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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

lol bolster


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Hey everyone,


Just wanted to let you know that I am grabbing questions/feedback from this thread and passing it on to the PvP and combat teams. I should have answers to some of your questions, etc. a bit later on today. Thanks!




On a sidenote; I'd like to know what you devs had in mind for us to spend our WZ comms on before hitting level 55? I mean, there's no gear and nothing to buy from the terminal vendors except stims...am i missing something or what was the plan here?

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On a sidenote; I'd like to know what you devs had in mind for us to spend our WZ comms on before hitting level 55? I mean, there's no gear and nothing to buy from the terminal vendors except stims...am i missing something or what was the plan here?


My guess is nothing. Last night I almost hit a full level just doing a few wzs and a black hole daily. Im just going to horde my comms until I hit 50 and then get my PVP gear.


Im guessing its not taking most people longer than 12 hours to hit 55, so really all players with wh/ewh are going to be 55 in days and thus the bolster wont be even impacting pvp gear that doesnt exist anymore.

Edited by Soxbadger
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Hey everyone,


Just wanted to let you know that I am grabbing questions/feedback from this thread and passing it on to the PvP and combat teams. I should have answers to some of your questions, etc. a bit later on today. Thanks!




Hey Eric (and Amber and Courtney). You've been doing such a good job up till now with community feedback. Don't quit on us now that there's a real problem on the boards!


What's the eta on a response to this mess?

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Very disappointed at BW for this bolster garbage, naked PVP is lame (gives me better stats than my full min/max EWH). Afters PTS and all... they move this to live....?


Well looks like bonus damage goes down as well as crit and multiplier, but yeah...



I explained to Rob that they needed to boost the bolster, but they killt it.



Ya, the bolster will work for level 55s as well, if they are under geared. Could you post the stats on what you are seeing on PTS for your guy wearing legacy gear (or send the information to CommunitySupport@swtor.com, subject: ATTN Rob Hinkle, if you don't want to dirty up the thread). It certainly is the intention that your 55 wearing level 35 gear should get bolstered back up. To give everyone an idea (and BIG caveat here, this number is still in flux), but currently I would expect the new 55 bolster to be getting people into gear right around (statistically) non-augmented EWH.


My response:


Here you go Rob.

Im in legacy gear with lvl 33 purples or less.




When I enter PVP, I get a 273EXP boost and AIM boost to 1289(+177) and END boost to 1210(+225)




While this might be recruit level, the issue with 30-54 and 55 brackets is that the EXP boost on gear in the current system will severely outpace this bolster as the removal of the DR and the lack of gear upgrades until 55 will produce a large gear gap in the 30-54. The 55 bracket will suffer as well since the Partisan gear has more EXP and other stats than even elite WH does, let alone the Conqueror gear. I know eventually EWH will get to 55, but the intital shock might be too much for lower level or new entries to PVP to bare.


I am not sure how you solve this besides increasing the EXP boost. I understand you don't want to trivialize PVP gear, but if you are not geared in the current system, 2.0 could reintroduce some of the same gear issues we have now, where a fresh 50, without decent PVE gear, feels like a punching bag.




They need to nerf END & MAIN gains from bolster. It should be around 20% lower than it is. Then low levels and top tier PvE geared players still can "compete" because EXP bolster would increase their ratings, but only in the PVP arena. There also needs to be a check on END/MAIN for top PvE gear as well as they should benefit less from bolster than a lvl 30 in greens...

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They need to nerf END & MAIN gains from bolster. It should be around 20% lower than it is. Then low levels and top tier PvE geared players still can "compete" because EXP bolster would increase their ratings, but only in the PVP arena. There also needs to be a check on END/MAIN for top PvE gear as well as they should benefit less from bolster than a lvl 30 in greens...


In theory will the fully augmented end game PvE'er benefit the most from the bolster? They will be taking advantage of the best stats in the game and will be given the EXP needed to compete.

Edited by Kovaos
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Hey everyone,


Just wanted to let you know that I am grabbing questions/feedback from this thread and passing it on to the PvP and combat teams. I should have answers to some of your questions, etc. a bit later on today. Thanks!




Can you ask them, then, why they felt that Carnage Marauders needed such a nerf? Dropping from 100% of Ataru attacks give auto crit with Force Scream (via Bloodthirst) to only 30% of Ataru attacks give auto crit for Force Scream (via Execute) is a substantial drop in burst dps. Why the hate for the middle tree? Especially when the Smash specs were already considered to be top dps (and they got no nerf)?

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In theory will the fully augmented end game PvE'er benefit the most from the bolster? They will be taking advantage of the best stats in the game and will be given the EXP needed to compete.


Hence MAIN/END checks.... I would say DG gear should only receive in the realm of 1600EXP. EXP gains should be porportional the the amount of MAIN/END you walk into a WZ with (and vise-versa). Then PvP gear no longer becomes trivial... It already somewhat works this way, but the MAIN/END allocations are WAY TOO HIGH at this point...



[EDIT] TBH, BW should not even bolster END/MAIN AT ALL... EXP is there, use it to increase stats in PVP, while having END/MAIN as checkpoints to make sure PvP gear is still BiS.... I know its a tall task, but that's why they get paid the big bucks....:D

Edited by L-RANDLE
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I know for a fact you can get just as high stats naked I have been testing it for hours.


As high? Much higher. My Sniper's health went from 19K to 24K. Both main stats jumped by at least 200 points and my bonus damage stayed the same. Crit and Surge improved, but only slighly.


Gotta say...I'm only PvPing right now for the fun of Nekkid PvPing. Comms are worthless at this point. It's all about letting out your inner wild and freeballing.



If you aren't posting 400k+ dmg/heals then the problem might be you...


400K can be a bit tough if the match doesn't last long enough. In this match I was happy with 300K+ Nekkid.



But I, honestly, do need that "carrot".


I don't think PvPers need the carrot as much as we need some sort of endgame. lol


Min/Maxing gear for Rateds was really the only other "endgame" activity for PvPers aside from running Rateds prior to 2.0. Take that extra layer of complexity out of our gameplay, and on top of that, ruin Rateds with the Bolster mechanic. It's not that we need a gear grind, but without it, there is really nothing for us to do.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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So, you folks still think I was wrong about glorious "Biobolster 2.0"?


Or the fact that the Bioware developers never actually play their game?

Or listen to the community feedback from the PTS?


I offered a 100 cartel coin bet, and I think I won that bet, if anybody would have accepted it. :D

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Your EWH gear will be ****** at level 55. Don't worry.

30~54 it's fun as it is now, everybody can reach the same stats, will count your skill as a player.

Stop crying because you're not killing someone in 2 GCD. "Ohhh my gear is useless", not in level 55.

Real PVP players want to play the last tier of pvp, level 55. Why so much QQ about new bolster?

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I really dont care if naked pvp is the way to go. I just think that it is extremely silly that (if true) going naked on many slots will give you better stats than actually equipping armor.


I get that pvp is about 55, and that it really doesnt matter sub 54. But at the same time, wouldnt it be considered really dumb, if all of a sudden gear didnt matter for pve, and as a 50 I could walk into EC, KP completely naked and do better than someone in hazmat?


Doesnt that seem just flat out silly?


I dont care if my gear is outdated, if it becomes useless. It just seems that giving a bonus to "no gear" is wrong.

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Lazy dev is lazy...I knew you guys were short on cash but HOLY $H | T!


This is like the new fashionable thing to do for Internet tough guys. Calling someone lazy. Ooooooooh... so tough.


In real life though grown ups work off of dead lines. Sometimes the scope of a project creeps. Sometimes people get sick. I was on a project once where one of our key resources found out he had cancer. He worked right up to the week he died. On another project the state changed their laws regarding how power (gas, electric, etc.) could be sold and we had to scrap millions of dollars worth of development and still deliver a working product. The list of project "derailers" is longer than most people can imagine.


But yeah... I'm sure someone was just lazy. OK.

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At least some people get it (only a few) but forums are usually 10% of player base anyways. I applaud the serious pvpers who have learned 2 adapt to this new bolster until they hit 55. I do want to recant one statement I made: PVP gear does still exist, the vendors are now on DK/Coruscant. As it stands lvl 40 pvp gear is better than 50 because WH/EWH is being phased out. However, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BOLSTER! It's making for very balanced pvp matches. The issue lies with WH/EWH not providing EQUAL stats to 49s in purple. Most of the players complaining are the ones who expected to 1 or 2 shot lowbies in pvp because they had BiS gear. So sad for them that skill actually matters now more than certain gear that was only obtainable to higher lvls. Boohoo QQ
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And that's where the disconnect is.


In PvP you can get the progression mousewheel going and at first it looks great. But unlike those PvE players who rarely if ever go back to do their level 1 content. PvPers will regularly and often come face to face with players who are not to your level in PvP.


The main problem I'm learning is there are 2 different PvPers and it's hard to satisfy us both.



Well I would argue that there are also two kinds of PVE Players. Those who have access to high end ops groups and those who don`t.


Besides, it amazes me how much people in the forums claim that they think gear progression in pvp is dumb and they personally do not need this to have fun with the excact same pvp content for months, if not years.


But this is all besides the point, since this all revolves around bolster in lvl 55 (and the value of the lvl 55 pvp set compared to lvl 55 pve gear, or no gear at all), which - at least for time being - nobody knows much about.

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I have worked in the software biz for over 30 years..This is NOT lazy, this is incompetence and most of all proof of a complete lack of consideration for your customers.. This is a clear example of programmers who never use or have no emotional attachment to their product.. The only answer to allowing a upgrade like this to go out after this much time "testing" is to fire the entire department and bring in some programmers who know what the hell they are doing..


Most people over look the fact that this was not a mistake made today, this design was conceived, discussed, charted, discussed, programmed, tested (I am guessing here), over months and this was their final product.. That tells me it was not a "Mistake", it is a clear example of complete indifference to how many hours your customers spend playing your game, with 100's of other choices out their and this being their first major upgrade.. If heads dont roll over this it will be clear indication that management is wanting to milk this for all the money they can get then let it fail and move on.


At least some people get it (only a few) but forums are usually 10% of player base anyways. I applaud the serious pvpers who have learned 2 adapt to this new bolster until they hit 55. I do want to recant one statement I made: PVP gear does still exist, the vendors are now on DK/Coruscant. As it stands lvl 40 pvp gear is better than 50 because WH/EWH is being phased out. However, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BOLSTER! It's making for very balanced pvp matches. The issue lies with WH/EWH not providing EQUAL stats to 49s in purple. Most of the players complaining are the ones who expected to 1 or 2 shot lowbies in pvp because they had BiS gear. So sad for them that skill actually matters now more than certain gear that was only obtainable to higher lvls. Boohoo QQ
Edited by TheXiaChang
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At least some people get it (only a few) but forums are usually 10% of player base anyways. I applaud the serious pvpers who have learned 2 adapt to this new bolster until they hit 55. I do want to recant one statement I made: PVP gear does still exist, the vendors are now on DK/Coruscant. As it stands lvl 40 pvp gear is better than 50 because WH/EWH is being phased out. However, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BOLSTER! It's making for very balanced pvp matches. The issue lies with WH/EWH not providing EQUAL stats to 49s in purple. Most of the players complaining are the ones who expected to 1 or 2 shot lowbies in pvp because they had BiS gear. So sad for them that skill actually matters now more than certain gear that was only obtainable to higher lvls. Boohoo QQ


I don't have a problem with making PvP more skill based. I agree that skill should be the main factor with gear giving a slight edge over your opponent(s).


But when the gear that I worked on in past months in completely useless in PvP, then there is a problem.

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I applaud the serious pvpers who have learned 2 adapt to this new bolster until they hit 55.


So you *applaud* people who pvp naked?


Wow, some people never cease to amaze.


I mean, you obviously did manage to get out of the bed this morning as well which is at least as difficult as removing your gear and still, you get no applause from me.

Edited by Arutar
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At least some people get it (only a few) but forums are usually 10% of player base anyways. I applaud the serious pvpers who have learned 2 adapt to this new bolster until they hit 55. I do want to recant one statement I made: PVP gear does still exist, the vendors are now on DK/Coruscant. As it stands lvl 40 pvp gear is better than 50 because WH/EWH is being phased out. However, THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BOLSTER! It's making for very balanced pvp matches. The issue lies with WH/EWH not providing EQUAL stats to 49s in purple. Most of the players complaining are the ones who expected to 1 or 2 shot lowbies in pvp because they had BiS gear. So sad for them that skill actually matters now more than certain gear that was only obtainable to higher lvls. Boohoo QQ


So what is the point of PVP gear @ 55 when is bolster is this way? Its pretty obvious its not just a "lowbie thing". They said multiple times that bolster would be virtually identical @55. So then what would stop a ARK gear PVE playr from coming in and getting a 2K EXP bolster with MAIN/END North of 2.5K? For the looks?


I didn't want to one shot lowbies.. look at my previous discussion with Rob after the first round of PTS notes were launched.


The facts are: they made bolster too strong, after initially making it too weak.


It needs to be fixed...

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Seriously. I went in on my Kinetic Combat Shadow with nothing but a lightsaber and a shield.


And I had over 28K health.


And wrecked face.


Bolster is SOOO broken...


Yes did this myself, had 28,900K life and 58.5% pvp damage boost.

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I consider myself a pretty good concealment op but skill has nothing to do with it when I get hits like this... CONSTANTLY


http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae241/riverstyx666/Screenshot_2013-04-09_16_27_32_005623_zpsc9f61031.jpg 8700 hidden strike followed by 7400 backstab


This is just a little too over the top, even for somebody who plays a class that has been nerfed since the beginning of the game.

Edited by Azarai
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I consider myself a pretty good concealment op but skill has nothing to do with it when I get hits like this... CONSTANTLY


http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae241/riverstyx666/Screenshot_2013-04-09_16_27_32_005623_zpsc9f61031.jpg 8700 hidden strike followed by 7400 backstab


This is just a little too over the top, even for somebody who plays a class that has been nerfed since the beginning of the game.


Thats called burst damage, working as intended.

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