000 credits. I couldn't collect my 50 classic comms. Couldn't get XP (yet).

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As a new player, what I find about the comms cap is how often I have to go buy some random comm vendor item that I don't really want in order to be well under the cap again, just so i can do more quests that I get comms rewards from. If your gonna bulk them all together you had to have realized how many tokens we would get in a small amount of time. I'd say 500 is more realistic.
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Twice now I've completely logged out of the game because I don't want to hit the cap too quick. I'm already at 150 comms in two days (on two characters). I can see the theory behind this with trying to manually slow down the end-game but you're gonna lose subs if people feel they're being punished for actually playing.


+1 for the purpose of this thread.

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While having a limit to even out the playing field among the more active players vs the more casual, it isn't fair to the people who put in more time to try and regain the gear they worked for probably months to get good, and need to get new gear because of new gear becoming available.
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