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PVP Catering To Nudist Demographic


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We are tweaking the system on PTS and squashing out bugs currently, so nothing is set in stone. For example, we are squashing bugs that cause the ‘Naked Bolsterer’ issue.


I see the nudist lobby got to Bioware first. So I guess since this is live now, Naked PVP = Working As Intended.


Not really sure what to post other than the fact that you guys had 3 months of bug reports, class problems, etc. and yet you essentially just ignored everything, deleted the pts threads, and went forward anyway.


But hey, thanks for the new cartel gear, that actually looks decent for once (actually being serious, closest thing to a generic plain black robe yet).


Broken PVP + New Cool Cartel Clothing = Win! :D

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I see the nudist lobby got to Bioware first. So I guess since this is live now, Naked PVP = Working As Intended.


Not really sure what to post other than the fact that you guys had 3 months of bug reports, class problems, etc. and yet you essentially just ignored everything, deleted the pts threads, and went forward anyway.


But hey, thanks for the new cartel gear, that actually looks decent for once (actually being serious, closest thing to a generic plain black robe yet).


Broken PVP + New Cool Cartel Clothing = Win! :D


Just goes to show that this dev team fails all around.. They even deleted the PTS threads as if they were QQ threads about a non existant problem.... *********** idiots.

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The fact that so many threads have been deleted in pts is the reason that I won't be posting anymore in the forums. I will not give my feedback again, as the time spent from all the people to give our two cents had the value of a toilet flush. This was totally disrespectful. Already many good players in my server are just hanging around for a little while longer since they spent their money to buy the expansion but they see no real reason of carrying on playing the game and are moving to more serious pvp games such as Starcraft 2 and League of Legends. It's a pity cause I really like the Star Wars franchise. But eventually, very soon it feels, I will also leave.
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The fact that so many threads have been deleted in pts is the reason that I won't be posting anymore in the forums. I will not give my feedback again, as the time spent from all the people to give our two cents had the value of a toilet flush. This was totally disrespectful. Already many good players in my server are just hanging around for a little while longer since they spent their money to buy the expansion but they see no real reason of carrying on playing the game and are moving to more serious pvp games such as Starcraft 2 and League of Legends. It's a pity cause I really like the Star Wars franchise. But eventually, very soon it feels, I will also leave.


I am done with SWTOR, I am switching to the most popular MMO ever: it's called REAL LIFE. Over 7 billion of connected users. Graphics quality ULTRA HIGH RES.

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I am done with SWTOR, I am switching to the most popular MMO ever: it's called REAL LIFE. Over 7 billion of connected users. Graphics quality ULTRA HIGH RES.


Yeah but the story is s**t and I heard the learning curve is insanely high.

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honestly, i am glad that they left this "bug" in.


it means that while you are acquiring gear you have an option to be very close to "on par" with the tier 1 set of PvP gear. its not the most flashy or intricate ways of eliminating the gear gap, but it is certainly functional.


so it sounds like this is broken in lowbies, which i was unaware of. hopefully its fixed in an emergency patch and we dont have to wait a week like we did when this happened on PTS

Edited by cashogy_reborn
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1.3 - pre 1.4 patch (which was concerned around broken resolve and smash/bubblestun) was the Golden Age of PvP in SWTOR...


I wanna finish some pve content in game (interesting in storylines of little sorc and little sniper :p ), and I give them 1 month my latest days of sub to fix what are they broke... if they are not fix and dont bring really new pvp content in game - I will done too...

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1.3 - pre 1.4 patch (which was concerned around broken resolve and smash/bubblestun) was the Golden Age of PvP in SWTOR...


I wanna finish some pve content in game (interesting in storylines of little sorc and little sniper :p ), and I give them 1 month my latest days of sub to fix what are they broke... if they are not fix and dont bring really new pvp content in game - I will done too...


the assassin armor nerf went through and now I can backstab people on my operative for 7k while naked, that's good, right? Fair Tradeoff? ;)

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Thx. So PvP gear is better than pve gear at 55. So I still don't see the problem. Maybe this smart poster can explain it to me.


Why would you think that? That wasn't the case on the PTS. T1 PvE Hilts/Barrels were BiS on the PTS at 55. Who knows what other exploits/holes there are in Bolster at 55. Wasn't enough time to hash them all out, but they will get put to the test in a few days. ;)



The spawn area at the start of every WZ now looks like the backstage at a Lady Gaga concert.


LOL!! +Rep

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