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Wildstar has player housing and player cities... and SWTOR doesn't? C'mon!


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I wouldn't call that instanced housing and no the other races don't have it. I am a GW2 player too. I have several Norns, several Asuras and a human.


Ah, alright - I figured that whoever said it knew more about the game than I did, I only played human. :o

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Oh cool, another cartoonish MMO. Just what we needed :rolleyes:

No thanks, I'll be sticking to games where developers actually care enough to make them realistic (e.g. SWTOR, Elder Scrolls, World of Darkness, TSW etc.) rather than trying out games that take the easy, Jak-&-Dexter way out...

Just my two cents.


You do realize that games that are realistic age terribly?

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Here is the thing... why does this POS game have player cities and housing and SWTOR doesn't ?


Because they didn't use WoW as the template for their MMO.


I wish we could customize our Ships and had a selection of other ships to choose from, and they would add Apartments a least to our Capital worlds.

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Because they didn't use WoW as the template for their MMO.


I wish we could customize our Ships and had a selection of other ships to choose from, and they would add Apartments a least to our Capital worlds.


I want a galley, the ability to sit at a table (ship dinner party), a bar, etc, and I want to be able to have more than 4 people on my ship at one time but I doubt it will ever come.

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player housing is what maked me keep playing SWG mostly

instanced housing is no housing

if im the only one that can see my trophies whats the reason to collect them?

lot of times in swtor im thinking this, why im collecting speeders? or pets? or armor sets? only 1 at a time i can show

believe it or not most people live for the prestige

to add a housing ala SWG in swtor is impossible (EA ive stop dream when i learn that they will have the swtor)


I haven't seen what Rift has to offer by way of player housing, but EQ2 has one of the more impressive player housing setups around, and it's entirely instanced. The default setting is a 'visitor's' mode, where anyone can come in and gawk (or laugh) at your interior decoration skills without being able to change or remove anything. Everyone gets a small two-room 'apartment' (some house models are way more spiffy than others), with size upgrades available for those who can afford them.


There are dozens of places in both DK and Coruscant that could utilize this model, from beginner housing at the spaceport, to the Old Galactic Market sector on Coruscant...DK would have even more choices - there are all those buildings down in the canyons on the way to the Mandalorian Enclave/Imperial Intelligence HQ, and so on - install a 'jury-rigged Gree transmat' to access a large plaza/commons area, and you're good to go.


Mind you, I doubt this will ever happen. Or if it does, players will get a small hovel with little more than a sleeping box and a bathroom (maybe...I have found a place on the Jedi ships that could be a bathroom...behind a blast door), with better housing models available on the Cartel Market. As well as mundane furniture, available on the CM. SOE, the EQ2 owners, rakes in a lot of cash selling stuff on their Station Market (their CM equivalent), and furniture that's sold there is easily superior to most things that players can make. With CoX gone, EQ2 is easily the player housing model to beat. I wonder if EAWare will ever have plans to milk this cash cow for all it's worth.

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Wildstar is made by NcSoft. That's enough reason for me to stay away from it.


I would like housing but the spaceship we have would do nicely. What's missing for me in that respect is options to buy other spaceships and loot that can be used for interior decorating. In fact, fully customisable ships would be awesome. But if it doesn't come I will live without it.


I doubt Wildstar will have the story lines and graphics that I like. NcSoft isn't known for their story telling, not for class balance. Not a game for me in any case.


You just gotta realise that you can technically put everything in every game pretty much, but whether that works from a resource point of view is an entirely different thing.

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I agree with OP, but I fear it is too late for this game. We want a war and something to war over (cities etc), but this game is just a story book with arena's. Bioware have falied big time in delivering Star WARS imo.
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Even Star Wars Galaxies had cities and player housing....and that was made over 10 years ago!


Worst idea ever too. Riding through the countryside having to dodge house after house. All they did was clutter the terrain and even worse player cities murdered any aspect of socializing that once took place in the main cities. No more did people hang out in the cantinas, spaceports, shuttles.

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I wouldn't say no to making my ship more personal, making it look less like all the other ones. Maybe a sofa in which you could sit together with you companions. Just make it look like they are interacting and talking to each other even if we don't hear anything. Or tell my LI to come hang out in my room instead of the usual place in the ship. Little things like that would make me like my ship more and I would get stuff to update it in that case as well.
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Oh cool, another cartoonish MMO. Just what we needed :rolleyes:

No thanks, I'll be sticking to games where developers actually care enough to make them realistic (e.g. SWTOR, Elder Scrolls, World of Darkness, TSW etc.) rather than trying out games that take the easy, Jak-&-Dexter way out...

Just my two cents.


I like it. It's kind of reminiscent of the Don Bluth animation used in the old school games Dragon's Lair and Space Ace. Add in the fact that Wildstar has the first development team actively trying to make a hybrid Theme Park / Sandbox MMO and it's piqued my interest. I like their sense of humor too. I will be watching this one.



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Unproven studio, an NCsoft studio btw, run by veterans from WoW. NCsoft has marginalized and destroyed every MMO property and studio in the West, with the exception of ArenaNet and it's GW franchise.


Also... game not released... and no release date announced... so unless you are a beta player (which means you are forbidden by NDA to even discuss the game).. you are blowing the usual "this next MMO is awesome sauce" smoke in a gaming forum.)


Actually, the majority of Carbine is made up of former Paragon Studios devs; (which were former Cryptic devs).


And they recently announced that the game will release this year.


And I don't think anyone said that this new MMO is awesome sauce and will blow SWTOR out of anything. You added that all on your own.



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Wildstar is made by NcSoft. That's enough reason for me to stay away from it.


This is the one thing that's keeping me from saying "Sure! Why not?"


I'm still irritated about the CoX shutdown (shut down because...well, because), and their other 'big' games (Aion, Lineage II) are far too PvP-centric, especially the latter (I absolutely loathe open-world PvP). It's one reason I will never roll a toon on any of the PvP servers here, despite (as I am led to understand it) the lack of open-world PvP on many of them.


I am not going to automatically discount EAWare making housing, furniture, etc. unavailable. If they think there's any sort of market for it, and they think they can make any sort of profit out of it, chances are they'll do it.

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This is the one thing that's keeping me from saying "Sure! Why not?"


I'm still irritated about the CoX shutdown (shut down because...well, because), and their other 'big' games (Aion, Lineage II) are far too PvP-centric, especially the latter (I absolutely loathe open-world PvP). It's one reason I will never roll a toon on any of the PvP servers here, despite (as I am led to understand it) the lack of open-world PvP on many of them.


I am not going to automatically discount EAWare making housing, furniture, etc. unavailable. If they think there's any sort of market for it, and they think they can make any sort of profit out of it, chances are they'll do it.


I think everyone has resigned to the fact that they will never see player housing in this game. Wildstar however looks like it will be implementing it very well.


In my opinion I believe that you should give Wildstar a chance, since it is only NCsoft that is PUBLISHING the game, they have little to no input into it. At least as far as I can tell anyway. Most of the devs of the game left Blizzard when TBC was at its peak. So you can guarantee they know what they are doing. Oh from what I have seen so far, Wildstar my be a free to play MMO, so no paid subs. Possibly a micro transaction store. Not 100% sure, but it is on the top 10 most anticipated free to play games lists of this year.



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I think everyone has resigned to the fact that they will never see player housing in this game. Wildstar however looks like it will be implementing it very well.


In my opinion I believe that you should give Wildstar a chance, since it is only NCsoft that is PUBLISHING the game, they have little to no input into it. At least as far as I can tell anyway. Most of the devs of the game left Blizzard when TBC was at its peak. So you can guarantee they know what they are doing. Oh from what I have seen so far, Wildstar my be a free to play MMO, so no paid subs. Possibly a micro transaction store. Not 100% sure, but it is on the top 10 most anticipated free to play games lists of this year.




Because City of Heroes and, heck, SW:TOR are sterling examples of how publishers have little to no input in the progress of their games, right? ;)

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I'd hate to see effort wasted on anything other giving players more options for immersion and QOL. Despite the haters with the "I don't want it/need it so no one should have it!" idiocy. There is zero reason BW can't get this in here.

Kinda like the people who are tired of the "I want it so gimme gimme gimme" idiocy.


They have no issue getting WoW things here...hello barbershop! I'm worried space pandas are next.


They are already in the lore - they are called Ewoks.


if im the only one that can see my trophies whats the reason to collect them?

lot of times in swtor im thinking this, why im collecting speeders? or pets? or armor sets? only 1 at a time i can show

believe it or not most people live for the prestige

Actually, believe it or not, most people couldn't give two squats about your epeen. They just want to jump in and play a fun game. Welcome to the age of the casual player.

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Even Star Wars Galaxies had cities and player housing....and that was made over 10 years ago!


That was a sandbox, the whole player city thing was game in itself, you got to run for mayor and creating the layout of the city... It was actually a good time sink... Not everyone wants combat 24/7


But SWTOR is about story and the theme park experience, and it's never going to change.. well actually it's changed as the focus of story is no longer a priority, it's more about how much stuff they can sell on the cartel market and creating mind numbing repeatable static linear dailies.

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That was a sandbox, the whole player city thing was game in itself, you got to run for mayor and creating the layout of the city... It was actually a good time sink... Not everyone wants combat 24/7


But SWTOR is about story and the theme park experience, and it's never going to change.. well actually it's changed as the focus of story is no longer a priority, it's more about how much stuff they can sell on the cartel market and creating mind numbing repeatable static linear dailies.


It isnt like we are asking them to get rid of story and themepark, we are asking them to ADD another element.

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It isnt like we are asking them to get rid of story and themepark, we are asking them to ADD another element.


Myself and a number of other people have been asking for space combat (3D combat not the rail shooter) since before the game was even released, same for the player housing. They have yet to listen to a word anyone has said. I see no hope that ANY of these elements will be added to this game :(

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That was a sandbox, the whole player city thing was game in itself, you got to run for mayor and creating the layout of the city... It was actually a good time sink... Not everyone wants combat 24/7


But SWTOR is about story and the theme park experience, and it's never going to change...

Wildstar is a themepark and it has player housing. Player housing is not the exclusive providence of sandbox games. Neither are mini-games for that matter.


Basically anything you can imagine can be included into a themepark game, it's just up to the developers to want to implement it.

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