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Why does resolve drain away while I'm behind the spawn door?


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Because of the amount of burst in PvP you will always see resolve tic away in spawn. Normally if your focused the first two stuns stacked filled your bar and by the time the stun was over you were dead. Unless your getting healed, guarded or a tank and you just popped defensive cd, resolve isn't really noticeable during a WZ. I looked at the logs the other day and I was in a rated Match where I was stunned at least once every 39 seconds. Your normally not going to live through two hard stuns.
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I've always thought that the resolve system should break someone out of stun as soon as it gets filled that way people just won't constantly stun you willy nilly..


:eek: - I'm so glad I made this post, because it's fished this comment out of the ether. Great idea - and so simple, like the best ones always are.


Do it, Bioware - do it now!

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I've always thought that the resolve system should break someone out of stun as soon as it gets filled that way people just won't constantly stun you willy nilly..


Pug huttball would be a nightmare after that... 6 different people throw stuns on the ball carrier at the same time and then he can just walk to the goalline and no one can stop him lol.

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Pug huttball would be a nightmare after that... 6 different people throw stuns on the ball carrier at the same time and then he can just walk to the goalline and no one can stop him lol.


Actually that already happens because its premades rolling pugs in huttball all the time. Wanna fix huttball put non-force user classes on a equal playing field as force user classes. Besides a really poor CC system force user classes have the abilities to dominate.

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Pug huttball would be a nightmare after that... 6 different people throw stuns on the ball carrier at the same time and then he can just walk to the goalline and no one can stop him lol.


Take a step back from this and think for a minute - You're actually arguing for more stuns in PvP.


I know this might be a bit off the wall, but I thought I'd put my head on the chopping block so you can kick it about, so to speak ... So here's my idea. It's only roughly drafted, I admit, and I'm pretty sure there's upsides and downsides to it .. but here goes:




Kill the ballcarrier..

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Take a step back from this and think for a minute - You're actually arguing for more stuns in PvP.


I know this might be a bit off the wall, but I thought I'd put my head on the chopping block so you can kick it about, so to speak ... So here's my idea. It's only roughly drafted, I admit, and I'm pretty sure there's upsides and downsides to it .. but here goes:




Kill the ballcarrier..


You are assuming that everyone who plays pvp has a problem with the resolve system as it is. Shocking news to you: I'm fine with it. Only times when being stunned all the time really annoys me is when I play my sentinel/mara, which are my only melee dps atm. With other characters it pretty much goes so that if multiply players jump at me, I die without being able to leave stun - but it would be more ridiculous if 3 enemies couldn't kill me. Maybe I'm so horrible that they don't bother to stun me, but that's how it has always been.


Also, if the cc would end as soon as the resolve fills, then, with very bad luck, the stunned person wouldn't spent a single second in cc. Then their resolve would be full, and someone with a good speed boost (like force speed) killing them before they reach the goalline can be pretty hard. Not to mention that they'd be all free to pass.


I'm not argueing for more stuns, I'm saying that the suggestion really doesn't sound good to me because of huttball map.

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I've always thought that the resolve system should break someone out of stun as soon as it gets filled that way people just won't constantly stun you willy nilly..


if this were the case, i'd rather it give you the option to use a "break out of cc and immunity for 4 seconds (or so)" instead of it just breaking out automatically.

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Pug huttball would be a nightmare after that... 6 different people throw stuns on the ball carrier at the same time and then he can just walk to the goalline and no one can stop him lol.


doesn't matter. pugs throw grenades on the guardian who just leaped to the guy on the ledge/ramp anyway. (fyi: they're immune to stuns, mr. cc man).


anyway, I would not have a problem with this at all. I appreciate huttball as a dynamic wz experience, but I detest it for the length of some of its matches. the match could never be in doubt, yet the better team can still be trying and not able to score 6. I mean...a 3-0 game could actually be a dominant one. maybe the other team just has one smart player with a pull who does his job but that just drags out the agony. iunno. I would rather have faster scores. this would also make lowbie more interesting because ball movement is much more difficult and the matches are more prone to end in ties or to time out.

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I'm not argueing for more stuns, I'm saying that the suggestion really doesn't sound good to me because of huttball map.


But here's the rub - both teams would be able to do that. Whatever way you look at it, a better and more active resolve system means more pew-pew, less stun-stun.


For myself, I like to PvP when I PvP - not watch my avater stand like a statue for half the match. Crazy, I know ...... :rolleyes:

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I'm not argueing for more stuns, I'm saying that the suggestion really doesn't sound good to me because of huttball map.


I got a great solution : Get rid of Huttball ^^. it solve the problem and it would be a dream come true for me (no more loading wz, sigh it's Huttball, leave wz, reload current map) :D

Edited by Malistrix
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But here's the rub - both teams would be able to do that. Whatever way you look at it, a better and more active resolve system means more pew-pew, less stun-stun.


For myself, I like to PvP when I PvP - not watch my avater stand like a statue for half the match. Crazy, I know ...... :rolleyes:


For myself, I like to play when I pvp, not to watch resolve-filled assassins score 6 in a row.


Though I'm all in for this change if they remove the huttball map. :D

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1. Why death does not reset stun breaker CD?


Because it is limited (by cooldown) resource u suppose to use it limited amount of times because wz itself has limited duration (excluding some scenarios with middle bunker on novare coast).


So every use of CC breaker is tactical desicion. Every time u must think if you really need to break CC (in terms of objective play) or not.


And if you think about breaking CC only in point of view of chasing that annoying guy with 100 hp to execute him - than probably u must reevaluate your attitude to using stun breaker.


Reseting stun breaker on death will completely destroy this particular tactical/skill layer of play. Moreover, encouraging player deaths by resetting CDs it is bad design by itself.


2. Why death cause resolve to fade away?


You can't have "stored" resolve CC immunity. Every your fight is played from blank in terms of CCs, and only thing you can "store" is your CDs (some cooldowns have CC immunity) and temporary buffs (wz expertise buff for example).


It is done to make sure some basic meta game (balance) within classes and roles are maintained in every fight. If one player could "store" resolve CC immunity and enter fight with it form get go, he could archive results not intended by devs.


Moreover, this idea of having full bar after death until u enter fight just interferes with objective play:


1. Example 1 - attackers wipe defenders on side turret on Alderaan and start capping. Defender flies on speeder and attackers want to CC him to finish cap. But this defender has full resolve bar until he enters battle and will have more than 10 sec of CC immunity after he enters combat. Thus attackers are greatly limited in a ways they could prevent defender to break cap (roots for melee characters).


2. Example 2 - attackers wipe defenders on voidstar door and start capping. They wait near jumping pad to CC defenders jumping from spawn and want to CC them to finish cap. But some defenders have full resolve bar until they enter battle and will have more than 10 sec of CC immunity after they enter combat. Thus attackers are greatly limited in a ways they could prevent defenders to break cap (roots for melee characters).

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The resolve system is fine. It treats everyone equally, everyone has stuns on a short cooldown and a breaker on a long cooldown.


If you are always dead in spawn with full resolve, it means you are constantly getting focused with no team support. You have much bigger problems than sitting in spawn with draining resolve. Problems like losing the match by an embarrassing degree, or in the best case, being carried to a victory.


Put it this way - you are lucky you still have any resolve at all when you respawn, instead of a fresh bar.

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So every use of CC breaker is tactical desicion. Every time u must think if you really need to break CC (in terms of objective play) or not.


No lol, it's not at all "tactical". To even suggest that is freaking stupid. CC's outnumber CC breaks, 5:1 minimum. CC's are thrown around with absolutely MINIMAL thought. They're so abundant that they aren't used for anything "tactical, they're used to stop and focus down a target most of the time. Not to escape, not to back away from a fight...they're used to stop and kill a target pinata style...and even that much thought is seldom thrown into them.


CC's can be used tactically, but they seldom are. The ONE CC break is severely outmatched by the plethora of CC's and to suggest it should be used "tactically" is just ignorance.

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No lol, it's not at all "tactical". To even suggest that is freaking stupid. CC's outnumber CC breaks, 5:1 minimum. CC's are thrown around with absolutely MINIMAL thought. They're so abundant that they aren't used for anything "tactical, they're used to stop and focus down a target most of the time. Not to escape, not to back away from a fight...they're used to stop and kill a target pinata style...and even that much thought is seldom thrown into them.


CC's can be used tactically, but they seldom are. The ONE CC break is severely outmatched by the plethora of CC's and to suggest it should be used "tactically" is just ignorance.


You just wrote a long post trying to explain how cc break using is not a tactical decision and explained why it is a tactical decision. Well done.

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You just wrote a long post trying to explain how cc break using is not a tactical decision and explained why it is a tactical decision. Well done.


Read it again. I said CC's CAN be used tactically, but CC breaks can't. There are simply too many CC's to think of using your CC break as a "tactical" thing. It's no more than an "OH ****" button you can use once every 2 min.

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Read it again. I said CC's CAN be used tactically, but CC breaks can't. There are simply too many CC's to think of using your CC break as a "tactical" thing. It's no more than an "OH ****" button you can use once every 2 min.


Because there are so many ccs, you have to think if you really need the cc break or not. If you got stunned and have 3 dps at you killing you as fast as you can, it's pretty stupid to use cc break. If you just got 8 second stun and someone is capping before you, it's stupid not to use cc break.

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Because there are so many ccs, you have to think if you really need the cc break or not. If you got stunned and have 3 dps at you killing you as fast as you can, it's pretty stupid to use cc break. If you just got 8 second stun and someone is capping before you, it's stupid not to use cc break.


Ah! So to you, it's "tactical" to eat a death while CC'd? That's smart play to you?

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No lol, it's not at all "tactical". To even suggest that is freaking stupid. CC's outnumber CC breaks, 5:1 minimum. CC's are thrown around with absolutely MINIMAL thought. They're so abundant that they aren't used for anything "tactical, they're used to stop and focus down a target most of the time. Not to escape, not to back away from a fight...they're used to stop and kill a target pinata style...and even that much thought is seldom thrown into them.


CC's can be used tactically, but they seldom are. The ONE CC break is severely outmatched by the plethora of CC's and to suggest it should be used "tactically" is just ignorance.


The only way they might be considered tactical is when in a 1v1 scenario. These are few and far between in a WZ unless you are totally ignoring the objective and hunting out lone players.


What they need to do is remove any skills that reduce the CD of breakers and make them a more natural part of the system. For example:


-Everyone's breaker is 2 minutes long. Skills that currently have reductions need to be reworked.


-Each time you are CC'd the active CD is reduced by 15-30 seconds (TBD). Skills that provide similar reductions need to be reworked.


-Resolve should diminish at a slower rate out of combat than it currently is. Perhaps even stopping decay while behind a spawn barrier.


-Roots would still not affect resolve but would contribute to the CD reduction at a lesser amount.


-Having any sort of natural CC immunity from skills/abilities (Force Resilience/Shroud for Shadow/Assassin, Unremitting/Unstoppable skills for Guardian/Juggernaut etc) would prevent that player from any CD reductions for any stun/movement impairing attempts. IE an Assassin uses Shroud and has their breaker on CD for 60 seconds. Someone attempts to stun him within Shrouds 3-5 second duration (depending on spec). That attempt would not reduce his breaker due to already having immunity.


-All stuns should have their values readjusted. Stuns that don't break on damage should have a much higher weight than currently on live. 8 second stuns should heal the player for the duration of the stun until broken by damage.


I think any combination (or all) of these would greatly help the stun fest this game currently is.

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