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Sins can stun you, then kill you without you even being able to do anything.


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Back when the assassin/shadow class was designed there was no gear power creep and the burst was nowhere near as insane as nowadays. People lived longer and had time to react in PvP.


The abundance of CC and utility that the class has, was meant to give them some survivability against the more "powerhouse/tanky" classes. But since damage is getting more and more out of control and nobody at BioWare seems too concerned about it, it's come to the point where the class can now indeed kill most opponents without them ever having a chance to react.


And if BWs track record so far is any indication, we better brace ourselves, things will only get worse further down the line. It's sad to see a game that was initially praised for it's PvP come to this mockery of a combat system.


The saddest part is that they do seem genuinely incapable of fixing this mess.

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Noun 1. assassin - a murderer (especially one who kills a prominent political figure) who kills by a surprise attack and often is hired to do the deed.


sounds about right, surprise attack kill target try to slip away without getting caught. Working as intended.... A good assassin will look for the straggling sheep and cull the herd. Stay in the pack for protection vs stealthers...and so you can get lolsmashed :)

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lol. was fun last night in sub 55 cycao. Good to see you running around. Can't remember if you guys won or what. I am betting you guys did.


Btw... How you like dem rolls.


Lol the f_cking rolls man I could not stop laughing due to me being up since 3am and working on a mixture of joints, coffee and hot pockets.

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I hate to say this, but the problem is probably on your end. I've 1V1'ed shadows, and i'm a gunnery commando. Here are a few tips, from a trooper perspective anyways. 1) Warzone Medpack can be activated while you are standing up and basically negates their opening burst. 2) Hold the line goes up immediately afterwards followed by a punt and a mad dash towards the healer and the rest of my group (in a warzone anyways). 3) If he pursues the kill, electronet, tech override,grav round, demo round, HiB, spare clip, plasma nade, sticky, laugh maniacally as his health disintegrates and he can't vanish or move. Couple of pointers, if he starts to glow use sticky and HiB. If he twirls his staff use Demo round, grav, and stock strike.


Also: I don't play a shadow but I do have an operative and here is what I look for when ganking, don't be this and you're probably going to save yourself alot of grief

1) wounded (<75% health)

2) undergeared

3) low on resources

4) just used up their major CD's

5) 1v1ing in off to the side

6) being stupid.

If you match more than 2 of those and a sneak is around to see it, you will get ganked. Simple as that.


Great post, and also if the shadow chain stuns you hes just blown all his CC, which means he's an easy target to anyone else, team trades one for one.

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Welcome to the new maul your face off tank sin. That's what there doing to you they have 3 cc and can now maul you while facing you. It a hole new tanksin mad maul spec and that what happens when the devs do not listen to the other dps spec saying the new tank spec was OP on PTS. Seen tank a sin doing 11k maul's to the face for 11k each your dead. conspirator's cloak allow maul to work when ever and maul is a main damage now


11k face to face maul is impossible PERIOD. You have no clue about it and its obvious. I managed to get a 11k maul on a lvl 47 sage as a deception assassin on Ilum and I used a power adrenal. I'm sorry but 11k face to face maul is pure ********. Conspirator's cloak lower the force cost and allow maul to be used face to face. there isnt a damage buff in this perk. Also, I'm pretty sure its impossible to get Duplicity and Conspirator's cloak.


So please, stop posting ******** based on imagination and drugs. thank you.

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They have to use all their cooldowns AND get very lucky critting every hit to be able to do this, and it relies on your CC breaker being down. Yes it sucks when it happens but if their burst or cc is nerfed then they will be completely useless, as in open pvp they suck compared to other classes where they just get knocked back, slowed and raped by ranged.
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They have to use all their cooldowns AND get very lucky critting every hit to be able to do this, and it relies on your CC breaker being down. Yes it sucks when it happens but if their burst or cc is nerfed then they will be completely useless, as in open pvp they suck compared to other classes where they just get knocked back, slowed and raped by ranged.


Operatives would like to have a word with you, sir. The same thing happened to them.

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Noun 1. assassin - a murderer (especially one who kills a prominent political figure) who kills by a surprise attack and often is hired to do the deed.


sounds about right, surprise attack kill target try to slip away without getting caught. Working as intended.... A good assassin will look for the straggling sheep and cull the herd. Stay in the pack for protection vs stealthers...and so you can get lolsmashed :)


Certainly it's not working as intended. I am no politician. :)

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I am assuming that we are referring to deception/infiltration in which case this is nothing new. Those two specs have been the best 1v1 spec for a while now.



Also some of these guys that I clown on with my sin will go a lot farther in this game if they do not use their CC breaker on my spike or low slash...you deserve to be destroyed if you do this.


I have a good amount of experience on deception pre 2.0, and yeah, it's definitely a lone wolf, pick your fight, control the fight spec. however, I could never - ever - put someone down on two CCs (spike + electrocute). I would have him dead to rights, but it would still take a discharge, shock or two, or crit a maul + assassinate.


what I'm seeing at 50 is death while in stun. there's a ton of CC in this game. the health pools are not much higher than they were pre 2.0, but the dmg is appreciably higher all around. these three issues make stealth dps extremely frustrating (I won't say unbalanced cuz it's not really the class cuz I've no idea what 55 is like, but the ppl claiming that lowbie is magically balanced now have no clue. it just traded what's balanced and what's unbalanced).


my question: is the burst this devastating in 55s? or is just the low hp in lowbie?

Edited by foxmob
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1 v 1 class is a 1 v 1 class. I can kill you from 35 yards away on my sniper without you knowing *** just happened just as quick. No positional requirement. No need to stealth up to the target, just no skill button mashing as I stand in one spot.


And you can't CC me, charge me or do anything. Oh yeah. I can do it again and again and again.


Leave it to the forum kids to complain about stealth though lol. They will ask for nerfs on scoundrels/op's next.


Let me guess. Op rolled a sniper/slinger and somehow fails at this class?

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1 v 1 class is a 1 v 1 class. I can kill you from 35 yards away on my sniper without you knowing *** just happened just as quick. No positional requirement. No need to stealth up to the target, just no skill button mashing as I stand in one spot.


And you can't CC me, charge me or do anything. Oh yeah. I can do it again and again and again.


Leave it to the forum kids to complain about stealth though lol. They will ask for nerfs on scoundrels/op's next.


Let me guess. Op rolled a sniper/slinger and somehow fails at this class?


Its sick the amount of burst my Sniper can put out now.

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Its sick the amount of burst my Sniper can put out now.


Yup, if it wasn't for sin's/scoundrels we would have ZERO counter. and even then they are only are counter if they make it their mission in that warzone just to focus on us. If we get the drop on them out of stealth? They are dead just as quick.

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Funny...that's what Scoundrel/Operatives said, and they got nerfed into the ground.



I play both and let me say that if Sins are ever nerfed I hope they get my Operative type nerf cause I can slaughter people with my OP with ease.

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