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From what I've heard from my PvE tank friends... that's just as much reason, if not more, to grind Pv*E* gear for PvP.


The only PvE gear that would have any positive affect would be top tier underworld, and it is negligible against full conq. All my Elite comm level gear comes up short of conq.


Conq tank gear, with augs, puts most shadows/sins at 38-40k health. You wouldn't get any higher in PvE gear.

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I thought the entire point of different gear sets was to ensure that to be competitive in high end PvP one didn't need to be competitive in high end PvE and vice versa. Optimizing your PvE or PvP gear shouldn't be contingent upon doing the other.

Gear doesn't make bad players good (there are some geared out PvPers on our server who are terrible), and bolster won't fix the bad players. Often times though gear and skill are gained simultaneously though. People do learn how to PvP as they're being ground to dust over and over again. If people want to be competitive, let them learn as the underdog, it forces resourcefulness.

Lastly, if we're bolstering PvE armor for PvP, can we bolster PvP for PvE? I would love for expertise to give me a stat buff for PvE content.

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Under the bolster as it stands a terrible player wearing terrible gear can dish out serious damage to an experienced good player wearing top tier gear just because they can swing a lightsaber & hit a smash button.
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Under the bolster as it stands a terrible player wearing terrible gear can dish out serious damage to an experienced good player wearing top tier gear just because they can swing a lightsaber & hit a smash button.


Err no. The more experienced player will roflstomp that terrible player.

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My thought with a bolster system, which is neeed should only be based on Expertise. Make all other gear PvE gear and those competing with basic gear can still provide some competition as they have their expertise boosted.


But most of my experience in warzone was pre 50. or 55, and it was very uneven due simply to the abilities, someone coming in at level 10, just can't compete with someone at level 49.


The same problem exists but to a lesser extent now. But there are other solutions to this conundrum than merely boosting stats. But I am sure it will work itself out.

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ok well then take 2 experienced players 1 with good gear & 1 & with bad gear should they still be relatively equal?



When you throw human error etc in the mix its impossible to really say, however in theory the one with better gear should come on top. BW are trying to make it so bad gear vs good gear is about skill and only slightly influenced by the quality of gear each player has

Edited by Jeeses
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ok well then take 2 experienced players 1 with good gear & 1 & with bad gear should they still be relatively equal?


Maybe. What class are those 2 players? What gear is the one with bad gear wearing (or in other words how bad his gear is)? It would be easy to say that the winner would be the one with better gear but a little mistake (because experienced player can make mistakes) can turn the tide of the battle. What's your point?


edit: Jeeses beat me to it :p

Edited by Darkshadz
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Maybe. What class are those 2 players? What gear is the one with bad gear wearing (or in other words how bad his gear is)? It would be easy to say that the winner would be the one with better gear but a little mistake (because experienced player can make mistakes) can turn the tide of the battle. What's your point?


edit: Jeeses beat me to it :p



Haha :) i wrote my answer so quickly then looked at it and went "DA***" and re-wrote it, then submitted again. and then "DA***" again and re-re-wrote it. But yes we're on the same page! :rolleyes:

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Hey everyone, I have seen a lot of questions about why Bolster exists at 55 given the issues we have been having. I talked to Rob Hinkle and here is his explanation on why Bolster exists as a system at level 55.




Most understand why it's in the 55 bracket and just need to get to terms with it staying. That said, the real issues that are on most players minds are when the augment glitches are going to be fixed and bolster itself going to be tweaked further. I have to be honest here in saying the augment issue alone makes me not want to queue up any more. This is made worse by the fact that not only have you guys acknowledged the glitch but have yet to fix it after months of knowing of its existence.


If this was a PvE glitch (namely Operations), I'm sure it would have been fixed already. I understand the devs were pressed for time to release the expansion but it's no excuse to leave a glitch like this in for months on end (since PTS). I know they're probably hard at work on 2.1 as the 6-8week deadline is looming ahead but trust me when I say the PvP community would gladly put a cosmetic update on hold so that their issues get fixed promptly.

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I agree with the bolster in theory & yes I believe skill is important but I think gear should be important as well since it's something that a person tries to acquire over long periods of time. I don't think that the difference between low lvl gear & high lvl gear should be slight but rather large therefore giving me something to look forward to & strive for. When it comes to end game I would prefer to be the strongest in the world not just a little better than the equally skilled guy in the same class who just started.
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I agree with the bolster in theory & yes I believe skill is important but I think gear should be important as well since it's something that a person tries to acquire over long periods of time. I don't think that the difference between low lvl gear & high lvl gear should be slight but rather large therefore giving me something to look forward to & strive for. When it comes to end game I would prefer to be the strongest in the world not just a little better than the equally skilled guy in the same class who just started.


That's exactly how it works right now. You get set bonuses off PVP gear. You get a slight advantage over PVE gear when you're in Conqueror. The only complaint people have right now is some level 63 (or was it 66?) PVE gear being better than Partisan (only) and the augment exploit.


If that's still not good enough then you're asking for something else entirely.

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Ok, fair enough, but why is there still bolster in ranked pvp? It doesn't make any sense! Noobies won't go in ranked pvp (stuff or unstuff), then why?


Oh I forget, of course, this game is only for noobies and casuals. Good players NOT welcome. That is the message sent. If not, what do they get?


P.S. I know you've been working a lot on this, but now is the time to admit it is useless (at least in rwz) and just drop it. That would be professional.


Another question : when will resolve be fixed? If it's full it means you're already dead. Another thing that has no sense at all. Just a little tweaking will resolve the problem.

Edited by Kesphin
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pvp gear should be for pvp & pve gear should be for pve. they need to be 2 separate things or we should get rid of pvp servers & pve servers. why not just have something called "gear" & "servers" & have it all work the same.


If pve gear works well in high lvl pvp then pvp gear should work well in high lvl pve no more complaining about get better gear noob on both sides of the fence.

Edited by MajinDeath
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Hey everyone, I have seen a lot of questions about why Bolster exists at 55 given the issues we have been having. I talked to Rob Hinkle and here is his explanation on why Bolster exists as a system at level 55.




Nice filibuster post that told us absolutely nothing new.


That being said the vast majority of PVPers (those who play more than 1-2 matches per week) want a revert back to this:




It's really simple,


A. Make the new recruit gear not terrible like previous recruit sets (crit/accuracy or crit/surge on EVERY piece), i.e., just stack power/surge, since that's what people are using anyway, Expertise EQUAL to partisan/conqueuer, just lower primary/secondary/tertiary stats.


B. Make the new recruit gear moddable, with blue mods, so that players can still keep their look/continue to buy cartel market armorings.


C. If pulling out blue mods is somehow too expensive for people and somehow negatively affects the cartel market, then make the new recruit gear mods have an extraction cost of 0 or 1.




In short, people who actually PVP (more than twice per week) DON'T WANT BOLSTER!


And True PVPers don't mind taking a butt kicking for however many matches til they get enough comms to gear up, That's The Point of PVP Progression.

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And thats exactly the problem there when you have diff gears with diff stats, people who do wz and have expertise in the gear have a unfair advantage against those doing basically pve in a pvp open world area and can just gank them at will and laugh their way to the bank = no fun for those questing in open world with pve gear when found by someone with expertise gear


The whole expertise idea is imo terrible and its a problem that will have no solution as long as expertise exists bacause you have 3 games, pvp in open world, pvp vs pvp and pve and on top of that you have 2 sets of gear, you will have imbalances all around when you try to balance the 2 different gears out against the 3 possible situations, its just impossible and as long as expertise exists one or two or all 3 types of game experiences will fail




Expertise was a terrible idea from the beginning. Especially for pvp servers. I basically owpve in pvp gear, and wzpvp in pve gear now...how ludicrous is this! It forced the creation of a bolster system that is overly complicated and full of holes.


I say take out expertise altogether and make it equally difficult/time-consuming to get the same level gear whether you do it pvping or pveing. Maybe I'm missing something, but I've played in MMOs for 13 years now and the games that don't have different pvp-pve gears run a lot smoother. Just my 2 cents.

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Bolster will be the end of this game. All of my friends un subbed and my guild is done with this crap. Were not waiting a year for Nightmare mode of the same raid that isnt even hard and we dont want to play Guild Wars PvP. If we did, we wouldn't be here. Fire the idiot that thought it was a problem for fresh 50s to get facerolled. 10 million people in WoW dealt with it for years and still do. I think 200k people in SWTOR can handle it. Something else is going on here and it smells like saving money and cutting corners. There is no reward to PVP now. Why gear up? Why Q? Theres no titles, no mounts, no gear (PVE Copy), no power (bolster), no ranked (even if there was, whats the point?), no arena, etc. So now we are supposed to Q for the fun of it? LOL. Keep giving EA your money kids, they are clearly fooling you all. To all of the Bolster defenders that are shrugging this off, I ask you two questions :


1) Do you really think PVE alone is going to sustain this game and keep it afloat? Keep in mind, EA has already destroyed Bioware and gutted the staff. No way in hell they are keeping the content coming in a reasonable amount of time. Now all we have is Mythic of Warhammer...


2) Are you going to cut your self when SWTOR is cancelled and you know deep down inside that you played a part in it?

Edited by Tremulant
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PvP in this game is a joke. The fact that Makeb has been out for almost a month now, and there hasn't been any real progress with PvP changes confirms that in my head.


But keep a look out for new Cartel Market items!!!

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they did this bolster i bet to help all the thousands of new people thats joined and downloaded this game including F2P to give them a taste how stuff is..but at the same time they kinda ruined pvp thats what i see everybody talking about....everyones talking about it well they shuld fix that
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Let them get there rears kicked in open world pvp enough and they will understand why they should take pvp serious like the rest of us Need more activity on planets and allow the two factions to clash on all planets atleast from 20 on. I wish bolster would go away, they need to take the training wheels off this utopia they are trying to build it is not working. The "everyone gets a trophy for trying" attitude is fine but "everyone gets a trophy for not trying"(to gear up) is insanity. This game does not require you to spend all day to get the best gear. So the" I don't have all day to play like you "excuse is just an excuse.
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the only thing they did was make it evenly matched for all players all levels....that makes no sense,,,im still going to pvp cause i like it Alot but stilll....them lowbies need to earn that stats. in Pve you have to earn it so why give freeebies to noobs lLOL
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When I joined a pvp server I did so believing that it added another lvl of excitement knowing that I could attack other players & possibly be attacked by other players in the world. If I didn't want this I would have joined a pve server.


Also when I started competing in pvp I fully understood that I would not be able to compete with the best of the best until I persevered & overcame through obtaining gear, experience & skill over time.


There should be a difference between pve gear & pvp gear or have no difference at all, & the difference between high lvl gear & low lvl gear should be huge not small especially since it takes long periods of time & effort to obtain. The difference should be Very noticeable.

Edited by MajinDeath
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I'm started to get really disillusioned with this game myself. I've been doing almost nothing but PvP since launch.


What really irks me is that when I state my concerns about PvP balance, possible hacks, healing being out of control, and the augment exploit, the most frequent answer I get is "OMG. L2P".


I'm sorry. I KNOW my class. I KNOW the Resolve system intimately. I KNOW what other classes are going to throw at me, and I KNOW which abilities to interrupt. I know when to eat a CC, and I know when to break one.


Take today, for example. While battling in Voidstar me and 2 other DPS (I'm a Vigilance Guardian, by the way) ended up in a 3v1 with a Rage Juggernaut who had NO healer support. Yet, he managed to kill 2 of us before dying. Here's the odd thing. We rotated CCs, used our self-heals along with our medpacs, and one of us even grabbed a health power-up. His health pool was only 26K, yet it never seemed to drop even though I was able to freecast on his, and got several Keening procs in the process. Keep in mind that me and my friends were all in full Partisan gear with several pieces of Conquerer gear. With only 26K health, no WAY this guy was as well geared as we were.


In that case, I really suspect 3rd-party hardware. My buddies and I were dropping healers with 35K health pools by using our CCs and interrupts judiciously. We KNOW what we're doing, so I really don't think the Rage Jugg was legit.


My point is this: I really think there are several things fundamentally wrong with the PvP in this game, and I think it stems from sloppy implementation and plain 'ole laziness. I apologize for the QQ because I LOVE this game. I love the stories, I love my character, and I love the content. It's just that there are so many odds and ends that are unfinished it makes the whole thing feel dirty.


I can't be the only one that feels like this?

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