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Everything posted by Tremulant

  1. WoW is all about endgame. If you decide to sub and you make it to 90, you will be overwhelmed with the amount of content you can do. Don't judge it until you get to level 85 and start leveling in MoP. Better graphics and questing mechanics there. Once you get to level 15, you can start dungeon finder..
  2. The engine cant handle dual spec. Sorry guys.
  3. I would also love to see more frequent class balance updates similar to what Blizzard does. You will never please everyone, but the flavor of the year class balance needs to stop. People are correct in pointing the finger at Blizzard and their game in thinking that pvp caused so much balance problems, however they realized long ago that it was never going to happen so instead of throwing in the towel , they made the choice to do frequent balance passes and the rest is history. I think the competitive player base in Swtor just wants to play the class that they want to play when they want to play it. Up until now, that has not been possible. PvP and PvE have major balance issues and have had them since 1.2. As crazy as it sounds, it's not too late to save this game and turn things around. More frequent balance passes please. It's ok if you make mistakes. That's what the PTS is for and you can always tweak things more later. That's the nice thing about running an MMO. It's constantly evolving and changing. Oh no we just buffed Operative DPS to being as good as a marauder what do we do? We can let it fly for a bit and see how the community adjusts, then if we don't like the results it has on gameplay we can always throw them a nerf next patch. See what I did there? I live in Austin. Call me.
  4. Can we get some dev feedback on this issue? This has been a hot topic for a long time and we have heard it was coming and we have also heard things changed and now it's not. This would obviously help the overall health of the game not only from a pvp standpoint but from a pve standpoint as well. I feel like Bioware has purposely been quiet on this issue to keep people subbed on the hope that this feature may come. Can we get some clarification on this so we can move on?
  5. What other games? Surely you're not talking about WoW. The game where you can raid or play arena at a high level as any class. Yes Blizzard underestimated the dev time it would take to balance the game around arena and raiding, but arena is a HUGE reason why even today it is still the top MMO. Blizzard plays and cares about their game. Bioware Mythic EA does not. Open you eyes man, you are playing an abandoned game.
  6. Bolster will be the end of this game. All of my friends un subbed and my guild is done with this crap. Were not waiting a year for Nightmare mode of the same raid that isnt even hard and we dont want to play Guild Wars PvP. If we did, we wouldn't be here. Fire the idiot that thought it was a problem for fresh 50s to get facerolled. 10 million people in WoW dealt with it for years and still do. I think 200k people in SWTOR can handle it. Something else is going on here and it smells like saving money and cutting corners. There is no reward to PVP now. Why gear up? Why Q? Theres no titles, no mounts, no gear (PVE Copy), no power (bolster), no ranked (even if there was, whats the point?), no arena, etc. So now we are supposed to Q for the fun of it? LOL. Keep giving EA your money kids, they are clearly fooling you all. To all of the Bolster defenders that are shrugging this off, I ask you two questions : 1) Do you really think PVE alone is going to sustain this game and keep it afloat? Keep in mind, EA has already destroyed Bioware and gutted the staff. No way in hell they are keeping the content coming in a reasonable amount of time. Now all we have is Mythic of Warhammer... 2) Are you going to cut your self when SWTOR is cancelled and you know deep down inside that you played a part in it?
  7. I am growing bored of going solo and I would like to find a guild that raids 1-2 nights a week that I would have a raid spot in. I was a realm first raider / raid leader in WoW back in the day and I have been gaming at a high level for years. I am now older and don't have the time to raid every night. I rarely if ever stand in the fire or make mistakes and I can make every raid as long its only a 2 night a week schedule. I currently have the following classes : 55 Jugg DPS 55 Sorc DPS/Heals 50 Operative 50 Marauder 50 Powertech 50 Merc 50 Sniper I really would just like to find a raid spot somewhere. 16 or 8 man makes no difference and I would be willing to level one of my 50s up and exclusively play him if you really needed one class over the other. I would prefer to DPS, but healing is OK too. I am 30 years old, I like to drink beer, have vent, ts3, and mumble, and I min/max with the best of them. Send me a msg if anyone is interested in me applying to their guild that may have a raid slot available. A hardcore guild with a casual raid schedule would be perfect. Thank you
  8. I have completed every quest in Balmorra including bonus series and I have no title I agree its an awesome title and I have read on several sites that it has been removed.
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