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Who are these guys? (PvP loud mouths)


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Thank you, complaining about not calling incs is like screaming ' I HAVE NO *********** CLUE WHATS GOING, TELL ME YOU DUMB ***** "


There are exceptions but the vast majority of the time a little camera work and looking at your ops frame will give you all the information you need...


Amazing how little that is said in WZ's. I guess that is part of the problem with our pvp...


Most of the time you can easily figure out where your opponents are going, true. But still, I feel people who are node guarding should call. Watching guard noders Hp bars isn't too much to ask for, but tbh it's much easier for the node guarder giving a quick call. It's not like he's stuffed with other things to do while standing there.

Edited by Uggen
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When pugging I've learned to always blame myself for putting even minimal faith into teammates. No real sense in getting upset with random people when by now I know 3 out of 4 times there's gonna be facepalm material in a WZ.


I do snap a snarly remark sometimes, when we're say fighting at CW grass and the situation tips to our favor, yet people are tunnel visioning to the max to get the kills. I tend to start for the other node when it becomes obvious we've got it under control and nothing irks me more when I have to be one to turn around and go back cos ofc. god forbit the 5 guys that secured the node against that 1 last survivor use some common sense and leave some defenders in place.


Other than that I slap focus target on guards at the node I'm not guarding myself and if I cant reach them in the time it takes for the incoming they never called to kill them and cap it's my fault for not predicting enemy teams movement in the first place or seeing his energy/health bar fluctuate in time.



Having said all that, I've lost any moral hangover over on occasion just parking my toon somewhere, plonking him on his rear end, tabbing out to check my email and wait out the resounding defeat to pick up the point and the daily. I don't expect pugs to hold their own, I think I'm entitled to not give it my all in lost cause from the get go rounds where you got 5 people in pve/recruit gear in the team. Bless you lads, nobody started out decked or pro, but yea, I'm beyond tutoring and holding hands of every newbie that graces a WZ. I'll take it on the chin but give it 5min before I queue up again to hopefully avoid the same group.

Edited by aeterno
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No it doesn't. There's absolutely nothing that justifies being mean to people, who are new to the game or don't yet know how to handle their class right or something like that. It's understandable, maybe forgivable, but never justified.


No, because when told nicely what they need to do they instead decide half of them will camp the single node we had from the very start of the game and get angry at anyone that tells them that isn't wise, and two of them spent the entire match screwing around in the middle of no where. What's worse is that even with four of them at grass, they still managed to lose it to two players. A team doesn't average 30k damage in a full length match just by being new (most of them were in their 30s and 40s too). They have to give zero effort in playing the game to hit that low. If you aren't going to try you shouldn't be playing a team based game.

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I feel stuff like this justifies my rage in warzones.


This stuff happens way too often. Not too long ago i had a CW just like this where i had 300k damage and no one else on my team had more than 75k. When you do over 4 times as much damage as teh next best DPS on your team, you know your team is bad and you are not the problem. And i have a hard time believing that all 7 other people were healers.

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thats why we need personal rating also in normal wzs and new matchmaking system or autoswap during wz to avoid this...


So the queue times are even longer? No, thanks I'd rather have a fast loss because I had few undergeared idiots on my team than to sit in 15min queue.

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This should be the most frowned upon comment on any game related site.


First, what exactly is the definition of trying hard? And what other levels of trying are there, trying medium and not trying at all? To me there's only trying and not giving a ****, the latter being the same as not playing at all. Is trying less to all of a sudden, in the middle of a fight, go yeah I'm just going to let the other guy win. Or how about logic? People apparently have an off switch for that (Logic OFF // Stupid ON), it's IMO the only explanation to how they're able to cross streets in real life but can't spot a guy 3 in-game ft behind them in a warzone or how six guys can stand infront of a door with no enemies on VS and then yell at the people on the other side for not calling inc. Where the **** els would the enemies be? Then they have the audacity to throw a fit when someone tells them to get their stuff together.


So please, explain to me and others how this thing works.


Well if you would have bothered to quote my entire sentence, it would have been obvious from context that the definition of "trying hard" in my example, was someone who really wants to be good, but as of yet has not attained that label.


While your "all or nothing" philosophy about the word "trying" is mildly interesting, it doesn't change the fact that there are degrees to the effort one can apply to a given endeavor. Presumably those degrees also reflect someone's emotional investment, and likelihood of wigging out on a group of strangers. My point was that while there are degrees to effort, there is no particular degree that ever "earns" you the right to behave badly.


People keep citing examples of the complete failures people are capable of in a WZ, they are frustrating, there is no debating that. I am not suggesting that anyone experiencing those things should NOT feel frustrated.


The point I am trying to drive home, is that NO ONE CARES that you are frustrated. And no one SHOULD care, that you are frustrated. Get over yourself. You are nothing, nobody (we all are, for as long as we are strangers to one another). The rest of the world has no responsibility to take notice of your emotions, no matter how little self control you have regarding your need to express them.


Secure people deal with adversity, while maintaining self control.


Insecure and frankly selfish people must share through acting out, the burden of any adversity they encounter.


There's 4 kinds of people:


The kind that are too scared/meek to rage.


The kind that are too secure to ever feel the need to rage.


The kind that need to spray the world with their insecurity.


The kind that while secure enough to remain quiet, are too self-important to do so.


Pick one I guess. Cause one thing you will NEVER be, is the dude with any formal authority, or any earned respect, from the general player base of the SWTOR game.


(Any point at which I address someone as "you" is not necessarily directed just at the person to whom I replied)

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Insecure and frankly selfish people must share through acting out, the burden of any adversity they encounter.


There's 4 kinds of people:


The kind that are too scared/meek to rage.


The kind that are too secure to ever feel the need to rage.


The kind that need to spray the world with their insecurity.


The kind that while secure enough to remain quiet, are too self-important to do so.


Pick one I guess. Cause one thing you will NEVER be, is the dude with any formal authority, or any earned respect, from the general player base of the SWTOR game.


(Any point at which I address someone as "you" is not necessarily directed just at the person to whom I replied)


I'd add one type of people, people who feel insecure but own enough self-control to keep their mouth shut. Because if I'm on really, really bad mood, I can get annoyed by actions of my teammates, and feel like shouting to them, but it wouldn't be polite, so I tell myself not to do it. (Though, if I would just release all my frustration at others, I'd usually rage at flashpoints, not warzones. xD)

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I do agree that it is not justified to rage at a pug who is just bad but I think it is when someone who is fully capable but is ignoring the team on purpose.


A great example of this is the people that go to the other teams node in hypergate at the start of the match and keep going there when you have a good stealthy on your team that would easily steal at the end of rounds. Especially if the stealthy mentions that if the node was left alone it will be much easier to steal and gets the agreement of the entire team except for the couple ppl that feed the other node the entire match.


However, if you do decide to rage at stuff like this then while I think it is justified you should still realize that no one gives a crap and most of the team will just dislike you instead of the person you are raging at. If you do rage just do it because it makes you happy to let off some steam. The only people who will be hurt if you rage at them are the ones that are just not good players and this isn't their fault. With time they will become at least somewhat better. The ones that actually deserve raging will probably just feel better after you rage at them.


My rule if thumb is that if I am raging in game I should be laughing irl. If a match makes you truly rage irl then just drop it and get in another or go do something else for awhile.

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Can't believe the OP is this offended haha.


If people are completely stupid and bad on my team then I will call them out at being bad and stupid.


And LOL @ the people who hide behind their computers comment too.


I've dealt/arrested multiple murderers, rapists, drug dealers and high profile inmates and detainees on the streets and correctional facilites. Some kid behind a computer who is too stupid to comprehend a basic video game isn't much of a threat.

Edited by AMKSED
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Can't believe the OP is this offended haha.


If people are completely stupid and bad on my team then I will call them out at being bad and stupid.


And LOL @ the people who hide behind their computers comment too.


I've dealt/arrested multiple murderers, rapists, drug dealers and high profile inmates and detainees on the streets and correctional facilites. Some kid behind a computer who is too stupid to comprehend a basic video game isn't much of a threat.


I REALLY doubt that, but I guess i see your point?... :rolleyes:

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I think there's often times a reason someone rage chats. Sometimes the loudmouths are the useless/bad players trying to blame the team, or sometimes they miss the whole situation, but this is quite often not the case.


I think what usually pisses people off is when people do these things that are soooo stupid, so ridiculous or unnecessary, that it really is a waste of everyone's time on your team. When you join a pvp match, you implicitly agree to a contract to work as a team; this is my number one thing that pisses me off: when people don't work as a team. You get a minute and a half to talk strategy, if you don't like the current one playing out, it's pretty rude to stay silent and then eff things up by doing the exact opposite- you're a hindrance, you're a liability, you are making the conscious decision to be rude and waste people's time that clearly joined that pvp match for a reason. I try not to call people names, but there have been a couple times where I just find it blatantly rude by how poorly people play.


I would love not to have to spam 'mark healers' '2 on each door' 'call incs' etc. every single match, but there seem to be stubborn people who have no desire to work as a team at all. If that's how they want to play, they can solo their class quests where they do not affect other people's game experience, that's where those people get frustrated. But rage chatting ends up being the other side of the same coin- you negatively affect people's experience by getting mad in chat. But as someone else mentioned, if there is no way to hold people accountable, what else is a person left to do than throw a tantrum in chat? It's selfish, yes, and probably won't change things all that much, but I don't really find telling people tips and strategies for the match (which, let's be honest, none of us WANT to do, none of us WANT to bark orders) rude, not any more rude than not following the basic principles of playing a pvp match when 7 other players are counting on you. More often than not I would PREFER those bad people be discouraged from joining pvp in the future.


Don't have time to work as a team? Don't join pvp.

Edited by Velnora
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The anger and rage was down right ridiculous this weekend. I was solo guarding snow in CW, and had to face a vanguard and shadow on the first cap. I called out, help eventually came and we capped. This pattern then went on and on the whole game. I was left solo, the vanguard would spawn and rush, and then one (sometimes two) shadows unstealthed. I would call out as soon as vanguard appeared, sleep dart him and then hit the node to stop the shadows.


Some Jugg on my team just hated this for some reason. Because I left the node to sleep dart, he felt that I needed to learn; "fight on the node you *$^%@ noob." The vulgar language, the gay slurs, it all came out immediately. Never mind that I stopped every cap, and even smoked the shadow twice. This wasn't my first rodeo.


And that's the ironic part. I never lost the node. This guy just didn't like to peel away to help I guess? And honestly, for those who did show up to help, we never lost mid. Afterwards, I did more damage, dps, kills, no deaths, more objectives and more medals than this Jugg. And we won handily. But still the rage. It went right up to MVP voting. Go figure.


Maybe it does have something to do with double XP weekend, I don't know. I don't show my legacy name. And so I think sometimes people see your alt, and assume that you've just started playing this game. They don't realize that you actually have some experience and wisdom, in the other characters you have beyond your alt.

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And who are u?


That guy with 14 k hp having usually 70-90 k damage/heals and like 10000 protection with everything u play?


If you even did not manage to stack comms to the caps to get some pieces on 50 and I tell you to uninstall, may be you just stop and think about your ways of playing the game.


Why u need pvp wz? Go raise your next useless alt doing planetary quests in comfortable and cosy environment, preferably on RP - PVE server.


See, idiots like ^^this^^ are why we can't have nice things.




So, tell me, bru: What's it like being an MMO/ Internet-cliché?



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Yeah if you are running pugs you should probably be aware that some people are going to be somewhat clueless (even more so in the leveling warzones). In my experiences I largely agree though, more times than not the guys blowing their top/ blaming everyone but themselves are among the worst players in the match.


Either way you're dealing with a person that has so little going on that they lose their mind over a video game, jokes really on them.

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You can get your feelings hurt and cry all night for all I care...if you leave the node unguarded or don't make call outs or try to fight off the node you are a noob and ill call you out on EVERY SINGLE time ban or no ban. It's pvp and you need to do your part if not....go solo dailies with your companion or something! That is all..
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You can doubt whatever you want.


So because you hide behind a badge, you think you are suddenly a tough guy....riiiight. Some people hide behind computers so they can be an A-Hole...you hide behind your badge to be an A-hole...and as you have just admitted, you hide behind your computer to be an A-hole in game.


I don't care how tough you think you are...you hide. You are no different to me than the "tough guy" who wants to rage at you behind a steering wheel of a car, but doesn't have the guts to stop his car and face you after he rages...instead he just keeps on driving while putting the petal to the metal.


You don't impress me, guy.


I do however respect the fact that you at very least are fighting for the good guys. I just don't much care for how you come across on the web.

Edited by Wraiven
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Essentially about 50% of the MMO population at random are these people, they just aren't always actively displaying it. MMOs used to be the Renaissance Fair type people (fantasy/sci fi fans) video gaming. Now days it's every virgin aspy with a "I got wedgies in jr high" axe to grind.


Do not only do you have to put up with loud mouths ripping on their team mates but you have to put with with cheating, put up with chicken poop tactics, guilds of these jerks using shady means to match themselves up with PuGs in arena (was bad in Warhammer), etc.


Honestly I play MMOs a HELLUVA lot less than I used to (UO/DAoC days) and when I do I usually solo because I can't stand to interact with most of the people anymore. There's always that obnoxious guy telling everyone the wrong thing to do, ripping on somebodies gear, yada yada yada.


I blame WoW, that's when the biggest flux of battle.net kids hit the MMO market and that's when MMO became Massive Gathering of A-holes Online.


As a result you get people who are more likely to lose their cool or get easily agitated because of this environment. Which probably makes it seem like there are alot more jerks than there really is. More people are just getting fed up.


Hell I don't even play Xbox like I used too. I think the proverbial straw was when some kid was in the lobby and said something like "awe man 1 kill away from my AK47, soooo close" and some dude in his mid 20s (sounded like) speaks up and told the kid the only thing he was close to was his dads private parts because he had these parts in his mouth. I ended up telephoning Microsoft Support about that one, generic report wasn't gonna cut it. Was also agitates me about LIVE is that most of the people doing that kind of trash talking tend to target kids and they also tend to be cheating/exploiting the game when they do it.


Jerks are drawn to anything internet related like stink flies to poop because of the anonymous nature of the net. Video games have become especially attractive to them because it's easy to get in and get attention or screw with people. It's not like a chat room you can put a password on or just leave and regroup somewhere else. General chat is a bountiful hunting ground for troll types.

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So because you hide behind a badge, you think you are suddenly a tough guy....riiiight. Some people hide behind computers so they can be an A-Hole...you hide behind your badge to be an A-hole...and as you have just admitted, you hide behind your computer to be an A-hole in game.


I don't care how tough you think you are...you hide. You are no different to me than the "tough guy" who wants to rage at you behind a steering wheel of a car, but doesn't have the guts to stop his car and face you after he rages...instead he just keeps on driving while putting the petal to the metal.


You don't impress me, guy.


I do however respect the fact that you at very least are fighting for the good guys. I just don't much care for how you come across on the web.


Does my badge magically make people not able to assault me or something?

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