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Who are these guys? (PvP loud mouths)


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This is the first MMO I've tried PvP and for the most part I enjoy Warzones. I had been running dailies on my Sent for awhile before rolling a Vanguard tank. That also happened to be my first tank in an MMO.


Novare Coast was the first warzone I landed in as tank. Instantly got berated when I showed up in my recruit gear by the ops leader "Oh f*** a noob this won't last long." and I won't repeat what else he said about me throughout the match. I admit I made mistakes but nothing that deserved that much rage. I was still thinking like a DPS and I was ready to give up tanking then and there but my guildies encouraged me to give it another try.


Next round was Civil War. I was afraid of screwing up and was really hesitant about what to do and where to go for fear of getting yelled at again. :p One of the group members just said "Hey. Plant yourself on this side of the node." and continued to teach me how to think like a tank through the whole match. We won and I got 2nd in protections and have ranked high ever since.


Go on and yell and scream and throw your keyboard around and say whatever you want to make yourself feel better but being in a Warzone is about working as a group to get things done. You don't help the group when you do that, you only help yourself.

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Hypothetical question. If you and every player in the game had to wear above their head their real life name and home address, and the player you were ripping in to lived down the street from you....would you be so quick to act like this?


You realize that calling people names, and acting like a fool *could* get you banned, right? Not saying it is likely, but it's not unheard of. I question the mentality behind your actions, when the end result is ALWAYS a negative one, regardless of the outcome.


Well im sure i'd be more than willing to do it, i'd speak my mind and DARE him to try something, reals or not, they want to do something on the street fine by me.

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You can get your feelings hurt and cry all night for all I care...if you leave the node unguarded or don't make call outs or try to fight off the node you are a noob and ill call you out on EVERY SINGLE time ban or no ban. It's pvp and you need to do your part if not....go solo dailies with your companion or something! That is all..


Totally agree with you, I am completely brutal with people in general to be honest who just seem mindless in anything, let alone PVP. I have been in wz's with so called noobs that have been far better than the so called experienced fully geared. I get called rude, an A-hole, a tosser, a blah de blah, well you know what. I am honest as the day is light, and I do not like weak people, weak people do my nutt in, and I wonder how the hell most people survive out in the big wide world if they can not comprehend the basics of what is an easy game. It is hardly high end strategy is it a WZ?, I mean come on, it ain't RUSE, jeesh.


I like a good old rage every day tbh with ya, many know that, I have no problem with it, telling it as is, do you?, well if you do, so what, I really do not care. If people do not like it, well they need to go and play Pokemon or whatever the hell it is called. Basically your doomed if you speak your mind, and your doomed if you say nothing, you can not win either way with the majority of braindeads in this game, especially in PVP. That is how it is, period. I like a strong ops leader in WZS, one who communicates and says we are doing this, period, and if you do not like it, bugger off. People get to easily offended, I love it tbh, if I have an ops leader that is brutal and has a Stalin style leadership, the guy or lady gets my vote and full support, simple as. Makes life in WZS easier if ya communicate, regardless of your level.


Those who do not communicate, are just ya know, HOOKS like out of Police Academy, the little Police lady that has no confidence in anything, whisper talking. Na I do not do whisper, I do loud, in your face, get out of my way, I am a pig, blah blah. It annoys people, but it gives me more targets than the average player, and that is my kind of competition.


Example: Hypergate :- We were ahead, I then open map to see no one at pylon and a scummer pub capping it "I will add, the person defending the Pylon has mysteriously made his or her way to Mid, hmmmm", another Rambo. I go back, mash the scummer, recap it and I simply said, "Do not leave the pylon again dick". It worked and that player stayed there and did alright in the end. But it is that kind of basic error that goes on, because of a lack of communication.

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EDIT: ...

I suggest a system be put in place, that after so many reports of abusive behavior, the only words you can type and actually show through are, "INCOMING SNOW" INCOMING GRASS" INCOMING WEST" INCOMING EAST" and nothing more. I'm positive there are better ideas out there, but there needs to be some way to take away their megaphones.


A great idea and improvement to random pugs not using Team Speak or whatever would be to have those commands bount do a key or at least a quick bar slot where you could just click it and it would show up in the chat just like so many other but in game play terms rather useless emoticons etc. I would buy it on the cartel market instantly because there would be a direct use for having a premade button to click on instead of having to interrupt the fight you're in to type "Incoming west!" or whatever.

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This is the first MMO I've tried PvP and for the most part I enjoy Warzones. I had been running dailies on my Sent for awhile before rolling a Vanguard tank. That also happened to be my first tank in an MMO.


Novare Coast was the first warzone I landed in as tank. Instantly got berated when I showed up in my recruit gear by the ops leader "Oh f*** a noob this won't last long." and I won't repeat what else he said about me throughout the match. I admit I made mistakes but nothing that deserved that much rage. I was still thinking like a DPS and I was ready to give up tanking then and there but my guildies encouraged me to give it another try.


Next round was Civil War. I was afraid of screwing up and was really hesitant about what to do and where to go for fear of getting yelled at again. :p One of the group members just said "Hey. Plant yourself on this side of the node." and continued to teach me how to think like a tank through the whole match. We won and I got 2nd in protections and have ranked high ever since.


Go on and yell and scream and throw your keyboard around and say whatever you want to make yourself feel better but being in a Warzone is about working as a group to get things done. You don't help the group when you do that, you only help yourself.


I often slap on the founder title when playing my newest alt, so people don't look at my hp and think I don't know what I'm doing. Maybe we should adopt a convention of using some other title, like the lowest pvp title or the chapter 1 reward title, for people who are simply Newbs, but not necessarily noobs.

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Well im sure i'd be more than willing to do it, i'd speak my mind and DARE him to try something, reals or not, they want to do something on the street fine by me.


You know something...I actually believe you. You are the first person to answer that question (Not the first time I have asked it) and I actually believed them. You also have to believe, I would have no issues catching my neighbor out someplace if he were to talk to me the way some of these guys in this game talk to others. Best believe I'm going to get my respect one way or another.


But since this most likely will never happen, this game needs a change.

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A great idea and improvement to random pugs not using Team Speak or whatever would be to have those commands bount do a key or at least a quick bar slot where you could just click it and it would show up in the chat just like so many other but in game play terms rather useless emoticons etc. I would buy it on the cartel market instantly because there would be a direct use for having a premade button to click on instead of having to interrupt the fight you're in to type "Incoming west!" or whatever.



Ooooorrrr Bioware could stop being bad and let us make macros in this game. Macros are a free and easy solution to quickly calling out incs or spewing out commonly used phrases in PvP/PvE, and can be customized in any way you like. Not sure I've seen much of them in many MMOs besides WoW, but a simple /bg "Help at Farm" or whatever went a long way and it only took the press of a button. I personally have little issues calling incs whilst fighting, but that's just me.


EDIT:: I suppose I should be more descriptive for those who don't understand the system. You open a macro menu, make a 'macro', which is bound to a certain icon you can drag to your bars, and then put in the code to do what you wanted when you pressed the button. Linking it to text when pressed, directed into ops chat, is what I am referencing.

Edited by SystemProcess
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Communication and being a "loud mouth" has won War zones for me, so I will stick with it. But, I will say this... if we're losing a WZ and I am the only one chatting, I sometimes try to provoke my team into talking. If that means calling them idiots, so be it... anything to open them up and get them communicating.
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And you want to live in a pretend world where somebody is just going to sit there and listen to it.


what are they going to do, beat you up through the internet?


Force choke you through the monitor?




That image definitely deserves rage. When I competitively play a game, I expect to win if I am good. Unfortunately, this is a team game, so the next best thing I can do is play with people who perform as well as I do. I feel this way I'm not carrying people, nor am I being carried.


Inb4 "must be a bad if you need a premade to win"


Well, your underlying premise is that I'm bad. To prove I'm bad, you cannot start out by assuming so. I can tell you that no matter how good you are, you can always lose if you are either a) overcome by a TEAM who is better than YOUR TEAM as a whole, even if you are the highest-performing individual, or b) lots of terribads on your team. Really both of these are the same, but I felt the need to point both of them out since most people seem not to see the relativity.


I see no good reason as to why my desire to win because I'm most likely better than you (and therefore deserve to win and be rewarded) is bad, at all. Please tell me if I'm wrong. Let's split up all the good players in sports and put a bunch of baddies on their teams and see how they react. Not very pretty, I know.

Edited by Zunayson
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I suggest a system be put in place, that after so many reports of abusive behavior, the only words you can type and actually show through are, "INCOMING SNOW" INCOMING GRASS" INCOMING WEST" INCOMING EAST" and nothing more. I'm positive there are better ideas out there, but there needs to be some way to take away their megaphones. Perhaps give them a set command list to chose from once they have been deemed A-Holes?


These guys are abusive and need to be stopped one way or another. Their behavior is totally unacceptable even on a PvP server...and to be honest, being on a PvP server does NOT excuse their behavior. These people ruin the fun for others and they chase away the attraction to PvP to players who are new and trying it out to see what it's like for the first time.


Some very good points in this post.

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what are they going to do, beat you up through the internet?


Force choke you through the monitor?




That image definitely deserves rage. When I competitively play a game, I expect to win if I am good. Unfortunately, this is a team game, so the next best thing I can do is play with people who perform as well as I do. I feel this way I'm not carrying people, nor am I being carried.


Inb4 "must be a bad if you need a premade to win"


Well, your underlying premise is that I'm bad. To prove I'm bad, you cannot start out by assuming so. I can tell you that no matter how good you are, you can always lose if you are either a) overcome by a TEAM who is better than YOUR TEAM as a whole, even if you are the highest-performing individual, or b) lots of terribads on your team. Really both of these are the same, but I felt the need to point both of them out since most people seem not to see the relativity.


I see no good reason as to why my desire to win because I'm most likely better than you (and therefore deserve to win and be rewarded) is bad, at all. Please tell me if I'm wrong. Let's split up all the good players in sports and put a bunch of baddies on their teams and see how they react. Not very pretty, I know.


So, I am not allowed to name names, but the guy who did lowest damage and only 18k healing is trash talking in ops chat. He had NINE DEATHS. What?!

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I suggest a system be put in place, that after so many reports of abusive behavior, the only words you can type and actually show through are, "INCOMING SNOW" INCOMING GRASS" INCOMING WEST" INCOMING EAST" and nothing more. I'm positive there are better ideas out there, but there needs to be some way to take away their megaphones. Perhaps give them a set command list to chose from once they have been deemed A-Holes?


These guys are abusive and need to be stopped one way or another. Their behavior is totally unacceptable even on a PvP server...and to be honest, being on a PvP server does NOT excuse their behavior. These people ruin the fun for others and they chase away the attraction to PvP to players who are new and trying it out to see what it's like for the first time.



I don't think you belong on the internet. Your fun is being ruined by other people calling you names? Please leave, and don't let the door hit you on the way out. If my raging gets them out of pvp once and for all, then I'm totally okay with that, they'll stop Qing and my chances of being paired up with people who know what they're doing will rise to much more satisfactory levels.


Inb4 people need to play to get good

On my very first match (I remember it in beta well), I was consistently getting 12 medals. Now, 12 medals back then was probably not very impressive back then. Took me awhile until I cared about patch notes and beta changes. It took me very little time before I started topping charts, learning easy tips, etc. that made me at least one step above the average person. It is highly doubtful that these baddies will be good and it's only their first match. It is more likely that they've played for weeks and are just bad. Plain bad.


So, I am not allowed to name names, but the guy who did lowest damage and only 18k healing is trash talking in ops chat. He had NINE DEATHS. What?!


I was under the impression that the person who posted the image was raging (and with good reason, too, imo), and that bad was counter-raging him for some reason. It may very well be that most ragers are bad, but I hate it when people put me in the boat with that.


"Nine times out of ten, they're bad."


"so every 10th person who whines at you, you ignore them since they're probably much better than you are?"



Edited by Zunayson
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I don't think you belong on the internet. blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda silly nonsense....



I have every right to be on the internet, child. I'm not going anywhere. You sit and assume I am fighting for myself here? ...I am not. I fight for all people who have to listen to you spew your disgusting immaturity all over the internet. You wanna rage? Fine...keep raging. While you rage, I will continue to find a way to shut you up. Enjoy your raging while it lasts...because until a day comes where you and people like you are silenced once and for all, I will continue to defend those who you decide to spew your rage at.


Like it or not, I am here to stay, child. Your days of raging are numbered. Enjoy them while they last.

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I have every right to be on the internet, child. I'm not going anywhere. You sit and assume I am fighting for myself here? ...I am not. I fight for all people who have to listen to you spew your disgusting immaturity all over the internet. You wanna rage? Fine...keep raging. While you rage, I will continue to find a way to shut you up. Enjoy your raging while it lasts...because until a day comes where you and people like you are silenced once and for all, I will continue to defend those who you decide to spew your rage at.


Like it or not, I am here to stay, child. Your days of raging are numbered. Enjoy them while they last.


Are you attempting to "silence" me by taking away my ability, or by /ignoring me. Because that's all you need to do. Is /ignore. Stop making such a big deal about it. I sort of agree with Darwin's philosophy on it; if they can't type in /ignore then they should have to listen through my spewing my disgusting immaturity.

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Are you attempting to "silence" me by taking away my ability, or by /ignoring me. Because that's all you need to do. Is /ignore. Stop making such a big deal about it. I sort of agree with Darwin's philosophy on it; if they can't type in /ignore then they should have to listen through my spewing my disgusting immaturity.


Funny that you bring up Darwin, I was just listening to a song which has a line I thought really fits pvp ragers. "Searching for someone to pay Darwin's price". If you like poetry, think about that. (The song btw is Soulcrusher by Xandria if anyone is interested)


Since you are matched with people on your ignore, ignoring means that you can't see if they call incs or call for help. So /ignore can cause troubles to the team.

This is what I like about pvping with a healer: I can just stop healing that raging guy. Have fun dying! Too bad that in extreme situations (i.e. me and the raging guy are the only ones left on a node that is under attack) I have to stop doing even that, for the sake of the team.

Edited by Seireeni
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Hypothetical question. If you and every player in the game had to wear above their head their real life name and home address, and the player you were ripping in to lived down the street from you....would you be so quick to act like this?


You realize that calling people names, and acting like a fool *could* get you banned, right? Not saying it is likely, but it's not unheard of. I question the mentality behind your actions, when the end result is ALWAYS a negative one, regardless of the outcome.


No. He'd get punched in the face.

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If you have time to nerd rage in a warzone then you are doing nothing constructive yourself. Instead of typing trash on a keyboard you could have been killing, healing or protecting someone. Edited by skincarver
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If you have time to nerd rage in a warzone then you are doing nothing constructive yourself. Instead of typing trash on a keyboard you could have been killing, healing or protecting someone.


QFTDT: Quoted For The Damn Truth.


If you're raging, you're not attacking/defending. If you're not attacking/defending, you aren't doing anything to help your team win the warzone. Because while you're raging, some other guy is getting triple teamed trying to actually do something to take back the objective you lost.


If rage alone could take objectives, I'm sure we'd all spew forth torrents of rage as storm clouds do rain.


Listening to plans? Most PUG warzones seem to have one plan, in the words of Tony Stark: "I have a plan: attack."

Edited by Lewintelamon
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QFTDT: Quoted For The Damn Truth.


If you're raging, you're not attacking/defending. If you're not attacking/defending, you aren't doing anything to help your team win the warzone. Because while you're raging, some other guy is getting triple teamed trying to actually do something to take back the objective you lost.


If rage alone could take objectives, I'm sure we'd all spew forth torrents of rage as storm clouds do rain.


Listening to plans? Most PUG warzones seem to have one plan, in the words of Tony Stark: "I have a plan: attack."


That's not true. I have plenty of time to tell my team to get off their asses and go take a point, or to turn around and stop the cap at the point they are currently defending and still top the boards by triple of second place on my team. I wouldn't get mad at a team that was at least trying or pulling a fraction of their own weight. Some games you just get stuck with 5+ people that can't manage that.

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That's not true. I have plenty of time to tell my team to get off their asses and go take a point, or to turn around and stop the cap at the point they are currently defending and still top the boards by triple of second place on my team. I wouldn't get mad at a team that was at least trying or pulling a fraction of their own weight. Some games you just get stuck with 5+ people that can't manage that.


Agreed. I usually end up coaching half my team on how to play the WZ and still end up with reasonable damage, usually top objectives, and almost 100% of the time healing if I'm on my operative. I also type incredibly fast, however, and I know when I can pause and when I have to suck it up and do my job.

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That's not true. I have plenty of time to tell my team to get off their asses and go take a point, or to turn around and stop the cap at the point they are currently defending and still top the boards by triple of second place on my team. I wouldn't get mad at a team that was at least trying or pulling a fraction of their own weight. Some games you just get stuck with 5+ people that can't manage that.


True. Still, there's a difference between someone who coaches other players logically (even if half the PUG doesn't appear to either want to or be able to listen) and someone who does NOTHING but sit in a corner and rant at those who "suck" when they're not doing much else to help their own cause.


That was the target of my post. One who does nothing but rage in a corner (to distinguish from those who coach by raging , as in still doing something productive in the warzone besides type invective) is as much dead weight as the "noobs" he perceives the rest of the team to be.

Edited by Lewintelamon
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