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Why are Armor Designs removed from the game?


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Because then people who can pull it out an wear it later can both have unique look and prove they played the game way back when.


Also those sets are pretty ugly, would anyone actually buy them?


honestly, if their customization system were good enough this would not be an issue.


BUT, even though we can customize our character appearance now, the whole system is bloated and extremely limited.

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The sad part that shows the design team has NO CLUE of what they're doing is Valiant Jedi and Eradicator set.

1 year for a real Jedi hood DOWN armor, Valiant Jedi.

1 year and a half for a real Sith black armor, Eradicator. (editors note: a hood up armor)

This is Star Wars and they keep doing these humongous jetpacks in every chestpiece. We need more SITH AND JEDI armors.


Quoting for truth. I think the developers have never looked a star wars movie or read a SW comic.


BUT, even though we can customize our character appearance now, the whole system is bloated and extremely limited.
One real annoyance of mine is that the endgame vendor armors are still/again horrible looking. I know they want to sell adaptive armor in cartel market, but there should be SOME sense in endgame armor. Edited by Karkais
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It's insanely stupid to remove gear/gear shells-content from the game.


For example the Tionese gear for agent and bounty hunter was awesome and i would be wearing it right now if it wasn't removed.It also wasn't bad for the inquisitor.


I can't wrap my mind around this whole issue,Bioware ffs bring back the old pve sets.


If they wanted to put it on the Cartel Market,then do it already.

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At the very least older armour sets should be available as schematics for crafters, just as moddable shells (or even shells with the mods in the case of PVE armours). I'm just glad I had the foresight to purchase the War Hero Eliminator schematics way before I had levelled my crafting for that area.


If their concern is everyone being able to wear the old armour sets, add in a legacy level requirement, same as the War Hero gear requires a valour level of 70. It gives players something to work towards.


If they appear on the Cartel Market as legacy gear, i'm equally fine with that, same as if they decided to use that empty space on fleet where the cartel vendor used to be for....... vendors selling legacy gear such as Tionese / Columi shells. Add in a legacy level requirement if they want, just make them available again.


Please? :o

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add in a legacy level requirement,


there is a nice idiea.Bioware ,do it.


pretty please,just bring back the sets in any way or form,CM,Reputation vendor,Legacy level reuirement.craftable schematics,whatever ,Just do it.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Totally support the calls for some of these bits of gear being brought back.


I love some of the Tio/Col/Rakata sets and quite frankly think a lot of the newer stuff looks pretty bland and repetitive.


I'd be happy to see these brought back, either via Adaptive Armor on the Cartel Market, or (my preference) available as schematics for crafters

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
i have a full rakata set on my SW and full battlemaster on my assassin when i came back and found out they deleted that armor i kept wearing it, now everytime i get a piece of new armor i rip off the mods and slap them on my old gear. It gets ALOT of attention since its not around and i have yet to see anyone else in a full suit of it in months other then me. i say keep it gone or only let veteran players only have empty shells. All of you might cry about how unfair it is you dont have it or how we should all be "equal" and be able to buy it on the cartel market. honestly to bad get over it, its a testiment to the older days when the game first came out. Its like the elder jedi robes of SWG or any of the rare pre-cu items of that game.
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i have a full rakata set on my SW and full battlemaster on my assassin when i came back and found out they deleted that armor i kept wearing it, now everytime i get a piece of new armor i rip off the mods and slap them on my old gear. It gets ALOT of attention since its not around and i have yet to see anyone else in a full suit of it in months other then me. i say keep it gone or only let veteran players only have empty shells. All of you might cry about how unfair it is you dont have it or how we should all be "equal" and be able to buy it on the cartel market. honestly to bad get over it, its a testiment to the older days when the game first came out. Its like the elder jedi robes of SWG or any of the rare pre-cu items of that game.




I have a full Rakata set and several full Battlemaster sets on different characters. Does that mean I wish those sets get ripped out of the game so all other players who don't have it but want it get screwed over so I get some cheap digital bragging rights to inflate my ego? :rak_02:


No. This "Stop crying and get over it so I can brag" mentality is not only selfish, but immature. Is it really that important to you that all new players get the shaft so you can laud your "veteran" gear over them, brag, and "get attention" as you put it? Don't we already have Veteran-exclusive Titles, fluff items, emotes, pets, etc. that we can brag about? You really need armor sets too? :p


I say stop being selfish and let people dress their character how they want to, not how you want them to. ;)

Edited by Swissbob
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why the hell take out armpr Bioware?!?! Christ almighty you guys already redue the same armor just a different color and call it something new and expect us to by this?! Or what the hell is up with all the excessive over enlarged shoulder pads! I mean you guys can't really design that crap and think that it looks good? Sand people walk single file to hide their numbers, in TOR because of crappy designs everybody walks single file cause their damn armor is too wide to walk side by side. Heck not too mention that CM pretty much makes it so that any armor crafting looks like crap.
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I have a full Rakata set and several full Battlemaster sets on different characters. Does that mean I wish those sets get ripped out of the game so all other players who don't have it but want it get screwed over so I get some cheap digital bragging rights to inflate my ego? :rak_02:


No. This "Stop crying and get over it so I can brag" mentality is not only selfish, but immature. Is it really that important to you that all new players get the shaft so you can laud your "veteran" gear over them, brag, and "get attention" as you put it? Don't we already have Veteran-exclusive Titles, fluff items, emotes, pets, etc. that we can brag about? You really need armor sets too? :p


I say stop being selfish and let people dress their character how they want to, not how you want them to. ;)


id like to know how they are exactly getting the shaft, its not taking anything away from them. The fact is that kind of armor appearance came from a different time within this games history. i will admit it is a bragging right its a trophy to being here from the start. the armor also holds personal value to my character as well, walking around in that armor reminds me of how this game first started and how it was before we had a vast customization, before we had 50,000 bland PVE armor sets that came from super hero comic books. and before we had a cartel market that offered tons of fancy looking armor. the point is if everyone is allowed to have it the armor will simply fall into the same bland category as any other piece worthless appearance armor now, and the history behind it and the effort to get it goes away for good.

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i have a full rakata set on my SW and full battlemaster on my assassin when i came back and found out they deleted that armor i kept wearing it, now everytime i get a piece of new armor i rip off the mods and slap them on my old gear. It gets ALOT of attention since its not around and i have yet to see anyone else in a full suit of it in months other then me. i say keep it gone or only let veteran players only have empty shells. All of you might cry about how unfair it is you dont have it or how we should all be "equal" and be able to buy it on the cartel market. honestly to bad get over it, its a testiment to the older days when the game first came out. Its like the elder jedi robes of SWG or any of the rare pre-cu items of that game.


I agree with this post to a point (the part i highlighted). I only had two level 50s at the time (sniper and a marauder) and I grinded my butt off to get the Rakata/Battle master set. Back in pre-2.0 it was the shell that had the set piece and not the actual armoring. Due to the sniper set bonus in the rakata gear being complete and utter garbage, I grinded until i had the Battlemaster look and set bonus, and i ripped the rakata mods out and slapped it in the battle master gear. I love the look with the 72 chest and i loved even more doing 4 ticks on my OS it made my sniper unique.... HOWEVER in 2.0 when i started getting 69s.... bioware made it so the armoring had my set bonus and i lost that..... FOREVER...


On my marauder i have the battle master set and i put all PvE mods in it and i love the look. it makes my character look unique...


However since 2.0 these armors arent available (thank god). Some of my characters (maybe 2-3 of the 22 i have) share a look that everyone in the game has... this i dont like, I like to be unique and stand out like my sniper and marauder... I agree and say let the veterans have the empty shells so "we" (the pre-2.0 players) have a unique set of armor.... at the least mail these shells to the founders of the game -OR- place these armor sets at 500k a piece (every armor piece is 500k) in the VIP sector vendors.

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  • 2 weeks later...
This thread almost exists for about a year and we still got no response from any BW employee?




Centurion BH PvP heavy is the base for Frogdog Away and derivate armors. Of course NOBODY will say that new Cartel armors are just almost identical copies or close variations of discontinued gear.


Or the TD Scorpion being the base of ALL the "Trench Coat" variations around, with a carbon copy of Troublemaker Duster from CM. And it`s not even discontinued.

Edited by Styxx
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id like to know how they are exactly getting the shaft, its not taking anything away from them. The fact is that kind of armor appearance came from a different time within this games history. i will admit it is a bragging right its a trophy to being here from the start. the armor also holds personal value to my character as well, walking around in that armor reminds me of how this game first started and how it was before we had a vast customization, before we had 50,000 bland PVE armor sets that came from super hero comic books. and before we had a cartel market that offered tons of fancy looking armor. the point is if everyone is allowed to have it the armor will simply fall into the same bland category as any other piece worthless appearance armor now, and the history behind it and the effort to get it goes away for good.


Fair enough. Although I disagree with you, I at least see where you're coming from. To me, giving choice to all players is more important, but I'll acknowledge there is of course value in allowing veterans to keep their uniqueness as a reward for venerability. :)


However, there are already so many things that old players have to make them unique. As I already mentioned, Titles, Event items, Pets, emotes, Fluff, even color crystals and other things from world events, being a subscriber at X time long ago, buying the CE, etc. to keep your veteran-status recognizable. I don't think that something as essential and important as Iconic armor sets should be limited to a "You snooze you loose" policy of sorts. ;)


And even if you think that armor is a necessity to make you stand out as a long-term player, (which I can understand as it's often the first thing you notice from a player) there is definite middle-ground. What about creating a vendor that sells these empty shells but with a different name or slightly tweaked appearance, so those who have the original still get that pride? :rak_02: This would satisfy those who just care about the cosmetic appeal, and also appease those who want their old armor to be unique, as those specific sets would continue to be unobtainable. :D


(Granted, this has already happened on a very small scale with the tiny bits of old armor that have creeped back into the game via Cartel and Reputation as others have mentioned, but this is woefully inefficient and doesn't satisfy those who want one that are not added)

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It will all come back as CM gear or reputation.

At least that's been the trend so far.


I really doubt all of it will come back into the game by those means. :(


But, even if it does all come back, if it continues at the rate it's been going at, it's going to take such a long time for every armor piece to eventually seep back into the game via Reputaion and Cartel packs that, by then, the only people playing this game will be the fanatics who have been around since Day 1 to snag all the gear anyway.:p


Still, some is still better than none. :)


(Even if that some is at the price of $4.99 a piece)

Edited by Swissbob
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