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Dual Spec!

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Having the go to the fleet, talk to a person, and manually select the skills you want in order to change your spec is vastly different than being able to change it on the fly with the click of a button during missions.


Anyways, even though I would never use this feature...it wouldn't hurt my gameplay at all...so it really doesn't matter to me.


My only real argument I could make at this point...is that I would rather they spend resources adding something else to the game.


As I said, this exists in game already. Look on your legacy tab (field respec). It's even free every time you use it as a subscriber.

Edited by hadoken
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  • 2 months later...
I am wondering... Please explain what trouble it makes?


What is the need? Some folks don't like the idea, I fail to see the logic in pressing them to defend their opinions after making that clear multiple times.


I support the idea of dual spec (or more accurately a saved spec with bar/UI setup) and hope we will see it some time in the future.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Another vote for dual spec here. My reasoning is that I enjoy healing in instanced content and DPS for solo/quest content. It would be a huge QOL improvement to be able to one click swap between the two. :cool:
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I'd LOVE dual spec. I have field respec, and it's easy, but I'd like to be able to swap faster. Also a gear change macro would be SWEET since I carry a DPS set, a healing set, a PvP damage set, and a PvP healing set in my bags. Even if I didn't get the dual spec, having a gear swap macro would be such a HUGE QoL benefit.
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It would be great to be able to have multiple specs stored. Some specs are better for pvp, or clearing mobs , or fighting bosses and of course it would be nice to change between dps / healing or tanking. But it would be also nice to have a gear slot for each spec as some specs require different stats than other to function optimally.


I also would like that the ui setup could be saved for each spec including the quickbar shortcuts. I change alot between spec when i play my gunslinger and it is really a drag to ahve to change the quickslots since i have to do it twice ( cause of the cover quickbar)

Edited by tekhiun
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Is there a name for the disorder a few people on these forums obviously have that causes them to be against anything convenient being added to the game even when they have absolutely no logical argument against it?


We have ghetto dual specs, how on earth can someone talk themselves into believing that something so trivial as being able to save your specs and change gear faster could be a bad thing for the game?

Edited by Mallorik
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Is there a name for the disorder a few people on these forums obviously have that causes them to be against anything convenient being added to the game even when they have absolutely no logical argument against it?


We have ghetto dual specs, how on earth can someone talk themselves into believing that something so trivial as being able to save your specs and change gear faster could be a bad thing for the game?


There has to be a diagnosed disorder which inhibits a person ability to adapt to new situations. Just ignore these people. They are loud and rarely have anything to debate.

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Dual spec's is not an improvement.. Anyone that says otherwise hasn't thought of anyone else other than themselves..


It is not a QoL issue.. It is a laziness issue.. You can already change your spec pretty quickly.. You do not need a button that does it all for you.. You call can already change your specs when ever you want.. Quit QQ'ing about having to fill out your talent trees..


If it were up to me, you would still be paying progressively more each time you change your spec.. Not to mention going to the dude on the your home world.. While I believe the changing your spec is required to fix mistakes or to try new things on occasion.. It was never meant to be abused and allow you to change your spec on a whim..


People need to specialize and learn a character and their spec.. Allowing people to change specs does absolutely nothing for the game but diminish the number of skilled players the game has.. :rolleyes:

Edited by MajikMyst
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There has to be a diagnosed disorder which inhibits a person ability to adapt to new situations. Just ignore these people. They are loud and rarely have anything to debate.


Speaking for yourself are we??


If you want convenience go to a hotel room and order room service.. Convenience doesn't belong in a video game..

The entire reason we are playing video games is to waste time and be entertained while wasting time.. Notice the part about wasting time??


More likely, the people that are against this just don't want the game ruined by those that do..

Edited by MajikMyst
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Is there a name for the disorder a few people on these forums obviously have that causes them to be against anything convenient being added to the game even when they have absolutely no logical argument against it?


We have ghetto dual specs, how on earth can someone talk themselves into believing that something so trivial as being able to save your specs and change gear faster could be a bad thing for the game?


Hmmmm.. You are asking if the people that disagree with you have some type of disorder.. Then you ask how can making your ability to change your gear faster is a bad thing..


Seems to me that this disorder you are asking about is knowledge and understanding..


Many others and myself have seen the impact dual spec'ing can have on an MMO as a whole.. The changes that came because of it.. Many of us have seen that road and been down that road.. Forgive me if we would like learn from previous mistakes and not make them here.. You are welcome to call that a disorder.. Knowledge is one disorder I am glad to have.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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People need to specialize and learn a character and their spec.. Allowing people to change specs does absolutely nothing for the game but diminish the number of skilled players the game has.. :rolleyes:

Please explain better why peoples skill would decrease with the ability to change specs faster.

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People need to specialize and learn a character and their spec.. Allowing people to change specs does absolutely nothing for the game but diminish the number of skilled players the game has.. :rolleyes:


People can't be skilled at more than 1 thing? How hard do you think this game is? Most people have many alts in this game and play them all well, so what is the difference to play 2+ specs well with the same toon. Skilled players will remain skilled players no mater how many specs they have. Why would you limit people desire to learn new builds? That sounds allot like book burning to me.

Edited by harpuax
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It is not a QoL issue.. It is a laziness issue.. :


My question is why are you worrying about other's perceived laziness? Does it affect you in any way?


The main issue with respecing is that it can remove some powers on the skill bar. Some people have their setup a certain way (and leave it as such so they don't have to worry about/not have to remember specifics). It gets a bit tedious having to rearange skill bars because of respecing.


Second, it can alleviate flashpoint ques. 9 time out of 10 people are waiting for a healer to que. I have a level 54 dps sorc, but don't bother getting into flashpoints mainly because of the wait times. And if I respec, I have to re-arrange my skill bar to suit my liking and my role. That gets tedious. I have a level 25 mercenary that I respec to heal when I want to do a flashpoint, but I don't know if I want to go thru all the rigamarole of higher level respecing.


Ultimately, there is no logic in arguing against an OPTION; no one will force you to use it, but by arguing against it you are forcing people to play your way. A cooldown period on switching will prevent on the fly abuses of the system and as I said, flashpoint wait times may decrease.


Many others and myself have seen the impact dual spec'ing can have on an MMO as a whole.. The changes that came because of it.. Many of us have seen that road and been down that road..


How about stating what impact it could have. Right now, all you are doing is waving a hand in front of peoples faces and saying "trust me."


State logical reasons of bad impact, otherwise there is no issue.

Edited by agamemnon-
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There is no legitimate argument as to why dual spec shouldn't be in this game.


- We have field respec and can do it quickly! - Ok, I don't do that because i'm lazy. Dual spec is 1 click of a button to switch over. As a casual player, that's all I need.

- Dual spec is trouble! - You have yet to explain exactly how it's trouble. Shouldn't affect your life whatsoever

- It will mess up our abilites on the skill bars! - I'm sure BW could figure something out.

Edited by ObiJuanShenobi
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Hmmmm.. You are asking if the people that disagree with you have some type of disorder.. Then you ask how can making your ability to change your gear faster is a bad thing..


Seems to me that this disorder you are asking about is knowledge and understanding..


Many others and myself have seen the impact dual spec'ing can have on an MMO as a whole.. The changes that came because of it.. Many of us have seen that road and been down that road.. Forgive me if we would like learn from previous mistakes and not make them here.. You are welcome to call that a disorder.. Knowledge is one disorder I am glad to have.. :)


You prove my point perfectly, "Many others and myself have seen the impact dual spec'ing can have on an MMO as a whole" Please enlighten us to the horrible things saving your hotbar and specs would bring to the game, lol.


From what I can tell you think adding or keeping time consuming tedious tasks makes a game better? And just because you lack the ability to learn several roles does not mean others have the same problem, and even if someone cannot master several roles they do not need you telling them what they can and cannot do. If someone is not a good tank then they aren't a good tank, not allowing people to save specs or hotbars will not change this.

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Speaking for yourself are we??


If you want convenience go to a hotel room and order room service.. Convenience doesn't belong in a video game..

The entire reason we are playing video games is to waste time and be entertained while wasting time.. Notice the part about wasting time??


More likely, the people that are against this just don't want the game ruined by those that do..


sitting in a chair pretending to be at war with a 22 oz McDonalds cup by your side and a Bigmac in hand is "toughing it out".


From that mentality alone I can tell you live in games, you do not work 50 hours a week, you do not take care of 2 children... you do not have to do a million tedious tasks every day in real life just to keep the show going. Do you think real adults enjoy having to respec their skill trees, reset their skill bars and switch equipment every time they want to switch roles, which can happen 2-5 times a play session depending on what they are doing?


Dual spec is one of the reasons many people wait for instances to pop and log out due to the lack of healers or tanks. I know all my "tank" classes just sit as DPS because that is what you need in PvP.


Dual spec does not hurt the game. If you want to "tough it out" you can just ignore the dual spec function and keep manually changing everything about your character.

Edited by illgot
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Yes please. Im lazzy and pround. Since avoiding unnesesery work is sign of inteligence.

Clicking some points (which we already did a couple of times before) is not playing.

And everything which is not playing should be reduced in time needed, so ppl can play for real more.

Some players have very demanding shedue, so they dont have 2-5 min to switch points and gear.

From company point of view all that matters is so players will pay sub. And spec sets are helping, since more players with limited time will be interested in investing in SWTOR.

I see big value in being able to switch from dps to healer (or otherwise) very fast. Even on toons which could go both ways i would rather spend this 5 minutes doing another quest than toying with specs.

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I am all for Dual Specs. Yes it isn't hard switching specs on the fly. Yes it can be done in 30 secs or so (realistically, for those saying they do it in 15-20 secs are lying - I have never grouped with someone who has been able to fully change specs and redo their bars in 15 seconds...we always end up waiting for 1-2 mins).


The question is why do we have to? Dual Spec makes me lazy? Seriously? That's your answer? I have been playing MMO's since 1999 with EQ1...I have walked, without SoW, from Freeport to Qeynos more times than I can count. I sat for 45 mins at a time waiting on the boats to Kaladim. I waited for HOURS at a time trying to find someone to bind me to a city so if I died i didn't have another 2 hour run. I once traversed an entire continent in Shadowbane ON FOOT to get to my new guilds city. Don't tell me about lazy, if you started MMOing with WoW then everything you know about MMO's is lazy...get over yourself. There is NOTHING wrong with convenience in MMO's - it is one of the ONLY good things about the changing MMO world.

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Yeah, we already have field respec, it would be nice to be able to save multiple talent builds as well as being able to save UI set ups to go with it.


Most of my time isn't spent putting my build together, but is spent changing gear and arranging my UI. Would make it easier for Ops when I'm not sure if I'll be healing or DPSing.

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Dual spec's is not an improvement.. Anyone that says otherwise hasn't thought of anyone else other than themselves..


It is not a QoL issue.. It is a laziness issue..

Let's remove speeders, taxis, teleports and quick travel terminals. And sprint. Everyone can just walk everywhere. Don't want? Are you lazy?

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